>>972559 The wild west nature of the iininternet started in the eighties. The wild west nature of the world wide web started in the mmimid nninnineties. >>972563 >
Today's just one of those days Where there's no end to the shit that keeps arriving that needs to be received It makes working here feel overwhelming and without a clear goal in sight That kind of thing puts real drain on me
i get to find out if i have the covids in a few hours
i spent a whole day in close proximity to someone who currently has it, and has symptoms still so if i don't test positive for it, i can eschew logic and reason and presume that i am in fact an invincible god
Man oof The pub next to my workplace has an open streetside patio so it's not uncommon to have chatter of people getting drunk nearby as I'm waiting for my ride home Today there was a man and a woman at a table and the woman was very audibly expressing her disdain for people who identify as women without the biology to match Her argument as I was hearing it was that she doesn't like it because reduces femininity down to appearance and "to wearing heels and having long hair", that it dismisses all the biological struggles of being female I've just never encountered an actual TERF like that in public before
I think the guy was trying to, not reason with her, but go "but well maybe" so I hope he's a friend or a relative or something because otherwise Like I said, man, oof
you can be glad something's over but still miss it
The last part of any fiction is letting go and returning to the real world
But I don't wanna
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you don't you're disrespecting anno's vision of eva
Isn't Anno's vision of Eva just a giant pile of yen?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no??? obviously not????? have you ever seen anno speak about eva or anything else? have you ever seen anno's works? have you seen 33.0+1.0? it makes very clear what his vision is
I was going to flip if 4.0 was bad, but it was good and ended the series in a nice way that was fair to the fans. I think anno treated eva respectfully and not just like it was a product.
Yeah, he did! I love Anno, he's my boy. Hello Rika.
wtf its rika hi rika
i spent a whole day next to someone with symptoms, several hours of which we were both in an attic running cable like close close proximity and my test came back negative all that orange juice paid off
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
congratulations w hy //was the guy wearing a mask at the time?
>>972604 no, he's the owner of the house i moved into this last weekend there wasn't really much avoiding the situation but my immune system seems to be doing alright it helps that i probably had it a little less than a year ago and also that i'm vaccinated
Oh, the character designer for Fist of the North Star, Masami Suda, has passed away His designs have definitely had their impact on anime and manga as a whole RIP in peace, man
gps stopped working so I have to use the trucks shitty gps also the scanner ran out of Battery still got 11 deliveries to go
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds bad
Uber drivers man Sure love it when they cancel on me and it makes me like ten minutes late after the new ride is scheduled
Ohayou! >>972739 That sucks dude, I've had Uber drivers cancel on me because they couldn't even get within a block of me. A few weeks ago a driver I ordered couldn't find the block I was on and jjust circled in a two block radius for a bit before canceling.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
done and done what a night I don't really bad about it though usually I'd be upset or moody but I'm just glad I'm done really feel bad*
I've moved a literal metric tonne of product over the past like day and a half All one stupid shipment I'm so tired and exhausted and annoyed by it all And there's still a lot more work to do
Okay that was a retarded dialog option for undead >use undead to mask *unmask another undead >can't use undead to further puruse it with "I too am bone boy, let's chat about unlife, babe"
naw, not really I've only interacted with it through that one 3rd person brawler game, and know some of the lore through a friend who's into it I know Orcs are basically magical creatures capable of effectively CHIM as long as they truly believe something
this is the Games' Workshop policy
>fuck everythgin that isn't made by us or people whe have given our license to >fuck all content of any kind, be it just re-reading our lore in a more interesting way to just reading it as it is >fuck making 99% original fancontent in anyways, we will still sue you >fuck making mods for any of the games that even remotely holds a lisence we control (Total War:warhammer series) we will fuck you, if you ask for any monetary suppiort
and so on
basically >be a fan creator >dare to ask for support to keep producing fan content
Ten pallets of product from one vendor apparently coming in either today or tomorrow or split over the two days Another few from a different vendor apparently coming in over the same time period too This shitty warehouse is already kinda dense with unreceived product and I'm the only one working receiving tomorrow Can't this just please stop I'm so tired
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>972910 I posted that waltzing matilda cover on social media and one of my relatives really liked it my dad also said it was one of favourite songs growing up
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
real antivax hours on my feed
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/08/covid-19-vaccines-may-trigger-superimmunity-people-who-had-sars-long-ago hueg if true
>>972931 With any luck she'll have a live audience this time too I'm really happy for herher One of her dreams is to perform live at Budoukan, and while this live isn't Budoukan, it's another step on her journey there
