Some random lady started talking to me about her brother who is getting off chemo tomorrow and how the nursing home won't let him stay there anymore and she didn't know what she was going to do and she drove all the way from Indiana!
I ended up giving her some information about local social services that might be able to help
That's nice. All of my appointments cancelled, rescheduled, or no-showed today. So I just sat around at work and played around. It wasn't too bad. I guess I blew up some balloons, too
The FE gacha blesses me but I don't even play. I just do a mission to get one extra orb and then roll. And now I've got the one thing that I want from the new banner
>>587818 I used some login rolls today, I think about five of them, and got nothing but shit. But it doesn't actually matter anyway. Even if you get that cute unit you want, she's just a paperweight because she's 5+0 The game is old now so a unit without merges kinda sucks. There's really no joy in even getting that unit you want anymore.
>>587839 Man I can't imagine what kind of wage you'd get if you did those hours with any finnish union wages
if I worked at Rockstar I would probably put up with 100 hour work weeks tbh I'd still be pissed when they lay my ass off after the game goes gold but at least my resume says I helped develop RDR2
Red Guard Austin, a maoist group known for being honestly terrible, cut off a number of pigs heads and placed them near voting locations in "protest or bourgeois politics"
>>587850 Well that's original I was expecting you to say "near mosques".
RGA is really bad they actually protected a bunch of actual literal nazis wearing nazi armbands and stuff and doxed a bunch of anti-fascists because "anarchists are worse than nazis" in their own words
that's what a category 4 hurricane does to a place that isn't built to withstand hurricanes
>>587837 >There seems to be some confusion arising from my interview with Harold Goldberg. The point I was trying to make in the article was related to how the narrative and dialogue in the game was crafted, which was mostly what we talked about, not about the different processes of the wider team. After working on the game for seven years, the senior writing team, which consists of four people, Mike Unsworth, Rupert Humphries, Lazlow, and myself, had, as we always do, three weeks of intense work when we wrapped everything up. Three weeks, not years. We have all worked together for at least 12 years now, and feel we need this to get everything finished. After so many years of getting things organized and ready on this project, we needed this to check and finalize everything. That's from Dan Houser, the guy who initially made the statement about working 100 hours in a week Not sure how the conditions are for the developers but he at least doesn't think it's bad, it seems like he was taken far out of context
Then again rockstar doesn't have a great track record, they were critisized pretty harshy for overworking employees for the original red dead
Kirara, M.S.
3 weeks of 100 hours seems bad to me
sounds bad to me too but it seems like that's how these four like to do it unless he's lying
I DON'T KNOW He thinks ice naturally freezes into ice cubes?????? and doesn't understand volume????
>>587868 Really makes you think. >>587871 Actually a gram of ice takes up more volume than a gram of liquid water. That's not really the issue though, its because the ice is on land. I do think its a funny point to bring up though.
>>587871 Oh and by hexagonal he's referring yo the crystalline structure.
>>587872 >>587868 i dont get how the amount of water displaced changes the increased volume means less dense means buoyant the amount of ice which is not displacing water is that margin of difference once it's water, it's going to become similar density and fully displace, but with less volume being displaced
>>587876 usually i's 16x5 + 10x2 for the weekends to total 100 but i think people who calculate hours like this have downtime within their work schedule e.g. one given hour in a day might include shuffling through some things and organization, spending 20 minutes in a conference call, and writing down a few notes from the call and forwarding some to-do stuff to a secretary
I caught maybe forty-five minutes of sleep before class last night and now I'm looking on being awake for twenty-one hours from that point at least. Don't even really want to be at home though But it's the only place I can sleep.
Wow, you need to take better care of yourself! What stopped you from sleeping?
I had to put work on the piece of shit class that's been giving me grief pretty much all semester. And it's late regardless so I'm losing a chunk of it to late penalty anyway. On top of it, it was a harrowing night of being what felt like being mocked by my dad because he lost his temper with my inability to explain why the work wasn't complete already. Nevermind that anything I try to explain it with gets dismissed out of hand because my dad can't sympathize with how neurotic my brain can get over work. Out of the past, I don't know, nine? hours I spent a good six or so of them just furious with anything and everything that crossed mind. Which to its credit was great creative juice but fuck is it taxing on my conscious to pick up and run with every reason I can come up with to be mad with myself.
