>>887852 I've been at enough jobs that chastise you for being idle that it kinda makes me uneasy doing nothing while on shift, hah hah. I'll be as lazy as I can while on break or lunch, but it feels weird to do nothing while the clock's on.
I watched a little bit of Ina, Gura and Ame playing L4D2, and Ina was clearly invested in the game cause her voice peeled away again, for a fairly long time, too I was just waiting for critrole to start tho, so I didn't watch much
also, FUCK I need a lot more gold in my shared minecraft server We barely even have any diamonds, too As in, we have uuuuuh 2 diamonds + a few pickaxes, and my shovel
But I need the gold, because slime farms use a LOT of powered tracks
Gonna need a lot of iron too, but unfortunately our village isn't big enough to support a farm yet That is, we have... 3 villagers
Do villagers even keep making iron golems if there are some in the area? Cause my baka companion blew a TON of our iron on manually plopping the fuckers down
My Halloween game went horribly. It was the most fucked up tabletop game I've ever run. They fucked up a bunch of kids and convinced a 13yo into shooting another kid and setting a house on fire.
It's probably inevitable with PAN, Jan, and PK involved.
>>887895 This is a kangaroo court All I ever did was sell Rad Shady Lemon products to people
this is a clear attack on my company and my product name not an actual attack on me, my character but a scheme to infrenge on my rights and my company's rights to operate on US soil
pic related its the most recent girl i flexed on shes an OL btw heh
we were talking about weird medical stuff they try to use in the military and the japanese girl that works with us is like i use placenta lotion for my skin and then she sent me a pic of her placenta lotion after work lol
she thought it was normal i think she misunderstood that we were making fun of placenta injections
The iron farm is nearing completion Turns out, you can just like Move villagers with boats, on land
I'd made an absurdly long aquaduct to ferry them, right But it was 1 tile wide, so I lost my FUCKING mind when I tried it Too long to expand tbh, so instead I just made the damn thing closer to the village
All this work just so I can make a piston elevator that may or may not be out of date already
Yeah, we had that like, before we started making the base, cause in some recent update, nether portals were put in as like, structures out in the environment We found one in a swamp and just had to put fire to it
The drawback of this is, and we were unaware of the time, using that portal locked that nether-area's portals to ONLY exiting there, no matter what We destroyed the portal, built a new one in the nether, and we still just ended up there, a new portal was generated We made one at our base, entered, had the other one of us destroy the swamp one, exited, STILL ended up at the swamp And the swamp is very far away
All the fucking farms we've made has been my work, too dutchfriend helped with some of it, but the real labor of it has been mine, he's mostly been making other stuff like a big tower and a fort in a different biome, the railway we've got, that sorta shit
I've got a creeper\spider farm, a slime farm, and am almost done with the iron farm now The iron farm exists primarily to facilitate the elevator up to the creeper farm spot, which I intend to expand into a proper sky base Once I'm out of pressing projects, I'm gonna make it look like it's like, a floating island that was ripped out of the ground Maybe have some bluestained glass poking out in the bottom middle of it, yknow, like it's being held afloat by a giant crystal >>888046 I mean, I can yeah But I don't wanna Hell, the main house we made at the start has iron doors specifically to keep the villagers out
can u put villigers in ur house
id put some in my house cuz i get lonely in minecraft
who are u sressing up aw for halloween sc
Whole lotta nothing to do in the warehouse this morning. These two nerds haven't gotten back to be yet with the information to finish the two projects I'm currently stuck on so I can't do much about them. And nothing new has come in yet. At this rate they'll have to train me on something new to have an excuse for me to do something.
If yeah, Pikmin 3 out today. Maybe I'll walk out somewhere and pick it up after work.
Oh yeah, even. Thanks phone.
The biggest problem with having nothing to do is that I don't think I've got the phone juice to keep using it for the next eight hours without it dying. Surely something will come in before long.
I thought I had completed the iron golem farm, but turns out the void in the tutorial video was not simply for show, it actually has to be built basically hovering in mid air or else the golems won't spawn in the right spot The tutorial did not mention this
I could technically just build it IN the air, bu... actually, that's less work
Moving the villagers will be a pain, but that's a pain no matter what you do
You could also use non-spawnable surfaces, namely glass, to give you walkspace. >>888056 Nothing can spawn on glass.
