>>974061 Why is she upside down? Sheena wearing Dessian armor.
Wait, exspheres are made of people? I completely forgot this. Anyways how do you have an entire race of half elves anyways. Don't actually answer this question I'm planning on replaying Symphonia soon.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the half elves reproduce with each other producing more half elves
half elves are real and they breed through budding
>>974064 I mean I guess, but how does the situation encouraging that happen? My guess is a lot of rape and genocide. Or I guess a disease that wiped oouout the elves. >>974065 Big if true.
What do you think of putting hobbies before career?
I would almost insist on it A person isn't their job, they're their passions and interests If your passion and interests are your job, then that's the ideal But I think it's important to prioritize that which you draw satisfaction and investment from
The close-ups of her boobs and her ass make the whole thing kind of tasteless which is a shame because I love thee little dance thing she does with her arms.
With or without insurance? For a cleaning I don't think they charged me much of anything due to insurance but when I had to have some cavities filled it amounted to like 250 usd. A dental surgery I had to remove my wisdom teeth was like 600 up front though
Yeah at least in NA currency I don't think you'd be run up more than a few hundred dollars for normal dentist services Just don't get drawn in by their sales pitch on other appointments you need to make
sometimes I look at YouTube shorts when I'm bored qnd there's a guy on there who is trying to cure his allergy or anaphylaxis?? by taking the thing in small doses
>>974098 I don't know enough about allergies to know if that works. I hope it does though. Actually I think that's what they do for people who are allergic to their own semen.
No, that will do the opposite. You can't cure an allergy through exposure, and continuous exposure can /// repeated exposure can make allergies worse. If you're having an anaphylactic reaction, it's already too late for you. There's no fixing that allergy. All you can do is treat the allergy when triggered.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's infuriating to watch either way
its my bday :)
happy bday whoakun
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
happy birthday again mr whokun
bro imagine being a cuck for a trade job lmao
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who you @ing also didn't you catch corona from your work and one of your managers murdered the other
i don't think there's anything wrong with being proud of your profession yall just salty or ignorant or both
>>974106 fuck yeah bud both those things happened i wasnt really a trade job though any inexperienced fuck outta high school can become a line cook
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>974107 i love what i get paid for but careers are cuck shit face it bro there's no shame in being a cuck
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I just want my job at the dicksuckin factory back ;_;
>>974109 you can look down on whatever you wanna look down on but you're just wrong cuckoldry doesn't have anything to do with this, it's just a weird buzzword insult you're throwing at something
okay cuck
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a good game you can play is going on social media and counting all the people from school who have become antivaxxers
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ain't nothin like doing nothin
>>974100 https://www.vice.com/en/article/yvx4dy/the-cure-for-your-semen-allergy-might-be-injections-of-your-own-semen-1117 There were trials but it isn't cciconfirmed tthat the illness is an allergy. >>974102 Otanjoubi omedetou
>>974114 I recently found out that my one unvaccinated friend is actually not antivax He's just really afraid of needles.
maybe he should consider that fearing covid 19 is a higher priority
tell him that if he wants the gene that causes fear of needles to stay in the gene pool he might need to get needled
fearing covid is for cucks
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's why I lick the sinks and toilets of public toilets
>>974121 You have public toilets? I don't think I've seen those in a while. Excluding like Reststop public toilets on roadtrips. Or toilets in a national park.
Looks like my favorite hobby is dying. Well being killed off There's going to be official Fortnite magic the gathering cards. And also Street Fighter for some reason? I'm less mad about that and more confused. Guilty Gear is more popular than Street Fighter these days and Street Fighter V did not sell that well IIRC. I guess it has brand recognition. Anyways there's other stuff too but I didn't watch the announcement stream I hate seeing another hobby of mine turn into this.
