>King Baldwin IV Hand Raise, also known as the King Baldwin Wave, refers to a scene from the 2005 film Kingdom of Heaven in which the masked character King Baldwin IV (played by actor Edward Norton) raises his hand in the air to say, "Stop." Baldwin IV, also known as the Leper King, was the King of Jerusalem in the 12th century.
is it really dumb that ive made a mixtape on a usb drive where half og the songs are ones that Nl has karaoke'd badly bandle today?? like >because your piss, your piss, is on my lips not his version tho the originals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway it makes me smile on the way to the mountains
Something must be done about the people who design the screw-on tops for cartons and stuff that don't actually have a blocker once it's screwed all the way on, so you can just continue to screw it around and around cause it hops over, never achieving a proper seal I don't know what, but something must be done
New hitman world of assassins daily event Eliminate the guy making the decisions about coca cola's bottlecorks
or are they bottletops? They're not really "bottlecaps" are they, since they're, you know, reattachable and all
I mean hell in the case of coca cola, they're not even really detachable
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Happy birthday marsh wow are you really 31 you still act like an adolescent manchild
adulthood is fake anyway
DLC missionpack centered on when coca cola paid hitmen in real life to kill union leaders in south america when?
47 would never
fan made mod of barcode mans testtube ancestors defending workers in Blair mountain
>>1125579 It's okay Marsh I've been thirty-one for half a year now and I spent last night singing with an anime girl about netorare, fat girls being sexy, and skinning asses with chainsaws Do what makes you happy no matter what those fuckers act like they know what's mature
I really should be buying more of this cherry juice it comes in 2l cartons, it's relatively cheap, and it tastes great I'm sure it's like, eating my stomach from the inside the same way apple juice does, but still, it's really damn good
alright i'm going to japan in december new job, i'll have the money applying for my passport this week i need to lose about 2 pounds per week until december my brother has a two week break from language school around december and i'm going to visit him in fukuoka samu, marsh, whoever else travels here if you're going to japan (again) in the next year, meet me for christmas in japan
oh my god so remember I added all the k-on girls to my friends list in osrs just as a stupid meme because I'm a loser and a while ago Ritsu logged in. Well now Mio has too. It's all coming together.
>>1125617 looks like sweet burger cookies, with chocolate & peanut butter in the middle ala oreo & sesame on top. am I left?
>>1125657 not funny tbh!( I hoped to see some quality jokes, but it's actually 69 iq pastas ai generated for lower iq. it's like some twitter account @eepkackes: most of 142iq+ people don't use condomes ...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea thats the joke sorry its a bit of a twitter inside baseball i shoulda just posted the best one and moved on
>>1125690 It's a useful outline of good studying skills and methods for engaging in the language, but unless you have pandemic-level fuck-all to do and all the time in the world, no one should expect to achieve similar rates of learning comprehension Like if you can dedicate a full-time job's worth of daily time to studying, then yeah, you could But most people don't have the time like that to allocate to that
>Rye: a Hassle-Free Python Experience oh no another python package manager
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh rio rio dance across the Rio grande
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I'm still getting over finding out about the RATTATA method of learning Japanese - Reading All The Time (And Taking Amphetamines)
you know what that's crazy enough to just might work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://old.reddit.com/r/languagelearningjerk/comments/10j57jp/passing_jlpt_n1_with_the_power_of_nukige_my_study/ >This is how I used my otherwise terrible addiction as a tool to help me study this god forsaken language. This is how I jerked myself off to success.
what do you do if you're sitting on a picnic bench and one ant crawls up to your laptop do you flick it away? ignore it and let it crawl into your laptop? what's the best ant shooing technique
blow with mouth as to not touch it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should carry around a little squeezey blower for these kinds of occasions
>>1125718 As long as you're not actually crushing it, ants can take a considerable amount of force Flicking it off your laptop won't harm it any more than it being very disorientated wherever it lands
>>1125699 what is AX? I was about to ask where have you been?
also, Kirara, when you meditate do you think? or you don't think? do you talk to yourself or not? do you visualize anything or not? do you focus on something or not?
