\\\EXECUTIVE ACTION OF THE DAY/// >White House officials called the directive a "one in, two out" plan. It requires government agencies requesting a new regulation to identify two regulations they will cut from their own departments.
>>9454 at least you can't claim he didn't do what he said he would
Out of all the things not to take literally It was the statement that really sounded figurative. >For every regulation, we're going to have to remove two! I CAN ACCEPT THIS AS A FIGURATIVE COMMENT BUT NOT EVEN THIS
>>9459 Did you really think it was figurative? Haha
Haha fuck
>when you run out of regulations and can't get more
>>9463 IT IS LIKE HE'S DESIGNING MTG CARDS >Whenever a permanent is enters the battlefield under a player's control, that player must sacrifice two other permanents
The Uber CEO listed Trump's economic advisory group people which was previously secret
>>9471 Uber is talking about the people who are also in some kind of support for Trump. The poster says he's essentially snitching on the whole squad because people don't really like the Uber CEO. During the JFK protest, the Taxi union (can't remember the name) in NYC decided to hold a protest/strike thing. Uber decided that this was a good time to lower its prices in the area.
People were pissed as fuck and #DeleteUber started to trend. So here, you can see all the people that uber is listing as "with him on Trump".
>>9480 By not 'technically' being a taxi system, I think. Uber finds ways to worm their way through things and have lax regulations for their system I don't know the specifics to it, I just know that it's one of their larger critiques.
You can pay frontier 69 dollars to see just how badly they screw you over
Lotsa people are boycotting Uber cause I think they support Trump or something? I can't even keep up with this shit
Good luck getting a different ride back from your normie party, idiots
Uber CEO is trump-friendly yeah
bang needs tires
McDonald's is testing UberEats as their delivery service in florida
>>9493 No, it's because they broke what was essentially a strike. The Taxis in NYC were protesting the ban by not performing during a certain period so Uber decided to offer deals.
>>9495 Weird Amazon is starting stuff like that too You can order house cleaning and furniture construction on Amazon now Among other things
>>9498 Well, if a business is going to go as far as strike breaking over a situation that you are 100% against, then they should be prepared for that consequence.
Well duh I'm just saying people wouldn't be boycotting them if the strike was over something people usually strike over, like pay or something
Starbucks said they'd hire 10k refugees over the next five years so conservatives are saying to #BoycottStarbucks
The United States will switch course on climate change and pull out of a global pact to cut emissions, said Myron Ebell, who headed U.S. President Donald Trump's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team until his inauguration.
"(Trump) could do it by executive order tomorrow or he could do it as part of a larger package," Ebell told a conference in London on Monday. "I have no idea of the timing."
>>9505 28 hours now I guess I start this again If I'm having trouble remind me that stimulants are a bad fucking idea The comedown even from caffeine is terrible sober
>>9507 Shit man Sounds like it's going pretty rough
Its alright I just need to not trust myself after threeish days
How long ago did you take stims
Donald Trump's ban on travel to the US from some Muslim-majority countries has been denounced by the UN's rights chief as "mean-spirited" and illegal under international human rights law.
Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein said: "Discrimination on nationality alone is forbidden under human rights law.
>>9511 No it's not? All sovreign nations are free to discriminate on whatever basis they want for who gets to come into their borders I would think
>>9510 Just the one day I drank a lot after wards though because It made me spaz out
>>9512 UN has laws that nations in the UN are expected to follow >>9513 Ah gotcha
I would think the US should be allowed to do a blanket ban on anyone coming from Russia, though? The cold war would be pretty spooky if the Russians had to be allowed in
>Zeid Ra'ad al Hussein said: "Discrimination on nationality alone is forbidden under human rights law. Nationality alone is the key
I wonder how many things the new law //EO will break. It's going to be really funny. ...it's not going to be funny >>9517 You know that "list" they've been waving around saying "OBAMA MADE THE LIST NOT TRUMP". Well, here we go: https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/158 >H.R.158 - Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 This is where the "list" originates. Mind you, you should already be able to see the FIRST DIFFERENCE between this and Trump's EO. This went through Congress first (Sponsor: Rep. Miller, Candice S. [R-MI-10]) and then signed by Obama. It went through review of the reps. In the bill, it amends our visa program and also prohibits people from being able to participate in it if they have been in one of those countries past a certain date. The bill also "specifically" says that the prohibition does not apply to aliens who were in those countries for the purpose of military service towards us or other program countries affiliated in the waiver.
So what he did was >lift the prohibited list from the DHS >ban EVERYONE for 90 days >ban Syria INDEFINITELY >blame choices on Obama's admin >say 9/11 is the reason it's necessary
Yeah. Trump pretty much grabbed the list from that even though it was originally for something else I don't know if he's just really bad or acting stupid on purpose
bang needs tires
there is one thing about the refugee and immigration issue as a whole that i feel pretty strongly about and it's that allowing countries to send people away or
desync allowing counrtries to fail to keep their citizens within their own country is not something that helps the world at large the reason immigration and refugees happen is because these countries are poorly ran and provide shitty lives for their citizens it should not then become a problem of the countries that provide good lives for their citizens to have to deal with
i do believe that these countries should be worked with to improve their situation and to stop creating an atmosphere that entices refugees and emigrants i also do believe that many of the systems in place that are due to muslim culture and law are restrictive to those countries' progress it is almost kind of appalling to me that the quest for "diversity" beats out common sense in the particular case of islam and it's effects on the countries it dominates the particularly conservative countries with governments based highly on muslim values are absolutely problematic to the ideas of homosexuality, women's rights, abortion, the needs of the financially disadvantaged, worker's rights..
But hey Atleast he is doing what he promised while campaigning gotta respect that, since when did politicians actually do ANYTHING they promised when they campaigned I mean, even if a politician campaigned with "I will ban alcohol and then rape little bois" and then did that when elected I would respect them for keeping their words. >>9538 Huh really? European ones are all talk no action since early 00s
I think I would enjoy "nothing happening" for a while. It would suck in that life would be shit but I am actually used to "nothing happening" because that's what we expect.
