this girl from the dating app that likes umineko added me on discord and her avatar is the best girl from helltaker she must be an assassin here to infiltrate and kill em
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me too
Me three
>>886683 When are you going to ask her who her Vtuber oshi is
i'm sure it will come up soon enough... but am i ready for the answer
Hm, I could apply for Amazon and make an extra 1.70 CAD on top of what I'm getting paid at the warehouse I'm working at now. And if the information they're supplying is correct, it's in a much nicer place to work. But it -is- working for Amazon ...
I had this really amazing fish burger on Friday. It's a new dish from the Japanese-style pub I used to go to a lot before Covid-19 shut everyone down. They started doing take-out in the meanwhile and my friend and I swung by on Friday to see what we could get from them. I'm still thinking about that burger. It was kind of a mess to eat but damn it was delicious. Definitely gonna make a point of ordering this from time to time when we can visit them proper again.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That does look really good. I'm jealous.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats an ontario cucumber
Just a cucumber from Ontario ... I guess? We're not really known for our cucumbers I think so I don't really get why it's specified hah hah. If I had to guess the lettuce isn't grown here since it might be an Asian variety that gets imported and they want to stress they're using locally-sourced vegetables where they can. But honestly it's probably just them filling space in the description.
>>886691 Come up here and we can get take-out! When the weather's nice there's plenty of places nearby to sit and eat your food outdoors.
Adulthood is finding your favorite juice for a dollar a litre and being excited about it.
I'd love some juice rn
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kinda juice do ya want
something with guava probably
Guava juice is p. nice
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a girl i met on a dating app and i were talking about games and i said i think the first game i played was Quake II and she asked me what quake is and now i feel so fuckin old
I mean I'm the same age as you and I barely know what Quake is. If I didn't care so much for absorbing random information like a sponge I'd probably only know the name in passing.
i thought everyone our age knew quake! she's like 22 though
It is easy to feel old nowadays ;_;
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i for one think we should kill all the kids. then we'll never have to feel old again
Aren't we all somebody's kid though.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no by kid i mean anyone younger than me
What we just control pop culture and all forms of culture to be dated and never advancing so we never feel old by not getting references and all our references don't go out of date :3
>>886715 I know it's an FPS arena game that I think has futuristic aesthetics and focuses on fast gameplay and movement. And that's about it.
>>886733 i hope you have finally become strong enough to defeat me...
>>886715 quake 1 is best how many games have you telefrag axemurder the final boss?
q1 in multiplayer is fun it goes like a flash until you get to the rocket launcher level and that is where team killing begins even with friendlyfire off, explosioms are explosions
I asked my mother to bring me back my drawing tablet from up north. I don't know where I'll put it since there isn't really a lot of space here. But I guess I'll squeeze it in. I've been feeling antsy and yearning-y again and I need to do something with that energy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
draw some naked LADIIIIES
I'll take it into consideration But personally I like clothes! Fashion is fun!
Meteorologists even It's their own fault for having such a dumb name for their profession.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm not here this isn't, hap~pen~ing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*teleports to isekai*
Take me with youuuuuuuu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im in a used bookstore and the clerk is complaining about amazon that it wouldn't take an address he was bitching about it for like a minute then he's like hmm this price is in USD
Man the can opener in this condo is amazing. I know that's probably a weird thing to amaze about but you have to understand I've only ever used like the cheapest of cheap can openers my entire life. And now this one is, like, lightyears better than anything I've ever used before. I had to take a moment after using it to just stare and think "why did we never get a can opener like this before.
this ramen spot has two couples, asian girl and white guy vancouver in a nutte shell
Sounds cute.
this japanese mall had a bunch of couples, asain girl and asain guy japan in a nutte shell
wheres my gyaru jk gf??
waiting in a karaoke box in tokyo
k headed there now hopefully i get to go to mainland this xmas
head to harajuku for a lonely gyaru who pretended she had a bf, but doesn't and couldn't say she was the only single in her group
what animes that
none specific just common one shot scenario
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait wtf there was a 3.0+1.0 trailer last week and no one told me?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks incomprehensible january woo
wooo i didnt see it ehat i did see was shinji in a kids anime he was a train robot and he was smiling at thr kid and was like lets do this together and the kid was like Hai!!