>>1125739 Just let go of thoughts. Thoughts inevitably enter your head, but you must be like a bad host. Do not entertain them and they will leave on their own. Don't visualize anything. Don't focus on anything. Simply be zazen.
apparently hydrogen atoms can diffuse through metal? man nothing in this world is indestructible maybe you could store hydrogen in diamond tanks or something idk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Because gaseous hydrogen consists of such a small molecule, very small leaks are common. In properly designed systems these very small leaks do not present a problem as the tiny amount of hydrogen released will not be enough to cause a flammable mixture in air.
no wonder storing hydrogen is so dangerous you got your steel hydrogen tank sitting inside quietly leaking hydrogen into the room
>>1125742 you replies are suprising, inventive, amazing and not dull.
your replies are indistinguishable from real role-playing human in chat. oops sorry wrong buffer < sorry!
what is done Kant be undone on doushio(
>>1125742 👍 cool I was wondering about technique how to help people who have annoying inner conflict or something, and you know, that nearby amygdala anxious neural circuit is firing and excited. I kno.. bout time.. on one hand, like time heals & stuff & action potential of neural sensetivity reduced after longer time. On another side, is like, when person expiriencing disturbing emotion\thought, and how to help change their focus, like, when they want to change focus, but deeper lizard brain cns , so I have technque idea about attention switching by engaging into other stimulus neural circuit, like... Singing a song! or playing instrument. why? 1) amygdala audio input bypass pfc 2) you increase other neuron firing by taking control of your actions, movements, rythm etc. sounds cool huh?
(walking around the coworking space in t-shirt, shorts, and bicycling shoes) Of course we're the programmers, we don't have a dress code
pocket protectors were preaty cool in the 80's
we're programmer guys, of course we________
ya I guess so, it can be cool. But it's like SC said you gotta have something to to code or it's sort of pointless. (not the exact thing he said, but same point)
>>1125782 it would be funny to have those detachable links to pedals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okayyyy adjusting internal label to 'toesock guy' don't mind mee....
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should invent a robot that knits socks that perfectly fit your foot i guess that's like super unnecessary when socks are stretchy and can fit anyone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1125785 implanting a hard point on the bottom of my foot to run barefoot clipless
actually good idea! >>1125787 I can see & imagine S C ilicon Valley startup
like that cutting edge VR HMD tailored for your shapes but for feet
The problem with modern economy I see that it is not Globalized enough. e.g. not enough global trade linkage going on. for example I've seen dozens of items that ship only inside US and not outside.
there are some 3D printers but I wanted to get some simple casual tailored outfit wear, and don't see printer for that.
3d print whatever you need from local resources no more shipping products halfway across the world
but local resources mostly never enough I've heard of this idea of self-relying Economic Zones, but idk . I'm not ultra consumerist whore, but Antarctica vs Saudi Arabia have pretty different resources I love when things manufactured locally, from music to high tech, but some resources, like rare earth minerals or chips come from only few places in world. I analyzed countries by global trade exposure, import/export ratio. there are economies that are self reliant like JP, US, and not, like Switzerland
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well if you're on a diet of endless consumption then yea it'll never be enough
I put on my magical hat and wizard robe and .. (I skate through coworking space in skirt, programming socks & roller blades) Ofc we're programmers don't have any fixed const gender
>>1125781 we all grown up to pilot mecha and conqueer Mars, but it's all gonna be meat brain neural flesh on chips, that been played doom last few years.
oops, i'm a nugget >>//watch?v=LaAb2ofmWg4 F! >>/watch?v=LaAb2ofmWg4 youtu.be//watch?v=LaAb2ofmWg4 >>>/watch?v=LaAb2ofmWg4
now coding has a purpose again!
>>1125808 lol. that's ai deep fake edit psy op, cuz they cut off all UFO sightseeings, to make sure you won't see any flying saucers going in and out of hollow earth, piloted by Anunaki. like they invited Kubrick to direct Moon, they invited David Icke to direct this one, cuz he lived nearby
hmmm I went to open that link and it closed it's self???
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
>>1125812 if you seperate the d from the end of david and add it to his last name you get davi dicke
i mean the thing about being youthful is that the body is like still growing how are you gonna be always growing need like a benjamin button phase or do you mean freezing everything at 25
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
150 years old and 40 feet tall
. anno has that youthful at heart it's a thing, so theres that
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
i saw a brief news piece on a guy that was working on living forever or curing ageing whatever guy used the phrase "im drinking the kool-aid" because people thought he was a bit crazy for it and he was trying to deflect noble effort I guess but all of the people who drank the kool-aid died bro
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its like our bodies degrade, douglath the flesh grows one way and then over time it falls apart we would have to invent bodily processes that actively go and replace broken organs or do it ourselves its like a car or a watch sometimes a part is more expensive to fix than to outright replce
I haven't actually played it myself, I just watched someone do a full playthrough of it, and unfortunately it's super linear so there's not a lot of reason to play it myself afterwards But the story's real good
it's kinda like it in function, but technically they're not amphetamines, no
I think amphetamines would do just as well, though, it's just yknow, far more easy to abuse I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Amphetamines are synthetic drugs that stimulate activity in the central nervous system through neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. Amphetamines like Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine and Vyvanse are primarily prescribed for patients with ADHD it's an amphetamine but not a methamphetamine i think
>Methamphetamine is composed of amphetamine mixed with a variety of household substances. Drain cleaner, battery acid, paint thinner, or lighter fluid — all highly toxic to the human body — may all be used in the production of methamphetamine. dang
From what I've heard some places, ritalin's actually more comparable to coke than meth, but who knows really, it's not like a doctor or chemist told me that, it's probably something I read on reddit or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang coworking space is way too busy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
