Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu Kaizoku Oujo Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 6-7 Night Head 2041 Scarlet Nexus Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Sonny Boy Tonikaku Kawaii (OVA) Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Dochuu
Funny seeing everyone kinda learn from the cycles but satoko messing it all up
Featherine or Hanyuu, can't remember which, did say proximity to a looper might be what causes regular people to remember their past loops If that's true, then having double the loopers now might be accelerating the process
Teppei you're like a mid-thirties at best probably early-forties man You shouldn't be flustered seeing children's underwear
I wonder if this arc is going to be a bit of Satoko's failure to become a full monster She does seem to harbour some regret using Teppei like this And from what we saw in the original arc, he wasn't who she used the virus sample on
well this arc does end with a rampage so and someone who never has in the past satoko is definitely going to do something
Yeah, but she spares Teppei from being the berserker Probably, at least
Thiiiis is interesting though The first perspective of this route in Gou, Ooishi was being particular villainous towards Keiichi and the school's attempt to rescue Satoko If Teppei got to him and convinced him that nothing was wrong in the Hojou household, then that might explain his interference
Of course alternatively she impulsively pricks him with the virus here and his aggressiveness is the slow descent into terminal Hinamizawa Virus
From what we've seen, the virus doses are highly effective I expected Ooishi to be a bit slower to succumb to it since he's not ani -an immediate local And he seems kind of in the same vein as Mion in he's pretty level-headed But yeah it activated fast
i'll watch maid dragon but i'll appreciate if tilde can make an effort to at least pretend he doesn't want to ruin my night
I've never wanted to ruin your night It's pretty aggravating for me that you immediately assume the worst in me Because then literally anything I do is going to be framed by that
>>973002 it's not immediate though you know the 799th time you said something contradictory to something i've said is one thing but the 800th i dunno man
What's wrong with disagreeing with you? We're very different people Bang of course we're going to have contradicting opinions on things and different interpretations
it's that you never frame it as a simple disagreement you state things matter-of-factly it's never "i think" or "the way i see it"
Hell no I'm gonna say I use "I think" and "In my opinion" a lot Or "I don't see it that way", which is in the same toolbox for me
maybe i should pull up that thread where you said my opinion on maids was wrong because you're a maid expert
Oh for crying out loud We were going to watch Maiddragon, a show with a comically-obsessed maid otaku I get my attempt at humour did not land well with you but I think it was pretty obvious I was channeling Kobayashi there for a bit of comedy
i'm just having a hard time finding confidence that i'm not going to end up having a worse night by staying and even more difficulty trying to figure out what i even stand to gain
I can make a pointed effort to contextualize all my comments as opinion But I would also like to say ahead of time if it clears things up that everything I post is of my own opinion and is free to be disagreed with
I'm good to go
Rope barriers like that are often used in Japanese spiritualism for sealing or creating barriers for supernatural phenomenon That they work on psychics means they're implying they have some common base with things like ghosts and other supernatural entities?
This poor woman is really caught up in much more than she wanted
Usually it's not so easy to just present superpowers to a society that doesn't believe in them and then flip that society on its head People are usually more than happy to stick to the beliefs that confirm to their world view
it's weird that there's so much supernatural stuff plopped into this setting
I actually really like the cross between the near-future science fiction and the supernatural elements I think the one thing that only really nags me is the way the cops want to make a secret force of psychics to take out the psychics Partially since it's kind of trope-y though
Come to think about it, I wonder if the whole thing about destroying fiction which presents fantasy or surrealism as real, and it being a destruction of cultural heritage, strikes closer to home with the Japanese Not that they ever really did anything of magnitude to that, but just across the strait in China, the CCP strove to destroy a lot of cultural heritage material when they first took over
Ah, yeah Process of elimination Being the leader was unlikely, the girl was already kinda bucking the trend And the other guy was shocked to hear the otouto call out there was a traitor
I expected the brother to be way better with the telekinesis than them I mean he's probably got years of training on them But he's also probably high-potential too I'd bet
Just because society has rules doesn't mean they should be followed! There's plenty of rules over history that have definitely been worth flaunting
the soundtrack got kinda cool
They've used it really well over the series so far I wonder who the composer is
Oh, the composer for this OST is the same composer as Vinland Saga's OST And also Great Pretender and Tokyo Ghoul Those all had pretty strong OSTs and good use of them
what the
Yeah huh I wonder if they got zapped back to their time period Or maybe they just emergency teleported, something like how they appeared in the forest back in episode one in the first place
did naoya do a time warp we still don't know exactly how naoya's powers work well we still don't really know how anyone's powers work fully
i think naoto got warped out but maybe he was destroyed
It did look like he was getting dusted at first, yeah My money's on him and his brother doing some kind of space and/or time jump Though I dunno if that's Naoya's power or some kind of joint superpower since they're brothers.