>wake up at 11am >call from x store, 2 hours ago, "hi anon could you come in and do a shift at 11" >whoops nope >go back to sleep >wake up at 2 >almost exact same thing happens I hope they got someone to cover those shifts
I think this is my favorite non-sequel this season. It's so much fun! I love the characters. Well, it's probably tied with Sigururi
There's a bunch of pretty good anime-original stuff this season. Sigrdrifa, Akudama, Kamisama ni Natta Hi (at least until things -really- start going full KEY), Higurashi (kinda), Assault Lily (kinda). I think there's another one I'm skipping on at the moment.
her names madoka chan shes a grunmpy anime idol from idolmaster shiny colors shes cute tho so shes allowed to be grumpy she likes to give her friend candy
>grumpy >gives little girls candy are you sure she isn't an uncle?
五等分の花嫁 五つ子ちゃんはパズルを五等分できない pic related i dunno how they made a puzzle game out of this bad anime manga but i like nino chan so im gonna play it
It is like 2am in Japan right now so I guess they'll release later in the day probably? Never heard of this game. >>886977 Did they give a time for release? I guess midnight release could be a thing for this.
ya... i live in japan... they told me 27 oct.... on the official twitter....
nope just says oct 27 【2020年10月27日正式リリース予定】
im gonna be busy like all day today :/ gotta watch some people jump out of airplanes again
hm 13 hours ago theyt said 1 more day maybe its after noon or something
Looking through threads there are some people wondering when it'll be released A bunch hoping it'll be released around about now, although I can't read any basis other than being hopeful.
Yeah there is that number you use to relink your account back up. Here is an old one. I don't know my current one
whatcha up 2 kannagi
Being dumb instead of doing stuff I am meant to be doing!
nice i been there in fact im there right now
I have deadline of tomorrow to get the house ready for a viewing since I have to move out when my contract ends. so they are getting viewings done. And this place still looks like a shithole.
Jesus FUCK this turkish pepper flavored vodka rules I'm 6 minutes into akudama drive, and I only remember the last 20 seconds
my discord friends, of whom dutch friend is one, thinks it's weird I used my dad's cancer painkillers for a toothache way abck I dunno why Is that weird? (as in, his treatment was over, so they were leftovers, I didn't just TAKE my dad's meds)
>>886998 I guess if they were like prescription drugs they might think of like the opioid addiction?
I'm not a huge fan of Vodka but I've never really had anything particularly flavourful.
>>886999 Well They weren't opiates, as far as I know OH FUCK MY MOM CALLING AND IM WASTEED
>>887001 welp. I've had my mom call when I've been high. so good luck or you can ignore the call for today and claim you had a nap >>887000 Yo~
it went fine Iunno if it was obvious Im fuckinfg drunk, but she didn't indicate it at least
if it was my dad i wouldn't give a shit, but my mom's kinda the one paying my rent, so it's embarassing to be fuked up when answering her rare phonecalls she's literally paying next month's rent, in full, cause I'm broke
not that I wouldn't be broke if I didn't drink I would Cause I only ever ask for the amoujnt I need, so at best she'd need to spot me $100 or so less
Oh also on the topic of vodka, this isn't pure vodka iit's 32%, and flavored with uh, turkish pepper, which is a... I think scandinavian snack, probably danish It's kinda spicy, and liquorice flavored
Can recommend, if you can get your paws on it
The vodka lives up to the taste, so if you can get vodka flavored with it, that's the taste you get (but you won't get drunk from the candy)
...of course it tasting like one of my favorite candies is uh... i'm really fucking drunk
uuuuh Deca-dence is exceptional Tower of God is fun, but not like, AOTY or anything BNA is real good, cute tanuki MC oh and Dorohedoro was a fun ride the whole way through
there's some other good show through that time period, but those are the only ones I'd really recommend I didn't finish BNA; but that was forgetfulness, not actually disliking the show I forgot to keep watching, cause I went to bed mid-episode somewhere and I don't wanna rewatch a bunch to figure out where I was
>>887011 I'll give Deca-dence a go! and BNA. Dorohedoro I forgot that it got an anime. The manga was fun to read.
