you get this virtual console thing with a few NES games for subscribing to the online service so I was playing them they're all good games more or less just a bit dated
i keep getting emails from someone and they end their emails with "Klara Scripter, Graduation Processor" and my brain keeps processing them as a soulsborne boss
>>589056 >>589055 oh i see there's a /moe/ switch online family plan you know!
Gonna process your BONES >>589058 i am half awake and surprisingly thirsty it seems it appears mom got sent home from work early due to low volume again so i have a choice of bacon and sausage or baked steak and green beans
She's pretty cool. She's got a lot of secrets, though.
My face always feels so taut after my "longer" days of class. And even those are just like five hours of class. I think it's just being tired but I'unno.
That's weird. My face muscles never feel tighter when I'm tired. Unless I spend a lot of time smiling.
Hm, maybe taut's not quite accurate then. It's not really tighter muscles. More like the skin feels stretched? Maybe I just dry out easily. It's a feeling more around the eyes and temple.
>>589103 maybe you're sore from tensing up during class or whatever during the day
Yeah, that's another possibility. It's not like I pay much attention to the minute details of my body during the day so I could be tensing my eye/eyebrow muscles without noticing.
i think i also get a similar feeling when i've looked at long distances with an eyeglass prescription that isn't quite good enough probably from straining my eyes to see clearly
I think my prescription is fine, or at least sufficient for the distances I look at normally. But I went a long time without wearing glasses after I really started needing them. I wonder if
apparently its not too bad the bike store will disassemble it and pack it into a box for 100 bux and then shipping is like 70 bux well that's not great but better than selling and rebuying i think
yeah it's pretty cool i don't take it out of the house much lately though just use it with my bike trainer it's kinda dangerous to ride a bike around here haha it's only a 7 speed though!
You need the Wyrmprints. The 4* one doesn't help with Tricker Treats. You need Witch's Kitchen, Of Tricks and Treats, or Plunder Pals >>589129 Good now get three more of them and put one on each u- >Witch's Kitchen ;____________________________________________________________; why won't it drop for me
okay, so here's how you maximize: Silke Lends A Hand and Plunder Pals when you're running the Boss Battle and EX Boss Battle (Pumpking, Revenge of Pumpking) Plunder Pals and Witch's Kitchen when you're running the Challenge Mission (Halloween Horrors) Get your Sweet Retreat as high as possible because Halloween Horrors is balanced around its bonus damage Boss & EX Boss will get you the Snack o Lanterns for upgrading the retreat Challenge doesn't reward Snack o Lanterns but it gives a lot more Tricker Treats. Like 600 per wave cleared. I don't know what level your stuff is but if you're not like... half way leveled then don't expect fully clearing it. >>589131 Dragalia Lost. Nintendo/Cygames gacha
This looks surprisingly high quality for a gacha game
Koi, the Dragon
I don't know why it's a surprise. You've got one of the three companies that still goes out of their way to make consoles teamed up with the people who make one of the most popular gacha games ever
>>589130 oh sweet, once I get plunder pals I'm golden
>>589135 It's a surprise because gacha games could be as low effort as possible and still rake in big bucks. Aren't Cygames supposed to still make the Uma Musume game or did that finally come out?
Koi, the Dragon
>>589136 they stack too. So get multiple and don't unbind them 4 25% bonuses = 100% bonus
Koi, the Dragon
But Kirara has Witch's Kitchen which is 50% bonus so he can go to 125% with 3 Plun- >so do I WHY WON'T IT DROP FOR ME
>>589162 Nope. It's the red one that's used to get rid of the /// reduce the blue light which negatively affects sleep health.
