*Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 5-6 Kaizoku Oujo Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon *Love Live! Superstar!! *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 6-7 Night Head 2041 Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Dochuu
Yeah, hopefully it's just an overshot nap I had to dance a bit close to that today Met with my mother for supper which means I didn't get to my afternoon nap as early as I would've liked
Seems like you made it! I hope we're able to have a full docket of anime tonight
Oh I understand this girl Someone being completely uninformed but interested in your hobbies is a good chance to just flood them with your enthusiasm for it
Oh that's a woman isn't it
Romeo & Juliet continues to be a really goofy story when you strip away the Shakespearean frivolities Two teenagers from families that hate each other meet each other one night and fall utterly in love, run away like the morning afterwards, hatch a plan to fake their deaths to escape the obligations to their families, fail completely due to miscommunication, and end up committing a double suicide
yeah I guess it's a dumb story it's kinda meant to be a dumb story though isnt it
I wonder about that It's definitely easy to see it as dumb with a modern lens But back in Shakespeare's time, especially with nobility or economic class like the families in it, honour to your family was probably seen as important above all And tragic romance was still in fashion because they hadn't quite left the whole chivalry thing behind Plus teens being married couples was still totally normal
It would've been interesting to get both a nobility and peasantry account of the show for the time period
Oh hold that for a moment Ai is growing her hair out now I hope she doesn't stop
Prestigious schools like this pushing girls to eating disorders definitely doesn't seem unthinkable Especially if the staff are dictating you lose weight
Ai with this current growing-out phase of her hair and her outfit really strikes kind of a punk girl look
Oh the teachers have seen this song and dance all before They picked up she was purging just from clues like that
Also constant vomiting is probably bad for your singing voice The throat isn't really supposed to handle a lot of acid
He's a good sensei Getting a reminder that you're at a prestigious school that has elite standards means you're still way above the much larger number of people who didn't get it is probably a good morale boost
Also it's good to take absolute confidence in your strongest suits
I'm glad i'm not hugely tall like that that would be a terrible curse
It's all relative! You and Sarasa are likely about the same height She just looks big because everyone here is Japanese
He's going to have fun absolutely destroying their attempts at acting
Actually wait nevermind she's 178cm that's even taller than me
They kinda seeded a bit of a plotline there With these two red-haired twins The other one was excited to play Juliet but this other one pushed herself into being the comic side character of Juliet's nurse
Is it? I'm a bit on the short side of the local height averages so growing up I've always been around girls who are taller than me
Wild to imagine there's high school students who can't read Kanji Although since Ai was a child idol turned actual idol maybe she never got a proper education
Kinda breaks from what you're used to seeing, eh I wonder if it's supposed to be, like, laying flat helps stretch your posture out and encourages you to sing from the diaphragm
Ah yeah Acting is a lot about momentum Or when momentum fails, improv Redhair salvaged that blunder well
Judging from what the blonde in their little troupe was saying, she leaped into the role practically overnight I guess Sarasa is a kind of copycat who can imitate what she sees with exquisite detail
But imitation can only take you so far! You gotta be your own act to be the best
The aesthetics of this ED always remind me of old classic shoujo-ai series Which makes sense because they in turn took inspiration from the kinds of stage performances that the school in this series trains you for
I can definitely understand Ai here Being at a loss how to talk to people And then when you try "normal" conversation topics and they fall flat, you kinda just feel, well, confused
>>972843 Yeah they mentioned her last episode Er, him. Everyone was thinking he was the one that sent her all the roses for her birthday
I like this blue-haired lady's style
>I'm so Sara-sad A rare occasion where a Japanese pun slides smoothly into an English one I'm pretty sure the Japanese would've said like "sara-sabashii"
That's an interesting difference between kabuki acting and kageki acting though They said that Kabuki actors perfectly emulate the style and specificities of older Kabuki actors so that they are like bringing the older actors to life But Kageki, which takes inspiration from European style acting, is all about making the role yours and bringing your uniqueness to the role I can see why Sarasa, who was raised on Kabuki, would have difficulty with the quirks of Kageki
>The Kabuki world praises bloodline How very Japanese
Yeah It seems kinda fun though I wish I'd had more confidence to get into stuff like that when I was younger
He's being surprisingly chill about Sarasa being better than him Although I guess he kinda hinted there that him telling she was the other child actor there was him throwing a temper tantrum
But normally kids like this get real upset when other kids are way better than them Especially when it's something that "feels" yours
>Refer to a thing that happened in the Edo period as "new things" I feel like the Edo period was way long ago
I wonder if Sarasa and the guy are really girlfriend/boyfriend They don't really act like they're in a relationship Maybe it's just how she contextualizes their relationship
She is also a good bit of a cloud cuckoolander I could totally see someone, like a kid in her class at some point saying something like "A girl and a boy who spend a lot of time together are dating!" and her in her absolute faith in people taking that to heart
given the circumstances i dont really wanna do anything that might make bang more angry I don't mind getting a little extra sleeo tonight
if you really wanna do a fifth that's okay with me
if he isn't here tomorrow we'll go ahead as normal cause stuff will pile up if we dont
okay lets start
Would you be okay with doing Tsuki Michi as a fourth I know it's a Bang show but it's one he's less invested in
I'll insist tomorrow if he's not around, but okay, Love Live tonight
I'll be frank I'm rather annoyed here myself I don't believe I've done remotely enough to deserve his ire and as far as I've seen he's left me with zero opportunities for a good resolution here I don't want him to stop coming but I don't see a route to resolution either Which frustrates me more too.
Well I hope you guys can work it out I can try ot mediate if you want
I wonder if this blonde girl will be easier to rope in than the other yet-to-join girls Hairbuns seems to want to join but she's prioritizing her music/dance classes instead And black is totally a HAET AIDORU character who doesn't actually haet aidoru Blonde seems like an easier recruit
>>972862 Thanks It'll be easier for that if he shows up at least to talk I'll see if he's responsive to me first
I like the smaller group a lot I think it really like makes the format a lot bette
The 33 model is nice because how interconnected it is I think oh damn it I forgot about the hypertext The 3\3 model I mean Wait that still didn't work 3/3 Weird I thought /moe/ had a cancel macro
Anyway I liked how they could make all sorts of three-person combinations from it But in retrospect that was probably indicative of the push to make Love Live a multi-media franchise from the get-go Because then you have all sorts of units to make music from
This galaxy blonde obviously wants to be the center of their group She seems a bit self-serving