Filling my pockets with rocks and walking into the lake feels like a nice break right about now.
people are trying to tell me the famine in yemen is the worst in 100 years even though only 50k have died when 3-7 million died in ukraine in a single year in 1932-33 why do people try so hard to erase the crimes of the soviets
maybe they mean the worst in yemen in 100 hundred years?
>>588056 yikes, that really sucks you can do it, though! do you need help with the work at all?
I don't know, I could probably get something done. The real issue is that I've already given up a lot of marks for the course and I'm way behind schedule. I just don't know if it's a feasible recovery.
I can maybe set up an office hours appointment with my professor to ask about stuff but that's a lot of social energy for me to commit. On top of flying in the face of my usual trying to escape my problems when they get too much for me.
Asking for help is infuriatingly one of those things that's just a ridiculous social wall for me. I get so caught up in worrying about asking too much or if my problem is "trivial and I should be able to just do it". Fear of failing means I fail to get help and then just fail anyway. Failure's such an easy self-fulfilling prophecy to fall into.
>>588067 Is there anything that would make it easier to ask?
I don't know, maybe alcohol. That's not a smart answer, nor one I'm contemplating using, by the way. I just need to not be roped up in my own head so much.
I checked earlier, I could withdraw without academic penalty until mid-November, so I have a bit of leeway still. But that's going to be a stress bomb itself after news of it hits my parents. Feeling like the future is stressful down all paths sure doesn't help much either.
>>588078 on the kind of help, but in general, I'm probably not good at accepting help. I don't really know where the line is drawn, but it's somewhere between accepting help with like, physical labour, and being unable to accept someone else's ideas unless they fit smoothly into my brainspace. It's hard to gauge stuff like this.
Kirara, M.S.
would you rather fail that admit you're not perfect you're usually more logical and analytical than that haha
I wouldn't phrase it like that, but maybe that's me making excuses for myself, I don't know. It's more there's a compulsion to make sure things are "right" or perfect or whatever adjective you want and trying to fight that compulsion is stressful and giving into it is unproductive and therefore also stressful and when stuck between two rocks in a hard place I just mentally shut down.
>>588082 If you want to make things perfect, doesn't it make more sense to ask for help when you need it? What's stopping you from doing that?
Asking for help doesn't necessary result in help. Or the help isn't necessary, well, helpful, if it doesn't fit into my brainspace like I mentioned. But once you get someone invested in helping and they're doing it to be helpful now that's an additional pressure because they want to help and there's no easy way of disentangling them from it. That and I get worried that I'll be asking too much or that expectations are that I should have been able to do more before coming for help and risking that being affirmed is more unpleasant than risking failure.
>>588086 Failing is easy as hell, it's dealing with the consequences of failing that's a pain in the ass!
>>588086 Sure, yeah. I think most things are easier for me than navigating stress. Even if it's generally almost always true that failing will only kick the stress further down the road, when I get roped up in these panics I'm not exactly capable of looking much further in the future than escaping the stress or fears of unpleasant affirmations.
>>588091 I don't think so. I don't remember doing it at least. I might've made posts on /moe/ at times that I'm starting to panic but often times the spirals in my head start up fast and before I know if I've been stuck on loop for way too long. Maybe it also messes with my ability to express myself coherently, when I try to talk about my stress when I'm panicking it feels like people never get what I'm trying to get across. Which of course doesn't really help absolve anything.
Reaching out even when I'm not stressed is hard for me though. I mean it took me a whole week to work up the social energy just to send a text to someone I hadn't talked to in a few months.
>>588088 figures i think i once read a venompool comic wade drove the symbiote insane
Kirara, M.S.
they got along really well in all the recent deadpool x venom stuff especially in venom-verse
Kirara, M.S.
>>588093 Do you /// When you panic, what does that feel like? Panic attacks? or just oppressive anxiety, or?
i would imagine mild agitation and kind of the feeling of being in a disorganized physical environment but having your hands tied to clean it up, so feeling more pressure to retreat to a comfort space which is clean and organized but idk im not him i dunno why i do this
Between those two, I would say more of oppressive anxiety than a panic attack, but I don't really have anything other than my own experiences to compare against. I think I did have some defree -degree of panic attack when I bailed out of that grocery job earlier in the summer, but generally when I panic it's defined more by a constant barrage of anxious thoughts that I can't pull myself out of thinking about. They crowd up my head and make it really hard to focus on something that doesn't give a more ... powerful? input. Like I can distract myself from the thoughts with a game that involves me focusing on tasks or gameplay loops, but that doesn't dissipate the thoughts, only really staving them off for a time. Reading something like a book works too, but watching things and reading things digitally doesn't help much.