I wanna make a fire team soon since the phraeganoth event left me drowning in orbs but I dunno who to put on there ezelith for sure probably vanessa because she looks cool
I have both Eze and Mikoto and I have just been so uninterested in using them even though they're both top tier units
eze is fun because of the dagger moveset, I don't think I've even tried using blades manually
Koi, the Dragon
Meanwhile, I am contemplating whether I should unlock the second to last eldwater gate on Regular Althemia or wait a little to be able to 5* Halloween Althemia because I am a gross waifu loser
>trying to play dragalia >trying to play ton's tabletop game >trying to pack for tomorrow >trying to manage my colleague's concerns because she got scheduled for a psych eval with a large violent criminal tomorrow and she's scared >at the same time
my colleague is really concerned she's a 5" girl with no self defense skills and the guy is a 6'3 dude who apparently smashed a dude's head through a window and threw wooden stools at cops with a history of violent episodes
and our boss isn't available because her dad just died
so i'm trying to help her get in contact with other people who can help she asked me to take the eval for her but i'm going to tallahassee tomorrow to help deliver supplies to people who lost their homes and shit so i can't
I know that this is serious and a really big weight but I gotta get out that I read it as >She's a 5* girl with no self defense skills and I thought "Wow, a glass cannon, huh?" and I feel bad
haha it's honestly probably not that big of a deal the guy just got out of prison a few weeks ago so he's probably not going to be violent towards a free counselor unless she does something stupid
Tadaimasu Birthday dinner was good Now I need to find things to distract myself with because i don't want to thing about how I've basically failed at life for another year
I'm a Christmas cake nw *now Well The male equivalent
Happy birthday you Christmas chad
Haven't heard back from the scanlator I'm supposed to be working with. He replied to my tumblr question pretty quick but I emailed him last nght and still haven't heard back.
>>589184 any important emailing i do, even if it's not about work but just some organizational stuff, i usually don't expect anything for a couple days unless it's about something going on immediately that day people just have busy minds and need some time to think
>>589195 I only expected a fast reply because I got a quick reply o my initial message. *on Otherwise I wouldn't have expected it.
i'm goin to hurricane michael ground zero tomorrow to help with disaster relief the entire city of mexico beach except for one or two buildings is completely gone haha
When I'm not helping out this weekend, I'm gonna be camping. I'm excited. I found a state forest that's open near Tallahassee and it's not dispersed, but it's primitive, so only like 6/40 sites there are booked for the time I'll be there. Which means I can do some easy solo campu.
When Jan and I went camping, it was like -1c, but we were only prepared for like 10c, lol We ended up buying a ton of chemical heat packets and filling our sleeping bags with them
The site I'll be at is next to a hunting area, so I usually avoid places like that, but the hunting area is closed due to the hurricane that just went through.
i might end up in a fight on saturday some white supremacist group attacked a bunch of people trying to deliver supplies to undocumented people and the group i'll be with and that white supremacist group will be in the same city on saturday i wish people could just get along for disaster relief at least but i guess you can't expect white supremacists to be okay with non-whites getting help
speaking of undocuments I still can't fathom the brainprocess of that caravan wondering north from honduras orwherever they are now
Kirara, M.S.
yeah that whole situation is weird
>guy in power is absolute about border control and deporting illegals, to the point of practically breaking the law >"hey let's go to USA mostl ikely as illegals"
>hey there was a missile strike in jerusalem >this would be a good time as a muslim to do a pilgrimage there
lets go to the place where they're putting people like me in concentration camps
>china massacred lots of people on tianjin square >I shall travel there to protest
there is a line in finnish "miten meni näin omasta mielestä?" asked sarcastically in these situations translating to something amongst lines of "so in your opinion, how did it turn out?"
I don't even understand the illegal border crossing if there is a legal way to do it, why not do it Why risk the dangerous route, whose only eventual end path is "wow, I can't believe the authorities found out I am not a legal resident and now I am in trouble"
a top selling Light Novel
>>589287 Because the legal route is long and expensive
She says she's coming home soon She can talk a little but her voice is all messed up still, she needs vocal rehab, she said And she's been walking around a bit but she gets tired fast
hope the recuperation goes well
getting discharged is imo most important now must make your head bonkers to be in hospital for that long
oh yeah i saw the extended spider-verse scene after venom the other day the soundtrack in sv is amazing and the animation was so impressive
The creative aesthetics for the movie looks hella good. I like how the different Spider people have different animation styles depending on where they come from.
