Hi! Sorry for being absent on, uh, I guess it was Wednesday. I started a new job last week and it has me being up pretty early than what I'm used to as a NEET. I've been trying to catch a nap to make up for the early wake-ups but I couldn't get to sleep early enough and ended up just sleeping straight through ;_; I'll try to be back to normal this week.
since you have a job now, do we need to look at shifting our hours around to something more work friendly?
I can work with what we've got. When I've asked in the past you've been generally tight on free time so I just assumed it was still that way, hah hah If it ends up being a persistent problem I'll ask again, but for now, it might be best to just stick with what's habitual. I also don't know if I'll stick with this job for that long so it would be silly to change and get comfortable, only to change back.
--Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Akudama Drive Episode 2-3 Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka Bloom Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-4 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 2-3 Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Episode 2-3 Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-4 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha Hen Episode 3-4 Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Episode 3-4
Tonikaku Kawaii Episode 3-4
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-17
As might be obvious from the list though, we might want to start doing five shows a night again. This doesn't really have anything to do with both of us oversleeping nights, on a weekly basis alone we're getting a lot of shows even if we watch stuff like normal.
He's really not had to struggle with his internal demon at all I wonder if that's something that will continue or not there are a few tension scenes between the two of them in the OP
He's demonstrated a remarkable force of will in terms of controlling it. Even if they don't have him have to regularly wrestle for control the fact that he can control it so easily is a mystery in of itself worth exploring!
Hah hah the two country bumpkins are pretty in-sync at times like this.
RIP Tadashi
The black-haired guy is a good bit of a Lawful Neutral guy. In the way Lawful Neutral kinda ends up being Lawful Asshole.
Oh Itadori needs a bit of a hand.
I guess that kinda explains why he hasn't had to wrestle too much with his demon though. It knows all it needs to do is wait and eventually Itadori will die.
Oh and there goes the other hand. He's in a rough spot right now.
He's probably a fun protagonist to write for since he's got such a deep well of powerups even though he's normally weak I assume he's going to hulk out here
He's got a bit of a way to go before that. Right now he's kinda freaking out.
Seems like the dmeon isn't going to let him get away with it so easily though
Well as long as Itadori isn't totally conked out inside there he can probably wrestle control back. Sukuna is really showing off how much of a nuclear bomb of a curse he is though. Just regenerating limbs like it's nothing and playing with a monster that was giving them all trouble earlier.
Oh but this one can regen limbs too.
When we first got introduced to Sukuna he was kind of a bawdy dick. But this time he's got quite the character.
Possible trouble but i bet it gets resolved in like 4 seocnds into nexy ep
I could see them do a bit of a mental space chapter or episode next week that explores Itadori's inner spirit or whatever and hints at why he's so good at controlling Sukuna.
But that also looked like one of his fingers that he pulled out of the curse at the end of the episode. I wonder it someone's going around instigating problems using Sukuna's fingers.
Oh I'm a phone wanderer too. Even if I'm sitting down when it rings I almost always end up standing up and pacing about while talking.
It still feels like there's a big shoe left to drop in this show still. Like we've got a bunch of small things happening and we've not yet seen what's REALLY happening.
I think something is going to cause them to team up we'll see an immortal guy is her natural enemy
Worse than that, he's an immortal guy who's now dead convinced he has to be a hero detective because there's someone on the island trying to kill him.
Man what bitchy girls. I wonder ifdasdf
I beg your pardon.
This meek girl seems important from the OP though.
If you think about it though, picking being a mindreader as your talent, even if you're a genius like her, is kind of a dangerous move. Any occasion where she's surprised by someone kinda flags her as lying, since it should be kind of hard to surprise a mindreader.
Yeah this isn't what we saw happening last from her perspective.
She really goes hard with her dedication to murdering everyone.
The dog girl though, is kind of a logical person to go after early if you want to act like there's some kind of "enemy of humanity" going after these sudents. Since she's a healer-type.
He's really close on her tail though He's going to figure it out
Yeah, but I think she's relying on him being too autsy to make an actual judgement without knowing her motive. She obviously thinks he's playing detective here (and he kinda is) and won't try to actually accuse her properly without having a full case against her.
I like the red tint and blue tint they do when they transfer into her and Kyoya's inner monologues. It kinda reminds me of Umineko.
Yeah see, he's hesitant to actually make a move without hard proof/a motive.
But I guess this wild-type guy is gonna be a loose cannon- Oh I didn't expect that. He's a very dangerous variable in her plan.
wow this guy is so much danger ot her she's gonna kill him soon
Well yeah. His photo literally shows her killing him! And as we've seen so far once it's in the photo, it's inescapable. He's doomed himself as much as he's messing with her. I don't know what time it is for them, but she pointed out his watch was at 10:00 when he died. Which means if that photo happens that night, he probably only has a few hours left to spread the word of what she's been doing.