Thanks for the recommendations! Heck yeah
Pokemon robbing kindergardeners of their lunch money
>>887012 Dorohedor is SO MUCH FUN But Deca-dence is the one show I'd recommend the most
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
today is looooong back to back 12-5! and two hours with a 7 year old girl with adhd i think im going on a vidya date this week with the umineko girl though that might be cool covid kind of makes dates not real lol
hmm I have already hit 0,0001% of something happening and I have 1 badge rng does hate me
>>887015 Hope your vidya deitos go well! What are you going to do?
Kirara have you watched episode four of Higurashi? It was really good.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not yet will prob watch tomorrow morning i couldnt watch anime on saturday so im behind haha
We're really behind too. I couldn't nap on Wednesday so I ended up sleeping through anime. And then Rika missed Thursday. But we watched Higurashi last night and it was really, really good. If this is the promise they're gonna deliver on for the rest of the show then even if they don't do the Umineko Connection then I'm excited still.
>>887074 I don't pick what shows we watch, that's Rika's job! I just keep track of everything we want to watch. But if you're around tonight then we can definitely watch. Though Rika might be around at 23:00 tonight since now the both of us are working. Might be, keyword.
>>887098 Kinda, or at least maybe. Most I think opt to usually use 2D models that hook up a facerig for the head and maybe something for shoulder sway. There are a decent number that have 3D models though, and can even track hand movement, but I don't know if the rest of the body is rigged to map movement. Hololive as a company owns a studio that the girls can use for full-body tracking, and I think a few Vtubers I know of have the gear at home for it, but I think even if they can do full-body tracking, they probably don't have the equipment/don't bother with it too often.
it'd be neato if AI was advanced enough for vtuber stuf
i hate ctubers but
check out that wrbsite
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> You sit on the chair and wait for something to happen. To your surprise, bit of air enters your lungs, but it only makes you more uncomfortable.
>>887102 why's oh gay ahead when rrat is clearly superior?
>>>/watch?v=8xNUYS-tJZQ Nintendo's finally officially localizing the original Fire Emblem. I feel they could've maybe offered an alternate version with maybe something a little better than 8-bit graphics, especially since it's probably gonna be like 30-40 USD. But at least some of the other mercy mechanics are nice to have.
>>887108 I wanna play more Ring Fit but it would be kinda weird to do it here in the close proximity of the condo. Also I'm pretty much fucking drained every day from work and get a cardio workout from it anyway, so.
>>887298 that takes too long brain swab is quicker
you can get blood tested if you donate blood though here at least
Nose poke is so much quicker
>>887300 this bothers me army had these plug and suction 5s blood test vials but thry aren't used anywhere else just a quick prick on shoulder and done
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>887300 i wouldn't fo anywhere near blood donating if i suspect chinaflu
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? but welcome to america
waste of manpower from the blood drive anyhow also unnevessary exposure
who even does blood collection in usa here it is exclusively a splinter of red cross
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
red cross yeah usually
haa i wanted to hit the stores but quarantined until cleared i hav food, but i wanted some lazyfood too
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you have contact or do you have symptoms?
i had fever on weekend and took an online "test or not" thing and it said "go getbpoked just in case" so i did doubt it was anything beyond a brief cold tho
amusinglt the capital region site url was - corona.vihta(sauna spank).com/faith
made me ask, why not just korona.viina.terva/sauna for the full joke
i did walk there and back for about 7 klick trip with no issues as if healthy so i doubt i have it + no symps ~side from fever
I love how well it plays on your expectations from seeing the original. Like surely the one with terminal brain worms would be Keiichi, kana Kana?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'm so excited for the next epsiode. How exciting
It's great too because we also got for the first time the conversation between Rika and Keiichi that they took out of the first adaptation, where she pulls him aside and fully tries to work him through his paranoia around Rena. In the first anime it got cut until much later in the series, I think it only came up in like the final arc of the first half or the first arc Ryuukishi wrote for the second half to make up for all the things DEEN cut from the first half. It works well as just a concerned friend, but knowing everything we do, it really is Rika desperately trying to rein Keiichi in before he goes full brain worms. 'Course even she was tricked by her expectations.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watadamashi-hen, huh hmmm
>>887327 It looks like all the arcs take the names of the original chapters and substitute the verb for "damashi" (deceive) Or well we've only seen two instances so far, Onidamashi-hen and Watadamashi-hen, but they're setting up a pattern it seems.