Kirara, M.S.
i cant wait to see Noir being an edgy shit and spider-gweeeeeen
Kirara, M.S.
spider-gwen and miles have a weird romance thing going on in the comics well, spider-gwen and 616 miles they got an interdimensional romance
Spider-Gwen is a high-level costume. My favourite's still probably Miles' though. I love the streetwear take on the spider costume.
dark souls switch is finally here long after everyone stopped playing dark souls remastered
Yeah it really feels like they took waaaay too long to come out with it. The market saturation for people owning a copy of Dark Souls is probably pretty much at its maximum anyway.
also it currently does not work online thanks bamco you guys really did a great job porting this game again
>>589386 you may have been in the homeopathy section that's separated from the actual supplements or maybe it needs a script there though i can't imagine why
Tired. I need to clean but i just wanna take my bag and escape on the train and study somewhere.
Trainscaping is really romantic. I wish I could take a train to somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
I'll do some quick cleaning and then go out.
>>589393 what about landscaping want to go take the shears to somewhere in the middle of the garden
The mysterious nomadic landscapers. Show up in town in the dead of night and by daybreak have manicured people's lawns, trimmed their hedges into a menagerie of animals and fantastic creatures, and arranged all the flowers in order of colours from east to west. Then as all the townsfolk awake from their rest to be bewildered by the transformation of their normally sleepy town, the landscapers have already made their escape, long since heading down the road to their next destination.
I would fucking watch a show about nomadic landscapes.
It's the people that are moving Kannagi! Not the ground! Ground doesn't move!
It's got a certain charm to it though, don't it.
I'm also stoned as all fuck but it does sound neato I reads like a fun short story
>>589398 we're going to save america one flamenco bush sculpture at a time
Samurai flamenco bush at a time
dat paranoia feel when you feel and think your oven is on, windows open and door unlocked and...
I have a healthy dose of paranoia all the time.
>>589407 >get up to let dog out >dog does business >go back inside lock door go to bed >oh god did i lock the door
>>589409 >door doesn't automatically lock when you close it u wot?
I used to have an autolock on in my old house. moving to a normal door is a pain now, since I keep going back to check my door because of how used to autolocks I am
>>589410 i live in america we're still in the 20th century here you have to put the chip in to use a debit card too you can't even tap it
ah i forgot my powerbanl that is the weird feel
>>589411 i have never even seen an autolock door in real life except on vehicles
its just a latch that always closes when you close the door unless you tell it not to. mechanical spring latch thing
>>589412 i don'tand will prolly never, if possible, use the remote reading
America is interesting place to go to, it's all familiar in some ways but completely fucking foreign and a bit weird. especially the landscape changes from desert to green and humid texas was weird feeling.
You should do Canada next, get a whole different take on familiar in some ways but completely fucking foreign in others. More people should do Canada next.
Please come. I'm lonely.
finnish doors are fun open towards outside so no kickimg the doir in made of hard wood so no axing in easily locks, if abloy, unpickable
I keep seeing really pretty visit canada ads every so often. I wanna go visit Canada. I can now also smoke a joint no problem in Canda
>>589421 I dunno, maybe. Not at this house specifically but there's lots of houses in the city. >>589423 Toronto even has like all of a dozen 7 Elevens. You'll get a job at one EASY.
i'll work at a canadian 7 eleven they have the highest ratio of top tier user reviewed stores in north america
Combini clerk.
>>589420 From what I understand the prices here are also better than what you're paying there across the pond. Pretty much all win-win.
I'll visit and partake of your maple syrup
Once you have maple syrup there's no way you can go back to whatever syrup you were enjoying in your previous life. It's a moment of being born again.
my family doesn't like maple syrup except for me and my dad i think they're defective
Bring them back to the family factory and get a warranty replacement.
I will try waffles covered in syrup eventually. it is repulsive as an image but also kinda delicious looking
Honestly I don't really like the softer cakey treats with maple syrup, there's kind of this super narrow window between pouring the syrup and it getting too soggy from the syrup that you need to eat it in. What's better is a tougher cake like a beavertail or this Quebeccois cake I can't remember the name of.
I suddenly want to get a whole load of stroopwaffels
>>589429 do you think the warranty is still good after 23 years >>589430 what what else do you put on waffles except syrup and fruit >>589431 the best is a waffle batter that stays crispy for a while like based GOLDEN MALTED that stuff is the most amazing waffle mix i have ever used >>589434 oh i see sweet waffles with fruit and whipped cream is delicious after a nice big breakfast then i dont have to eat for 80% of the day and i still don't feel hungry
I've never had dessert waffles I've only had potato waffles. but I think i'd have ice-cream with them
Fuck. I'm hungry now.