sometimes i get youtube video recommendations based on stuff that I know other people in the house have watched
like my mum learns french. as like a retirement hobby kind of thing just something to do and Occasionally I'll get things on my homepage about beginner french or whatever
which makes be a little concerned that my parents get garbage about vtubers and runescape
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably maybe your dad will get curious and then get into Runescape
I was cleaning my big knife to cut some sausage up into slices, and when I wiped the water off I accidentally pressed too hard so the blade caught that little bump under my thumb It happened pretty fast, so I didn't feel it or anything, and it doesn't even hurt, it's just blleding it'll heal quickly, I assume
i downloaded this minecraft level hoping to find some sweet uncensored works but its like a massive library construction holding like 20 books of 10-20 pages each of like "we must safeguard democracy and this reporter believes such and such"
>>974342 >not available so this is what it feels like to be Australian
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's dull flame of desire by bjork
i found a webpage full of awful recipes https://recipes.mountaindew.com/?recipe-category=made
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>974343 >>>/watch?v=4sA9vl7Th9Y >>974345 I saw a video of a homeless guy making hot cheeto pasta with a side of hot cheetos desperate times call for desperate measures I guess
If I wanted to raise bees I could move out into the middle of nowhere and do that myself!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like a lot of work id rather rent the bees
I've heard that's a pretty busy business A lot of agriculture benefits from bees but commerical farming is just too large a magnitude to be effectively pollinated by wild bees (plus all the wild bees are dying) So there's apiarists who move around with trucks full of hives to pollinate farms for a fee I don't think it's particularly well-paying but it is in demand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna build an airship so i can release bees over the fields directly CARRIER INCOMING
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bogos binted
bogos binted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no i don't need a cure for me i don't need it! mmm please no cure for me
man if you google image search "Mariya Takeuchi" you get many copies of the cover of Plastic Love and also quite a number of anime style recreations of it and some of them are Fucked
forgot real pic >>974521 yeah it's real cool >>974523 just needs a lemon slash lime probably
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice can design might be tasty
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The designs were believed to have been created when ancient Peruvians scraped off a dark and rocky layer of earth, which contrasts with lighter-colored sand underneath. In recent years, advances in drone technology, artificial intelligence, and satellite photography have led archaeologists to discover drawings with with increasing frequency. In 2019, a team of Japanese researchers from Yamagata University unearthed more than 140 geoglyphs at Nazca, including images of lamas, a two-headed snake, birds, and alpacas. sugoi
If a snake's forked tongue has two tines and each snake head has a forked tongue, does that mean a two-headed snake has a full fork of forked tongue tines
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes also it means they have some extra flippy flappy thing in the junction where their two tongues meet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow that two headed girl
... two personned being? anyway they have 2 heads 2 completely separate spinal cords 4 lungs 2 hearts (shared circulatory system) 2 stomachs, 2 gallbladders 1 liver 3 kidneys a Y-shaped small intestine!! 1 large intestine 1 bladder etc man
PUNO FLAVORED PASTEURIZED 6.0% in TREATMENTS Water, barley slid, isyrio glycnete krydra rinsing syrup frisctose extra hop flavor: acid regulator (citomic and energetic acid at 100 mit 7:33 K) / 56 kat en formacy at desperados.com
Zywic S.A., ul. Browarne, 88 34 300 ye, produced in Poland under HDRV license: bruiding d of Desperate Tweede Wateringplantion 101720 Anisterdam The Netherlands
INFOLIMA 801-540-450 (tariff payment Persica Freeze in a cool place Nadepty spatys Brand sata on the bottom
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh I guess it's polish or looks like it basically nonsense >>974532 no comment on joe? a true patriot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why am i so BAD at time management fuck 5min chess
I left my contact details and address and stuff at this website that just sends them onto ISPs and stuff, right, to get offers for a new one cause this one blows So I get called up, offered 350mbit/s, end up accepting that offer cause it's pretty fucking sick get a message today, call customer service, they don't deliver that to this area, nothing even close to it, that whole hour long phone call was a waste of time from the very beginning
It's mostly pissing me off because this guy called me up to offer me something he already should have known he literally couldn't actually sell me fucking stupid, now I'm gonna need to find a different ISP
ISPs not covering certain areas is big suck terrible
I suppose I should hardly be fazed by it, considering those are the same states teaching kids the american slavery war was about "states rights" (to keep slaves) without the parenthesis which is a detail nobody outside the US really omits, seeing as it's the only reason that war took place
I'm kind of weird in that I'm on the fringe of a lot of circles, but I'm not really in any of them. So I don't actually know who anyone is. Like sometimes I shitpost with folks but I'm actually in a bunch of groupchats that I never post in. And a bunch of discords that I never post in either.
I used to be in a bunch of groupchats but all of them are dead and if there are new ones nobody's adding me anymore
I'm in some discords though I just... never fucking post
well I guess I'll be the DM for an anarchis DnD thing starting... next weekend? S-0 this weekend, by the looks of things cause nobody else wanted to, and I volunteered, and now I kinda really wanna, but if everyone wants a short-term thing I dunno if I can confidently do that so I might drop out
i'm in the nekorug discord, the yung hegalian discord, comrade yui's discord, black flag catalyst discord, and some discord called control splat? i forget which circle invited me into that but they did
if everyone wants a long-term story though, I'm all in, I've got a WHOLE FUCKING THING you don't understand I didn't sleep for 2 fucking days cause my brain went insane I may also have been on drugs but that's secondary to it all
but playing a character seems the least fun part of dnd I wanna convey my own world, with my own pantheon, and my own characters, and history, and lore, and empires and nationstates and politics
that's the fun bit the characters are just there to visit
I think being a character and DMing are both really fun. I DM'd last night and it was fun, but a few weeks ago, I was a player, and that was really fun too.
