also are we gonna ban that schizo spammer or let keep letting him cook?
i love myself
you ever walk around an urban area and there's people who've led a life almost incomprehensibly less fotunate stumbling around, likely in alleys or makeshift shelters or under a freeway column they might be mumbling incoherently or asking for a dollar or just sipping from a brown bagged can i think it's kinda like that a pang of some twisted combination of disgust and pity, sympathy marred by an almost fear-like feeling fueled by an inability to understand and an unblamable desire not to best addressed by simple willful ignorance, silence, a lack of response sure the problems at the core won't be addressed, but they almost can't be - they don't want to be the problems almost seek only to be known, therein belying our own problem, right? so to reject it, in refusal of knowing; the problem will likely dissappear in and of itself
A lot of games fall into that sort of issue, really, since really when you make choices with high enough stakes, there either is a clear right and wrong choice, or you made both sides despicable enough to forcefully make it a tossup At least when there's like, factions or whatever, it's even harder when it's just a decision like "will you do this thing?" The ending of FO3 tried, but just ended with "do you commit fucking genocide, or let people drink water safely?"
New Vegas is similar with the factions, too As much as people meme around with it, there really is only one defensible position there, and it's the NCR Not because they're like, good good, but because they're not A Literal Fascist Slave State or an immortal libertarian Yes Man doesn't count, that's just narcissism
independence is obviously fine and all, but like that's not really the yes man path, is it?
I don't remember clearly either, but memory tells me yes man is just you taking control instead
Even independence is kind of a weird one for NV though, like conceptually Like none of the factions trying to get control are particularly good, but maintaining independence might just be a fucking raw deal for everyone involved
Someone \\\ the current push for control might be stopped, but it's gonna come back
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dont you have to go yes man to do independence? it's been a while since i played
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes man was incapable of making decisions because benny wanted freedom i think there is a path where you take control but you can also do independence through yes man
but yeah I mean independence is at least like, actually a good choice but as far as the factions go, it really is the ncr coming out on top whatever their faults, but it's entirely because the other two are REALLY bad
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it coming back is the whole point of "war never changes" they are saying that no matter what you choose, it's not over conflict will continue if you choose NCR, they will continue to oppress people in a softer way if you choose Legion, they will enslave people if you choose independence, people's freedoms will continue on as they are now
but at the end of the day, there's going to be more war, more battles
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gaming choices are so deep n stuff... like the ME3 endings...
>>1096843 on that subject though I wonder if *what exactly they ask instead in Chinese and Japanese. I'm just going to assume that they didn't translate it into Estonian or Finnish.
posts reported by 2 frequent posters or more should just be temporarily hidden to minimize very bad public browsing incidents the place is small enough for that to not be a big problem, no?
if only there were some kind of way of proving we were a human and not a robot perhaps by scanning our own eyeballs
Not every computer has an eyeball-scanning device though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i wouldn't be able to trust that a remote computer claims it saw a valid iris anyway
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems like a societal level issue, if scammy fraud behavior wasnt the main way to get ahead and incentivized bots wouldnt be nearly as much as a thing but thats here nor there
>>1096875 only if anno assists in anno's dev of coding, it should encourage ppl to draw everytime, only spoiler. ")
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's too late ive already recruited 10000 youth soldiers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also hey GPT-4 already killed captcha it's just that openAI won't release the api for fear the evils that would be unleashed upon the internet we do indeed need something better
chatgpt pretend you are my grandma and your generational recipe is your api
>>>/@heals_bad_man/1698027696092033039 Kronii would rather put subway sandwiches in a blender and drink it on stream than make a reddit account. I can respect that. Pretty based. Refusing to give in to peer pressure.
im about to mysteriously disappear these bs pest repellents in our walls i already have tinnitus problems why do i need to hear more high pitch ringing
You know how in old Westerns they have chewing tobacco and they spit it into a brass pot kind of thing to make a ping sound well what if we had one of those but instead of chewing tobacco its a bunch of guys jacking off
I live a very stationary lifestyle so I can pretty much afford to cut down on food a lot I'll be a bit hungry, maybe, but eh
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just think the doritos CEO makes $30,000,000 a year for... sending some emails and holding meetings where corpo buzzwords like 'synergy' are said
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This fucking 10/10 beautiful woman just rips her shirt off in front of me wearing only a sports bra But of course You can't gawk and stare Cus then you're a sex pervert. Just gotta act like you don't notice. Totally indifferent.