>>887326 Yeah! This new anime is really exciting. You're right, even if they don't make an Umineko connection, I'll be really excited to see where this goes.
Ugh I've been waiting out here for like twelve minutes for this Uber how bad of a navigator is he. In gonna be really late
u better not tip him also 1 stae stat
Eh, lateness isn't really enough for that.
12 minutes dude thats like a lot
People make mistakes. This guy's might've been wanting to be a rideshare driver, is all.
Written Engrish is a bit rare these days. I think most people writing signage know to get someone with a better knack for Japanese or to -for English or to at least run it through Google Translate, which isn't great, but better than that.
I remember watching a documentary that a lot of young Japanese people have a conflated sense of their English skills.
its rare to not find written english around here its super americanized cuz of all the mmilitary they have eglish menus at every restaurant ive been
i just wanna go to kryspie kreme in tokyo
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw hachaama's stream with amelia and her English was like perfect amazing
a lot o
a lot of them seemed to hve lived in the us for acouple years the yellow one named pika lived in texas
>>887341 She used to boast about having good English until Coco joined and became -the- English-speaking Hologirl. Even since the she seemed to lose a bit of confidence in her English. But she does live abroad mostly by herself in Australia, and for a seventeen or eighteen year old girl her English is actually amazingly good. And it sounds like it got even better in the three weeks hiatus she had to take.
dude the taiwan drama was so funny i cant believe literally just saying taiwan causes that much drama they even closed holo live china now lol
Yeah, Coco grew up in Georgia. You can really tell it when she leans into the Suthern accent
>>887345 I dunno man it's not really funny that the Chinese branch got shut down. The HoloCN girls didn't really deserve to lose their connection with Hololive because of this dumb Chinese flame war.
cocos a redneck lol no wonder she likes anal so much
>>887347 like all of them went solo now according to my vtuber friend i did not confirm it tho
High tension~ ... Low tension
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tension max
>>887349 Artia and Civia talked about it on Artia's Twitch channel a couple days earlier. The CN girls were given three options, to transfer companies to one owned by BiliBili or an associate of them, go indie but keep their characters and models, or graduate (retire). It seems they talked about it as a group and decided to go together as an indie group, rather than solo.
I've been rushing getting the house ready for viewings while I have a small cold. I think I pushed myself too hard, I am sweaty and so tired. I need to more organised rather being a last minute crunch person.
does that mean you go back to working for benefits
It means I go back to considering if I wanna start looking for a job again or not I can't even get back on benefits fast enough to pay rent lmao
I don't wanna do that again I'm so tired of this
wait how did you lose your job
i quit
on paper, I was let go, but I quit\gave up
based on how it was going, I'd have been fired eventually either way, so it was just a matter of giving up now or not accepting it for another few days before getting fired anyway
i regret it, but i also know that regret is stupidity talking and nothing else I'd already given up in most ways like, a week ago
>>887564 didnt you also say that your management was being extremely supportive and telling you not to worry about it
They were yeah But I also am not absolutely stupid, I can recognize when I'm just... not able to keep going anymore When I'm told what I'm doing wrong, and I just can not fucking correct it, for 2 days and counting, I just give up
Maybe there had been hope if I was able to keep motivated, but I was struggling to just pick up the phone at 10AM today
I called my boss then, in the break We talked, agreed I'd keep at it until 3PM, to see if I could get it working At 2PM or so, my manager pulled me aside, boss had asked how I was doing, it was pretty clear this wasn't gonna work even if I sat there like a deer in headlights for the last hour, so I was let go
And I've regretted walking out the door, regretted calling my boss at all today, since then Because I really wanted this to work
But it wasn't gonna work I was close to crying by the end, and I... don't cry a lot, despite how emotional I am, which I think moe is pretty aware of
but now I dunno what I'm gonna do <i \\ I don't wanna tell my parents And I don't wanna go back to applying for work And I sure as shit don't wanna go back to working for free like a fucking moron