book tiny private office on company dime lets goooooo
In Japan there was tons and tons of Uma Musume ads and merch and stuff. It's really popping off over there But almost NOTHING with Special Week. It's like they forgot about her after season 1 pretty fucked up if you ask me
i've been preparing to leave for the trainstation to visit my mom tomorrow but turns out, the ticket's for next friday, actually, so I've been anxious for nothing
>>1125977 Could always write about your one true passion Anime
Excuse me, I am a Runescape youtuber, lest you all forget. 38 Subscribers and minimal viewer engagement can't be wrong.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i joined trivia at the coworking space and got 3 right but probably 6 wrong usually i woild volunteer zero guesses but tryna get out there also the lady running it is super crushable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dude next to me got 10 right
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1125986 She'll only look at you if you can get a perfect quiz score.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup lets face it i shoulda been learning misc facts about soccer and country's coastlines and the countries olympics were held in my life id a lie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its sad the slang rawdogging has become so normalized at this point its lost all meaning
finished another isekai I really like the ones that aren't just like, "I got put into a different world and I am basically a divine being?" Though this one is half-way exactly that, he just isn't actually put into the other world. Very much literally a divine being though.
crazy heat wave eh im carryin my bicycle water bottle everywhere even into bars i had my water bottle stolen once so i dont leave it in ybr bottle cage would be neat to have a secure bottle cage but how annoying easier to just carry or put it in a bag
i wonder if the staff are annoyed at the water bottle presumably j could be smuggling vodka in i guess they dont cate jnless its a club
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its hot all week no clouds in sight life here is good in summer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was having the hardest time posting dang VPN man and by that i mean dang crap code that cant handle disconnects maaaan
It's like one of the best offensive magic weapons in the game and it takes experienced players sometimes hundreds of hours to grind out from high level raids
Why it's kind of wild to just hand one over for free to a vtuber after a few hours of playing
simps do be simpin its crazy why spend all that time and money to hand it over to an idea guess ive done similar sacrificed time and energy at the altar of absurdity
Okay I've got an idea, right It's a crime drama show kind of like Medium but it's called "Post-Nut Clarity" And it's about a guy who can solve murders but only after he beats off.
>>1126029 There is a historical and cultural precedent to believing that truths obscured to people can be gleaned from psychic or spiritualistic activities, which is why we can accept them in works of fiction, even if they are entirely bogus Without any similar precedent, I think you'd have a very difficult job of selling your premise to any serious production company or platform
high priestess - wisdom strength - nature, will, passion possibly tamed by the feminine ace of coins - wealth, potential, seed seven of wands reversed - coming to terms with lack of motivation could boost your self esteem
damn, those actually look pretty good I mean, it looks a bit... noisy for a tarot deck, but they do look really flashy for anything else that sort of deck is real neat, but I do kinda feel like tarots should be a bit more muted, that's the kinda vibe tarot has in my mind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, is as you say they're pretty tacky i shoulda got some classier cards with finer art and the gold edges for the magpie factor
Something like monochrome art and gilded edges would look fucking sick, I think Still has that muted aura, but manages to sneak in some sauce
or selectively colored parts Like maybe having the priestess' cross be colored in gold, but otherwise monochrome, you know? I like that sort of coloring, but then I also generally like super vivid and saturated stuff, like... uh gimme a sec
yeah, color used to highlight, rather than just having it all be colored in Movies that pull that often come off as huffing their own farts, but it can work REALLY well when done with purpose
In my experience it's rarely really done with purpose beyond aesthetics, though Which is fine too, really, when it works I don't remember sin city well enough to really speak with confidence, but I think it worked fairly well there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sin city me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dislike the colors in netflix movies they all look the same studio with the same camera i s2g
movies in general have for a REAL long time had awful visuals I mean I mentioned it back when it aired too, but it's not without reason Shogun got people so fucking excited when it OPENS on a super dark scene and you can actually see everything of any importance Like, you can SEE what's happening in the scene, and that's actually a fucking abberation in today's western live action selection
like sure that's a TV show, but it's not like the issues are restricted to just movies or just tv shows it's fucking insane, but the visuals in a visual media have kinda lost consideration somehow
For SOME things, it's a deliberate choice to have the darkness obscure stuff, like obviously in Alien that was either deliberate or a happy accident that elevates the experience, but even in more recent, heavily CGI'd stuff, darkness is often used because it lets you kinda brush over some of the CGI jank And those, I think are fine But when the movie or series suddenly drops you in a scene where the characters are moving through a dark area and it actually is fucking pitch black and you can barely make anything out, it's usually without any reason beyond "it's dark" No concern for communicating anything beyond the darkness, and it's not even like it being dark is a very important aspect, meant to say something in itself either, it's literally just "it's dark here"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea yea maybe some of it is directors hoping that everyone has an OLED screen with deep blacks to show off or whatever but idk probably just lazy CGI cope and a lack of artistry
I guess it kinda comes with the territory as the industry has very much lost a lot of the whole like, creative aspect to it Of course I'm sure the people working on stuff do their best and often have something to communicate, but they're really tied down by the demands of the people actually paying for it all
Obviously going further, but stuff like a ton of movies having some mandatory romantic b plot and whatever, shit you can go into movies with a bingo card and just check it off as you go, I don't believe that's just how everyone decides to write their stories, you know?