>>973038 Oh I didn't know it had a previous anime I knew this was an adaptation/tweaking of, well I heard it was a novel but that page says the original is a TV drama
NIGHT HEAD is FujiTV drama aired from October 1992 to March 1993 for a total 21 episodes, with 23 minutes duration for each episode. The story continued with a wide-screen movie sequel showed in 1994. The story was later adapted to manga and TV anime series titled NIGHT HEAD GENESIS in 2006.
I didn't really expect rescuing the blonde girl to be such a long-running arc for the story of this At this rate they won't get to her until the finale
They both have controlling authoritarian governments and psychics I think as far as genre goes they're pretty different though Scarlet is more an action drama that doesn't waste time going into the political upheaval Like when was the last time one of the monsters in this show was really plot-relevant
Night Head goes harder on the mystery of the psychic brothers and the weird time shenanigans that have taken place
i think technology has made governments a lot more all-encompassing and it's probably gonna be a recurring theme that humans are afraid of how powerful they can be
There's a lot of precedence in science fiction to warn about the dangers of authoritarian governments That's what always comes to mind with Night Head at least It's very much in that traditional "give too much control to the government and they will destroy you" vibe of classic science fiction
Scarlet doesn't really embody that much beyond the use of the trope, I feel
Are all Others then just organic beings turned into monsters then? He said the transformation works on anyone with a brain, er, anything with one So it's not like they'd need a bunch of disappeared people to make all the monsters we've been seeing
But if it's a process that needs to be done and not something that just happens by itself then I wonder why the Other hav erun amok
Wow poor guy He keeps trying to be cool but everyone's stepping on his toes
I wonder how fast they've been approaching their deadline saving the aquarium I haven't been paying attention to the date in the show Although the MC also has until the end of summer before she has to go back to Tokyo So I guess end of summer is the show's limit anyway
I can't get into wearing shirts while in water I could probably do regular fabric shorts or even pants But shirts in water feel beyond awkward to me
since the setting is always so close to the beach i really didn't expect an actual beach episode
imagine going snorkelling in such beautiful beach where you have the place to yourself
>>973068 Yeah, it must be really, really nice I'd like to learn how to scuba some day I would really like to experience the underwater up close
Oh I see The little girl is one of those girls from the sticks who wants to live big city glamour
tokyo towah
Siblings are tiresome It's probably a bit of greener grass I don't dislike my siblings but growing up with three siblings I've definitely been exhausted by them
Grandpa doesn't seem so optimistic that the aquarium will survive past its final deadline for closure
dress with hoodie
Man every time I learn more I'm reminded how fucking weird marine biology is
The girls are getting really into this hah hah
This little girl has this boy wrapped around her finger She's pretty strong for her age
the cans say "moontory" instead of "suntory" suntory is a beverage conglomerate that make a lot of drinks sold in japan the pun is an english one though which is funny
Their canned highballs are pretty aight
I hope the aquarium doesn't have to close, but I could really see it going either way by the end of the show
i'm not decided on which outcome i'd prefer but i think it's likely that it somehow doesn't i think it would be more difficult for an author to close the aquarium and have a satisfying ending too but as long as the ending is good i don't know that i prefer one way or the other and i'm sure it will be
It feels like they're building up to the end of August for the climax of the first cour But the show's two-cour, so maybe the rest of the month will take much longer And we still haven't really seen anything of that gremlin god
>>973085 i kinda get the idea that it is but they might make it so that the closing of the aquarium is like a really important growth experience for them actually before this episode i was pretty sure they'd save it but they kind foreshadowed some themes just now that maybe yuuya and kukuru not being able to handle the aquarium closing is a problem they have to overcome
>>973085 I dunno Like I said, I could see it going either way There is a kind of realism in accepting that your best work isn't enough to save something like an aquarium And the fact that the one girl is kind of obsessively attached to it makes me feel like having her let go of it is important for her
This is a PA Works show, and while they usually try to end on happy conclusions, they are not beyond a more bittersweet ending
she tried to get the most out of fafnir showing weakness and he was never going to comply
Ah Ahhhh I follow Ichiso-sensei on Twitter and she remarked ealier that after watching this week's Maiddragon she really wanted to make a doujinshi I assumed it was more she saw something that sparked a funny plot But I guess if this episode is all about drawing manga it might've just gotten her excited
Oh this is right out of Coolkyousinnjya's fetishes
Ah well maybe not entirely
"I Tried Cursing The Older Lady Who Won't Stop Bothering Me But She Keeps Evading All My Attempts" would make for a fun LN though
i hope he doesn't cause trouble by spreading rumors
I might go back and rewatch that bit in the middle of the episode about sleep before I go to bed tonight It feels like something nice to have tumbling in the brain as I drift off