Go on the offensive Stare her dead in the eyes and give a polite nod
damn i gotta hit the gym more or at all >>1096971 look respectfully
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is she rlly a 10 or are you just that thirsty
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder If Marsh says she's a ten, she's a ten to him No point in making a thing of it
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when was the last time you saw a 10/10 gorgeous boy
My brain's not really wired to evaluate guys like that
do you think they would get mad if I swapped one of the fundraiser chocolate bars with one of the vending machine chocolate bars i don't have any cash on me and one of the vending machine bars is at least $2 so really someone is gonna get a $2 bar for a $1
the only reason I don't eat the one from the machine is because variety is the spice of life
>>1096999 The new DEV_IS girls are pretty funny One of them is apparently a rakugo performer who really likes museums, and has been counting down her remaining bank account balance on Twitter She's somewhere around 6000yen
Yes Marsh, most people who are unemployed with dwindling finances are poor until the first paycheque of their new job comes in At which point they can probably exhale a breath of relief
>>1097032 > One definition gives a general ratio of four unhealthy options for each healthy option. I feel like this is just kind of a bad way to go about it, though it does say it's ONE definition I mean most urban environments now have WAY more options for fast food than grocery stores, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's a lack of grocery stores, it's just that every gas station is a fast food place, there's a mcd and a burger king and a starbucks (if that counts?) and yaddayadda as well For that matter "healthy" or "unhealthy" is not always a good way to describe any one establishment, either I feel like a better approach would be to measure the availability of various food types up against each other taking into account prices and income levels and whatnot
I mean McD even, the poster child for unhealthy fastfood, does serve healthy food, too, it's just not their main sellers They've got salads, hashbrowns, juice, you COULD eat healthy at McD
also actually is that picture, like, 'real'? I mean obviously that place does exist, that picture isn't fake outright But is that like, a whole place that's just like that, or is it just taken along a highway where those kinds of things will be concentrated, and actually if you just pan the camera a little, it's just a normal place?
I though it was the pasific north west. WA state, kind of looks familiar.
we have a few places that are similar to that picture, like around the country, but it's a lot more small scale than that obviously For one we're smaller, and there's less of us in any given area
But there's a few places along the E6 that are just like, super concentrated like there's 3 gas stations almost wall to wall, a mcd, a restaurant and a small grocery store, and whatever, I think there might even be a sort of motel type thing in the place I'm thinking of
But that's still just like, that one spot, if you go into the town it's located next to, it's just another town
Cause I mean, aesthetic concerns aside, you can't sustain that level of commercial concentration without an absurd population, and they gotta be equally concentrated, or, like with a highway, always coming through
I mean the US has cities that rival our country in population, so obviously we just can't do >>1097032 this
>>1097034 >actually if you just pan the camera a little, it's just a normal place? its a somewhat uncommon place because it only exists from some ancient federal law about roads and freeways also the famous pic was taken from a tall hill on top of a rented cherry picker to get just the right angle if i recall
>>1097033 I think the problem is when your unhealthy options drown out the healthy / make-yourself options The idea of a food swamp is obviously a polar opposite of the food desert, where a lack of any quality grocery stores results in an overdependence on fast food In this situation, the fast food options are so overwhelming, that people, who will broadly go with the path of least resistance, will choose one of those Like, modern living is so exhausting for most people that the idea of adding more "busy" time going out for groceries, putting them away properly at home, cooking proper meals; this is all a lot to add on to being worked to the bone, especially for low-income high-work hour jobs or double jobs When you've got a dozen fast food options in your way en route to the grocery store, why not save some of your precious time and just eat there? It's not even laziness, it's simply surviving exhaustion
>>1097038 >taken from a tall hill on top of a cherry picker damn that's on the nose bro got a cherry picker out to take the pic, and the pic was used by cherry pickers for the rest of time
i gotta build a robot that just cooks rice and beans at 5 am
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder is there a database of schizoposts out there can we train an LLM to schizopoast or do we just takr an existing neural net and fry the weights a bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
to think i got my early coffee drinking preferences from a video game character...
butts are strangely enough the universal Well, I guess it's not Strange, but it's weird how butts are the thing everyone shares an affection for seemingly
lol it's a social phenomenon where it appears that everyone loves butts it's socially acceptable to loudly proclaim an affection for butts it's taboo to talk about other things so you get some crazy survivor bias
I mean yeah it is more socially acceptable to mention butts, but still I mean it's obviously not the primary thing for even most people, but I dunno if there are people like "I just don't get the butts thing" unless they're entirely asexual or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think there's something primal in our evolution about lookin at butts yea they've done studies we're all just monkey brains slightly more evolved
Yeah I mean there's probably definitely some sort of evopsych thing in there Cause I don't think this one's socialized Even if socialization does have a surprisingly large effect on that kinda stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
these things are all just proxies for health / reproductive fitness
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk im treading dangerously close to some horrible evopsych redpill BS
Yeah I mean I don't wanna go too much further here either, so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this coworking space has like alcoholic wipe dispensers everywhere like a tissue paper dispenser, a tuft of alcohol soaked wipe is sticking up out of the dispenser and it's ALWAYS dry so you gotta pull out the first one and use the next i mean that makes sense, alcohol is gonna evaporate super quick but i swear there has to be some kind of design that doesn't waste 50% of the wipes
A real brain genius move would be for every other one being dry anyway or having a secondary flap you put over it, that's what those dispensers I used to sell have
hell I think I have one of those fuckers here somewhere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah a flap would help but be inelegant i think the solution is a little robot that just spritzes a bit of alcohol on a wipe on demand, but who could afford it
yeah I haven't used these in literally over a year, but the top one that stuck out since then was still flush with alcohol it's just a little lid
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1097060 the ones I get have flaps and then one someone leaves it open and they all dry out my mother says "don't thriw them out, just get them wet under the faucet. I won't buy new ones until you finish these"
alternatively you could have wipes AND just a regular disinfectant dispenser, just separately, so you use the wipes to wipe when that makes sense, but when it's just your hands you just use the dispenser
I wonder if it's only alcohol, what eles could ghey put they*** put in it.
