Hi hey hello Hope you had a nice weekend It was pretty uneventful here
One moment and I'll have tonight's list put together
*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia Bokutachi no Remake Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Hamefura Kaizoku Oujo Episode 2-3 *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 6-8 Meikyuu Black Company *Sonny Boy Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru Tokyo Revengers *Tonikaku Kawaii (OVA) Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Dochuu Vanitas no Carte
The redhaired guy has a particularly inhuman look to him The vampires in this show look mostly normal But then he's got fae ears and yellow sclera
Bold claim there Vanitas
typical vanitas going way too hard
Definitely too hard this time
Wow, high IQ move from Vanitas though Seems like the vampire queen is either dead or seriously ill
Oh boy next up is a fight with the church How fun
I'd like to visit the catacombs of Paris some day I guess enough of them are securely maintained tourist locations But I do know even in recent years it's not impossible to stray beyond where you ought and get utterly lost Which is a mild fear to keep in mind
this guy is gettin really closer to noe
He strikes me as someone with no sense of personal space Since he doesn't seem particularly interested in Noe
Noe is best when he's being a bit indignant with Vanitas
vanitas sticking his tongue out while lockpicking vanitas showing sincere delight at the guards showing up
I guess Vanitas used to be a part of these Chaussers Or at least in the Church He knows where all the hidden things are
Man, they got played like fiddles Although it seems like they weren't all that interested in Noe and were really here for Vanitas
Oh shit he's doping
noe seems like he has a pretty high power level but this guy is bad bad news
Yeah, we haven't really seen Noe go up against anyone who's like, trained their whole life to fight Which is where I'd assume this paladin falls into >>973537 Hey but this time it's the human paladin that's doping
I feel no amount of "yes" can properly answer that question
it's true i'm a strivelord my leo is the leo that will pierce the heavens
>>973577 His most notable contemporary role is probably DIO from JoJo But he also gets tapped regularly for villain roles because he just has such a good voice for it
not a single moe is willing to fight me so by default i'm the strongest
I don't really like playing fighting games against other people all that much to begin with The fact that you'd be light years ahead of my skill is especially discouraging
>>973582 his role as Dio is pretty good his role as Roswaal is honestly amazing his role as Zato is also really good those three are definitely the standouts for me
the mission mode can be pretty helpful there's some youtubers who are super helpful too
i'd be lying if i said it doesn't take work to become truly powerful but it only takes a little bit of consistent practice to become good enough to feel like you have control over your character but the hardest part for most people learning, i find, is overcoming the initial wall to find what i'd describe as Agency when you have enough control over your character that you can think about more than just trying to do things, but why you're doing them
the best part about strive is that it's really pretty and everything is so cool
I'm sufficiently interested in the aesthetic to pick it up when it's on sale Not because I really need to be that conservative with my wallet but I reckon the odds of me getting a multiplayer game's worth of it is unlikely since I'm not motivated to PvP It does look like a fun and pretty game
i just noticed the next tantei episode is called "SPES"
Makes sense If I was following correctly and Alicia was Hel then the Koyasu which bailed her out is probably SPES' head honcho Which like I said I'm a bit confused Oh yeah you're right Chameleon was also DIO
nah that was chameleon he showed up at some other point i think hel's dad is big spes? i dunno for sure though
She was acting like she was the big boss but yeah, she also had some kind of dadcon thing going on there They're all weirdoes
Rika come back I was only joking about inviting you to play Guilty Gear
oh wait you're right this is a pretty big week for it >>973612 i wouldn't put it past this show to somehow delay the climax of this fight for another episode, even two more episodes if there's a genre that can turn 5 minutes into 50 it's this one
From some of the chatter I've seen there should be some interesting stuff But it might also be next week because I haven't been following the chatter too closely
i was also in middle school in 2005
I probably was Something like that
I guess Rika was barely an infant back then since she's 17
I think Kisaki's main goal is keeping Mikey alive, yeah Since he doesn't seem interested in being the face of the gang He wants a strong face to hide behind as the shadow leader
jesus fuck
wait... baji to the rescue? but not?
He's uniquely positioned as a member of Valhalla now to take out Kisaki Looks like Baji's lieutenant was right about him
what are you waiting for wait what was the stabactually deep?
