Thread #587159
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Akanesasu Shoujo Anima Yell! Banana Fish Conception Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Goblin Slayer Irozuku Sekai Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 2-6 Satsuriku no Tenshi SSSS.Gridman Sora to Umi no Aida Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! Yagate Kimi ni Naru --Are we watching these? Bakumatsu Karakuri Circus Merc Storia - Mukiryoku Shounen to Bin no Naka no Shoujo Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi --Leftovers Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
That didn't copy as well as I hoped it would, or as it usually does, huh. Also Rika we did watch Goblin Slayer and SSSS.Gridman last night. They're still on the list because I wanted to extend the opportunity for you to watch them with us too.
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okay! let's work around them ronight truth is I got impatient and watched gobbo slayer anyway
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let's see here release the spyce double decker conception anima yell
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so without further ado release the spyce okay lets start!
Spyci>>587172 Aibou
i will join for daburu
Akari and Chinatsu.
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>>587172 wanna do banana fish after that?
i dont like this show that much
You've seen a single episode of it.
Woah an under-restaura- OKAY. That was a lot more than expected.
They have a whole bunch of spy gear.
They're putting her through quite the gauntlet of spy education.
It's hard to tell if one-eye-chan is just superhuman tough or if she's testing MC to stand up for herself.
Hah hah hah. She can't even sleep at rest.
Well she's making some decent improvements.
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low twintails are cute
She was going on about making sure she's well prepared for this and then she immediately goes for an unhealthy snack.>>587186 They're best twintails.
The Chinatsu in this show is a disguise master.
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okay let's grab jan and watch double decker 4 and then banana fish if he wants to okay this is where i get up to get a drink and they both post even though I've been waiting to do that still waiting i see yeah, are either of you guys here? okay lets go ahead then! let's start
>>587172 Hey ho AIBOU Yeah. Nevermind Jan I don't see why Ika can't pay attention. Or if he wants to go off and play mobage in the meanwhile atleast set a timer for twenty-five minutes or something.>>587196 He's not anywhere I can see him.
is jan dead
Wow they really played with our expectations.
That's a rather outdated reference.
Hah hah. I feel bad for their boss.
sorry guys samu distracted me with overwatch its basically his fault what time
>>587202 6:20 6:25 6:30
>>587203 thanks
This isn't really the argument to be having in broad daylight. I guess the spectators aren't picking up on the details though.
The newbies for the team are all getting drunk.
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>corona fucking gross
What a good ex-teammate, going to Derick's new bar.
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i like this bar's aesthetic a lot more
Well she's kind of good-natured.
Kirara remarked on this yesterday or earlier, but the drugs in this show are pretty much just tide pods.
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wow he just smacked her like that.
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this guy is a real piece of shit
The guy's name is James but they call him "hamesu" It's definitely a plausible pronunciation for the name but sure isn't common.
He really thought he had her there.
Oh well I guess it is in their jurisdiction now.
Well that's kind of gross.
Wow it's a Nokia.
Oh huh is she actually a robot.
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That phone vibrate messed me up.
All the veterans in the pairs here are kind of dicking human beings.>Yes, Dough is actually a bit of an asshole No shit, narrator.
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this guy is so great i swear
so how about that banana fish
Yeah, Banana Fish sounds good.
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banana fish! okay lets start!
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
2018/10/15 (月) 06:16 No. 587232
I wonder if we'll be getting a new OP now that Arthur is dead as beans.
Shorter ;_;
Oh Eiji got arrested with the rest of them.
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Things just keep getting rose. worse too
Well at the least there's a ceiling on how worse things can keep getting!
Is Moonboy poisoning all his older brothers now in a plot to take over the gang?
Eiji goes from being kidnapped for Dino. To being under house arrest by Ash. To being arrested by the police. To being a captive of Moonboy. Just can't catch a break.
Or well I guess he's not a captive of Moonboy. But he's kind of being roped into staying put it seems.
>man stabbed: fuck the police
i wonder which of them are gonna try to kill him
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Tensai Ash!
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>your wife >>587265 i feel like that guy administering the test whenever someone talks to me about math
This'll probably not help Ash's case.>>587266 I got what he was getting at, Fibonnacci should go 1 1 2 3 5, not 6. He was just being a smug dick about what was clearly a typo.
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>>587268 ash is pretty high level smug
Oh no Ash is being taken to New Jersey. What a fate worse than death.
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more like dr. sameface am i right
Time for Eiji to lose it.
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oh noooooooooo
>>587270 Ash Lynx in Escape From New Jersey
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okay anuima yell okay lets start!
Time for chairleading!>>587278 It's cute girls doing cheerleading.
i'll watch this one too i guess>>587276 neato i am ready by the way
these girls are really :DDD
You've got to smile to show your CHEER
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Yeah, cheerleaders are usually retardedly smiley.
This girl has a few screws loose.
>special group
She's wholly damedame
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chair onna
naruhodo sou desu ka
One chair autist to another.
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made me actually lol
Pon pon
Pon pon pon pon
she totally got dragged into it
She's just tsundere for chair.
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this kid needs her adderall
Or she needs to ACCEPT DEFEAT/
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pinku best
Did the other pair also say FIGHT on the butt?
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this is a pretty comfy show thanks for anime!
It's a pretty Dogakobo show. Which is far from a bad thing.
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oh it's dogkaboo no wonder it's super cute
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It's the eyes. You can pretty much always tell a Dogakobo show from the eyes.
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mikakunin is still my favorite dogakabo
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New Game! is probably mine.
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new game was really good too maybe it can take second place
Dogakobo's just really good at making solidly cute shows.
>>587305 Yuru Yuri will always be the best Dogakobo show, but Mikakunin was pretty great. I found that New Game was medicore and mostly carried by the source material more than anything. But the maid show and Anima Yell feel like the old Dogakobo so I'm pretty excited.