New Zealand in nationwide lockdown as link between Delta case and NSW becomes clear - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-19/new-zealand-delta-covid-outbreak-link-to-nsw/100387320 oh nvm that part gj sydney
So Sydney managed to reinfect New Zealand who were basically in the clear?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
genome sequencing traced it back to a ///someone from Sydney yeah
Fuck these ten pallets of merchandise that were supposed to come Monday showed up today Probably because my piece of shit boss was a spineless, well, piece of shit and couldn't tell the shipping company to delay half the shipment until Monday The other receiver is off today and there's still a bunch of unreceived stuff sitting here taking up space
Pouring sweat is not how I wanted to start my z Friday
I bought some larger monitors earlier this week, but since my building's parcel delivery is still kind of weird, I had to get them delivered to a nearby post office for pickup One of them is coming in from Calgary though so it might take a while The other one arrived this morning though
I'm a bit nervous about even the like ten minute walk from the post office to home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is it likely to get filched
I guess probably not But I have lived my whole life in nice sheltered neighborhoods and this part of town the condo building is in is definitely a bit more on the seedy side than that So my pansy-ass white boy assumptions are flaring up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see you just gotta walk with confidence
be safe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Humans aren't the only species with a well-developed drinking culture. The social life of the humble fruit fly also revolves around alcohol. Their favorite food, rotting fruit, ferments into a beer-strength quaff. Courtship often involves swarming boozy locales and getting frisky after imbibing. Flies also use alcohol as a palliative, taking to drink after repeated sexual rejection. And like humans, flies develop "drinking problems."
famous debate streamer Destiny appears to have... posssibly just outright eaten a sizable chunk of meth, believing it to be molly, like 30 hours back or something, and he's still tweakin'
It's unclear exactly how much of it he took, and how, but he did post about having been up for 36 hours straight with energy for days, and starting to wonder if it maybe wasn't molly the whole situation is so strange, cause how do you take meth and go more than a few hours before you start wondering if maybe that wasn't a completely different substance with very noticably different effects?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how could he possibly think that's molly there's no way
he posted that picture in his discord asking his fans to tell him if they could identify it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have many doubts
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah this sounds far fetched probably a publicity stunt
If it is Fake, it's to get out of a debate But I mean, this incident notwithstanding, I don't think he's so smooth in the brain this is his first fake scenario for an excuse lmao
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's very clearly methamphetamine i struggle to believe anyone could think it is molly
I mean yes it absolutely is, but either he's dumb enough to think it's molly or he's seemingly a genius who correctly predicted people have such a low opinion of him, they'd believe him when he said he did think it was molly
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or he just failed his deceive roll crit fail on deceive
I'm struggling to believe it myself, but both scenarios are so outlandish Either he's successfully bamboozled me and many others by making himself out to be an absolute fool, or he IS an absolute fool
I choose to believe it's real Because it's funnier, and it's what he claims
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just can't believe it is real maybe if it were some sheltered rich kid who spends no time around other people but this guy spends his time online with others who do drugs and talks about doing drugs with those people
Well I tick off all those except rich I'd have no idea what meth or Molly looks like to be honest
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
which is why i would believe it if you used a meth crystal and thought you were doing molly
Can you fucking imagine That would be absolutely horrible
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think of all the drugs you in particular should never do, meth is at the top lol
I mean you could probably have fooled me into thinking it's like, pure molly or something, but I'm pretty sure I'd have realized it wasn't fucking molly after a rather short amount of time Comparably First instinct would absolutely be to think it's meth tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's clearly a bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry to pooh pooh so im tryna get back into javascript man what is technology what is life why is all of this accidental stuff my career now
>>973196 Big questions with no easy answers Just like working in JavaScript
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wow vinny did beans PC earlier this weekend nad is doing his charity stream this weekend earlier this week* why are all the streamers poppin off this particular week end of summer festivities
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how did campin go samu
Beans pc? Beans in his computer case?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>973201 yeah he beansed it good >>>/watch?v=yv9cpyxjQbk >>973200 it was a nice time mild weather set up my tent and equipment successfully played a bunch of fiddle tunes with some nice folk out on an island success
>Hi, we're Andres and Ryan, the founders of Ancana (https://en.ancana.co/). Ancana is a marketplace for buying fully managed vacation homes through fractional ownership.
