Sometimes Uber is a real junk service for getting places on time I had it search for four minutes and all it could find was someone driving in from sixteen minutes away, which would easily make me late even with good traffic on route So I cancelled that ride and searched for a new one, which after maybe half a minute it found a new one fourteen minutes out Which means I guess I save a minute but I'm still going to be pretty late for work today
Cows acquired Gonna make us the least humane, but most efficient meat and leather farm ever seen on minecraft 1x2 space for the cows, and it just dumps the meat in a furnace for us to chow down
Gonna eventually move the wheat outside, but for now it's indoor grow op baby Just cause it's safer to actually make, and that cow farm needs a bit of wheat to get going
I wanna make the mob farm look like, you know, fucking yggdrasil or something Just this HUGE tree, justting up from the waters And I mean huge Shit has to be real far up from the ground
I'll just get some more milk on thursday when my fridge for the new apartment arrives, and I can fully move in I could make a burg, I would make a burg, if not for my kitchen being above the landlord's bedroom because she's a fucking dumdum
Well it's still wall to wall with another apartment, but I can still be a lot louder at night than I can here
Really, technically I fucking can do whatever I want here right now, just as a result of moving out by the end of this week anyway Like what is she gonna do, cancel the contract? It's already cancelled
yeah nah don't worry about those just a weird recollection of mine, cause I liked the edginess or whatever that game is probably hot garbage >>962582 wow
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also i have a flood warning woo
new strive character announced in 40 minutes
also play minecraft
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk how to play mind craft
>>962581 david cage is a really bad writer idk how he manages to stay afloat
might be theres like 50/50 chance rn im going for a special training but i might be taking leave after a week in my chiciago area and a week in alabamar
>User research shows that for many users, the way they create a new file is to find an existing file of the same type, copy it, then open the copy and delete everything in it
idk if you learned computers intuitively it makes sense
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
from one angle at least files are the thing
I feel like I may have done something like that in the past when I was doing some code-writing for basic programming courses Clean out everything but the basic fundamentals needed for a program
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is an "application" what is "exe" i want to make word document like my last assignment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>962642 this is pretty common i would do this too when i was learning programming by myself copy a file and hollow itout
>>962642 I did that a lot in my numerical programming course because most of my programs started with the same #includes
>>962637 this sounds exactly like something i would do
I never learnt anything in french class our class acted up and missbehaved alot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow home internet just died uh oh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gonna lose some ETH attestations no biggie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we back bois
Back to what?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
back 2 basics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf what is my IP rn
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow my code is broke as fuck
Hardly a new revelation!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's showing that i am posting with the IP of someone at a coffee shop am i on some weird VPN
You've been going out to a lot of coffee shops lately, haven't you? Does it have a past IP of yours frozen or something?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah idk how this is possible unless i'm on a vpn but then i google "what is my ip" and i get my usual home IP lmao wtf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am actually gonna put in some extra logging and see what it says
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i lost 11 cents during that outage
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
test lmao wtf
>>962783 i thought it like stored a cookie or something, like maybe you've just got the same cookie from when you were at the coffee shop idk ive noticed that i can get a different ID by posting through a different browser after updating, but if i use the same browser it still shows the old ID i just made assumptions based on that i did no actual diagnostic process
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think you might be right idk what cookie that could be tho so strange
a server-side cookie? i took a look at the guts a couple times and tried to make sense of it but it was mostly beyond my comprehension but not beyond my curiosity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the code is definitely hard to read i didn't know wtf i was doing when i wrote it and also i put a bunch of memes in
yeah i saw that the ID tag creation / obfuscation looked fun but i couldn't figure out what exactly was happening there >>962796 really? when i look at my tag it shows my// oh wait derp ignore me i forgot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like it's saying ur in germany rn
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok ima restart it again hold butts
ohh maybe SCs browser is the one posting country code DE
Goddamnit, I'm just now realizing I'm gonna need to move my computer and bed before I even get a fridge
Cause I kinda need help getting my bed down this bullshit staircase My computer I can move myself, but I don't want my bed and computer in separate locations, that's just stressful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
test guh
