*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 5-6 Kaizoku Oujo *Love Live! Superstar!! *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 6-7 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken *Uramichi Oniisan
The only show we watch with Bang left on the docket is the second episode of Pirates So maybe we do like we've done in the past and just fold it into tomorrow's shows
They've been on it most of the season so far too At this rate it'll be the whole season
I think the OP hints at some other stuff though so maybe there'll be a shorter arc after this all wraps up
Well he got vaporized
This random m- What Hah hah hah What
I did think this random mook was suspicious though I mean besides just chilling on the side of an erupting volcano He was leaning against some kind of insignia on the boulder he was resting against Like in a way he was trying to conceal it
So it wasn't the dragon which was actively draining their life, but a bunch of ritual magic set up I guess the dragon was always sleeping in the volcano and the priest guy wanted to use the island's life force to speed up its awakening
Wow this guy is a real map nerd I can kind of understand that passion though Maps are neat
I guess the dragon wasn't all that bad in the end it took them a long time to win this one
It was probably more just a creature of instinct Unlike the orcs which possessed intellect and humanoid minds It's hard to blame a predator for being, well, a predator
She's definitely a cutie
To be fair The heroes are kind of inhuman They can respawn, where as the average people of this world can't
Also RIP that dragon Lasted all of a few days
Back in Japan looks like OH RIGHT We hadn't had this yet because this arc took so long But they got their free question And the idiot promptly wasted it
Yeah! Here we go! Oh and there we go
Wow the new member is a girl And a kaigai neekki Her gender was kind of vague in the OP and since there was a Japanese guy in the show already with blonde hair I just assumed she was Japanese too
I like how they still have things like floating question marks for the invisible girl So she can react even though you can't see her face
The most recent Hero Academia movie came out recently Despite Covid precautions stepping up again in Japan the movie's done insanely well It probably won't beat out the Kimetsu no Yaiba movie but it's doing really well, like even by normal conditions
oh a new movie i bet it's good but yeah yaiba is probably unstoppable it was such a good movie
Oh you've seen it too? Kirara was so excited when it came out for home video that he wrangled up a bunch of us to watch it I think it was him, Ton, Pan, and me
It's weird seeing Eraserhead without scruff He's pretty much never cleanshaven
That is actually a pretty solid reasoning from All For One If he's on the hunt for high-quality Quirks to add to his collection, messing with U.A. is going to get him in contact with all sorts of high-quality Quirks
A lot of Hero Academia falls under some of the somewhat usual happy-end or low-risk style of shounen manga But whenever All For One gets involved things usually get pretty macabe I think Hori, the mangaka, understands how to get things real dark And he's probably just kept in check a bit by Shounen Jump's standards
I feel like this development of the smoke teleporting guy being an old hero friend of Eraserhead's is something Hori came up with later though Like we haven't seen much from him personality-wise, but he's seemed more like a gentleman villain kind of guy rather than an empathetic, caring chaperone to Shigaraki
Iroha is craaaazyyyy I mean we've kind of known since the start that Ui either wasn't real, died at some point, or was merged into Iroha Or well there's a lot of possibilities there But her imouto isn't real anymore, at least
A merge between a dream and a Witch's labyrinth is a pretty trippy exerience Both are already kind of wild on their own and now they're rolled into one
People certainly look less threatening when they're bullying stuffed dolls that don't actually fight back
The way the Doppels act as defense mechanisms for the mahou shoujo is kind of neat Although I still wonder how they rationalize them not being used all the time If it's a way to purify Soul Gems without Grief Seeds then there needs to be a reason that's not just the default method for cleaning gems
They're very BIG Especially with how they kinda hunch over everything like they're hulks
This little Kyubey continues to seem like it's actively trying to help out Compared to the usual one's general indifference when not pushing the mission
Yeah The way the scene earlier was setting it up though was that it'll be the three beastmen who've been cooperating with him that go up against Milim's followers though Although she's got the lizardman with her so maybe it'll be okay I've got my eye on them being the upset fight of this big showdown though
This snake lady seems pretty tough at least
yea i think everyone good wins easily here
How the fuck is this little guy always so absolutely amazing
Yeah, but probably not "top five under Clayman" strong Plus he doesn't really like fighting unless he's angry or trying to impress a lady Which, in all fairness, that was a really good opportunity for The hell Gobta