but like that's one of two options I have, and the other option is kinda permanent, you know
so I dunno
I still fucking regret it, right now I even went to work today like, "today, I'm gonna make it fucking work"
what bothers me the most is my boss telling me he really didn't want me to quit, cause he could tell I'd be good at it if I just got over this one fucking thing But I couldn't
I just dunno how to feel now
You need to work on your confidence, You've managed to get that job so you'll be able to find another job. I'm sorry that certain tasks were fucking with you. Sometimes work is mind-numbing and horrible, I've only managed to get through jobs because I've managed to have friendly co-workers to talk to,
>>887574 There are going to opportunities out there. I hope things get better for you. I've left jobs before it is tough
THe last 5 days I was at work was pure power of will, I felt like SHIT going home every day
But sales is a lost cause There isn't a better sales job out there than the one I just left, not entry-level anyway Fucking NOBODY will give you 3/4ths a regular salary, guaranteed, for a sales job plus commission
I kinda gambled what I had left of my resolve on this going well it's a fucking miracle I'm even home now, rather than like lodged into the engine of a truck along the E6
Just remember jobs are jobs, if they go well or bad doesn't make you any different of a person. I feel like people put a lot of themselves on work No matter the job you've got have to be kind to yourself and not blame yourself, you've learnt certain tasks/jobs aren't a good fit for you and you can go from there to either work on a way to overcome or to look for jobs that don't involve things that hurt your confidence or performance.
the problem is I wanted to be good at this and I thought I could
and I'm just angry and sad and depression's hitting me harder than it has since I got the job
I even told my boss yesterday, "I'm not leaving until you fire me, I'm going to make this work" And then I call him because I can't... fucking do it, 10AM today And he didn't want me to
It just feels really bad for someone to believe in you, and then you figure out you just can't live up to it
It's alright to talk! I'm always there if you wanna talk! You'll get through this! Ganbatte
I don't even know if I hope so I've never had to fight to keep myself in the right lane on the highway before But I did today, is part of why I'm drinking right now cause I told myself this job was my last chance I wasn't even supposed to let myself give up I was going to just tough it out, no matter what
But I couoldn't do it
I don't know if I mean it or not anymore when I tell myself I''ll kill myself
i've failed at this whole life thing, you know so many times I've been fired from one job, I've q1uit this one, I quit one I did for free, I couldn't even accept the ricery store work without fucking my economy
>>887581 You have depression and are working through tough times. Work and societ y suck, They put all your selfworth on things you can't control >>887583 I'm the same. I've recently be prescribed SSRIs from my GP.
i can't do anything about the depression tho and i dunno why im depression
lots of people aren't but here i am feeling like if I enter 2021 unemployed, it'd be better if I died first like it's just wrong
i tried antidepressants for a while but they didn't do a fucking thing for me I was stillf ucked besides part of me fights against it cause i feel like this whole... thing is here for a reason just not being depressed won't fix the cause, y'know? whatever it is, it won't be fixed by just "not being depressed"
>>887583 Sometimes you cna make changes in your life that help and move you forward and sometimes it is just chemical imbalance and you need outside help from medication and finding the right meds. But I feel you because I get those same feelings at times.
>>887585 I actually can understand that feeling but getting help really breaks down mental blocks that mess with you. I suffer from a lot mental blocks and I've had substance abuse problems. It helps to have someone to talk to. especially therapy/doctor etc.
i may be a communist, but needing help makes me wanna rather just die instead
well, until I get a job, i won't have money, and until money I can't pay the low fee involved in getting therapy and presently, I'm not decided whether I'm gonna look for a job again or not
i can't think straihgt right now anyway, I'm gonna really consider my options tomorrow, I decided today I'm just gonna focus on not falling apart cause there's a lot of emotions right now and this numbs it a lot
hey rei
I wish more things have darkmode. My eyes are so sensitive to light at the moment.