Golems can spawn on anything, is the issue
Are you certain golems can not be produced on glass?
Cause I will glass up this whole fucking area around my spawner if so
>>888057 https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Glass I was just gonna quote the relevant part but the wiki doesn't agree with my phone. Glass inhibits all mob spawning except zombie reinforcement.
An alternative is magma blocks since no mob will spawn on a surface they'll take damage on, and the only mob that can walk on magma blocks without taking damage is zombie piglins. But they also damage the player and my impression is you wanted something you could move around on while near the golem farm.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are y'all playin that mind craft game
I'm not I'm stuck at work with NOTHING TO DO
>>888060 Well, I'll try glass first, and if that doesn't work, I'll just get some more magma blocks The slime farm burned A LOT of them
No, what do you take me for, some kind of passionate worker If they want me to do more work than I was hired for they will probably have to ask me to do it. I'm gonna go out for a muffin and tea soon and I'll probably bring my notebook back to this desk If I'm doing nothing I can at least try to do some writing in the dead space.
>>888063 https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Iron_Golem If you really want to make a golem farm, you should probably v read up on their spawning mechanics. Especially if the tutorial you're following doesn't explain that the air blocks are needed to prevent golem spawning spillage, it's probably not explaining some of their spawning nuances.
tryna buy window ac units for one of the sober houses why the fuck they all got wifi i dont fuckin need wifi on my AC some otherfucker gonna hack it or some shit
https://www.homedepot.com/p/GE-8-000-BTU-115-Volt-Smart-Window-Air-Conditioner-with-Remote-in-White-AEC08LY/307846063 >This unit is compatible with all your favorite connected devices including Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, making everyday tasks easier than ever before. i fuckin swear i hate the iot
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Customer questions >Will it work underwater?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol an official answer >Hi DanTheHammer - We do not offer a model for this application. GE® ENERGY STAR® 115 Volt Electronic Room Air Conditioner AEC08LY is designed for installation in a standard double-hung window. Thanks for viewing GE! Sue
There's a precovid special about what would happen if there was a pandemic on right now, its pretty accurate about some stuff.
a i just put in an order for these AC units with our financial lady and she told me something i think she wasn't supposed to >we currently may not have enough in the account to cover all of payroll and the A/c and possibly this uhh
>messianic Jews Ugh This tv show sure is full of nut jobs. It's a tv show about different wys the world could end and they interview different types of preppers.
hmm does english have any "ss" words where there is a double ss I can't off the top of my head think of any and I don't mean like kiss but in the middle
I am quite sure someone else brought it up and I just grabbed it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you were talking about your friend adolf who a lot of people disliked and as you spoke about him we all simultaneously concluded you were talking about hitler
btw you ever think if it was 100% intentional to cast peter dinkelage as the GIANT in infinity wars? well "dwarf" but well they are basically giants dinklage? whatever
on a completely different note what would be "sad"ism
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you know you change the pronounciation and sadism becomes*sad*ism
hmm this is minor nitpick but especially like what 4 years after?
why do the pods in the ship of the guardians of the galaxy (infinity war btw) can do quite very damn long trips
as in from wherever they picked up thor to that dwarf place
makes sense to have the escape pods actually be capable of interstellar travel, cause yeah normal escape rafts in cruise ships can basically do hundreds to thousands of travel rn basically "from middle of nowhere to a nearby island/coast" so space rafts would logically be able to jump a few systems to get to civilization, one would presume but I think they are travelling way longer than that
if anyone shows up we'll have to politely apologize and tell them we don't have anything.
theres a jap dressedd up as the dog tuhou with the red ht hat
u at the arcade?
ueah the traffic was gnnna make i taake an hour to the museum i was like wtf
cool I've been at the arcade a lot lately I broke a machine and it gave me 9000 tickets lol the average game gives you 50 >>888201 hot >>888196 wow those poor kids
dang theres zmbie gyaru schoolgirls my first gyarus...