nice startup you reinvented timeshares >This pushes many people into timeshares, which are notorious for hidden fees, pushy sales tactics, and difficulty to sell. With Ancana, you can own a 1/4 or 1/8 share of the home and split expenses with the other co-owners. If you buy a 1/4 share of a home, you have access to it for 3 months of the year. For each property we set up the investment trust, find qualified co-owners, and handle the entire real estate purchase transaction. Costs are split amongst the co-owners, and we take care of the furnishing and ongoing property management. what's the difference it's still a freakin timeshare
>>973209 Cool I pirated a tensor calculus book and have been trying to read it but I only got 8 pages in before I got lost. It said that you only needed to know linear algebra to understand the first chapter and that al notation would be explained. Maybe I just don't remember linear algebra well enough. Although on the bright side there is a very concise explanation of Strassen's algorithm for fast matrix multiplication.
I decided to look ino i because I'll need to know it eventually either nesr the end of undergrad oor for grad school and also I was wondering about compression of 3D models and voxel spaces.
>>973207 we went to the everglades and ton got absolutely obliterated by mosquitoes my guy looks like he got chicken pox lol clouds of mosquitoes so thick we had to turn back even with mosquito nettings and repellers but we have had lots of fun
hello test on da train to kyoto going to to arashiyama and kinkakuji
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eeiyao uh pretty glonky huhu
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>973215 you're gonna be there for twelve days did you say?
i fly back friday
>>973211 Did you hear PK died in a plane explosion?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that explains why the only thing he's said for the past 48 hours was something about the ever flame
im back home ready to put these fenders on this bicycle im gonna become a pro at installing them fenders will flow through my hands like water and they will call me a fender bender
>try to get a quote for car insurance >they don't actually offer insurance themselves, they just forward my information to literally every insurance company so i get 24 missed calls, 8 texts, and 3 emails overnight i really don't appreciate this
Yeah that doesn't really seem like good business design
it probably catches a lot of people and they're probably making money by selling information
I saw a bit of it in action I'm not 100% sold on the 2D sprites in the 3D world and the game worlds seem a little bit on the "cram in content instead of design with intent" side of things But it does look fun to move around in and the game is definitely cute, yeah
this old english dude makes some really good looking food when he cuts into the dumplings at the end i nearly died
I really should consider getting a new pan the one I have is fine, but it seems to be a bit higher in the middle somehow, butter and oil all kinda collect on the outer edges all the time, makes frying stuff a bit of a pain
if a pan bends out of shape, it is finished
yeah one of my least favorite realizations that comes with adulthood is that pans and utensils are both expensive and temporary i thought my father had always used the same skillet growing up, the one he taught me a lot of cooking with but it turns out it was like 5 purchases of the same skillet
my pans were quite high quality when i received them, but i fear it may be time for new ones in the next year or so
There's a reason a lot of older people really swear by the cast iron tools They're a pain to clean, but they're so much more durable than these newer non-stick things
I don't have a dishwasher anyway, so maybe I'll get some of that stuff
cast-iron that's enameled with porcelain or ceramic is my favorite kind of pan i have this same pan at home it's very nice >>973282 no not really although i use wooden spatulas mostly so maybe metal would scratch it but i just never use metal spatulas
Porcelain is a bit of a pain cause it scratches easily, tho, isn't it?