It can be sometimes if you do it right. At the end of the last game ToN ran, my character devoured a holy grail and became an abomination that lives to devour the cosmos.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is that what you truly want deep down search your feelings
>>974598 There is no other satisfying end to the story I wish to tell, for me >>974597 I guess it could work, but only if the players are OK with the characters they spent so much time with getting wiped
because the world may be a wholly fictitious and unconnected setting, but the story I wanna tell is very much an abstraction of my own worldview And that's futility
titania devouring the universe was galaxy brain stuff im still proud of guy whose magic steals things steals a character's smile and sets them on a path of sorrowful destruction
Titania did nothing wrong. She just wanted to save the universe. And that's what she's doing. She's going to devour everything to save the universe.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>974601 yea that's what i thought seems like a self destructive fixation
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for me the appeal of apocalypse is everything born after it not in the destruction itself the new life and hope that blossoms in the ruins of the old world
I suppose part of the point of it all is the mistakes made along the path to the end though, so if the party avoids those it'll still be satisfying not to end the world I'll have to see
It's about as railroady as having a war going on in your world and having it develop despite or as a result of your players' actions if they ignore it, of course it won't go away
They don't have to engage with it, but it'll change the world whether they do or don't Cause it's the main Thing happening during the story
One time i put one of my antagonists in front of the party to give information and they absolutely just shredded him by gluing his demonic b---y to the floor and killing him it was beautifully horrible watching him get owned several levels earlier than planned
And then we cut his head off and carried it around as a trophy!
There was also the time Pan accidentally made my encounter really easy by assassinating a ton of people on the train before anyone realized they were villains (he didnt know either)
Pan just happened to murder people that would have been a problem
if the party is hellbent on ignoring the story I wanna tell though, I can always just shelve it and pick it up again later when they're less interested in random side junk I'm not stupid, I know how to not completely railroad something even if I gently nudge towards where I kinda wanna go
since i dont always have even my endings planner out, sometimes having your story evolve as your players go can be neat to im currently considering a decent rewitey change myself that i think will be cool.
Yeah for sure, it's just that I'm attached to this one course of events that I want to take place It's not like it takes a lot of space or anything though, the overwhelming majority of what the players do, even if they do exactly what I want, will be wholly unrelated to this thing it'll just be there
i really want to run a Heart game i wanna run one so bad but i need the perfect group for it and my current group is occupied with the games we've already got goin
I guess I come off as just wanting to read a book in front of a campfire, but I really do want everyone to be free to explore and do random junk, too I just also am attached to this part of it it won't be fun if they go directly for the thing, I won't even really allow it
remembered that pan's brainwaifu plot has been hijacked by him looking at a cute girl in high school and going "this is mine now" and dragging her along to adventure
>>974626 yeah but do you want me to throw you in with a buncha twitter randos it would be fine if we were gonna bully the randos but you'd have to make friends with them!
>>974627 cause im the best id have taken more students too but we got died :( >>974628 fuck you right
>>974629 and // at least you're getting your girl back from evil dog man soon, right? so you get the one you got back maybe sully can revisit acamoe and flirt with all the girls
I'll probably just end up falling apart and now shoeing up for the second game anyway I shouldn't have gotten so invested in this it's stupid and now I can't cancel
>>974636 yeah i think we spent the entire two sessions just talking about how much it sucked
My brain isn't stable Someone's gonna betray me, somethings gonna go wrong
I'm just gonna remove myself again because I can't handle being accepted jts not right They won't tell me
What if I break down again All of this was a fucking mistake k should have shut up
Bone Golem was so bad I suicided two characters to it, muted my mic the rest of combat, and then left when ton said combat was over and didn't hear the ending
>>974640 you gotta chill out you were fine before now you're just trying to convince yourself not to do something you literally just said you were excited for
Because it'll go wrong Everything always fucking does i always manage to fuck things up one way or another
8 shouldn't have But I can't just cancel I said I'd do it so I will but it'll go wrong and then I'll have to disappear again
I'm supposed to be the third wheel I'm not supposed to be part of things
Life is fully scary things but you won't ever be able to do things if you don't just do them even if they're scary.
starting out as a gm was in fact scary! i still sometimes worry if players will enjoy my content and there was a session early on in 3.0 thay was a brief disaster!
I'm not all there so I'm just not gonna say what I wanna I don't k ow how to process any of this I'm just mad and scared and I don't know how to deal sith NY of it
>>974679 Okay I went to the comic book store with a friend. They didn't have that DC Looney tunes crossover trade paperback though. TThThe service that hosts their digital inventory had a glitch and relisted a bunch of things they no longer had in stock. I bought the third (I think) Hellboy trade paperback instead. She came over afterwards and we hung out for a while and had mac and cheese. Now I'm just really tired.