Chocolate or hazelnut spread is great on waffles or pancake-y cakes too. And if you want to go all dessert-out you could do powdered or icing sugar.
I ate a piece of toast with butter on for all of yesterday. I need a burger
i ate a borger yesterday with bacon and jalapenos and standard borger veggies it was delicious >>589435 nutella makes deforestation taste so good
We had this neat easy-make butter chicken thing. They put all the diced veggies and soup base in a plastic sleeve so you just pour that into water, add your own chicken, diced tomatoes, and yoghurt, and then make as you would elsewise. It was a neat way to simplify the process.
Though it was kind of bland by my standards, could have used better seasoning.
nutella tastes nice for a like the first few tastes and then you get used to it and it tastes horrible.
yeah you can't use a whole lot of it i guess but i wouldn't say it ever tastes horrible if you spread it on like peanut butter it gets to be too much for me though
I was going to go out but I'm too functional. *not too
I'm probably go to the shop and get stroopwafels and borgers.
My imouto has a weird thing for Nutella. She can take spoonfuls of the stuff and eat it as is. Though she doesn't do that as much these days.
>>589441 let's just smoke weed and stay inside and cuddle next to the fireplace with borger
>>589442 >eating a spoon of nutella wtf my sister does that with peanut butter though i guess that's pretty similar
Yeah I could do a spoonful of peanut butter if I really wanted to. It's not really the most enjoyable way to eat it though, just spread it on a toasted bagel or something, way better.
I'd die eating loads of peanut butter or nutella, it just sticks and the pleasure from eating it disappears. as you eat more. >>589443 If only I had a fireplace. I need to will myself to get up and go out.
I could just sit next to the radiator eating borger that works too.
Just soaking up all that lovely heat radiation.
>>589453 not quite as romantic though how are you going to impress the borger
I'll complement it and eat it.
gone man is history
Kannagi Japanese conbini stores might be completely automated, I find it hilarious they have the anime character store clerk for greetings and help.
I find retail automation interesting but I'm also kind of hesitant to adopt it. Some days going by a store clerk is the only human socialization I get in a day, hah hah.
A lot of grocers and corner store-y chains here are implementing personal check-out, and some fast food joints like McDicks or Tim Hortons are doing self-order kiosks.
It is kinda fucked up thing in a way when you get rid of the unskilled jobs/
>>589458 lawson is really dedicated to the dystopian cyberpunk storefront of the future i saw an automatic conbini from singapore that was like a vending machine as big as a building with 3 rooms it was amazing i wish i could go to the store and not even talk to anybody to get my junk food
Japan has such a weird mix of extreme low-tech and spots of futuristic stuff.
>>589461 Come to england, you can avoid interaction easy. nearly everything has machine checkouts now. I don't have to talk to people!
I still always use the checkout with a person at the cashier. here gonna be in the panhandle (about 5-6 hours from where i live) this weekend helping with disaster relief so i decided i'd go ahead and camp while i'm there
>>589489 No, sorry. I meant to get through it over reading week but then complications arose. I'd like to just sit down with that game for like a day or two straight, so I'll keep it in mind for when I get a bit more of a break. Things are getting kind of hectic for me right now though.
I haven't finished it. It's a really big game and it feels like there are always new stories to find. I don't even know how to finish the game, haha. It feels like I could just be finding and telling stories forever as I walk across the country!
>>589491 don't forget to bring the beef jerky so you get eaten by a fucking bear(coyote?)