There's other things here in my head regarding this but I'm starting to get kind of scrambled from being tired but not because caffeine. I think I'm also a little emotionally burnt too.
>>588097 Well it helps some times. I find some common ground with you on some aspects of neurosis. Or I don't know if that's help really but it's a sense of familiarity.
>>588099 I think cleaning has helped calm me down in the past. I can remember a time that I was stuck particularly bad and just went and washed dishes for like ten minutes. But I don't really like cleaning. I've never, well, intentionally done it to calm down, but more I hit a boiling point of needing to do something and it's the only thing I feel capable as a human being of doing at that moment. Organizing my desk is another one that is kind of therapeutic, but there's only such a short period of time between desk re-organizing you can get before it's ridiculous, hah hah.
i know this is probably gonna get an "ugh" response but have you tried cleaning when you feel that way something fairly mindless that makes a tangible impact around you so that you're not returning to the same environment after, say, finishing a game or watching a show it's not really about the external surroundings, but just the task kind of cleans the soul a bit too
>>588095 i think i once read that venom is venom because he first bonded with deadpool before bonding with spidey but that sounded like a really lame retcon
>>588098 i am not eager to clean either, and i think that's what makes it impactful for me there's an affirmation of intention when you feel a little flustered and helpless in just doing simple, actionable tasks that you can tangibly feel the impacts of it's very easy to get lost in the ambiguity of decision and the kind of formlessness of action very simple things that you can just do let the brain occupy a straightforward path for a little bit and not be burdened by what you want to be doing or feel like doing but just follow simple action and find some relief from all the mental noise like some breathing room or, as dumb as this might sound, just coloring in a coloring book no blank canvas or thoughts about artistic talent just colored pencils and color in a picture of a tiger from a coloring book or something simple, rhythmic action and simple, rhythmic breaths
you may recall i really am obsessive about calligraphy and ink that's what i did for my panic attacks and, eventually, to manage my daily anxieties just practicing my strokes and doing really rhythmic patterns my greek art history teacher with severe anxiety issues got me into doing that and i always stuck with it once my mind has some room to breathe and think on a base level, not driven off the track constantly by impulse and stimulation, then actionable intentions really start to feel clear and prominent and i can gather the neural faculties to anticipate and engage a task without frustration just have some buffer time around the times you have to put a lot of focus into something meditate or calm down and just preface the activity with some mental preparation to clear out what's in the way
nowadays i just smoke cigarettes to acclimate to the stress level though to be quite frank it's much simpler, but kind of unfortunate because a lot of my personality and style was built around the ways i cope now there's not really a person here
I kind of feel at times I'm defined way too much by what I can 't do or by what I don't like. But I feel like that's how I've always been, establishing myself by eliminating what I'm not. I kind of struggle with defining who I am concretely because of that and it makes me feel like I don't have much of an identity. And I know it frustrates people because when they ask me what I want to do I'm left saying "I don't know" and then systematically eliminating their suggestions until they get mad and give up. Or rarely hit on the occasional thing that I do like. It's frustrating for me too though, I wish I could find concrete things I like so that I could pursue it, but it's all ambiguous and I don't have the time to work through them all every time I need to determine something to do.
>>588108 Maybe it's supposed to happen. Who are you to defy nature?
>use general's magic abilities + accuracy buffs + damage buffs on all artillery >order concentrated bombardment on location >for the minute or so the buffs are on, they all just sit there >fully reloaded aimed >not firing >the instant all buffs wear off >they start firing Well fu ck you game
I'm doing good except for the fact that a coworker bought me an enormous box of cookies so I just went ahead and tried the ones I hadn't in succession so I could shove them off on my mother to take to her work to share.
>>588132 Well, she's currently fretting about how many messages is too many messages. She's worried that three is too many. If I were in her shoes, I would have sent dozens already.
random notice I wonder how many people died in this scene didn't think about it as a kid, but if someone slices a hotel in half... well that is going to be a lot of people in that top part that falls off
yeah but there was a period where gettign their shit was really hard atleast here so many series that Dh had been publishing ended up with like >i own vol 1-3 >store has volumes 8-?? >ask when they get 3-7 >"never"
I saw the public opinion for it seemed to be much better than the critical review I don't really watch many movies though, so I wasn't really planning on going to see it.