I use Dark Reader on firefox for that reason it just uh, makes everything dark
Some websites fuck up, but you can disable it on a page by page basis
I often find dark mode stuff harder to read than light mode stuff. Can't use any of the dark /moe/ themes for that reason. The text being small white pricks on black just makes my eyes lose focus. Discord is probably the best dark mode I've found.
>>887591 Well, it's preference at the end of the day, but for some people, there is some sorta medical reason involved, I think
I just don't like the light hurting my eyes I live in a low-light environment, known as Norway, after all (haha, but also my room has poor lighting, and di when I lived with my dad too) And also I use my phone a lot in bed
>>887592 Ashita all the way >>887590 I need to find a extension that does that for chrome! >>887596 Oh neato!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>887594 how about uuuuh the same extension, but for chrome
>>887595 Mawaru is p. good too but sometimes it can be a bit intense of my eyes too for some reason
A lot of extensions and addons and whatever go between browsers nowadays, cause I think they're written in basically the same language, and it's primarily an issue of changing a few variables and stuff, and like, I dunno, translating it to a certain kind of package
I don't know how this shit works, but chrome and firefox has a lot of overlap for the big stuff now, despite most of it being like single-person endeavours with no real money coming in
If I was making an add-on and there was work involved in porting it to a browser I don't use, I sure as shit wouldn't Fujck that, you know?
>>887598 Yeah I can understand that thankfully there are people who do open source stuff and let other pick up the work on systems and things they want to do.
Oh, open source fucking rules i just mean I would not fuckin' do it myself, someone else would need to put the effort in
I wanna get better at coding. I know someone who has and is writing satellite decryption software. It is so cool. I've used some of their software to use data from satellites. Decryption not the right word. I meant Demodulator.
>>887602 I made an antenna and got a radio reciever piece of hardware that interfaces with my laptop. The antenna is tuned to a specific frequency to pick up satellite transmissions down to earth. The satellites I'm interested in are weather satellites that pass by everyday in orbit they take images of the earth and send those images down via radio signals.
My image here is my laptop picking up a NOAA satellite signal.
This is what an image from NOAA 19 satellite looks like Although this one has some noise lines in it because I've lost signal from interference or it has passed out of range.
This is a different satellite. Meteor M2 that sends higher resolution images down. They are so pretty,
the aforementioned mutual is a big memer, for what it's worth but that much should be kind of a between-the-lines thing No mutual of mine is a fucking ML unless there's like, a reason for the mutualism
Things like Great mems, good connection, that sorta thing Most MLs think I'm a hindrance to worker strruggle or whatever anyway
I know a lot of discourse twitter but I don't have the energy to be really a part of it but I like reading and retweeting what I agree with and sometimes add stuff but rarely.
I barely participate in The Discourse, it's just that most MLs have Certain Opinions that come to light very quickly that make me go "Oh I don't want to associate with this person, at all. In fact I'm no longer a prison abolitionist because of their tweets" So like the people I follow, and the people I am followed by, are mostly anarchists, trans, or both ...mostly both
>>887610 Actually similar! Although I know how a bunch of satellite and amateur radio people. My twitter also has a lot of anime stuff that I followed when I first made it. It is just a very ecletic mix of my interests.
My twitter began much like my own twitter existence That is, uh far right literal neo nazi mutuals open neo nazis
But they fell off, for whatever reason
I know a few people on twitter who went from far right to opposite . some 4chan people and some people who are still fairly right wing except maybe a little less so.
I actually think that's the one trait that makes a lot of people who aren't anarchsits bearable for me This sort of unquantifiable notion that they 'get' what it means to have been brainwashed by /pol/'s politics, and get better
All the shitposters I associate with, I'm pretty sure they lived on 4chan at one time too Cause to some degree, they 'get' me, even if maybe they're not anarchists, tho most of them are cause that's what I am
I've spent so much time on 4chan that I sometimes recongise ways of thinking and even just internet behaviours I have that have stayed. although I never really spent time with /b/ or shitty boards. although /a/ and /jp/ aren't like prestine existences either.