>>962801 im gonna have to move eventually, and the thought is dreadful about how i'll be able to get shit out from here unless i can find a roommate to help me stay here, then i can just go back to ignoring the dread until later
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>962798 i didn't do much at all just mined and explored a bit
threw a few punches at bang bang got killed by an enderman at one point i think he enchanted some stuff he also left me instructions >>962695
>>962796 where/how do you even see country/region ive seen it a handful of times on foreigner posts but i dont really get what determines which ones show it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it's real buggy it only shows if someone is connected at that moment
im not seein it right now, probably because the wires are crossed somewhere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but i am monitoring it thru logging
so are you not connected at the same moment you're posting impressive
Is it back now, whatever the issue is? Cause if so, it's probably me, somehow I just leave the thread open when I go to bed, so it's been open all night, but I just now refreshed cause I got a cloudflare error a bit ago
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not you the bug is some of the IPs are displaying incorrectly and by some i mean definitely mine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh well i tire of debugging maybe my brain will figure it out at some later point
I saw you guys got some carrots and pumpkins, btw, so I planted those badboys
We gotta make sure we don't accidentally use up our carrots, so always replant whatever you take of them, cause once we get a gold farm going, it's like I think the best food item in the game you can actually make anymore? Enchanted apples used to be better, but they're no longer attainable without console commands
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess they were pretty OP
Yeah, I mean enchanted apples went beyond just being great food items, since they were like, potions in and of themselves
well, golden apples are still technically better than carrots, but apples are harder to farm cause you need to plant and cut oak trees all the time Carrots you can just like, plant and harvest like wheat
But golden apples do actually give two buffs as well as being food
They're more expensive, and a bit more annoying to manufacture, but having 2-3 of them on you is a good idea as a "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" panic button carrots are for eating, apples are for when you get whooped by something unexpected, like you fall into lava or whatever
the roaches check in but they never check out they couldn't work the qr code no doubt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill send u a copy moon
no im ok thank you though i appreciate just following along with your tales
The more the merrier, really, when it comes to minecraft
I opened up our nether portal btw, it's a bit of an unfortunate position in the nether, but we can terraform a bit to make it look alright Be careful when you enter the first time or you might fall pretty far down cause it's on top of one of those tall nether trees lmao
And there's a lava waterfall like, right next to it, luckily it doesn't land at the base of the portal the way it did when I played with dutchfriend, so it's not dangerous unless you walk into it because it's not loaded and visible for you yet I'll probably plug that up a bit later
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hoo boy what precautions do i have to take for the nether no beds
Uh, a gold piece of armor is always advisable, cause the pigmans don't aggro if you have that on They do in forts down there, but not in regular biomes
They'll still go hog wild on you if you attack one of them though, and that lasts like... it's supposed to be like 20 minutes, but it's bugged out on me before and lasted the whole rest of that life
When you first enter, just slightly step out of the portal and let the chunk render for you, and you'll be alright, it's just a bit dicey because you can't see when you first enter lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have been to a couple of those fortresses in my minecraft career
Now that we've got it set up at least, I can soon make my xp farm, and then we're gonna take off
the craft flows like water from a glacier it is a pure craft untouched even in millions of years it is calling your name begging you to reach out to become craft itself will you answer the call
David Cage is pretty interesting in that he actually has some decent ideas but in the end they all just kind of fall flat. If he used the idea of controlling multiple characters to show interconnectivity and how people's actions can affect people they don't even know, that would be interesting, but even in Detroit he barely does that. You've got a robot who does an MLK style march (in the playthrough i did) and it doesn't actually seem to affect the world at all for the other characters
This morning's Uber driver has these wooden bead seat protectors or whatever It's definitely a weird feeling. Makes my back a bit itchy and it's certainly not the softest car seat I've been in It's not really a bad feeling though. Just weird
Which basically means I'm gonna be sitting here for the rest of today, until i'm tired, when I'll get in my car and go to the new apartment to sleep Which is definitely a New Experience for me, but it's not that much of a bother Definitely less of a bother than starting on this fucking gamer desk right now, won't be done until it's late anyway, so I might as well do it tomorrow
Big yab on the front page
Samurai could you please fix either this or the fact that thumbnails still load on /moe/'s front page even if they're supposed to hidden I don't want a moment's carelessness to lead to a real problem while I'm at work or out in public
Maybe we should require a captcha to make a new thread. Perhaps an anime girl captcha.
ㅤFormerRei@mobile Is this even legal in Canada?