>>9536 https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trust-us-politicians-keep-most-of-their-promises/ There's a graph in the article that sums it up if you don't care to read
>>9543 You seem to underestimate how little we expect for the things that we care about to come to pass. The resounding belief that Hillary Clinton won't really help black people even if elected is quite loud. The reason to vote for her anyway wasn't because she'd bring us forward but because the alternative is the likelihood of being sent backward.
>>9544 Gee, if only there were more than 2 choices when there's more than 2 options
>>9548 Gary proved himself to be a fool, and not the good kind of fool like DT was. And Jill Stein dealbroke when she went "vaccines MIGHT cause autism"
i'm just wondering like can we have a civil war but like can i be chillin somewhere else until it's over so the country can be like a majority of one thing instead of constantly wanting to kill the other half and then i can just decide if i want to be here with the victors
i'm just getting sick of the country being so fucking broken no one cares about an America anymore they just care about their own vision of it
>>9577 whoever came up with this pisses me off so bad for reasons i can't explain it's probably the most gaudy and obnoxious phraseology i've heard even if it had nothing to do with politics
bang needs tires
i wonder what the world would be like if we had 3 eyes
>>9579 we do have three eyes one is vestigial and buried under our brain meat i'm not even being mystic hooplah open your third eye bullshit there's an actual vestigial eye back there a lot of reptiles still have it and you can see it
>>9580 whatever that organ is it is not identical to the specific kind of eye that i'm referring to while it likely was clear without specification in the previous post i will, for redundancy and insurance inform you here that i was in fact referring to the primary eyes that we use to perceive the outside world
>>9581 Were you expecting an answer that really addressed your question, as though someone here does have three eyes and also, at some time, didn't have three eyes so they have a reference for comparison through which they can describe to you the difference between what it is and isn't like Since i don't have that capacity, I figured I'd address the question in the only way I found meaningful, through an interesting tangent I didn't think you'd actually be waiting for a reply about what having three eyes is actually like Sorry, I will wait until someone comes along to tell you that
The third eye is your spiritual eye you stupid FUCKS
bang needs tires
i was just thinking about our current take on dimensionality and how we use two-dimensional ideas in visualizing one and three dimensional spaces and objects i'm wondering what having a third eye may or may not change abou tthat we might see spheres completely differently for instance
>>9611 i made 44 bucks in the past little bit transcribing b-roll footage meaning there's no sound, just making useful notations of what's going on so the editor can sift through it quickly
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Moon I found something cool. http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html Also sam said that if someone worked doushio and added MathJax to it he might merge it with the original repo if thei code is "clean". *forked doushio So I might look into doing that for around an hour before giving up. I do have a friend who might be willing to do it though.
check out the /sci/ guidebook i'm sure there's a wealth of information there on how to get it all working
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>9615 sam said that it would involve a lot of work as opposed /// nvm on the opposed I'll look into that though.
yeah, it would take a lot of work i would not be willing to take on that chore, though it would be nice to have
>>9618 it takes more effort to use than shitposting would get out of it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Well if I end up actually learning JS I might go all the way and try adding full LaTeX support. I only asked him about adding MathJax because that would likely require much less work than full LaTeX support.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh yeah, this is on sale right now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0486409163/
Kolmogorov is probably my favorite Russian mathematician. I found Kolmogorov complexity to be very interesting, I hope that I'll eventually know enough math that I would be able to actually work out some problems related to it. >>9627 Not sure Who is your favorite Russian? Also who is your favorite Fin?
I'd prolly go with Rasputin or Great Pete and my favourite finn is ME
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
My favorite Finn is Linus Torvalds, you are either my second or third favorite Finn. The other one who is either my second or third favorite is, hrrm I seem to have forgotten who they were or what they did. I think it was CS/programming related.
Since you don't prolly know who those are Kekkonen was a finnish politician and president of Finland 1956-1982, who ruled parctically as a dictator, but also kept the country together and independent through the cold war Lönnrot wrote kalevala and Agricola invented finnish
And turned finnish from catholism to protestantism, so also founded our state church
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Do people still wear these? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_boilersuit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh yeah, bad news TN. I remembered another Finn that I like more than you. Setz
yuup I was going to get one I put an order to get it I paid for it then the people responsible for getting them for our year group took ages to get it so I went to the army before i got it then it arrived mid service and I mailed them "hey am in the army so can't pick it up, mind mailing it to my address and I will pay the postal fees, k thanks bye" they didn't mail it I contacted them a second time with "hey, I really am in the army and can't come pick it up untill november can you mail it I will pay all required expenses" and then they didn't even bother to respond and then I emailed then ONE LAST TIME and they didn't answer anything and then when I got out of the army, I went to the place and asked if there was an extra boilersuit lying around and it was gone
and then I just went fuck this shit not getting another one.
>>9637 Hrrm not sure. I guess he would be tied with you. We haven't chatted in a while. I wouldn't say that I chatted with him regularly, but I did talk with him on irc on a somewhat regular basis for a few months. i also asked him a lot of random questions when he would be on /a/ or /g/.
>>9639 Yeah, probably. I thought about disagreeing with you but then I remembered that I can barely recall anything he said. Which is usually indicative of a person being boring.
yeah and he has practically no presense in finnish animu community for that matter.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds >Linus Torvalds is married to Tove Torvalds (née Monni)—a six-time Finnish national karate champion—whom he first met in the autumn of 1993. Linus was running introductory computer laboratory exercises for students and instructed the course attendees to send him an e-mail as a test, to which Tove responded with an e-mail asking for a date.
my baby seal cannot be contained its potential is of too great a magnitude >>9651 nothing visible, just to try it out whenever you hit done now it runs a tiny bit of lua in the db
Also, with this whole ACA\Obamacare confusion coming to light
...all these people were religiously against Obamacare back when they literally hadn't taken 5 seconds to google it Like before they had ANY idea what it actually was, they all wanted it repealed, and now they're going "WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, you mean it's a policy in reality that I could check the contents of?"