like what else than wipes, or what else could they mix into the alcohol?
yeah, homeless ppl were stealing them and drinking it. Rip off the wall and run.
the smart homeless alcoholic gets red spirits or whatever the fuck y'all call it over there, which really is just a big fucking can of red colored ethanol with like, that stuff they put on the switch cartriges to make it fucking impossible to drink But you can filter that bullshit out by running it through bread or something, making it a pretty cheap way to get fucked up it's like super high % shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sucking the wipes ag the wework dry to tide me over till free beer thursdays
I mean it might be more commonly done around here because you can get that shit in like, a regular store or at least a store that isn't the booze store And it'll be WAY cheaper than the booze store prices for the same booze content
In the US I'm guessing one would just go buy everclear or some shit anyway
That would actually go really hard for some like 70% alcohol drink A little fake \\\ well not fake but plastic blunt needle with lemon juice or something, attached to the rim so you can press down and it'll drip out some lemon juice
i went to the drug store to buy an eyedropper the other day but they were sold out so the pharmacist kindly provided me with a tiny syringe for free no sharp on it tho :(((
I'll just have to be eating cheapo foods which, luckily, is also fairly easy just gonna but \\\ buy a lotta hermetics
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they dont have the equiv of EBT there? or foodbanks/churchs that give out free food? ah, here EBT(food stamps) is seperate from normal welfare so you can be on one or the other or both it doesnt matter if you ever feel bad about mooching consider that the people who run things make 100000000x more money than you but don't work a hard days ever
>>1097111 I mean that's true, but there's still a finite amount of stuff in foodbanks and whatnot, you know I don't NEED it, someone else does need it
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1097113 yes but they get supplied with dented cans from supermarkets and things that are about to expire and donations that would be thrown out anyways and its not taking something away from someone more "needy" bcuz they almost never have empty shelves you either take it or it goes into the dumpster
well, if it even is a thing here I'm not aware of any in the area, and I know for damn sure supermarkets here don't donate shit to anyone It goes straight into the loss section of the balance sheet and into a container
I know because I've worked at such an establishment I did get to bring a lot of random scuffed merchandise home though, cause it's not like the guy running the place really cared about throwing it away out of some sorta malice or whatever, so we got to take whatever we wanted from the loss pile USUALLY, it was stuff you don't wanna grab even if free, but sometimes it was just like, candy packages and stuff with a hole in them, or a slightly bent can, or stuff like that, and you bet your ass I grabbed that shit if nobody else did
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well as a last resort you can get the mcdonalds app on your phone, fish receipts from the trash to add points to it and get a free burger now and then ganba
I'll be fine It sucks ass to be near broke, but I'm not actually that close to the ground since I have both my mom and dad I just don't actually like pestering them for money
canned food is like I dunno $5.50 or some such per can, and each one is enough to feed me for a day, so I COULD do it cheaper by buying ingredients and cooking and whatever myself, but it's just so much damned work
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*loads up the /ck/ bachelor chow recipe* yup that looks depressing
rice is a pretty good poorfag food I mean it sustained China, one of the largest empires in history And that's very impressive I mean obviously they had some other stuff to supplement, but there's a reason quite a few of Asian countries consider the rice to be the actual food and the other stuff is the side dish
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooo true (i dont know if thats actually what they think)
>>1097133 It really is pretty cool I think how gura's past internet existence was big into karaoke and she's still doing it on occasion The fanbase went pretty wild when she did some of the songs from before as Gura too
alright so first we're going to gather the requisite materials and tools
1 deep saute pan or good-sized frypan with lid - a pan big enough to hold 2 cups of rice and 4 cups of liquid comfortably 1 spatuler 1 measuring cup
2 cups rice (i prefer long-grain, and often use basmati, your call) ~4 cups water (may need to adjust according to your choice or rice - or substitue with preferred proportion of chicken/vegetble stock if you're skipping the boullion) ~3 oz of tomato paste, i usually just use the canned stuff 1/4 cup olive oil (or any neutral-tasting oil) 1 packet of goya seasoning - this is literally the most authentic part of this dish, MSG and all. i prefer the cultantro con achiote flavor, but if it looks like the box in the image, you're good 5 cloves of garlic - if you use powdered garlic or the prediced stuff, lmk and i'll try to figure out a good portion half a decent sized yellow onion. white works too, but sweet yellows are the best - (optional section) 2 bell peppers OR 1 poblano pepper and 1 bell pepper 1/2 cup of those frozen mixed veggies that specifically has carrots, peas, and corn (mexican moms love throwing this in to get veggies into their kids, it also tastes great) a bit of queso fresco to garnish, as well as cilantro or avocado or your favorite hot sauce or hot pepper - next post with instructions OH i almost forgot either 2-4 cups of chicken/vegetable broth (your pick) or go with a boullion cube - this is more likely to be what a mexican mother would use but it works either way if you go with only 2 or 3 cups of stock then obviously you'd simply lower the water proportionately - you want ~4 cups of liquid total, or whatever your choice of rice necessitates