Though, realistically, I don't end up making too much food requiring particularly good tools, cause I'm just one person, so most recipes are simply unreasonable For some stuff you can just make less, but something like a stew, there's kind of a hardcap on how little you can make before you're just frying ingredients in a water bath in the oven
i tend to make large meals and just eat them over the course of at few days it's the most cost-effective for me, i find
That's definitely also a good option, at least for food that doesn't lose the consistency over time Some stuff's kinda supposed to be chewy and crisp, though, so those are a bit of a no-go
I did make this really good chicken and tomato soup that I ate out of for a few days once though, so it's not like I haven't done it at all It's a good idea for me when it's something I just recently started eating, but I'm a bit particular with food so at some point I'll just stop eating something I really like and it'll just be left until I have to throw it out
Like I'll find something new I like, and that's gonna be the only thing I eat for maybe a week Then one day I'll just not want it anymore, and probably just not eat that day because I don't have anything lined up
the recipe for these dumplings calls for suet which is like beef lard but what if i just don't
i enjoy the game a lot but i'm not free2play by any definition of the word it's also important to know going in that there's a ton of content and gameplay up until there isn't and then it's just logging in once a day and doing dailies until the next content patch but also you don't have to pay money and the difference between top tier and bottom tier characters isn't as high as people make it out to be having the proper build and team setup and properly investing resources is _way way way_ more important
do the featured character banners rotate so you get another chance if you missed it the last time? >>973291 That's fine, I was really mostly wondering if I'll have to dig up my old account to have Venti again Or whatever 5star I rolled, I don't remember >>973291 If Venti is someone you get through rolling for 5stars, Venti's who I had I just wasn't sure if you got him through story or rolling, is all
I think I got him on the first roll, too, I vaguely remember that
they do, but it's usually a few months and i imagine a second rerun will be even later
i really want Zhongli but it might be a long time >>973290 if you had Venti, you probably want that account if had Diluc or Mona, it's maybe worth it if you had Keqing, then it's worth it to me because she's cute, but Keqing or any not-previously mentioned 5-star isn't worth it probably
>>973290 Yeah i did say that thing about top tier and bottom teir and it still holds true but Venti is absolutely nuts if only because you don't need very much investment or skill to make him work he's not actually the best but he's just really easy to use and build
Well for Genshin, you just wanna have characters you like, anyway And I like Venti
yeah that's mostly true with no 5 stars or only one 5 star you can make some really good teams Xiangling and Xinqiu are better than most 5 stars Xingqiu*
Kaeya and Ningguang are sicko mode characters too Razor and Beidou can get work done and as far as healing goes, Barbara and Noelle are perfectly capable
apparently Electro Traveler is pretty good but you're gonna be a long ways off from unlocking that probably
from austin local dj crew Wavedash i seen em when they were but new kiddos on the scene opening for Kill The Noise man that show was sick but they used to make skrillex-type stuff they're completely different now, for the better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aishite kure nakya damesa konya wa kashkiri no private girl
does all of hololive en Gen 2 have 8th-grade-syndrome?
>>973365 Myth was the same way The EN branch seems to be pushing strong character roles for their members Over time they'll either settle into the roles or leak a bit of their natural personalities in And the pressure to conform to the role will lessen up
Also a follow-up to above, all the Hololive gens have this kind of character roleplay during debut It's probably easier to gloss over it when watching JP debuts if you don't have fluent comprehension of the language Over time, some of them learn how to become the role without making it too overwhelming, or just discard most of the role to be themselves
I'm a little sore because I had a good idea for an owl character which kinda echoes a lot of the owl motifs in Mumei's design But it's such a fashionable design that I can't really complain Plus, birds and early worms and all
Also that hood is adorable I hope they can some day rig her up to be able to wear it
The runescape clan was running a celebration contest kind of thing with gold up for grabs and all the other high level players who won were like 'nah. i don't need it. give the put the money back in the pool and give it to some noobie'
but fuck it. I'll take it. I'm not too proud. 10m is 10m.
>The fastest that you can stop any bike of normal wheelbase is to apply the front brake so hard that the rear wheel is just about to lift off the ground. In this situation, the rear wheel cannot contribute to stopping power, since it has no traction. >The rear brake is O.K. for situations where traction is poor, or for when your front tire blows, but for stopping on dry pavement, the front brake alone provides the maximum stopping power, both in theory and in practice. damn TIL
>Many cyclists shy away from using the front brake, due to fear of flying over the handlebars. This does happen, but mainly to people who have not learned to modulate the front brake. >The cyclist who relies on the rear brake for general stopping can get by until an emergency arises, and, in a panic, he or she grabs the unfamiliar front brake as well as the rear, for extra stopping power. This can cause the classic "over the bars" crash.
>Jobst Brandt has a quite plausible theory that the typical "over-the-bars" crash is caused, not so much by braking too hard, but by braking hard without using the rider's arms to brace against the deceleration: The bike stops, the rider keeps going until the rider's thighs bump into the handlebars, and the bike, which is no longer supporting the weight of the rider, flips. >This cannot happen when you are using only the rear brake, because as soon as the rear wheel starts to lift, the rear wheel skids, limiting its braking force. Unfortunately, though, it takes twice as long to stop with the rear brake alone as with the front brake alone, so reliance on the rear brake is unsafe for cyclists who ever go fast. It is important to use your arms to brace yourself securely during hard braking, to prevent this.