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>Its going to be a game of wacamole >wacamole is that the new hipster burrito filling?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>9682 Its probably people who are ignorant of the spelling and origin of the term "Whack a mole" who think that it is a single word.
>>9681 well remember that people signed the patriot act without reading it either
>The Sengoku period (戦国時代 Sengoku jidai?, lit. Age of Civil War; c. 1467 – c. 1603) is a period in Japanese history marked by social upheaval, political intrigue and near-constant military conflict.
From the look of it, you start off right as Oda Nobunaga is beginning his snowball into almost completely unifying Japan.
Kinda suits though I doubt the game has a honnouji event built into it
I got to visit Honnouji--or at least the temple that now stands on its grounds while I was in Kyoto. Didn't even realize I'd visited it until I'd made a full round of the temple grounds and passed by the English info-panel on my way out, hah hah.
Lel you suck at history have you even watched anime?
It's really not in an obvious place anymore. You get to Honnouji by pretty much just turning off a shoutengai street. It's as inconspicuous as pretty much any minor temple in the city. Which is kind of weird being Honnouji.
>>9710 It's been almost seven years since Seitokai no Yakuindomo. I don't necessarily remember details from anime I watched last year, let alone seven.
Also I KNOW, that Honnouji was where Nobunaga was betrayed and killed. What I didn't know was that this temple I aimlessly walked into was Honnouji until after I was leaving. If I'd caught the English info-panel (which is the only location that really had the name in English and not Kanji) before I'd gone in, I'd probably have been a lot more thorough of it.
>>9715 I don't think I can tonight, gomen. >>9711 Hello Rika.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>9718 No problem >>9711 didn't even see you there hi
>>9717 which one was it though well when you think of temples and the area honnouji is in, aren't the kinkaku and kinpaku orwhatever temples more famous anyhow so yeah I guess yo ucould miss it
Honnouji is closer to downtown Kyoto than the major temples too. The city has pretty much grown to engulf it entirely. Like I said, you turn off a shoutengai street, clustered with shops and whatnot, to get to it.
wow sausage japanese they even build practically on a temple ground
Catching this sign on the way out is pretty much the only reason I realized it was Honnouji and not just another one of the many minor temples in Kyoto.
I also wonder what the traitor thought Did he seriously think the two other major followers would just bow to him and not either take the chance to seize it all or betray him in succession?
It looks like, from the Wiki article on him, that it was more an emotional response to Nobunaga's actions harming his family. He fully expected at least one Nobunaga's other high retainers to come for his head, but expected him to be tied up in a different war until it was too late.
Still just shows the absurdity of older times I mean, a group of soldiers were ordered to kill the guy they technically worked for. Despite being super famous, he still wasn't that well known that the common man would recognise him.
>>9729 no internet no media. If you're a farmer or whatever how would you know?
Maybe if you were a member of this research team! >>9749 I thought it might but I didn't think it would happen any time soon. There's still two weeks on the fundraiser.
If I was a member of that research team i'd be researching how to kill myself
>>9757 Lots of things could still happen to stop it. I could disappear for example. Or the fundraiser money could be outed as stolen! >>9756 I think 2015
I went to get my busted phone replaced but wasn't able to do it today because of some silly little issue but should be able to do it tomorrow.
And on that note, what kind of phone should I get? I want an android something. I don't know phones well though.
ive got a nice one that i really like, but i never got it activated i don't remember what it is right off but i'm having my mom ship it to me and i'll have it soon i'm sure this was a very helpful post you're welcome
The Google Nexus/Pixel phones are all pretty solid, but the more recent ones might be outside your price range. Huawei phones seem to be doing well; they've been a solid part of the Chinese phone industry for a while but broke into North America fairly recently.
Besides that, HTC and LG both make Android phone lines that seem well enough. Look at what Android phones your carrier supports and pick and choose between which one fits your needs.
The Pixel is the best Android phone on the market right now. I have an S7 and it's pretty good. A Samsung S7.
The general way people talk about the market right now is S7 vs Pixel vs iPhone
The only thing I'd say against Samsung phones is that they come with a lot of bloatware, Putting aside their tablet meme, their phones are solid constructs and generally come with decent feature-price ratios, but if you don't want your phone coming with a lot of needless software that will probably be heckling you for use until you forcibly remove it, then you might want to look elsewhere.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah, they definitely do
Samsung is actually the best for mobage generally though Some mobage actually don't work on Huawei phones for some reason for example
>>9778 hmm actually how much do the flagship phones cost here
>>9779 I'd almost recommend going all out and picking between the Pixel and the S7 then. But the Pixel has a sort of limited carrier distribution or something so you might not be able to upgrade to it anyway.
I'm just hesitant to recommend Samsung products.
welp samsung is 500-600 at cheapest iphone is flat 700 and pixel doesn't exist yet
>>9773 >Putting aside their tablet meme, their phones are solid constructs Only a single model of their tablet did.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>9783 It is illegal to sell those phones. Samsung does not currently have any phones or devices that have been known to burst into flames or explode for sale.
If the Pixel seems good to you but your carrier doesn't provide it, the Nexus 6p, Google's previous phone line flagship, is pretty close in specs. It's the phone I have and I've been very pleased with it.
>>9791 Well in Rika's case it sounds like she can pick any phone in the store for her upgrade since she's so behind on them. So it's not an extra cost really.
Oh right, in usa phones are ridiculously expensive.
How much does a LG spirit cost there?
I can't even find a price I think because it's a discontinued product.
>>9783 that's not an issue for anything you're looking at buying that was the galaxy note 7 anything that did have or will have that same issue has been given a firmware update that bricks the device entirely for safety
>>9797 i dont know if they still have them, but they did have the razor Xtra or something like that razors are old as fuck, but it had like a super fat back on it that made the battery last like three times as long plus the slide-out keyboards are way nicer than touch imo
they might have that same fat battery feature on some newer phones, i mean
>>9807 there are free-with-contract phones, or discount with contract it's expensive to buy one flat out it's affordable to sign a contract and get one and actually, when my phone broke on my old contract, they just had me mail it to them and they sent me a new one, no problem
They recently made it a law or edict or whatever the term is, that phones must be sold without a contract, though contract+phone packages can exist.