Yeah, he's such a dummy for trying to get her to explain but I guess if his pictures really are destined to be truth there's no point to anything
higurashi okay let's start
Well four hours is still a good amount of time. He could probably try to out her to someone in that period. It'll probably be a game for Nana to keep him from doing that until she can kill him.
Or pull the good ol' "I changed the watch face to make it seem like it's ten for the prophecy".
These next two episodes should be very interesting and should tell us how much different we're going to see between this and the originals
I'm still expecting this first chapter to remain mostly in-line with the original chapter. Rika might not quite fully realize how thoroughly she's been re-trapped in the Hinamizawa Loop
Oh looking back, those are clearly the, uh. I can't remember, the Hounds or something? That were lead by that slicked guy with the ponytail.
We are getting a bit of a difference here though. I think in the first anime adaptation, Keiichi did make it to the clinic, and met with Irie. Though that was in itself, a chance from the VN. I think in the VN Irie doesn't actually make an appearance until like chapter three.
This conversation happens in the original but I don't remember if he told Rika all this I want to say he blew her off
Yeah, I think this might've been in the original VN. It probably seemed innocuous on the first, pass, but in retrospect it's pretty obvious that it's Rika trying to save Keiichi from the Hinamizawa Brain Worms.
Yeah, if I remember he blows Rika off in the original and it's one of the few scenes in the first arc that actually call attention to Rika Rika lays low in the original until about halfway through.
Too bad the Hinamizawa Virus isn't something you so easily shake off. And we all know what's coming for dinner!
I wonder how much of this is Keiichi's brain and how much is what Rena is actually doing. If she's not actually crazy then it feels weird that she'd be banging the door and jiggling the handle so much like that.
Wow, he actually survived that I bet Rena is dead though.
Kinda hard to tell, really. He was clubbing Rena with the old radio/alarm clock, and those things can be pretty hefty. But she seemed pretty good at toughing through it. Either way she seemed at the least unconscious in the blood there.
Oh Sh/Mion is bringing him up to speed. And here's Rika and Satoko dead too. Guess we're terminal for the Hinamizawa Virus now.
I'm excited to see how they subvert the next arc. That's the first one where we get all the weirdness with Mion and Shion. It was also the one in the original where Rika kills herself while one of the twins laughs maniacally.
These new fragments Rika is trapped in seem to be playing with what she thinks she needs to do. Like she did the "right" thing, focusing on bringing Keiichi back from the edge of insanity there. But in doing so didn't notice Rena succumbing to the Hinamizawa Virus.
You gotta feel for the poor girl though. The escape condition for surviving Hinamizawa seems to be that she needs to keep all her friends sane and alive. But that's such a ridiculous task since it's like herding cats, only the cats are all feral and want to claw your throat out.
Yup, I want to see more okay kuma what ep are we on okay let's start
Episode three In episode two we got a bit of backstory as to why she's running around an MMO world wearing an overpowered bear onesie.
So she sleeps on the side of the fabric that normally gets exposed to the elements while adventuring? I guess she just said they don't get dirty but the principle of that feels kind of grody hah hah
That's how those things usually work, they flip inside out but I dunno I guess it makes sense cause you can bathe in the morning but you don't want to get your bed messy
Sounds like she'll need to buy her own workshop to handle all the hunting she's bringing in. Though she's also being told off for being overlevelled for the areas she's adventuring in.
What a brat of a guy. He's just been whining at her. The other two party members seem all right though.
I don't know what a deborane is I guess she's just messing with this girl
Deborane was that thuggish guy that tried to pick a fight with her last episode. She was taunting him by calling him a goblin. And then coincidentally his party had picked up a quest to hunt goblins.
I wouldn't want to cut them up either and she doesn't really need to she has everything she needs
At the expense of making other people do the dirty work! At least the little girl was happy to partner with her, but she kinda bullied the other girl there into doing all the harvesting.
Summon beasts sure seem like a pain when they're sentient. It's much nicer when they're game mechanics and you can summon them and command them without a thought.
Yup, here we go. She's gonna become a landowner and set up her own workshop to handle the workload she creates.
Merchant-chan is pretty cute. She's got a good head on her shoulders too.
Being stuck with the bear motif for extra power must be kind of a pain though. I dunno about her but I'd rather have a more normal looking house!
Spotted her in the credits. Guess she's the ojou of the local lord, judging from the title of the next episode.
Okay I ought to not dally too much getting myself off to sleep. Good chance I'll need a nap tomorrow afternoon but I'll make a point of being up before eleven if I do. Please be patient with me if I'm not!