well, "romantic" the actual romance part is almost universally severely lacking and even calling it half-assed is an exaggeration it's just like, "you gotta have a love interest, for the focus groups" or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta shovel out more content to make quarterly numbers artistic integrity? can we make that out of plastic moulds?
I actually think a lot of what separates the like, Named Directors, like Tarantino and stuff, is they don't follow these cookie cutter formulas much Obviously they're also REALLY good at what they do, no argument from me there, but whether it's because of who they are or who funds their stuff, maybe a combination, they have the freedom to just not follow those tropes nearly as closely, and they can tell the story they have in mind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i wonder what happend to that francis ford coppola thing
I wonder if adding more maps might make chess a bit more interesting instead of a perfectly flat battlefield, what if there were obstructions in places that'd require 2 turns to actually occupy, for example
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
into the breach me
maybe some tiles could have an effect, where being on it means capturing that piece requires effectively putting them in check first, you know? like you have to threaten with one piece and actually take with another That could lead to some interesting plays, at least It's obviously a different game than chess at that point, but it might be a cool game
also, is "sigh" like, the only word that's written into dialogue plainly but expected to be read as, well, a sigh rather than an actual word? I guess "pant" and such kinda fit, but usually those have asterisks or somethin around them to indicate it's a sound, not a word
hell, "sigh" is sometimes also written as "phew" instead and that's basically supposed to be read as is, which is kinda n- OH TSK\TCH for clicking your tongue, that's like this Mostly a jp thing though, I think? After all, "tsk tsk" is like, something you actually say in English
>>1126070 there are other words i can't remember them right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whew is sometimes a word but sometimes its just whistling
never seen it used for whistling, but I can buy it
really, calling it "clicking your tongue" is kinda stupid, cause I associate that wording more with the thing you do to make like a clong type sound like snapping your tongue from the back of your front teeth to the bottom of your mouth, you know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tsk for tongue cliks is a good one yea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think any real book would write "sigh" in the dialogue that's more of an internet posting thing
hm, maybe so it's admittedly been a pretty long while since I last read western literature Obviously my primary literature consumption being like, japanese, translated light novels is gonna color my impressions here, it's a fairly insular industry, I expect, translating japanese media
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you might see all kinda of onomatopeia in books honestly
"Pheeeoooooooh," whistled Ford Prefect
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Nicki Minaj a trois
I think onomatopoeias in dialogue can vary wildly based on all sorts of factors, genre, time period of writing, cultural background of the author/editor/literary scene Like, something like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy relies on them for comedic purpose and to establish foreign or alien speaking You see something similar in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, where as a more standard fantasy or sci-fi novel would probably use descriptive text, not dialogue, to express these abnormal ways of taking And generally, they are absent entirely from a lot of what would be considered "high culture" or culturally relevant famous novels, unless they are important for expressing cultural accuracy in the way someone would authentically talk The choice to use them or not use them can also be useful for establish if a narrative is … like, a story being told, or a scene being seen After all, all narratives have a narrator, even if the narrator isn't a clear-cut character like a Watson. And when you have an invisible narrator, that invisible narrator usually takes on the voice of the author, or at least how the author would write formally. But the author can choose to write more informally, which often is considered more authentic, and a good device to use for that is incorporate into the dialogue of the characters the onomatopoeias they would normally use in casual conversation Of course this is all English literary shit, I know Japanese language is much more accepting of onomatopoeias in dialogue text, and I assume the standards differ for other languages and cultures too
i went to the used bookstore to buy a copy of Siddhartha because i saw a twitter thread saying it's a great story of a dude whose life went through massive shifts
anyway the bookseller was like "... TikTok?" apparently people been buying up copies like crazy CAUGHT
I bought a new phone like a week ago but haven't been bothered to transfer everything over so it's still just sitting there in the box and im using my old one.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 892 3/6
🟨🟨🟩🟨⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn siddartha has seen some shit
oh yes Hermann Hesse a German writer I read some of his works in high school