>>9811 the law is that there must be the option to buy a phone without a contract? or the law is that you cannot sell a phone with a contract? the wording there is confusing sorry
former though it practically is the latter the moment the "this phone is 200€ but with this contract 120€" got removed, no one anymore bought those so the packages got removed nowadays it pretty much is "buy 200€ phone and get a 2 year contract for 0€ a month for first 6 months and then 20€ a month for the remainer time"
i mean you can buy them without a contract here some aren't available with contract but it's just always a better deal to get it with contract
Nowadays it also sucks, that it is really hard to get a good contract, ISP or phone, that does not require you to marry it for 2+ years.
I had to buy my first phone with my carrier outright, so I wasn't locked into a contract. Plus sticking with them for a couple years let me buy my current phone at a bit of a discount. Shame they still have wonky as fuck and limited network.
>>9816 i'll show you something wonky as fuck with a limited network
>>9837 I can handle that. I don't get paid until the 15th though so you'll have to wait a couple weeks before I can get a ticket You're not in Florida now, right? Where do I go
>>9840 My elderly neighbor said the modern age is way better than the 50s and 60s he grew up in
>>9839 oh i thought you were out doing indian stuff
>>9842 Oh nope Not until March A /// and then April And May Several trips possibly
>>9841 I'm just tired of old fuckers bragging about how good stuff used to be Since they fucked up the ENTIRE WORLD before we were born and throw shade on us for having trouble
lazy ass motherfuckers talking about hard work and bull shit and they never had to do a god damn hard day's work in their life, just sit on the fuckin farms and pick potatoes and monotonous and slightly fatiguing shit they never had to deal with the goddamn stress of your entire career resting on your appearance and demeanor of a single interview every single day as you're trying to attract business prospects or maintain contracts you already have
hurdy durr these new-fangled kids get to sit behind a desk all day while i had to do REAL work yeah, real USELESS work you old piece of shit where you're responsible for nothing more than whether or not you pick a potato before a crow its eat and nobody knows the fucking difference
>yeah gramps, i'm working on developing AI that uses compiled data to mine consumer market insights >yeah gramps, i'm studying fractal dimensions in cartography >yeah gramps, I'm developing a new interface to help expedite the workload on a dying industry to revive it and make sub-livable wages now livable for roughly 50,000 people
"Oh, you kids and your new technology. I'll never understand it! In my day I had to pick potatoes twelve hours a day AND feed the goats AND milk the goats AND walk a mile to the market every day to sell the goat's milk. You kids should learn some discipline and hard work"
>>9847 I wish making a living today was as easy as manual labor
>>9847 >by the way, are you readin your bible? You know, there's a fella at the church who does missionary work in Zambia. I wish you would do real work like that! >>9853 manual labor is a fucking joke i've done it it's not hard. it's just pointless.
>>9860 words from my mom: >What are you doing? Watching movies? No, I'm watching lectures on topology (not said: because i had to fucking drop out of school to take care of your psychotic ass, but i dont want to stop learning) >Instead of wasting your time, you should go get a job I have a job >You should get a real job I have a real job >You know, when i was your age, i could just walk out there and get a job if i wanted one. why dont you do that This isn't 1970, and I have a job >Then why don't you have any money Because I spend it all taking care of you and your mother >Ugh, why do you have to be so difficult
>>9861 I dunno man You get paid shit for it Barely enough to live on unless you're lucky enough Tons of the homeless people here are even construction workers
Yeah well that is why it pays the "dirty" jobs as some call them have quite high wages in comparison, cause otherwise quite few would do them. >>9867 and that too
>>9866 there's not always high job security in construction usually it's per-project it's not worth doing, in my opinion. I'm not saying they dont work hard -- they do but it's not like other professions dont work hard
>>9871 You always have my best interests in mind, thanks
I've got SIX HOURS of audio to do over the next two days and that leaves little time for thinking about how EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE and if i have bourbon i dont have to think about that so that's dandy
>>9871 Yup it was a fun one compared to ww10 didn't last that long and only involved two countries as everyone else was dead
I appreciate it bud this month was a slow month, like 800 dollaridoos total not even on the 15th, by comparison, i'm getting a 1500 dollar paycheck and that' // that's just half of the month that's about on track for normal, and hopefully things stay that steady
>>9876 it feels like it, but even that's sub 40k yearly that's really not where i want to be at this age >>9877 i don't really waste money on food the issue is never that i've wasted $40 on cheese it's that i am consuming $40 worth of cheese there's something inherently wrong with that >>9876 haha what did they say?
for the record, I did 22 hours of audio this past two weeks
They were talking about how they wished they could pay for transcription wwwww They were like "this is absurd it takes so long to do, why can't we pay?"
>>9879 My rate is a dollar a minute a dollar fiddy if you want it the same day
would it have been worth it to you to pay $30 and have that file back the next day? but i'm experienced at it and can easily shovel out 20 minutes per hour on average, so one hour of audio takes me roughly three hours I'd have been doing each of their half-hour interviews in 30 minutes, assuming it's DIALOGUE THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH and not stopping to do an activity in between questions
Hmm, but why did you have to do a transcription of a thing for a course. That kinda seems like a waste of time if you ask me.