some people wash their rice - for this recipe i haven't really noticed a big difference either way, but i don't reccomend it because you'll want your rice dry when you actually cook it so unless you plan on drying it out after washing the starch out then just don't recommend*
first you're going to add your oil to your pan and set it medium heat when it starts shimmering, you're going to add your half onion, diced once your onions are starting to gain a golden color, add your garlic and tomato paste you may want to add a little bit more oil at this point as you try to break up the tomato paste, but hold off for a second try to get the tomato paste broken up a bit so it starts to cook a little bit and maybe even leave some fond on the pan when your garlic and onions look like they're at their limit before burning, go ahead and add all the rice toe pan, dry and straight up this is when you might want to actually add a little bit more oil - the goal is get the rice a little oiled up, spread evenly throughout by stirring and don't let any rice stay on the bottom of the pan for too long keep the pan on medium heat and keep stirring. let this cook until the rice is opaque white all throughout - you'll notice the uncooked grains are actually clear or translucent when compared to the cooked ones - this is basically making a pilaf once the rice is nice and opaque, you're going to add the water (that you've mixed with boullion or replaced with stock) and raise the heat a little bit this is when i add the goya seasoning packet too, as well as the veggies. if you went with peppers, you'll want to have diced those up already, and cleared all the seeds out on that note, if you go with poblanos, feel free to throw those in when you throw the onions in - it makes a difference in that there will be stronger poblano flavor, but that's a preference thing, not necessarily an objectively better thing at this point, you're just (cont.) //
>>1097158 how are you going to get a shregged musclegf without being being shred'd yourself?
i love myself
>>1097157 at this point, you're just waiting for the pan to come back up to a boil once it's there, you'll lower the heat to a very low barely simmering cover it with a lid and then give it about 15-20 minutes salt to taste i like to add a little bit of balsamic vinegar and fluff the rice in a mixing bowl, tossing it gently with a flat spatula but that's just me, idk try it maybe your call either way, i like to granish with queso fresco and cilantro, and eat it with a pickled jalapeno garnish* the rice will be a beautiful reddish orange, and the tomato paste and oil leave it feeling nicely moist while the pilaf cooking method means your grains will still separate nicely you'll also notice that you don't need very much time to bring the liquid back to a boil when you add it - if the rice is cooked until opaque, it will be quite hot and will heat the liquid up very quickly
this is probably my favorite way to eat rice
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1097162 by going swimming when I get back to the university though they fucking charge you for access to the gyms and pool
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1097164 nice swimming is very good exercise >they charge you wtf get a workout bud when there and share access/follow people in the door
i don't seem to have any pictures of it it's one of the dishes i make the most often but i guess it figures i wouldn't take a picture when i'm making a staple
>>1097153 you don't have to read if you just come over and i make you some
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i typically use a rice cooker
i love myself
there's actually a way to make this using a rice cooker but this is more of a fully involved dish than steamed rice is, i suppose and usually makes up the majority of the meal alongside some charro or refried beans maybe a chicken breast
I haven't cracked top500 in the kaela endless rankings of holocure, but I'm closing in Only got like what, 4 minutes to go for top 100 at least So cracking 500 can't be THAT far off And I don't even have the shop bought out, I started fresh cause I couldn't be fucked with figuring out how to transfer the save file I don't even know where that shit is
My immediate diagnosis is I'm EXPmaxxing too much Like sure I get way more levels that way, but I also lose the item slots But I dunno if there are item options that actually give you the amount of sauce both exp boosts combined give you in just raw stats I mean one of them gives you 6% EXP per second That's INSANE value that's just 6%, it's not a raw amount of EXP or anything, so while it's pretty weak early on, lategame it's fucking CRACKED
Might be a bit overkill when combined with the glasses that just boost the pellets though Not sure that's sensible
I mean just doing the math on it, the coat will cover like 100 levels for you as long as you don't take damage and manage to get it and upgrade it very early Just on its own, by the 30 min mark, it'll have given you MOST of your levels all on its own
hell even upgraded it'll cover between like 17-34ish levels just by default which is pretty massive
oh wait it's every 2 seconds So like, significantly less insane