So this guy named Rick, right he turns himself into a pumpkin
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
funniest shit i've ever seen
Was a bit worried with leaving home with only 40% in my battery that I wouldn't make it through the day before it died. But there's still 17% to spare.
im gonna stream the hyrule warriors demo for a bit
Took a trip to IKEA this evening to pick up a mattress pad. Would've liked to get a better one but they're surprisingly expensive ;_; At least it means I can use the pull-out couch bed without a spring jabbing into my back.
>>887628 Nope, was only there for mattress pad, nothing else. I'm living out of my mother's condo at the moment so I don't really have space for extra stuff.
>>887630 Surely uou can make a mattress out of Ikea Sharks
My condolances anyway
Oh it's not a rough situation, hah hah. Though it is kind of a lame one. My parents recently sold the house we've been living in and because construction is always extending deadlines the condos we were supposed to have to move in to won't be ready until like January or February. I could be living more comfortable up north at my parent's place but all the work is here in the city and I like it better in urban life anyway. So I need a place to stay so I'm sleeping on the couch of the condo my mom is renting since she's a teacher and can't work from home up north.
if you ever find a chance to come down to texas i'll always be able to figure something out lots of work here
im eating a steak and egg burrito
>>887634 I don't want to live in Texas thoughhhh I like it in Canada!
i did a 5 mile ruck march this morning my calves hurt a lil
>>887642 u just put on a big ol backpack and start walking but this one we jogged a lot i got a pic of us from last weeks ruck march ruckin with the bros haha
>>887657 There's only one anime this season worth watching and it's Sport Climbing Girls
I can't believe you're not watching the new Higurashi. Or Tonikaku Kawaii. Or Golden Kamuy season three. Or Munou na Nana. Or Majo no Tabitabi. Or Adachi to Shimamura.
>>887684 Wow dude I think you're projecting your own insecurities there Some of the most accomplished, down to earth people I know have also been into Japanese nerd culture.
>She guides you to a full-length mirror. > On the other side, you see a young man with rugged good looks. He smirks and wink at you. You turn to look at yourself and find... you. "Me?" you ask in your new deeper voice.
>>887732 pretty much one of the first things my cousin's Canadian boyfriend did was give me maple syrup and a bottle of his homebrew although we did hit it off pretty well
Having seen what goes for syrup in your parts of the world you really miss out not getting to enjoy maple syrup. It's incomparably better.
he showed me his tea towel? explaining the origins of maple syrup in Quebec French it was pretty cool
There's a historical pioneer village near Toronto that has a whole bunch of stuff on the history of maple syrup. It's interesting how it evolved from the Native's way of refining it to the more industrial way. If I remember correctly the Natives' way was actually more efficient but slow. The Europeans brought an industrial means that sped up the process but didn't refine as efficiently.
It's so hard to get out of bed when you've only had like three or four hours of sleep. I gotta get somewhere else to live I think this is way too close proximity with my mother to sleep when I need to. Though I'm always worried being totally on my own I'll just sleep through everything.
Like the past three mornings I've woken up like an hour before my alarm because she's in the kitchen getting ready for the day and there's just too much noise coming from the maybe five metres away it is in that unit.
hey f*ggots my name is john and i hate every single one of you
>>887793 It's okay sooner or later I won't be able to keep going on such little sleep and I'll conk out. I don't think I've got anything needing done after work today so I'll try to take a nice, long nap.
watching pekora play superliminal. the way they wrack their brain is cute
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watching amelia play that made me realize just how stupid she is she's a detective with all LCK no INT whatsoever and i love it
oh yeah, the original anime mentioned it I think, now that you remind me still tho, guns are highly illegal in Nippon, you'd think it would come up more often
Then again... she is for most intents and purposes, the daughter of the local Yakuza head
Hinamisawa is literally out in the sticks too, and Higurashi does take place in the 60s. Whole different time and place.
True I wonder where those 3 delinquents came from tho
No way they're locals, both because I find it hard to believe there... is a university in hinamizawa, and also because like They have no fucking idea who Mion is Or Shion, I guess, in this particular instance
>>887806 Wait, I thought it took place in the 80's?