>>9880 //err, each of their 30-minute interviews in an hour and a half i fucked that up
>>9880 Yeah no activities or anything We each have three more transcriptions to do over the semester I'll advertize for you a bit wwww
hahaha good luck! I think that's great, though You learn more from it for transcribing than from executing the interview, IMO like i said before, a lot of journalists do their own transcriptions just to get a more accurate feel of what the conversation was, rather than how they may have felt at the time >>9885 I learn a lot from it, not going to lie. especially when i have 10+ projects from the same person, over 10 interviews I feel like I could write their report for them
Yeah, I agree Transcribing it sucked but it was a good experience
>>9886 That was my original plan haha But the professor said not to have it professionally done when I asked if we could and everyone laughed I'm laughing now though >>9888 Now that they feel like transcribing is miserable, I'll probably tell them no one will know
why does it have a negative zero it doesn't even have floating point
Turns out the hiring freeze is fucking over thousands of doctorate students because the government considers interns to be employees So you can't get accepted for an internship at a prison or government mental health hospital
>>9885 I remember my first half-hour long job before i even started with this company it took me so long and it was miserable I didn't think I wanted to continue with the job path, it was just a temporary thing at that freelance company but now i do like 2-3 hours of files a day and don't really even think about it like ive got 3 hours tomorrow and the next day, and i'm just like, "Oh, okay. I've got work. Time to take it easy for the night and relax" and tomorrow I'll hit it and won't even think about it until it's over
I don't think I could manage work like that haha
It's more interesting when you're not transcribing something you've already done A lot of the stuff I do is market research, mainly pharmaceutical industries calling up doctors and talking about potential new drugs and at first I was stressed out because of all the pharma technical terminology but now i'm like, "Whoa, this is cool I want to hear more"
I'm really bad at working from home Too easily distracted I even have to go into a room with no computer just to read textbooks
>>9896 I had that problem, but I've adapted. I work on a web-based editor so that i can keep tabs open to tab over and google for research, or check moe, or see what new email i've gotten and it literally takes less than a minute to do all of those, and then i tab back and keep working it's a little bit of a motivator in a sense, because i can make a post on /moe/ and then tab back and work while i wait for new posts -- which, during the day, is kind of scarce
>>9897 Trump decided the government isn't allowed to hire anyone anymore
>>9902 I think you could You're easily interested in stuff Once you got involved enough in a long project, you'd probably be more interested in it than the things going on around you'd still engage in the other things, but just as short distractions, not as an escape from something that's a chore
that's how it's become for me, anyway plus, keeping a 20-minute/hour pace means a $20/hour pace, and that's really not too bad. The taxes make it rough, but it's good pay for me I use deadlines as major procrastination leverage, too. If I was working right now, I'd be distracted as hell. If I start tomorrow and know I have two days to do 24 hours worth of work, I can guarantee I will limit how distracted i get
>>9910 You know how employers pay half of the fico tax? I'm self-employed, so I pay that all myself I don't even know what percent that is, but I think it's like 16%? and then the other taxes so whatever someone employed on a w2 bases would be paying for taxes, +8% of their income some other transcriber I know said she pays roughly 35% of her income on taxes i dont know where she lived though thankfully tennessee has no state tax
i'm definitely filing for an extension though even if i have enough to pay in april, that will fucking ruin me to shell out that much. I'd have to save up 5k by april probably in order to do that i'm not gonna do that
>>9916 yeah, I'd rather buy some fucking health insurance real health insurance, not a health discount plan i got scammed by that shit last time because the insurance broker didn't clearly identify that it was NOT an insurance plan to me but because of that, I got refunded on it and got my money back but health discount savings shit is the worst it was super embarrassing, i went to buy my scripts and they're like, "This isn't an insurance card. I dont even know what this is." and i'm like "uh okay" fuck i want my damned benzos
I remember thay That Didn't know you got a refund though, that's good
I'll be honest. It's likely not going to be anywhere near as interesting as the World Police becoming the Police State. >The acting Attorney General has BETRAYED the Department of Justice
>>9923 It's probably less surprising for Canadians. Quebec as a provincve -province is a very nationalist-based province, and tend to be more for culture preservation instead of being open for new culture. Or well, used to. But there's still hotbeds of anti-French spirit that run through the province. Er pro-French?
>>9925 So what do you think, is there now going to be super crackdowns on WHITE NATIONALISM
Probably not
Well Spicer DID say that the attack was the reason that our President is going to be active instead of reactive against terrorism So maybe we can build walls around the bible belt and let them stay there.
But well imagine that happening in usa or germany man it would be just over Police state implemented over night fascism and nazi would become cirminilised 100% in the bat of an eye and thoughtcrimes would become a real thing.
Thought crimes are already real
>imagine white nationalists killing people >Police state overnight This was a joke.
Did you hear that the detained refugees and green card holders were being asked their opinion on Trump
>>9931 Yup, especially in germany. but they aren't that much enforced yet. >>9932 the lefgressives would have finally the proof they have.
>>9933 man what would a reporter do if someone says "I still support him"
>>9935 Never hear about it probably We only know because people that got released said they were ask d
Why not? Especially if that's the difference between coming in and getting deported. People were pressured into signing documents that would revoke their green card status because "it would help them"
Fucked up shit The executive branch basically said it's not going to execute the law this morning Everything is a mess
I doubt it will go nowhere though this might be a "controversy after controversy" strategy untill they just slip by their actual shit through when people stop caring or are too riled up by something like this happening to notice it. Atleast TPP and shit didn't happen
Well the executive branch isn't planning on executing laws trump doesn't like so people are more or less incapable of doing anything anyway
I don't really want to talk politics but that whole operation was set up while obama was president and trump signs the order and it goes and two people die and the media goes crazy like nobody died during military operations carried out by every president before now I hope that the media and the new administration can work out their differences soon because the conflict is annoying.
Well the media will hung onto any smallest slight trump will do and make a mountain out of a molehill and purposefully misinform the public about it. >>9949 Well people died in a military operation, how is that surprising?
