Ah whoops okay I'm here now. A bit of a challenge to get myself out of bed hah hah
--Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 2-3 Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Enen no Shouboutai Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-4 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2-3 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 2-3 Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-4 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha Hen Episode 3-4 Maoujou de Oyasumi Ochikobore Fruit Tart Episode 2-3 Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Episode 3-4 Tonikaku Kawaii
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-17
At least we watched enough yesterday that I can fit everything on one post again.
>>887415 Not sure, nobody here will be able to answer that
okay lets start
Japanese bullying sure is brutal. Though it kinda sounds like found a way to survive it. It's rare that Japanese bullying targets have friends or support through it.
Hah hah the new girl had a real "Is this bitch for real" face there.
Oh there's a kind of Narnia thing going on where the time in the isekai world isn't in lockstep with their home world. Though I guess that much was obvious when they first arrived back from the MC's first mission and no time had passed despite them taking like a week or more for it.
Wow they're not actually allowed to kill humans even if it's to save their lives. That's pretty mean.
He's a real callous human being at times.
Splitting up seems like the worst thing they can do.
For the most part, yeah. It feels like it makes what the two girls are trying to do entirely impossible. As they just proved, hah hah. The MC will probably survive though since he's good at it.
Creature magic seems like something that might actually be good.
Yeah, it seems a good bit more confusing, but it's also more complex than what he's been given so far. Not good enough to take on a legitimate fighter though hah hah.
This NPC girl is in the OP so I guess she'll be sticking around.
I wonder if she's really a NPC she kinda looks like it, but she's clearly going to be a party member later
I'm using NPC pretty loosely here. All the people in this isekai world have kinda NPC-y attitudes towards the isekai'd people. We also haven't really spent the time around any of them to get past them being kinda NPC-poi.
Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect the bandits to get a bit bawdy before long. It looks like the girls were able to keep them off though.
His skillset has become a really good manipulation skillset.
He definitely has more of a support combat or focus target niche than a basic combat ability. Nothing he has really gives him overwhelming strength but it's a lot of useful tools in a toolbelt.
These two are way out of their league they need onii-chan
They're also picking a fight with the spy girl. So far she hasn't been actively being a problem for them though, I think they're just confused.
Oh but speak of the devil and he shall appear.
I wonder if it's the same seiyuu for both her illusion form and her normal form. It really sounds like two entirely different seiyuu but it could just be she's got some crazy vocal range.
A lot of seiyuu can do that. Completely different voices.
Yeah, but to toot my own horn a bit, I'm usually pretty good at picking up when it's the same seiyuu! This is different enough that I'd be surprised to hear it's the same person.
Well sasuga onii-sama. Didn't take him long to break her illusion magic.
We kinda resolved most of the plot with Yuyu after last episode. I wonder if they'll find something else to complicate it or it we might get some focus on other girls for a bit.
Their couple name is even Yuri. The writers for this show can't stop getting away with this. ... I feel a bit ashamed I didn't spot that coming.
Well I was hoping things would heat up a bit. But I guess we're just stuck in recruitment for the time being.
That lilac hair girl has a fun way of talking. I don't think it was Kansai-ben, but it's a similar kind of Japanese Hick dialect.
Wait I thought that dark-haired girl was Chinese judging from her name. But she's from Iceland. Maybe populations have moved around a lot in this world.
Oh hah hah. She's totally got a Nokia phone there. Though Nokia's a Finnish thing, not Icelandic.
A lot of vision-based skills in this series. This girl can zoom in on things, and Riri's friend can see things from a birds-eye view. Must be good for combat though.
There was a bit of QUALITY this episode but they did pull out the stops for some cool animation during that snipe battle.
Wow, another male character. And this one even has a name unlike the officer from episode one.
maybe he'll die tonikaku 3 for me and 4 for you yeah I don't think they have a ton to do with each other okay lets start
Yup yup Judging from what I saw at the end of the third episode they're mostly one-offs that don't need chronological progression.
I feel like my harddrive might be getting close to the end of its usable lifespan. The times between it slowing down to intolerable levels just keeps getting shorter and shorter. I guess it's a good thing I'm working and it won't be hard to replace now. But I'll probably still wait for holiday sales.
I'm worried that my SSD is dying It's acting weird and the games that are on it are having issues loading
That's weird, I thought SSDs were normally a bit better at that than HDDs. I've only ever put one game on my SSD since it's also my OS drive and not a very large SSD.
Yeah, I guess both episodes dealt with family members.
Tsukasa is pretty clever. Or I guess she probably knows her little sister and the maids pretty well. She used that picture as a trick to escape flawlessly.
They really send episode four out with a bang. What a nice, cute wrap for the first arc.
yeah, that was good I'm going to go complete the sleep quest now
Yeah, me too. Hopefully. If I can get to sleep in the next half hour I should get a solid 4.5 hours of sleep. Which is usually enough to make it through the workday.
A lively night doesn't sound like what the princess wants! If it's too lively it makes it hard to sleep!