It's not bad, I think a lot of people were expecting something to match up to whatever Marvel movies have recently been coming out but it's PG-13 and completely separate from those so you can't expect too much. I thought it was cool and decent for what it was but holy crap, Tom Hardy looks like he's been bathing in fryer grease for the film. Really gross but it fits his character.
>>588223 Venom or Eddie Brock? Venom talks and it's kinda weird because while I'm not big on comic books, I kinda just thought he was there and didn't interact with his host. He makes small talk throughout the movie and it's out of character, at least for what I thought he would be.
He calls Eddie Brock a pussy at some point and I thought that was weird given he's an alien and was only there for like a few days at that point.
Nah I mean Eddie Brock To me he sounds like he's uncomfortable or in pain or something in the trailer
>>588225 Well his entire character is about being down on his luck and getting shit on, in the movie he sounds like he's constantly spilling spaghetti. He also talks to Venom in his head so he sounds like an actual crazy person and I think he did a good job portraying that. They made him seem as pathetic as possible for a good portion of the film.
>Panasonic hopes that by using the partition to cut the user's horizontal field of vision by about 60 per cent, it will encourage them to concentrate on the work in front of them.
i just got this advertisement and i wanted to share it with you all >>>/watch?v=vnRZetv_vmk it's visibly uncomfortable to watch them grabbing the groceries
Aldi's is a nice cheaper market in general and you do have to buy your bags there the big paper ones are like 10 cents they have plastic resealables for about a dollar. Then they have cloth ones you can get like you can elsewhere but I don't know how much those are
Well when i think reusable i think cloth, well there are ones cheaper than $8 but they're kind of shitty and tear easily.
>>588401 er just a stronger plastic I guess don't know how biodegradable either seen them tear in stupid ways too >>588406 that's true in one way at least we get people who order the bags and then the shoppers will just chuck the groceries in the crate with the empty bag when really the person ordered the bag so they wouldn't have to carry a bunch of loose items pretty counterproductive but the shoppers have their pressures of their own
>>588405 and then people chuck them out anyway. because they're only 15 cents and the only thing that's been achieved is the plastic bags that end up in the landfill are even thicker and less biodegradable.
>>588406 Well at te very least If people were to go into the landfill to look for recyclable stuff, these bags would be easier to collect since they would take longer to detoriate.
Options > Game > Quick-Turn all the way at the bottom
Koi, the Dragon
i'm gonna take a shower while my stamina comes back and then figure out what I'm gonna do for the rest of this event. It's kinda simple but also >1.4m points to fully clear
Kirara, M.S.
Koi, the Dragon
i'm at 34k right now If I hit 100k a day, I'll finish with a day to spare. BUT for some reason, "Trick or Treasure" lasts until the 26th which doesn't make sense. >ending halloween event before Halloween ??????????????????????????????????????? So we think something might be happening post event
Koi, the Dragon
but if not, then I have to hit 200k a day which is lol
>>588445 undemocratic in the sense that the existence of a registration record might change whether or not someone votes. a person could have a perfectly legitimate reason to not what their name and address available to the public.
I've been browing a bit of the chatter on the canabis legalization today. A lot of the country is having a lot of fun.
Well to be fair Killing children in Yemen wasn't enough for the US to stop selling them weapons so it makes sense that the current administration wouldn't stop it over thidls either. *this
Well besides the usual things I think of when I think of Canada, I also think of all the stones there
>>588467 The Post are kind of dumb about everything but physcial newspaper quality.
>>588465 fun fact: the us government now asks all canadians entering the country if they've ever smoked weed, if the y answer yes they are barred from the country for life. They'll also check your social media Oh and if you're in the cannabis industry then you're already barred for life.
I was also checking out the province-run online store for canabis last night. They went live at the stroke of midnight, hah hah. It's a pretty well put together store, clean and informative. Though all the photos are of the packaging the stuff comes in and not the actual product. I figure it might have something to do with it still being an age-restricted substance, maybe.
Honestly I don't know what counts as a decent variety of strains when it comes to weed so I'll drop this entirely.
There's eight pages of twelve products per page, but some of them are the same strain? (same name at least) from different providers. But it's still a decent variety, and you can order in a few different gram options for most of the products. They also sell pre-rolled options for a limited choice of the available products, as well as sell a selection of vapes, "water pipes", papers, cleaning stuff, and the accessories for cleaning and preparing your weed.