>>9947 No, it wasn't It was revealed today that Trump's administration planned it despite being previously reported as Obama's
I mean, ther was the whole thing where media is all ALEPPO RUSSIA EVIl while iraq and the other coalition members are having an equally big but less publiced mess y siege of their own >>9951 Umm happened all the time with obam administration too it just never got carried into the news well not "all the time" but happened and way too many times
Like bombing a fucking hospital where there were only civilians inside
>>9948 Because American troops killed a ton of non-combatants including a child and burnt down houses
>>9956 LGBTQ i guess i don't even think of myself in that category it didn't even cross my mind that OH NO IM OPPRESSED i felt more offended that that's immediately what their mind went to than anything trump did or anyone else politically did to the legbutts (LGBTs)
by the way who was it that put up the neotokyo soundtrack in wavelength yesterday thank you for that this is amazing
I think any such site would be quite weird, what with all the "genderqueers" and xir xems should leave that business to the actual people who feel different and get professional help
>>9970 then you know the answer i did too although i was way more prone to volleyballs not footballs, though, because nobody ever passed to me in football
In grade school, a student kicked me in the dick in line randomly, and when I told the teacher, I got in trouble for saying "nuts". He didn't get in any trouble so some guys and I beat him up later
>>9975 it was the girl who thought her boyfriend was being too friendly with me she hit me real hard too it left some lasting damage, though things are still functional she left the field and started crying i never mentioned it again
I kinda find it funny how it is just named grand canyon.
Like if there was a big mountain somewhere and you just called it Big mountain or tall rock
>>9990 but we didn't even see her and now she's mocking you daily
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>9993 that's true, i really did want to see her but it was still great a great adventure
I had fun like they say it's not about the journey, it's about getting two birds stoned in a bush
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm still proud that i threw up five times and got it all in the bag
i'm proud that i drove the whole way back with one nerd throwing up in the back seat and one nerd afk in the passenger seat not knowing how to give directions i almost missed like six exits because he wasnt paying attentiont
>>10010 ive played mother hen quite a few times in my life usually to drunk germans at my dorm, or to doc + co being high + drunk in vegas this was the first time i've had to play mother hen to sober people
>>10013 All I asked for was for one nerd to come down and have fun with me in the casino after driving TEN HOURS to get a sick motherfucker home well five, but you drove five but NOPE goddamn I'm still really salty about that
haha i don't even remember that night i have like flashes of being in the car and turning over or something and i remember someone saying "we're on fumes" at one point and i remember throwing up and i remember you guys helping some koreans get gas
but i don't remember anything else i don't remember getting back to the hotel or anything how did i even get back up to our room?
>>10015 jan was exaggerating because he doesnt know cars we were low on gas (on empty light) and i was making our way to the next gas station I spent like 40 minutes there helping a couple who had just flown in from korea try to get gas because they were stranded and spoke no english i knew like four korean words and helped them get gas then i got us gas and drove us home
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh shit i remember i said "kill me" on /moe/ and rika said "bang" and i thought she was calling me bang haha i was so out of it
>>10017 that was after we got home i think you said "pull the trigger" i think though
i hope to never be sick like that again that was the first time i've ever been sick enough to be like "yeah i'll go to a clinic"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
actually there was one other time when i had a fever of like 106
>>10019 and you didn't even give me your codeine what an asshole
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i barely even remember the clinic i was sitting on the bed thing i think my shirt was off? and this fat lady said "you have a lot of ear wax" and i said "thanks" and then then i remember he saying my insurance won't cover the medicine and looked really worried and then she was like "it's $10" and i was like wtf that's so cheap
>you have a lot of ear wax >thanks something about me must have rubbed off on you that day
>>10022 >it's $10 why didn't you ask if you could get two
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
imagine all the nosebleeds i could get with TWO of them
>>10025 one of them would go to me that shit was like 14 proof it's like drinking one entire wine cooler dude
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i've got some left i'll bring it for you next time www
i don't like opiates
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
when i got back to school and classes started again i mentioned my nosebleeds to someone and said i got my stuff cauterized and she got like really worried and she's like "are you going to bleed today?"
>the writer of that book Lotte likes is an actual child There's 365 volumes, assuming she's like 12 that's like a book every 2 weeks, assuming she started writing the moment she was born
Oh nevermind it's addressed
Even then man she's a witch. Ain't gotta explain shit, it's magic.
Sometimes making a weeb friend can be a little embarrassing.
I wouldn't be friends with that useless shitkicker even if he had fantastic taste in anime.
But you're right.
At my first university before I left I tried out an anime club. It was pretty terrible. Nothing like watching Pantsu fanservice shots projected on to the big screen of a lecture hall surrounded by ten other sweaty neckbeards to kill you a little inside.
This obese Asian guy who I'd been talking to for about two minutes leaned right in next to my ear and whispered "do you play eroge?"
In conclusion: Weeb friends and people I know in person are two very separate spheres. And never the two shall meet.
I like Nintendo's handheld title lineup a lot more than the home console lineup. I hope that they bring a lot of the normally mobile stuff to the Switch. I'll buy in that case.
*tips driver* >>10141 How long has the wii u been out?
>trying to help someone who can't figure out basic stuff on their own
Yaknow for a long time I thought my impression of this BR lady being dumb was due to the language barrier making me think so Not so anymore, she's actually fucking dense as lead
alternatively so hyperintelligent that her actions cannot be understood by us mere mortals
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>>10205 No We have these thingies you use to screw stuff in place right? Essentially they're horizontal screwdrivers. Now, when stuff takes a lot of effort, you have to press down on the part actually attached in the gaps of the thing This comes natural to everyone else because it's obvious Not her
But this is NOT the issue, because anyone can be dumb in one area. But after telling her and showing her 5 times that she shouldn't put pressure uniformly on the whole thing because the fucking thing will slip off... She keeps doing it.
it worked on the 2nd attempt but that was almost suicide watch if someone else stole it with that many hour respawn rate and so many people trying to get it...
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>>10271 No I mean I don't understand what was cherry picked
Lazy guild master. Don't feel bad though I'm lazy too.
>>10274 Hmm... I probably used that wrong What I meant was that the sample of conversations I hear at the resturaunt are usually dumb to me. I guess I do subconsciously cherrypick the dumb ones though, but it's not so obvious in that context.