It looked pretty deep when Kazutora stabbed him And he just spent a bunch of time jumping around a pile of cars swinging a metal pipe That's not exactly a good way to keep a wound from bleeding out
wow of course he has full energy until that exact moment and then he just dies
We'll have to see how things go This might've been enough for the time being at least Mikey didn't see Kazutora responsible for Baji's death Which means he's not likely to beat in Kazutora's head and finally become a killer
Like Baji dying is awful but the hinge point of this event seems to be Mikey taking his first life If that can be avoided then the future might change
i love shows that go into the politics and geography of fictional settings
I enjoy it but it does lean a bit on the dull side of comfy for me Not as bad as Drugstore was but it's a bit too much exposition for me to listen to This is the kind of thing I do better just reading outright
the reasons i like lotgh and the reasons i like this make for a circular-looking venn diagram
Magic battleships drawn by water dragons Pretty fantastical
Turning your army into military engineers is useful The roadwork helps them practice how to do construction on the go That experience can be put into building overnight fortifications or sapping projects against a siege
travelling to an isekai to bring the invention of burgers and becoming rich
I would imagine in most realistic fantasy worlds it might be difficult to secure a regular supply of burger meat Mass burger production kind of needs a strong meat industry already in existence Which is definitely why the hamburger is a quintessential American meal
he knows a ton of stuff most teenagers shouldn't know
A bit yeah Like it's not that weird for modern teenagers to pick up a bunch of random trivia if they're online But there's only so much idle curiousity can teach you And I don't think Japanese education prepares you on this many applicable fields of knowledge
tilde i suspect that you're similar in that you pursue mostly useless knowledge beyond reasonability or maybe i'm just projecting i feel like if you or i was summoned as he was, we'd have a lot of random knowledge like him but yeah i definitely don't think it's normal
Can't deny it At least when I'm motivated to learn, otherwise I just soak up especially mundane information and just read idle chatter on whatever I follow the personal philosophy that there's no such thing as useless information for me so I don't really discriminate either I'm very broadly learned on a lot of random dumb things
he's a good king, being out there on the front lines
Leading by example, and all Landslide disasters are pretty bad if you're unprepared for them
Like this stuff about undergrowth increasing soil water retention and reducing threat of landslide or other earth-shifting disasters That's not really something you expect a high school student to pick up unless they have some particular interest in geology / earth sciences
yeah that was definitely some advanced level knowledge
First real failure for him I mean as far as the cards were dealt he did the best he could There's a lot of things to fix with this kingdom and he can't really be zipping around the country micromanaging all the things that need to be fixed I think he did what he could, but well, I also know the feeling of doing what you can being hardly enough
well I think landslide management would be up to the locals too kings don't really do that kinda thing but it is true he knows how to do it etter than the locals
okay bokutachi
>>973692 this one i can believe a little bit because landslides are kinda common in japan
okay lets start
Fair enough Like you might expect someone who lives out in the west coast to know that a similar thing is good for reducing threat / danger of wildfires too
Man I wish I had a childhood friend who wanted to marry me
Wow she's a fifth wheel
and she chose veggies veggies might be important but i think they lose to high-quality beef every time and that beef was drawn with wagyu levels of marbling
Judging from the MC's remarks the fiancee came in with some real expensive ingredients So yeah, good chance of being high-quality beef
lobster hot pot!?!?
How bourgeoise
I wish I had that ability To just fucking snap and dump out a whole novel My brain's far too scattered to do that
Music creation seems fun But to be fair there aren't many creative pursuits that don't seem fun to me
He is kinda cheating though Since he does know what will be more popular or be in vogue He can say with confidence that this is the "right" way to go
Actually wow, it's been three quarters of a year more or less since he slipped back in time Since it's New Years and he arrived roughly around the start of the Japanese school year
>>973733 I keep waiting for him to bounce back to the present Or some other ramification of it being a timeslip But maybe it is just an honest "Your life sucks congratulations, you get a do over"
She's a pragmatic girl she doesn't have time for these silly emotional problems
>Getting the go-ahead to continue acting oblivious
well this conversation really makes it seem like buchou really is gonna be the winner in the end
I wonder if he still sees the girls as, like, ten years his junior Which is why he doesn't have any interest in being romantic with them In his position with two cute girls interested in me I feel like I'd be responsive to at least one of them
Tsurayuki is looking pretty stressed
Yeah no kidding hah hah In a different kind of series this is totally where he gets shot and dumped in Osaka bay
>>973741 everyone is college students anyway, it doesn't matter!
my guess is he's trying to keep his eye on his goals because he doesn't want to end up like he did the first time
Wow does she think She totally Wow Hah hah hah I like this onee-san
>>973745 I do think he could do with letting loose and comitting to a relationship Although I also agree with Buchou that he shouldn't do anything until they finish their game Since he would ruin at least one friendship in doing so