>>589565 that branch is asking to be climved climb it
what's all that green stuff
Kirara, M.S.
it's grass the big grass like in movies
are they grass trees
Kirara, M.S.
yeah exactly
when ai companions come out theyre supposed to make our lives so much better and all but i bet they're all just gonna be like "hey hey what's that green stuff?" "it's grass" "oh neat hey what's that small stuff there" "what small stuff" "that small stuff right there" "i dont know"
like that drawing ai game that gets so excited to tell you everything it starts seeing as soon as you put the pen to the paper I SEE A LINE NO, A SQUIGGLE
Kirara, M.S.
haha i remember that that was fun
kizuna ai player that game played
ai playing ai ai playing detroit
artificial information
Kirara, M.S.
there are a lot of spiders out here
Koi, the Dragon
Kirara, M.S.
yeah, there's some of those out here, too
Koi, the Dragon
Kirara, M.S.
this area feels like a resident evil location
Kirara, M.S.
even has the perfect place for a sacrifice this stone fucking table
I want to go to the Zarvot release party but I don't really feel like leaving my house and socializing but I also want to see my friends because I miss my friends.
And as I get further in Zarvot, I realize that I'm being Red right now and it's annoying me.
i... don't have clothes to wear. Not like I'm trying to be fancy in the slightest but all of my hoodies are trackstained except one. And it's too cold to rely on that one to keep warm. I haven't bought a new jacket yet
Kirara, M.S.
>>589634 no, not for like two years i borrow one when i go shooting
wasn't supposed to have one at my apartment and i had cops there fairly often
Wow, what a shitty rule. Well Actually I think its a good rule in Florida. Taking away freedom is usually bad though.
Iirc if you take it apart it doesn't count as a gun for the purpose of "no guns at this location" rules. Excluding shit like airports of course. Oh and courthouses
I know thats how you get around the no guns on public transit rules here without being a cop, usps worker, park ranger or military personnel.
Kirara, M.S.
i used to be allowed to have a firearm on a plane i never did that though
Cause when it's disassembled to a certain extent it stops legally being a gun. >>589642 Neat
I bet your mom was jealous.
Kirara, M.S.
she didn't know haha she would have a, though
God your mom is such white tash *trash It's really weird that she is cause she was raised in a Jewish family. I guess the Floridaness of her habitat overcame
Kirara, M.S.
i still can't believe how mad she got about me doing disaster relief
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
~36 Hours Remain~
til what don't spook me samurai
Kirara, M.S.
till the monster in the camp gets me
Ergh I'm feeling knd of sick I hope I don't get so sick i have to cancel the party
When's the party? Can I come?
Tomorrow, no
Kirara, M.S.
can i come?
Sure You could probably make it in time We're staying til 2am so you have plenty of time You'd probably need to leave soon though and stay in a hotel at like midnight though.
the god damn moon is so bright i can't see the stars
i dreamed i met up with my portly superhero sidekick bus station boy and we tot burgers and shit
Is that really the best your subconscious can do? Burgers and shit?
i have no idea dude i think we were going to do something important after so i ordered food for this other guy but then i needed to call upon bus station boy for something and apparently all you have to do is think of him and he appears and tbe thing is even though i already got food when i called for him he had like two bags of five guys just for humself
but i think i summoned him to do skmething
apparently i knew him from uni
i had a dream i was watching an advert for a new kids movie
oh i has to like piecee together a string of murders in video game styled puzzle like fucking 25 or more and then phtting all those names together would put together the final name for something as for why that was happening i dont know
and apparently my favorite part of harry pitter is the roman coliseum thats also a school??????
>>589674 dreaming of a bus station boy to park his bus in your station and bring you meat to put in your buns??? son we need to talk
hairy pitter and the ramen coliseum
while that was a bizarre dream uh that was some good ass ssleep
apparently bus station boy is a bro
I got a pretty nice three-hour nap earlier this evening. I've been sleeping really thinly recently and it's been giving me some restful sleep. But often at weird hours of the day.
oh i also drove with a go kart but went the weong way and also left the go kart at some point and was in the wrong side of the rosd and nearly got swarmed by vehicles so that was horrifying
also i woke up at one point within that dream and expected to be bothered by a ghost
is this what qualifies as a fever dream
Are you feverish?
i had diarrhea earlier and my head felt hot to me but i know thats unreliable and may bave been related to work stress
>>589700 Oh I would've thought they were destroyed.
Kirara, M.S.
not in tallahassee
Tell a lassie
>>589705 Oh Thought you were going to that really fucked up place. Well, the one that was wiped out completely. Tallahassee is fucked up all year round.
with every fly I kill one or two show up in it's place grrr