While the gameplay seems to be much watered down compared to normal fire emblem gameplay, even watered down fire emblem gameplay is a lot more engaging than granblue or kancolle's gameplay. I think it will be fun unless Nintendo is really really mean with fatigue bars and other un-fun mobage things.
>>10315 oh actually the sword might be a bit better than katana on units that favour swords like vira djeanne zoi
>2/3rds of the underaged refugees turned out to be adults kek I kinda wonder how they tried to bullshit once the tests proved they were lying.
Rump fired an attorney -general for ordering the justice department to not defend his muslim travel ban apparently.
>74% of them were from afghanistan umm wasn't it SYRIAN refugee crisis?
Well she was going to lose her job in few weeks anyhow as she was /already had a replacement just waiting the approval of the senate. But still booting her because of dissidence is bit sending the wrong message at the moment.
Oh yeah, I heard some big corp leaders are to gather to discuss how to handle the 7 country ban
>>10288 I liked that first house track Don't really like drum and bass all that much though.
>>10327 Yeah but Afghanistan is basically Syria Unless you're a racist!
If memory serves, the only syrians who arrived here were the "even the burden" ones transferred directly from greece by EU and shit. or atleast arrivals in significant numbers, maybe 1-2% of the border crossers on their own were syrians or even less otherwise. So yeah, okay iraq has few hotzones atm that does cause refugees, but afghanistan... Why do they come NOW and not you know 10 fucking years ago when it was an active warzone and all
of course if you point this out in any public outlet, you get called nazi
>>10325 How do you go about testing something like that?
>dental evidence is said not to be totally reliable, with experts pointing out it is possible to wrongly estimate someone's age by up to three years when making an estimate based on such criteria.
Do you seriously trust BBC as an authority on this well the dental test is not 100% accuracy, but it can easily prove if someone is clearly above 18 and that is the point of course there are other tests
>truths and falsehoods on immigration >most child refugees are actually adults >false >here is data from 2012 and 2013 that proves it is so, we don't have current data yet well... you had data from 2014, but it would have revealed that over 50% of the "child refugees" were actually adults... article was from 2015 august and the data was public at that moment. Some journalistic integrity from state media.
Also I love how "child refugees angry and scared over age tests" why would you be angry if you indeed have nothing to hide? This is like being pissed off at a cop asking you for driver's license... If you arrive here claiming something, without papers to proof it and we do a test to verify your claim, why would you be angry unless you are trying to hide something...
Sure, there is the medical ethical question of x-raying teeth and bones to see your age as it does involve radiation exposure, but... FOR FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE GET THEIR TEETH XRAYED ABOUT ONCE IN FIVE YEARS AND NO ONE HAS GOTTEN MOUTH CANCER OVER IT Git over it you fucking ideogogs
Sure the doctors who do the scans have increased radiation exposure risks, but that is because they do those scans daily the normal person has much more exposure to radiation from just international flights when say doing business flights once a month.
But then again, asking for proof is oppression and you need to just listen and believe
I don't even see why eighteen is some magical threshold cut-off age. A healthy teenager can do just as much as an adult. 16-17.
Just send them to labour camps >genuine refugees will take it because it's better than dying >leeches and terrorists won't bother Everyone wins, except "muh human rights" nerds
>>10350 children get special privileges and the irony is that most of the actual children are 17s most of the time hell most of the "children" who applied for refugee have already turned 18 during the processing period
It is just because they have heard on the "where to get best benefits" forums that "saying you are a kid" gets you best munies and best chance of quick procession but then again, 90% of the information on those sites is bullshit and doesn't reflect the true situations in the target countries and are actually maintained by the human smugglers
Basically >human smugglers paint a good image of target country >sell a 2-10k€ trip package to said country, with guidebooks how to get best treatment there >people read the information from facebook groups/etc, not knowing they are actually ran by the smugglers >naïvely buy into it and pay big money for a shot at better life >get screwed over once here and throw a tantrum
>>10353 Exactly. Trump will take on as many refugees as you want.
A bot trip from libya to italy was averaged to about 4000€ per person at one point a single ferry could house say 500 persons at times just throw together those numbers...
and then think of some guy owning a cheap tugboat, smashing say 10 of those ferries that are ment to sink so they are rescued by EU patrols, placing their running costs low as fuck Say, arranging one trip costs 20k each time, which I believe is waaay too high, but with a price of 4k per head, that means with just 5 people on the raft, they are already on the black.
>>10354 That's how they'll save American industry.. Have all the sweatshops within their own borders.
>>10356 OH MY GAWD. We can even stick the American dream into this. After you've worked a certain amount of years, you become a full citisen. WE SOLVED THE REFUGEE CRISIS /moe/!
A good smuggler might actually make several millions per open water season in mediterraens and the risk of getting caught, especially when running the "rescue raft" strategy, is quite low.
Man I really should've just flown to libya back in 2014 and become a smuggler I'd be a millionaire by now
>travel back to 2011 >instead of returning to uni become smuggler >slowly become a smuggle kingpin >invest all profits in bitcoin before the big spike and crash and thus make even more munies >continue running it through minions while move to safety in some european tax haven >stop when the eu crackdowns begin in earnest >live as a multimillionaire
Why not skip smuggling and just invest in bitcoin? Seems easier. You can sit on your ass and watch anime instead of smuggling.
Because, even at best I have had about 10k in liquid money to my name
unlike in murrica YOU DON'T GET LOANS as a student aside from quick loans that instantly slap you with 5% or more interest
>>10364 >>10365 Who cares about interest so long as you do it like a week before the spike
>>10367 You already know when bittcoins price will pea, DISREGARD THIS I SUCK COCKS
the person who needs to pay them and at the same time invest large sums of money for about a year in bitcoin for the maximum profit, while also paying for all their needs out of the meager amount of money students have that person
>>10366 yes, but just doing a short term investment will just double your money if you can travel back in time to some good situation in your life, you can buy into them say a year before when it would result in 5-10x profit
man there is some kind of human voice that I just hate or somekinds in plural rather and certain kind of pronounciation of the letter S in finnish just drives me crazy, especially when a woman does it. and it is clearly some form of intentional thing What I mean, is when most of times they speak, they just do it normally but then at times it turns into that weird faggotty slut S and it is clear it is on purpose or a habbit that has stuck from talking like a certain idiotic subculture of teens we call "pissikset"
or is it the same in english dElete and prEferences/sEttings?