i like kryspue kreme
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have a big beard
im griwin one for a week then i totta shave sgsin god i suck at typing on my iphone
kyoto was fun i did the bamboo forest and kinkakuji i bought bamboo cutlery i like bamboo take 竹 im going again tuesday to the water drinking shrine and one other shrine
wait you guys don't even use me // metric why do you have a different spelling
>>973462 Because meter still exists as a word to measure an interval But the word for the physical distance is "metre" because it's originally from France Americans are just dumb and don't distinguish the two
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a kilometer is a thousand measuring devices
Well yeah at that point you're getting into particularly dumb legitimized spellings that shouldn't be real Whenever you're talking about physical distance it should be metre, kilometre, centimetre, etc.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>973461 never chucked it on a dynamo my speed gauge goes up to 220kms if that's anything
Anyways, I'm really tired right now. But I have to get up and do some stuff. Which will wke me up. I guess I'll lay down a little longer then get up and do things then bathe. Bearzoi
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>973476 that's true I only do it occasionally well rarely after they took the bath out
A lot of the time when I open an image, the site kinda breaks when I close it again, with a huge amount of space left at the bottom Sometimes like 2 or more pages worth of blank nothing below the reply button It's been like that for a while, and I have no idea if it's a problem with something you did or if it's just my browser
Can usually fix it by opening an image, scrolling up, and closing it when I'm so far scrolled up I won't see the latest post after closing it though
is it just you i havrnt used moe on a computer in a while and its not like that on my phone
I don't think it happens on my phone, and I dunno if it's just me, either This is the first time I'm mentioning it, but it's been like this for month so it might just be on my end
It seems to only be on firefox, actually I dunno what could be causing it though
This is like the single worst ISP in the fucking country, so I wouldn't have been surprised if they actually did hijack DNS requests But it seems to have been some other hiccup, cause now I access the dock of smugglers without issues
That's really the main issue, since all ISPs are required by law to block it and other similar sites at a DNS level They're not required to prevent you from accessing it, they're just not allowed to have their DNS resolve it for you
Initially, the government wanted to enforce just outright blocking access to it, but some ISPs took that shit to court and won out on the grounds that it falls under free speech protections or something, and the government isn't allowed to legislate what content people can access, even though they can ban ISPs from listing said content on their DNS And that protection goes pretty hard, it's really a full stop. The government can't even legislate a ban on more morally bankrupt shit, those filters are actually wholly voluntary, not even enforced on the level this is, for some fucking reason.
That said, they haven't needed to enforce them, since most ISPs have voluntarily participated in the cops' filter on that shit. I'm not certain if that's also a DNS block or what though.
I found a manga by Takenashi Eri (mangaka of Kannagi and Take Moon) about a girl who finds a strange animal aan and keeps it as a pet. Its called Niji to Kuro. It's pretty cute.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The idea behind plate spinning is that, by having multiple women in his life, the PUA is able to avoid focusing too strongly on any particular one. This helps to keep him outcome independent and avoid becoming too attached to any one girl, as well as cultivating an abundance mentality. haha avoid interpersonal relations become pussy destroying masheen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guess id better buy dis eb00k
The scanlation of this finished. https://mangakakalot.com/read-wp8xd158504917075
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>973886 this shit's fucked up i can't judge tho i had sushi just earlier
>>973894 It's really funny. I highly recommend it.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>973907 i wonder how easily you could measure such a thing for a given person
whoakun probably bought them for the sake of buying them i can't imagine whoakun playing a paper card game or any card game he'd be too busy doing whoakun things
How mysterious. I guess I also buy things I don't need and won't use just to have them.
did you pull for yoimiya or ayaka? are you pulling for baal? i already have enough primos to guarantee baal, since my last 5 star on event banner wasn't an event character
I might go for Baal. I still don't really have a good electro chara
i wish i had a ganyu, my only good cryo units are ayaka and diona and ayaka is a on-scren carry and i need diona in her party for the resonance so i'm gonna have to raise fuckin kaeya or something cause keqing needs a superconductor i have aquila favonia so my keqing is physical
>>974017 the only good electro units are actually just physical units tho fischl is okay for overload teams i guess keqing can be okay with a shitload of work i've done that shitload of work and she's... okay kaeya can be ok i've seen
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
ye I've got a c6 Beidou but that is mostly physical
after i got ayaka tho i run ayaka diona xingqiu mona everything is frozen and everything is die
tbh i'm expecting baal to be underwhelming unless they fix electro reactions, it's kinda hard to have an on-screen electro character but maybe her numbers will be nuts
i have to get her because her VA is sawashiro miyuki though