>>962869 sorry, i usually catch it quick but ive been away this morning even active moderation has its weak points setting spoilers for thread header images might be a quick fix
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>962869 oh that's not great i agree uh what do you mean exactly by thumbnails supposed to be hidden but not
>>962874 So /moe/ is usually the first tab on my Chrome app so when I open the app on my phone, I end up staring at the front page And despite having the option for thumbnails to be hidden enabled, this is sometimes what greets me, thumbnails showing up as normal It's not a regular thing; to get this screenshot I needed to open and kill Chrome three times before it showed up And if I refresh the tab then it hides the thumbnails as it should, as well if I open up a thread But the problem with this fairly awful spam lately is that opening /moe/ is a bit of a roulette as to whether I just see a page of text or some rather NSFW thumbnails
maybe i can rewrite the thumbnail hiding code somehow idk how it even works anymore
you could make it so new threads aren't bumped to the top on creation, but upon being replied to then the stuff would at least be at the bottom of the page idk maybe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but then they'll post and post a reply guh the last thing i want to do is get into an arms race w spam i wonder what kinda soft measures can be taken here
>>962883 will they? i feel like most of it is automated, i dont think anyone's there doing quality assurance on the process maybe it's being manually spammed but i figure it's just a process running from a list of sites
an arms race sounds like a fun competition but only in a friendly and more wholesome context maybe a liveboard game could be made hmmm
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>962883 more people to delete? x amounts of reports auto delete?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's like having a mouse problem unless you plug all the holes at once you're stuck doing infinite wackamole plug one hole and they open another
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>962885 they'll figure it out quick its their bizness to figure this shit out all the time
i thought their strategy was broad-spectrum blasts like cold calling, accepting that 95% of attempts will be ignored i dont really have any insight into it though so idk
>>962876 I open almost all images from posts I know I can trust manually, don't worry
same, i keep the thumbnails hidden by default then check images as i get to that point it's more interactive and i like the formatting better without images pre-loaded
It started as me being a bit self-conscious about being on a weeb imageboard in public, then continued as a way to save data when I was off a WiFi network And these days it's just more safe because of the spam
But I have to look at the images, how else would I compliment people on their six pixels of pantsu?
> A citizen of the United Kingdom was arrested today in Estepona, Spain, by Spanish National Police pursuant to a U.S. request for his arrest on multiple charges in connection with the July 2020 hack of Twitter that resulted in the compromise of over 130 Twitter accounts, including those belonging to politicians, celebrities and companies.
I made pork and beans it's really good you should try some
hmmmm i probably need to go to florida and force kirara to eat my cooking knowing kirara, he would praise my cooking for several days on /moe/ ensuring that /moe/ knows that i am not only the best guilty gear player, but also the best cook
we need cute anime girl backgrounds implemented right after a pretective captcha layer for making threads
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if we put a captcha on making new threads they'll start spamming in the main thread
yeah that's true
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one thing i could do easily is always send telegrams for every new thread idk sounds like too many telegrams
the reports are probably as fast as people can see them it's not like we have that many people but surely there's something that can be done trying a big think
what if you just deleted /moe/
what if
>>962929 did you see the goldlewis trailer i'm almost more hype for the song than the character
you can't just dismiss them as bullies people who act like that on the internet usually have like actual social issues and difficult-to-handle life situations sometimes it's better they just act out here it's like therapy
>>963032 The constant alcohol evaporating off your hands can really dry them out You might find it more tolerable if you interchange sanitation doses with a moisturizing cream
looks be a general outage this time which in a way is good since it means it's not the problem we had before >>963146 I need to get a new battery or something Mine's got no life whatsoever >>963145 it's gonna be pretty cold tonight I can just rug up but it'll probably be harsh on other folks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I need a Japanese wife. How can I get her?
oh quora
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
Rip yahoo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you and rene ever hung out marsh
quora is the new shit except you could laugh at Yahoo
With any luck the long and dumb story of my condo unit flooding might finally come to a close today They finally came in yesterday and replaced the last of the flooring that was water-damaged, and today they should be replacing the trimming they had to remove It might not be done-done since I might want to wait a bit to move my bed back in to the bedroom, if I can even properly move it myself But at least it won't be waiting on people coming in to fix
Oh wait never mind they still haven't fixed the hole they drilled in my bathroom
>>963187 Well, that sounds like a lot of progress. That's good.