I'm pretty bummed they didn't have it. It's listed for like $80 on Amazon. ;_;
>>974744 Maybe But if she does she'll tell you how to avoid it in tththe post bad end sscenes. Oh wait, you're ggogoigoing for Ciel? Did you do Arc's routes already? I think you need to do her route to unlock Ciel's route.
I'm going blind brother always go blind first
>>974760 Oh, okay I usually do that too. Except for one vn I played that had a built in flow chart. It was very useful tththough.
ciel was giving me murder vibes but she just wanted tea
KOHAKU yes i am happy now this is my main
>>974762 How much do you know about Tsukihime from other media? Have you seen Carnival Phantasm?
kousaka and ciel look fun wheres nanaya if i cant handle maids I'm playing kohaku
I never payed multiplayer so I didn't really have a mmamaimain >>974780 Yeah
why is ryougi in melty guest?
i only played multiplayer
I'm mad Sion isn't in lumina. I have no fucking idea what the plot is going to be without her
same, that's my true main tho i played linne in uni eltnam is hard in uni
Oh you might not know this, but the "a cat is fine too" thing is ffrom a Tsukihime doujin.
i just want kohakus mbaa walking animations playing transparently on my glasses
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hisui is dead forever ):
>>>/watch?v=5gdSpsf2DOw just awake in my hotel bed watching a sprite of ans at an anime maid walking sneakily
I've started seeing some discussion about the new Tsukihime online now that it's out in Japan They've apparently changed quite a bit of the plot from the original
im actually reading the original so i can compare the new one when its out and b\c type lumina
And for the time being there's no PC release scheduled either So it'll be hard to make a translation patch
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and type/moon has never released a VN in english and considering tsukihime is basically nonexistent in the west... the chances of a localization coming out any time in the next year or two are abyssally low
take it back
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hey man i want it more than anyone ive been waiting for the remake for 10 years but we can't change fate we just gotta learn japanese
I've had my thermostat set to 21c all night but the temperature on it started reading at 25c and has only increased to 25.5 But it doesn't feel like 25c in here but I also have not heard the airconditioner's compressor switch on and the air it's putting out doesn't feel particularly cool It certainly wasn't fixed after the last bout of maitenance workers looking at it but it was at least running with some hedging on my part Now it feels like it's not really working again
>>974971 I've decided to get back into hobby electronics again. I found a really interesting analog circuit based rrandom number generator developed in the forties that Ibwant to make. But I'm gonna work up to it by refreshing myself on simpler circuits.
>>974973 It uses a magnet set up to alter the course of a plasma current inside of a gas tube to generate the signal. People speculate that the trng used to make the Rand corporation book of bookone million random digits was based on this circuit. That book fyi was used a lot for computations that required random numbers back in the 50's and 60's.
I really like i really lucked out with this one. It's good pay and i enjoy doing it.
Almost too good just still waiting for something to go wrong is that kindda fucked? maybe.
Not really Like even among people who have had relatively normal lives, impostor syndrome can strike for even small successes Maybe evolutionarily we're accustomed to things just not going suddenly really well and immediately start looking out for danger If you're feeling anxious it's always good to acknowledge that, but don't let it take over your mood and heavily impact your decisions Remember, confidence, confidence
damn australians and all their hootin and shrimpin and uh bollywoggin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait wtf that's a word a racist word how the fuck
Wow Samu I can't believe you'd say that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im goin to samuJail
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i tried to figure out what the bogos binted meme meant with my very own head calculator and failed so i went and looked it up annnd it's entirely self referential in origin fuark
The recursion is getting so tight memes are starting to recur on themselves!
I asked this senior guy at work if I should do this thing no reply. so i asked another guy who was just as senior, but in a different area if i should do it and he said yes and now today, 20 days later the first guy responded to my email and he's like 'don't do the thing'
So now i gotta respond and tell him that it's already too late and i did it.
Pretty sure at this point my AC isn't working again, yeah Hasn't read lower than 24.5c for like fourteen hours despite being set to 21/23 the whole time
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
is it at least running?
>>975017 Define running Is the fan pumping air that's maybe a degree or half cooler than my unit into the unit? Yeah, sure. Is it properly modulating the temperature down to the set level it's supposed to? Nope
You'll be catching these hands if you don't wizen up boy
It's looking like we'll be going into a really hot, thickly humid weekend too, with temperatures hitting 29 before humidity I'm pretty sure the only reason my unit is only at 25 is because the ambient temperature is around there Once it starts climbing over the weekend it'll probably only get worse in there
>>975027 Yes displacing hundreds of people and increasing local sound pollution to add extra lanes to a highway that won't actually resolve the main issues of highways; bottlenecks and drivers making poor driving choices, which usually leads directly into the former
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna become the joker
>>975032 Surely you can come up with a more elegant persona to go villaining around as