im tryinf ro win this bb prize figgy its fricken impossivle they rigged the mchine
summer bb i rollable on fgoarcade but this fricken mchinnes eating m tkens
ok i got my tokens bcck now i wanna roll wtf
bro if i get smmerr bb id literally cry
ok rollin got a 4 star ce!! another one!! matahari ew an event ce with men on it 4 star shootin dude ce nice got the evil cat eent ce 3star cwster dude ew 1 star caster dude ew 5 star brown girl ce wheres the bb
dang im playin multiplayer ad tis dude gt al the event servants max
ok the mchine ate my coins now like 9 bucks too actually more 16 bucks
dude nicos flat ad ugly lol ok i gt the worker they dont speak english so they dont like helpin lol but i got adude he found m stuck cins the machine wont even open cuz of te coins being stuck lol
he said jotto matte so that means ill gdt my money i hope
ong omg lancer turned told gold summer mommy!! nice black grail c3 nice i like ill7a wtf gold assassin carmi chan cute
wtf a 3rd card turned gld lol i want summer bb tho :/
>>888304 motherfucker I am TIRED of these megalovania and stickbug remixes and other trash that only gets popular because it's Novel and New, and in a week literally nobody gives a fuck anymore cause it was just a fucking meme If I want taht shit I go on youtube, not spotify >>888307 Be that as it may, in terms of what the music actually is, it has no connection to the rest of my music habits on spotify
Evidently it doesn't, or else it wouldn't get recommended.
Doesn't have no connection Or does have a connection Take whichever you please.
If it's actually gonna be that fucking good and have staying power... clearly I actually am If I'm NOT, I am actually right about it being meme music, I don't get your point
Like my whole thing here sorta hinges on this being music nobody gives a shit about in a bit
they are campy fun and have quite good effects wish once hollywood collapses due to its 0 creativity and unlimited scandals the new hollywood will go back to a variety of SFXing and not just worshipping green screen
I think I found my latest favourite snack on markets here some box containing 10 mozarella balls, 10 jalopeno cheese balls and 6 habanero cheese balls and it costs only like 4€
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do i get an electric bass or a ukulele when will i even practice gah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
both right now
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok goodnight gotta sleeo before the government steals an hour from me
Also hear this whoa I had 2 movie tickets from well when the quarantine began that were extended to 10.10 well first of all, the movie theatres were closed 7-11.10 anyhow and the first movie I had ANY kind of interest in watching
just is coming out Honest Thief starring Liam Neeson
it is truly "customer service" of the theatres to extend the tickets when there is nothing to watch during their whole extension period anyhow
>>888432 Fuckin WILD dude I watched youtube and played Runescape and had my mum's cooking for dinner.
How was yours?
>>888433 It was decent, we did a small late birthday thing for me. We had pizza and cake and played magic the gathering and D&D. I got $100~ worth of magic cards in the first wave of gifts.
Noblesse is kinda fun ...if a bit slow I'm only 2 episodes in, granted, but I hope it like, goes somewhere and isn't effectively "Dracula wakes up and does SOL"
Says it's raining but it sounds more like hail against this window. November 1st really has come in with the full bluster of that late-autumn/early-winter weather though.
/moe/ what should i do hades or pikmin 3 i'll do both eventually ofc but which first
Well Pikmin 3 is probably a complete game. Hades hit its 1.0 release before it released on Switch so it's probably complete too, since Supergiant doesn't really do DLC. But they might put out small correctional patches here and there.
my brother told me hades was super good so do that one
It is a really, really good game. I still need to get back to it now that it's in 1.0 and has a proper ending. But my controller's up noooorthhhh
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Are joycons not good for it?
They'd be fine, but I have it on PC, and setting up Joy-cons for Steam is ... rough to say the least, and outright impossible for me because I don't have a Bluetooth radio in my motherboard.