>>963196 It was fucking 31 degrees in here, so I turned on my AC Like half an hour later, my dad and step mom came to visit, and she for real suggested I should have just gotten a fan instead, like a regular desk fan
Bitch it was THIRTY ONE degrees in here, that's not sustainable, you can't live in that A fucking tiny dinky fan isn't gonna cool that down, it doesn't COOL down anything to begin with, it just moves air around >>963202 Celsius
>>963218 i worked in a kitchen ac broke so all the heat from equipment was just building up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you worked in a kitchen all day at 60 you'd die of heat stroke you must have had
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ice water rags
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well that'll remove heat that's insane
id do it again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
body temperature is what 37 but you also are generating heat all the time i could see 31 being comfortable if you're not wearing too much and it's not humid
Average body heat hovers around 36c with a few tenths of a degree of diversity My workplace has to take temperatures of the warehouse staff so I've gotten pretty accustomed to seeing what body temperature is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's a lot of rectal checks
Thankfully just a laser thermometer No one's going to check my rect without paying me extravagant amounts of money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill venmo u
You're not going to venmo the requisite money I don't even have venmo
Gonna call the people in charge of this apartment tomorrow and ask about the process for changing my ISP When I went here to look at the apartment before I signed anything, I asked about it, and supposedly they'll cover the cost they already pay for it, which... which is gonna be a lot, this being among the most expensive, shitty ISPs in the fucking country It's so expensive because all their fucking ISP services are packaged with TV, you can't just get internet
For all I know I could vastly upgrade my internet without paying a fucking thing for it
idk grimes is a gremlin sorry if you don't want to be categorized as such
>>963246 Well, I am part German and that's where gremlins are from so it could be true. Also I told my sister that she looked like Grimes and she got pissed at me.
My twin sister who looks a lot like me. >>963249 Not anymore She was a huge bitch when we were teenagers though. Constantly blackmailed me into doing her chores and tried to gaslight me sometimes.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bet your sis gets pissed at you a lot
Also she doesn't remember any of it because of her memory problems. ;_; So it didn't go anywhere when it ws brought up in family therapy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well then its fine jk its ur burden to bear also i bet she kinda remembers but doesnt want to admit it lol well idk anything about her
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
BC covid case historical chart lookin pretty good maybe in a week ill ditch the mask for good
oh nice i googled doodle and i got a mad scientist who kept eating hot peppers with abandon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he ate an entire scorpion pepper wtf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's kinda crazy that flash just doesnt exist and all these doodles get programmed in canvas or webgl or whatever with webassembly and webgpu in existence surely we can build it better this time
>>963265 Yeah, webGPU is really cool. I'm still waiting for things other than than toy projects and cryptominers to be written in WebAssembly but its possible I jst haven't bothered reading about it in too long.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's litte bits of webasm all over the place now eg chess engines
Waiting until someone puts out the new embedable animation and interactive media scripting tool Flashy
That's right! I can skip my morning meeting if I want so it'll be fine. I usually go hiking on Fridays but I can skip that too and just exercise at home so I can take a nap.
Wow I wish I could take a nap Lately I've just been conking flat out when I get home for a solid three to four and a half hours And while it's nice to get larger chunks of sleep again, it doesn't leave me with much time to do things before anime I need a bit of time in the evenings to cook dinner and freshen up
there is no mechanism within you that can resist the open flow of sensationa sensations
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the thoughts and sensations come and go they may be agitated minds are more or less agitated but you, the luminous, open, empty presence of awareness can you be agitated?
wait i see that's just the animation i was thinking it somehow moved into being that song which would be cool instead now it's just a different song that i like
"put the shackles on me cold fantasy i wanna feel (swole?) in the wake of your breathing (can't pick out this line) (i can fill the void that you ((practiced?)) in (hiding?) " is the best i can pick out and googling a ton of permutations of those lyrics brings me nothing
which leads me to believe the song is original and not a remix? but it would be weird for something of this quality to be so unknown that the lyrics aren't easily googleable
I'm going to the arcade tomorrow. I'm really excited.
sort of? i searched a bunch of lyrics websites using google's crawlers
cold fantasy and cult fantasy are two words that don't repeat like ever, the few examples i found aren't it "in the wake of your breathing" is apparently just something no one has said before
jesus that took work
mostly because i thought the text in the metadata was gibberish
line still going up >>963559 I showed my friend that and was hoping there was a parody or mashup or something alas >>963557 good night
>>963562 Weebs generally don't have good taste in music. I bet spork could do a good one though.
Night /moe/
dunno what he uses now but he used to post on /mu/ a lot and before that he was into like the Beatles etc. when we became a weeb he started posting there >>963564 night