And this is just my province's government store, the market will be open to private businesses come early-ish next year. Though pretty much every other province gave the green light for private businesses already, hah hah.
Edibles are still illegal for selling until today next year. They want to lay out different regulations for the selling of those. However they do clearly say this is of no bearing to people's freedom to take their own weed and making edibles at home.
Huh Apparently California has the strictest laws i the nation regarding cremated remains. It probably violated the ones regarding disposal.
>The federal Clean Water Act requires that cremated remains be scattered at least three nautical miles from land. If the container will not easily decompose, you must dispose of it separately. The EPA does not permit scattering at beaches or in wading pools by the sea. Lol Nobody follows that shit.
I wish It was deillegalised in the UK
Move to Canada!
>>588479 I'm not really sure, which considering my limited knowledge of the field means this is mostly conjecture based on stuff I've seen talk of online. But I think it has to do with the difficulty in accurately measuring the components of cannabis that produce effects after its been processed into edibles. Official sellers have to be transparent with the potency of even the dried product, and I'm guessing they'd want a similar detail of informaiton for the edibles.
That said you can get an "edible" format of some of the products they sell on the shop, in the form of capsules and sprays. So I dunno, there's definitely options for people that don't want to smoke already.
>>588492 Like things are part of a dream and I don't have very strong identity with my own limbs or that I recongise that I'm // don't recongise that I'm the actor in doing something
Seriously though, I thought the story was that he donated 30k to manga traders and then their paypal/whatever account got hacked and it was all stolen.
Kirara, M.S.
no it didn't get stolen ive never heard that
Kirara, M.S.
and it def wasn't 30k
Manga traders is dead though
If I iirc correctly
Koi, the Dragon
You got it in the wrong order. The paypal was shutdown by paypal itself which was why they went for bitcoin in the first place After the donation, the SITE itself got hacked The money wasn't stolen, the site info was
>>588563 Okay I just knew that horrible subs was behind the hack. Fuck those guys
>>588599 Use that other one uhh what was it called Actually I guess you're going for a novelty account huh Go cockli because I don't like that imageboard
>>588600 .suck isn't a TLD, .Sucks is though nut last I heard there was something weird with te registration process so people weren't using it.
>>588601 I'm going for /a/ cred and also good service.
Yeah is def reliable Not sure which domain to use though
I haven't mained 4chinz in like 4 years Prob infested w meme-ass teenagers rn
>>588667 It always has been though People forget that 4chan was never good It's just bad in different ways now and people are nostalgic for the 4chan they browsed five years sgo.
>>588689 when is your birthday i am not sure that i ever knew to be honest
>>588692 it's probably better if we don't that's a little exclusive even if unintentionally
I don't get what you mean by exclusive.
you're suggesting we have hats for people's birthdays? we'd have to collect everyone's birthdays first, how does that happen while being fully inclusive do we just allow submission of the information? what happens when it's someone's birthday and there's a hat and /moe/ is curious and says "oh whose birthday is it?" but it's somebody that nobody really knows so everyone's just like "uh, i have no idea" and then the person whose birthday it is, if they even see it, feels pretty awkward and distant from the group and that doesn't mean it's a true anon it could be like sc or a few other posters who are still everpresent but don't really get recognized by the whole community
it's just a feature that seems more troublesome than helpful to me
>>588697 oh neat happy birthday + 2 i hope the new year ahead is truly and deeply another year best regards sincerely, mom
>>588696 I was thinking people would say "it's my birthday tomorrow" the day before and then there would be hats. And if they didn't want hats tey would say it or not say its their birthday. Also I can only identify like two anons but I feel that if they really wanted to be recognized by the community they'd use a name.
And his name has kind of slipped my mind but the quiet playright from Pericles' party wasn't bad either. A bit sullen but he seemed to be a voice of reason against his buddy's assholery.
>>588771 are there any stipulations that you have to be alive to hold office?
Kirara, M.S.
apparently not
>>588771 I've seen stuff like that happen before. There was someone who withdrew from a race last time I voted but they were stipl on there. So the people who handed over the ballots said "don't vote for this candidate they withdrew" It's probably too late to make new ballots.
Kirara, M.S.
There were also signs at each polling booth that said it too.
A manga I've been reading for a pretty long time just had its last chapter scanlated. I'm kind of bummed. But it's sequel will be scanlated soon so that's nice.
>all other materials had 3-5 options of armour looks >dragonscales have only 2 I am kinda disappointed despite having tons of mods that add shit >>588789 the what