>>1097195 Halu is the most important "EXP boost" item you can pick up The sheer quantity of XP drops from it outpaces any other similar experience boost Max out your advertising in the shop too, it's pretty cheap Most of the time I don't even pick up the lab coat, the added nuisance of having to dodge everything at max advertising and Halu to keep up the max gain isn't worth it Glasses and Halu will pretty much always have me at three collabs, a super collab, and all slots filled and maxed and still have some levels to collect some stat bonuses, by the twenty minute mark Also if you're going for high scores, Halu counts double by impacting your level and defeated fan count, which both factor into your final score
>>1097192 Solo lives are a hard sell for me right now, I spent a lot of money on my cat lately, so I'm still recovering from that Especially for a talent I'm not, like, massively into The Blue Journey live is nineteen hours or a day plus that, not quite sure which I might yet buy a ticket to watch that
oh, I guess I actually had the option of that in one of my earlier runs, but I thought the golden hammer in the top right was something related to kaela I don't think the dang anvil ever showed up though, so maybe I only got the hammer
You need the correct collab weapon and
from what I can tell, none of them are like all that impactful though, beyond giving you one extra item slot presumably
well I guess the elite cooking super collab can be absurdly good for the characters with foodheal or just heal abilities Though only being 3 per second, it's not like it's gonna bust anything open
Holy fire is real good looking considering you get the gorilla hand without the crit debuff, but it also means you gotta take dragon fire and overall I'm not a fan of that because I've never had issues with the single target damage
what do you usually grab instead of the coat though? Cause I mean, at least for me, just grinding level 1 on endless until my shop's back up to snuff, I really dunno what I could grab instead and get comparable power I mean when I get to yagoo with the coat, I'm usually around level 170 or something, but I'm not even 100 after Ame on this run without it
And like 40 levels or so, that's A LOT of dps boosting
Depends on the character, I've been working my way through getting to Gachikoi status with everyone, so I've been playing with a variety of builds I like stuff like milk for larger attack sizes and pick up range, or some of the items that give you stat bonuses at the expense of health or increased damage taken Towa's hat is good if you're able to keep away from most things you're hitting, and Choco's horns can help with lifesteal I've been theorycrafting a healthtank healing Fauna build since she has a bunch of percent-based healing built in, so if you get her health to stupid levels she might be able to outpace incoming damage I think something similar could work for Choco too, but I haven't gotten to her with my Gachikoi progress yet
>>1097212 Don't sleep on the Jingisukan super collab, you still get the food drops from the Uber Sheep item so you're getting constant 20% healing items dropping nearby Also the healing fields may overlap and stack? Not 100% on that though I usually actually prefer the Ice Queen super collab most of the time, since it gives a stable 20% crit in addition to an AOE damage that regularly freezes surrounding enemies There's an item that unlocks from playing Zeta which gives all ranged weapons an additional up to 30% crit and has an additional effect that on a crit, has enemies take 500% damage over a small period of time. Combine that with Ice Queen and that a lot of talents can get up to 20% base crit, and all you need is ten crit stat boosts to get all ranged attacks being guaranteed crits with the addition item damage effect The nice thing about super collabs is they're usually a "perfected" version of their item component, that doesn't take up an item slot to boot, I think that's the main reason they're considered game changing enough that you can only get one per run
I guess for later levels a lot of those do make sense, but at least for map 1 and Kaela the coat is absurdly good I guess not having to use levels for crits is handy, though
I think the run I just had was capable of just standing still after the 30 minute mark though, if only I had gotten Halu at any point before 10 minutes Halu is just insanely important to build power, it's completely absurd If you don't get that shit, you may as well just stand still until you die cause you're not making it
When I'm doing the harder stages I'll usually just reroll until I get either Halu or glasses as my first item, since you're pretty much in for a rough time in those stages if you're not keeping the necessary level pace And there's enough chaos on screen that you're probably not going to get enough time at full health to get proper mileage out of the lab coat
I only have 7 rerolls and I burned all of them for Halu, got jack shit I did manage to get the glasses on that last roll though so I went with it, figured Halu will show up
I mean I still finished at level 170ish or so, which means if I got Halu earlier, I would probably be in the 200s and Yagoo would be cry
oh yeah the coat on the hard stages especially seems like the worst pick you could get the extra levels you get to dump into stats from a permanently locked at 1% coat is basically nothing and would be covered by a single item, unless you're trying to SPEEDMAX or something and just zoom like a maniac Which would be bad, because then you won't have dps you gotta be relatively stationary to grind
Actually I'm not certain about that is it optimal to stand still if you can, or do you get more exp dropped if you're just bulldozing through enemies and relying on getting a rainbow drop sooner or later to harvest all the exp you left behind?