Do you ever get one of those ideas that's like 85% of the way to a good idea, but lacking the 15% to go from being a not-good idea to a good one?
thats when u snowball u get that 110%
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>888480 it could go to the half bakery or the workshop or the shelf
it could be in all 3 of those
>>888482 Or you discover a moment too late it's a not so good idea. I was making KD because I was in the mood for something lazy to make for dinner and when it came time to drain the macaroni I realized the strainer here was a bit too wide to reliably catch all the macaroni as the water was draining out. So I figured "Hey I can just use the bowl I'm gonna eat out of to catch the macaroni if I position it right below the strainer". And then started pouring through the water, only to realize that the bowl would not only catch the macaroni, but also all the water I was pouring out.
whats kd kill death ratio?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oops Only Canadians
Oh yeah they don't call it Kraft Dinner do they. Kraft is an American company though, isn't it? Don't they do instant mac & cheese down there?
people always just say theyre makin mac ane cheese and i assume its kraft instant well kraft not always instant kd sounds like kim possibles sister
ok the surgeon here told me to make a list of stuff i wanna learn from him i dunno what to put
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the surgery to take someones butt and put it on their head to give them hair
KD has basically become as Kleenex for tissues and Bandaid for bandages up here. You'd probably be calling it KD even if you were buying some off-brand.
>>888490 is that a thing >>888491 thats cool i dont know last time i has some kd (kraft dinner)
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>888492 yeah they take skin that has hair on it and put it on your head so you can grow hair again idk how well it works lol
>>888512 It wasn't so much posting as it was doing something to eat up all the ram on the server. >>888514 Yeah, I think by blocking the ip range, they'd have to actually go out and buy more servers or something. Sure, a vpn might have been possible? I'm not sure. In any case, it seemed to have been enough of a barrier.
>>888516 Someone asked me about that. I haven't looked into it much. Maybe one of these days... I don't think it was ssh related. >>888519 I see. I wonder how I'd be able to tell if the ip was using normal behavior or not. I think the ram thing might've been with opening a bunch of files or something? >>888520 Ahahaha~ I've seen some of that in the access logs. Pretty sure at least. >>888521 Lisa is a free character, you should have her if you've gotten past the tutorial stages.
two rams
>>888517 It covers stuff other than ssh All open ports i think
>>888517 I don't know if it would've helped with this guy but it does help against Chinese servers doing dictionary attacks.
i started playin genshin cuz i said i would once they added a brown anime girl i havent gotten lisa yet but i got beidou shes cute
im at the part where rhe sky turns all dark and the knights are like we need ur help to kill skyfallen >>888523 nah like cloudy dark like theres a dragon to kill
ive been exploring too much i climbed the goddess statue and got a achievemnt then i rolled once and got 3 4 star chara then i tried some chara for free mats
Nope. Work doesn't even want us to take the transit into work because of infection risk and pays us to use Uber. It's pretty nice for once to have like a twenty-minute ride to work.
so which type are you talk to the driver or just lay the directions and sit quiet
The app informs them of my destination so i don't even have to do that. I'll give them a polite greeting on entering and say thanks on exiting, and is they need clarification I'll give it to them. But other than that I'll only talk if talked to.
>>888509 i've played for a bit more recently yeah i just want mona >>888696 what's poppin
>>888695 Sup How was your Halloweekend? I'm just reading manga before going to bed.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>888513 i have a theory, really more of a wild ass guess, that someone is spamming the image upload endpoint without actually committing those images to posts? there ought to be rate limiting on that endpoint, but there isn't
>>888696 it's good i didn't do much halloween stuff i texted a girl
I moved back home on Friday. Ugh My dad is probably gonna wake me up really early. He woke me up on Saturday and Sunday at 11am.
I've been back fkr only two days and my pafents ate already driving me crazy. They even ate some of my leftover pizza without asking.
well it just cold crashed ctd and I don't bother to go somewhere else to explain it
Well they're not going to fix bugs they don't know about.
well considering it has existed for over a year I don't think they will fix it ever
Maybe because they haven't known it exists in that entire year!
and what are the odds of that
Honestly pretty good. It's really easy to not catch niche cases -- and unless you can demonstrate that there are a lot of other people having the problem, I see no reason to believe it's not a niche case -- when writing software. And even if there's a lot of people having CTD problems when dragging images they might be doing things in a sufficiently different way from you that fixing their problem might not fix yours. Software is full of niche cases that will only really emerge once you provide it to the general populace. Which is why it's hard for game devs to squash every bug in a game before release, too.