Really, it looks like they just took the republicans and placed them all randomly on a slider from 100 to 50, and for dems they placed them randomly on the same scale, but from 50 to 0
I have a friend that's super anti-trump drove 12 hours for the women's march goes to rallies and protests all the time always shouts RESIST i sent her it and said "list of targets" and she's like "this is going to be useful for the resistance!"
Protests only work if you VOTE, and Trump won so he can be comfy in thinking people agree with him generally And all the congress people can just coast by and not care because the incumbent wins anyway
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
not for long things are really chaotic right now there's no way the status quo is going to last because of how politically charged everyone is right now people are paying close attention to congresspeople for the first time in the last 50 years
Also the song says "60 to 1 the sword faces the gun" But in reality, the only reason they just used swords was because they were OUT OF AMMO And Saigo's forces were 30K, too, when he started the whole resisting dealio ...they were just clipped down is all
One of his closest friends became a newly discovered moon, too
Apparently, roofs and stuff collapsed and a bunch of people got hurt because the Japs got on their roofs to see Mars, cause you could see it due to PLANETARY ALIGNMENTS pretty clearly Cause Mars was Saigo now
It's pretty cool that it was Mars, too Since Mars is already named after the god of war It's really fitting that the last Samurai warrior reincarnated as the planet named after the god of war
Like imagine if he'd become Venus
I haven't gotten far into the book, but I'm struggling to really get over how weird it is to hear newspapers and SAMURAI mentioned together
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It was in the 1800s, right?
yeah 1877 I think is when Shiroyama went down
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh japan was super modern at that point perry opened japan in like the 1850s
Yeah, Shiroyama is where I think literally the last samurai died
Also, ironically, it's what probably really gave the idea of the samurai such a high status even in modern culture Cause the story of Saigo was super honorable, he even SEPPUKU'd according to the stories He didn't actually but hey
They actually managed to take out 30 guys though, good job Saigotacchi
well if everything works, it is just getting an okay, deciding on moving date and then at somepoint making a lodger contract with bro and then deliver a copy of that to state and no more houseless but I don't like ifs
in M&B yeah there is it is 100% useless but there is it is like jumping, quite pointless.
oh wait it has purpose when shooting arrows s you are a smaller target
I hope bannerlord adds spearwalls as a thing spears are just shit in the game unless you are mounted and even then they are kinda crap
Hmm yeah I think the prisoners are decided on who punches them to death if it is you or one of your men you get it which is fun when you luck shoot an arrow and it naps one of the high nobles on the opposing side you just joined at the near end of the fight
Becoming powerful takes a long time, I wonder if I just play the game wrong
>Description: Nikki R. Haley, of South Carolina, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations during her tenure of service as Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations; and Nikki R. Haley, of South Carolina, to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambassador, and the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations Bernie is one of 4 Senators who voted no on this
>>10373 >it predicts Bernie will agree with Trump on over half of the votes
To be fair, the two men did have a fair number of concepts they were on the same level on. It's just the stuff they were on opposing sides for were pretty much all the core details.
Sanders will be willing to work on things that are reasonable He's also likely to agree with Trump on trade deals and stuff to a degree He's generally willing to be bipartisan and after Trump won, Bernie publicly announced his intention to cooperate as much as reasonably possible
Though the controversial shit might be intentional, which in a way is scary, more scary than just sudden non-thought through policy blasting. Simply have the most anti-trump faction irritating stuff in a short span, so the neutral and supporting factions will tire out of all the constant protest and eventually just go "man these bitches like to whine about ANYTHING trump does" making anyone who openly and loudly protest trump policies, seem like part of the hysterical HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US camp.
A good and scary move in a way, since it could lead into trump having quite free movement on his actions by second or third year and who knows what he might do then?
Basically a similiar policy that the left used in europe, where they for a good amount of time painted anyone opposing their shit into a right-wing nut-fringegroup.
The thing about the whole "punching nazis is good" thing that's the most scary is that basically any reasonable human being is a nazi by the definition used at this point Fuck, most people here don't want any immigration, and that's definitely nazi
Well it just further keeps eating any credibility from the "modern" left. And shows how detached the people spouting these things nonstop are from the actual world.
The entire alt right was painted as nazis back when most of their activity was shitposting and pepememing PEPE THE FROG is a nazi now
The definition of nazi is about as vague as the definition for progressive, and it's spooky to see people want to encourage punching people fitting it Because I'm 100% in that description at this point
>>10460 It's not reasonable to outright not want immigration though.
>>10463 Sure but anything below open borders is nazism
>>10463 Speaking of which copying and pasting something I wrote elsewhere
there are three court orders that apply to LAX but agencies aren't acknowledging them people were deported despite the stays issued immigration lawyers went to the US Marshal for enforcement of the court orders and US Marshals said they were instructed by US Attorney's office to err /// instructed by the Office of General Counsel to await instruction from the US Attorney's office immigration lawyers went to US Atty and US Atty was going to accept proof of service on behalf of CBP and DHS but were called away and then informed immigation lawyers they wouldn't sign when they returned unknown if more people are being deported but people are currently being detained against court orders since US Marshal is the agency responsible for enforcing the law and refuse to, nothing can be done
>>10462 Why do you think I call myself "nazi" the basic values that used to be "normal" that I value, are now deemed "fascist" or rather have been for almost 10 years
Because you're edgy.
Things are generally not reasonable right now Hopefully we reach a reasonable equilibrium again soon
I don't have faith in reasonable for any short-term prospect. At the least, if nothing changes about the executive order, things can only get worse for the next ninety days.
I just hope nothing stupid enough for an impeachment happens because years of Pence being in control doesn't sound good either.