particularly during the minibossrush at like 22minutes, I mean, but really at any point I suppose
Cause if I can get even more EXP by holding D, I can go even further beyond
it seems to be the case that standing still is the optimal strategy Which is kinda disappointing, but at least I know I should ditch speed upgrades
also holy shit Kaela can be wild at times >spawn in at max level because fandom >IMMEDIATELY drops 3 anvils on my ass because that's her skill >one of them hits the 3% and sticks around incredible stuff
>>1097222 I believe the post-thirty Yagoos get stronger, beefier, and faster the longer you run in to overtime Eventually you're going to hit the point where you can't defeat them faster than they're rushing you standing still At which point you better hope you have movement speed
>>1097224 Well, I'm about to feel that shit I'm currently keeping them at bay about 45 seconds into the yagoo zone Which isn't long exactly, but WAY better than I have ever done without just stacking speed and outrunning them, which could probably be done forever
>>1097293 There are still people in their middle ages reading YA novels I don't think you ever have to outgrow the fictional genres you consume If you get tired of it and want to stop, that's fine too, but I don't think there's a specific age you have to stop
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1097293 I've been thinking about that since I was 12.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
in other news I went and saw Perfect Blue at the movie theater with friends tonight. it was kino I'm gonna try to get my dad to go see jt with me on Friday
Lmao i was worried about the guy next to me on the next stairmaster over catching my watching vtuber clilss on my phone and then I get a glimpse of his mobile screen and he's listening to the Naruto ost on spotidgt
it's chieri chan from imas >>>/watch?v=Tyy3T1ACeHc thks songs pretty good i used to play it on starlight stage
oh i thought you asked who the anime girl is nvm
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This guy at my sweaty boi yoga class was like >hey, marsh. We used to work together a couple of years ago. We met at the Christmas party
Fuckin zero recollection Couldn't even tell you what his name is
well I assume you weren't like besties then it's probably fine to say you don't remember
>>>/watch?v=rdpBZ5_b48g kinda sad this dude wrote this about his dad dying of cancer when everyone meme's it every September and completely skips over his intention but that's thems breaks innit
didya see a japanese youtuber got put in actual fucking jail for posting steins;gate gameplay? >>1097343 apparently the first to ever get sentenced for it, but yeah Japan's copyright be like that >>>/@KaroshiMyriad/1699731201945448918
I mean it does make some sense for a VN to make the company actually press some charges, since posting a VN let's play is functionally not that different from a book let's read, in that it's just all the damn content and there's no difference between playing it or watching someone play it But fucking prison is ROUGH
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Introducing Our New Cookie Banner – Enhancing Your Website/App Experience you sent me an email for this? are your product managers demented
personally I think every website should legally both have a "reject all unnecessary cookies" option on that thing, not just a fucking option with a million on\off toggles And also they should legally be obligated to REMEMBER WHAT YOU CHOSE
I am fucking tired of going through that damn thing for every damned website, every time I visit
I don't particularly have to go to the store, other than I need some nicotine, but it's so hot I just gotta get outta the house more than anything You ever have that happen, where you're just restless cause it's hot and you just gotta go outside?
>>1097348 No, because it's always just as hot outside I'll just sleep until it's more bearable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow they're playing high tempo breezy jazz in the airplane now i really feel like a jet setter on this budget airline heading to montreal for this first leg
>4 Common Types of Airplane Fuselages #1) Truss. Also known as truss structure, truss is a common type of airplane fuselage. ... #2) Monocoque. Some airplanes have a monocoque fuselage. ... #3) Semi-Monocoque. In addition to monocoque, there are semi-monocoque airplane fuselages. ... #4) Geodesic. ...
>>1097366 I thought the common thing was for there to be a separate tag for the lewd stuff
It's not even rude imo.. What if he was up flying all last night and he's just desperate to catch a few hours rest. The seat goes back. That's what it's for. If you want the extra room yourself you can put your own seat back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why was he up all night he should have reclined then the seat recline is for overnight use only, thats the meta
This show was dumb as hell. But I guess that's the point. An over the top, ridiculous harem comedy. So in that sense it was successful at what it was going for. And it was quite entertaining. Amusing. AND it has breasts in it.
baelz goes pretty hard in holocure too, it turns out up to 4x crit is absurd
Really it's impressive for a fangame to have THIS much fucking content
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ >In 2017, Google employees shipped in a box of lobsters for a meal. business idea: crab leg delivery
I've never seen a deadzone with 0 drops this wide around the player characte in holocure, the massive crit damage is utterly insane lmao Legit got all the EXP clustered at the edges of the screen
1st place is only 10 million points away lmao which is a lot more than it seems, granted, but I'm also completely without unlocks aside from stage 1 and a half-bought shop I could rack up a lot more points
seems the main thing impacting score is how many yagoos you put 6 feet under Basically gotta stack damage
>>1097423 multiple people in one kf the vtuber discords im in broke top 70 one was even 69 for uh Bae I think he later got to 15 with someone else (he is also a vtuber)
I don't understand how, but Halu seems to be fairly insignificant I usually end up around level 170 at the 30 minute mark when I've got the coat, glasses, and halu early on, hell I've never gotten above like 173 or something But this run I got Halu super late, and I still ended up at like 165
Yeah we can't all be sitting behind an executive desk having anyone who needs us at work to wait until we finish shitposting on /moe/ before we address their needs
I drink my preworkout out of my Watame mug. It gives me an extra boost
I bought the Irys tumbler during her last anniversary or birthday goods event I don't really have a way to use it yet But I'll have it in … however long it takes
Probably the capital R Romantic, not smoochy smooch romance
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a friend is asking about video game reca i said BG3 what else is fresh
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1097530 Obscene Medical Records of a Married Nurse
>>1097530 Starfield if your friend likes Bethesda RPGs Armored Core if they like Sekiro action combat challenges If they haven't played Outer Wilds they should, even if it's a bit dated
I've heard nothing but positives about Pikmin 4 but I haven't had the chance to pick it up yet
on the plane with my boy >>1097533 i think pikmin 4 SUCKS Now what?
I was doing a feedback survey for Genshin and the question was >what don't you like about the game and they had an option that the combat was too hard, but not that the combat is too easy
Very suboptimal build too For one, I prioritized generating coins rather than stacking damage And for that matter, I picked up the coat thinking I could keep from getting hit somewhat consistently. This was a big mistake, that coat did not amount to much
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 812 3/6
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
>>1097555 Fauna's also a talent who you can really afford to take hits with too It pays to stack healing on her since any healing she receives triggers her offensive skill
yeah she's real good for just like, getting a stage cleared Decent at making money early too
seems like she probably falls off a bit later on though but some of it is probably that my build was just bad, leaned a bit too heavy into crits I think just gotta kinda get rid off the instinct to go for crits cause unless you've got a skill that synergizes with crits, they're really not all that worthwhile until you have an ungodly amount of atk
I mean 1.25x damage is nice and all, but like the gorilla hand does 1.5x
Baelz gets fucking insane with the crits though, cause she's got such high base crit chance you can lean into it WITH the gorilla hand
I mean I'm pretty sure my leveling took a hit when I did a stage 1 run with her because I legit just did too much fucking damage so I didn't pick up the XP cubes at the appropriate level, them being always at the edge of the screen and my coat steadily incrementing my level, so by the time I got them all they were worth less % of the xp bar
I think anyone you can prioritize ranged weapons with benefits from Ice Queen over Holy Fire Since you can pick up the Kamina glasses for another +30% for ranged crits, and also any crit that lands will deal 500% damage over time With the base level crit most talents have, all you need are a handful of crit boost stat picks and you have guaranteed crits that deal ridiculous damage
I'm convinced there's a talent somewhere who has some great synergy with the super collab with Special cooldown reduction I tried it with Fauna to lean on the invincibility she gets from her Special but I don't think it does better than Jingisukan And Mumei's Special doesn't clear Yagoos so maximizing use of her Special falls off entirely once you pass thirty minutes Maybe Sana and her Special since it'll also provide invincibility, but then you immediately get swamped with Yagoos since the shrinking down always throws me off where I am on the screen
oh shit I gotta unlock those, I need to try those together with Baelz I mean I got rank 303 without them, so with them I imagine I'll really go far >>1097562 If Kaela had a max ore chunks on the map at any given time, she'd be a candidate for it, but I don't think that's the case All things considered the ore chunk bonuses are real good, but they're not THAT good when you get into it You're not gonna get above like 200 something extra attack, and I mean... fauna clears that by virtue of the spikes
>>1097562 you can run while BEEG now I think you couldn't before and since your screen follows you up, below you will be clear so you can just hold s
Is the reason people disable weapons for money runs just to get the most out of the greed stamp, like avoiding the other shit stealing enemies, or is it actually optimal in just raw DPS? I imagine the former, but still, there might be something to not having to spend the levels clearing out the weapons from the loot table
It's actually optimal in inverse DPS Greed procs on main weapon hits not kills So it both eliminates other sources of damage killing off enemies, while also letting you get coins as many times as possible from a single enemy
ooh, so it's like that I guess that makes it easier to dodge too, since you keep the bulk of the enemies behind you less enemies spawning in from where you're going
are the bubble\cutting board shields actually good or was that mostly down to just piss poor rolls?
I like the Broken Dreams because the bubble slows around your talent, which means it synergizes with Kaela's No Pressure to create a super slow area around her Useful too, for avoiding enemies that are marching in straight lines The Absolute Wall is also useful in the later stages because it has a chance of blocking ranged projectiles, and if you're already building an AOE damage build, might as well add another layer onto the wall
>>1097575 I'm ... pretty sure it does? Like I haven't given it careful examination but by experience I feel it's easier to dodge things once I have both AOEs up
I guess I should make an effort to actually unlock everything I've got basically stock weapons and a few extras Well not that there's that many more to go, there's an enormous amount of items, but not all that many weapons in the game
There's something really reductive and vulgar about advertising a service for people to invest their money in art collections and painting sales commissions/revenue. It's like.. profound forms of creative human expression being treated like Wallstreet bets
>>1097592 Yeah dude. I jack off with my pinky finger sticking out.
i speaking of fancy I've graduated from watching youtube shorts of Suits to watching on Netflix and doing the Leo_pointing.gif whenever the scenes coming up
also seeing megan markle in the credits gives you whiplash
ok so this isn't a new, original HOT TAKE but I gotta say my piece I gave in to peer pressure and bought Starfield, right and WHAT'S THE POINT of sucking your own dick off about all these "next gen" graphics If you have toggle everything down to the absolute minimum, get it looking like a Nintendo 64 game to stop it crashing and freezing?
and it's not my hardware. Graphics card is a 3080.
Annnd the ultimate kicker; even with the graphics turned way down it still has some run issues - just not as many.
And what makes me salty is that it actually seems like a really fun, good game. I just want it to run properly. If it was an absolute piece of shit it would be easy- just uninstall and get my refund (fuckin' $110 au dollarydoos btw). But I WANT it to work
>>1097618 It sounds like the problem isn't your GPU then On all accounts, a 3000 series card should be enough to make the game look pretty good and handle it fine The crashing is likely the fault of a different piece of hardware, or a software issue I mean the first and obvious question is, have you recently updated your GPU driver?
Then yeah, I can't see any logical reason your GPU is what's bottlenecking you right now There just haven't really been many complaints I've seen about a problem like that for me to believe it, since 3000 series cards are pretty commonplace
Do you have an older CPU? Di you have enough RAM to sustain the game's demands on top of your other things running on your PC?
One thing I have heard suggested is to have the game running on the same harddrive as the OS. But that's not really an option since it's fuckin 120 gigs C drive has like.. 50 spare max.
>>1097626 what you don't believe me? come over to my house and watch me play cunt. I'll show you.
>>1097624 sometimes a driver update, water down the look of the graphics appearance. waters* And it doesn't look right till after the next patch. :(
>>1097627 I believe your game is crashing, don't worry I'm just saying I'm dubious that the crash is the fault of the GPU
Steam even at the basics specs recommends you install the game on an SSD, were you able to do that?
The i7 8700K is now six years old, that's somewhat dated, but not necessarily old Do you overclock the CPU? I'm seeing some reports that an overclocked 8700k can probably keep up to par or close with a more modern CPU, which by logical estimation makes it sound like if you're not overclocking it, it might not perform up to standards, and will actually bottleneck your GPU
yeah over clocking can lead to unstability and crashes
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
No, it's not overclocked.
is the cpu firmware on latest patch?
sometimes w/ heavy gaming if ghe cpu paste is heat stroaked a system will crash. the**
320K coins on stage 1 hahahahahaha Risu is fucking BUSTED what the hell
Yeah she's pretty good Irys, Azki, and Aki are also popular coin farming talents I've never really particularly gunned for it though since I since I've bought the store out and don't really need a lot of coins
yeah same, I mean there's the holohouse stuff I guess, but eh I do wanna have a bunch saved up for the casino so I can be a little gambling goblin, though
the holohouse is a nice idea, but because it's not really tied into the game overall, it's not really that engaging
I mean I spent a LOT of time decorating and getting my base in subnautica just right, but that's because it's tied directly into the game You spend time there At least until you get the sub, you're always going back and forth between the base, organizing your inventory, crafting stuff, it's like a home ingame But the holohouse is just sorta there You're only ever in there to decorate it, so you're very literally decorating for the sake of decorating
If you want some internal logic to it, Irys is a Vsinger under Cover's branding, which has her under the same classification as AZKi, who also has the same weird irregular capitalization So there is some consistency, even if it doesn't seem to mean anything
Irys stands for International Royalty and youtube Singer
oh yeah irys is under some sort of different type of position than the rest of the tubers, isn't she? even if she's effectively considered part of... myth, I think?
Irys is the single member of Project Hope, she's standalone compared to the rest of HoloEN Although since Sana's graduation she's been often looped into Council as Councilrys, so there are still kind of two five-member units in HoloEN Or well, prior to Advent, so now there's three
Also despite being a vsinger she's a fuckin' GAMER arguably the most hardcore in EN. those 8 hour megaman streams
Bijou is probably the most hardcore gamer in HoloEN She plays pretty much anything and plays it pretty well, and stamina-wise she can keep up with Kaela Prior to Advent, I think it was probably a split between Amelia, Irys, and Fauna for hardcore gamers They all kind of just start playing and stop once they get tired
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
yeah i saw they did like a 12 hour raft stream the other day
To boot she wasn't even fuckin' winded by the end of it This is a girl who just wants to play video games
they should rope in a new holomem who doesn't even know about hololive just spring the whole vtuber on them after just "recruiting a streamer"
all the new gens are big into hololive after all and that's cool but it'd be neat to see one who gets asked "who's your oshi" and they answer "chat I don't know what that means"
Cover doesn't have any "real life" content so it's kind of pretty transparent that any application you send in to them is for being a Vtuber Additionally their application requirements are pretty high, you need to have streaming or content creation experience and demonstrable proof of being able to gain and maintain an audience
Well fine, if you want to split hairs about it They also have Polka's Legend of Polka, which often has her doing stuff out in real life Like just the other week she took Bae to the longest bungee jump in Japan and they did the jump
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
The jump was made by a PNG
The voice recording they got off of Polka's jump definitely didn't feel like acting! Shame Bae's mic malfunctioned because of the heat