Like a night off of watching anime? Or a night off of work responsibilities or whatnot
*Boku no Hero Academia Bokutachi no Remake *Kageki Shoujo!! *Love Live! Superstar!! *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei *Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 38-39 *Uramichi Oniisan
Either way we don't have a lot on the docket which you're still watching And by not a lot I mean like one show unless you want to be persuaded to return for Kageki
I wonder if it'll be something like a story told through photos Since they didn't have a film camera because of the mix-up
i was gussing either that, or maybe selfies? do they have cell phones?
i was thinking it could be adapted to small self-recordings on a cell phone but also i just realized they're back in time
the pohtos thing is kinda obvious i guess, since they got a normal camera or maybe stop-motion? that would be unrealistically difficult in real life but it would be cool if they went with that here
I like this style of OP that flashes between lots of different scenes with the characters doing their thing
Yeah I also like the bit at the start where it's the same scenery but flashing through the seasons
>>962654 2006 was definitely before the heyday of the smartphone, and classic Japanese flipphones aren't really good for taking selfies >>962658 Japanese cellphones definitely had pretty good cameras (for the time) in them They were a whole other beast compared to western phones
06 is early enough that cell phones wouldn't really have cameras but late enough that it could be a digital camera and it would be possible to make a project with still photos without taking literally months >>962657 not nearly good enough for an art school projecty it wasn't really until like the iphone3 that you could even consider it an option for something like this
Oh that's a nice blending of still shots and video
buchou is technically first girl
He managed to convince Buchou he isn't half-baked with that A step in a good direction
I'm guessing one of the broad things about this series is that he was what this Platinum generation was always lacking Like they're all extremely skilled creatives, but they lacked someone who could tie them all together and give them proper direction So they all kind of fizzled out or encountered their own difficulties in their professional lives
i want one of the wake-up alarm apps with sawashiro miyuki's voice
Sawashiro Sensei is pretty intuitive Picking up just by watching the piece that they'd messed up the equipment
Oh they're sisters I guess that makes sense
Oh he hasn't realized who she is yet Though from the sound of it she's not the extremely skilled singer she is in the future
He's saving both girls from being persuaded off their creative dreams this episode What a good director
>>962678 Come up here I'm sure I could find us a karaoke place which has all the weeb songs The place I went to in Korea town is set up like a Japanese one with drink service and the usual fixin's I just don't know if they have the Japanese music in the system
(don't go to canada it's smelly)
(don't come to austin either, we're full)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this show makes me feel all happy and warm and makes my heart beat it's the kind of show that makes me sad when it's over
With his like general view on life and the world i think he'd be unhappy doing any kind of wrk
Yeah, probably Unless it was like, the precise thing he wanted to do But at his point in life he's probably also forgotten what it was he ever really wanted to do
I think the rabbit guy stubs his toe on everything It doesn't really matter that Uramichi leaves his dumbbells idly around his apartment
Oh no there's people like this in Japan too At least assuming they're Christians and not weird Japanese cultists They look like the former though
Ah I know all these things he's bemoaning It's really tempting to some times just get on the bus and go to the other side of the city
>>962707 It's pretty weird how they can fly some times Like kids do have pretty good terror resistance at a young age like that But you'd think the directors and creative staff would look at what they're planning and go "Maybe we tone this down a bit"
Getting roped into having to stay late at the last second though Like Uramichi probably isn't the guy to be happy regardless, yeah But a job that does that to you isn't a good job in the first place
It's a good question to ask yourself every now and then!
>I can't sleep well without sleeping pills or booze At the least I'm glad I'm not at that point yet I mean I can't really sleep well these days but I can at least get sleep
My limit is melatonin supplements since that's a natural part of the sleeping process And something I likely lack because my lifestyle doesn't engender itself to it generating at normal levels
Though I can't really use that at all these days because I'd be too worried about not waking up when I need to in the mornings
seems like a lot of japanese anime people sit home drinking beer
To be fair a lot of people here in North America do it too I hear from my coworkers a lot that their afterwork relaxation usually involves a beer or two or some weed
I don't really like beer so it's not something I drink often I might have a small glass of liquor on the weekend though My policy is to not drink on a worknight without very good reasons to
This start-of-episode recap threw me off a bit hah hah I was worried I'd not downloaded the right episode Since it was starting back at their Christmas party
The way the vocalist says carousel in this song really bothers me "Ca-roo-sell"
Just plain being a seal is probably not a good power
Well selkies are mythical creatures that appear as seal people And have powers over water and other things you'd expect from fantastical monsters I think when we saw him earlier in the series he was pretty tough though
Oh it was probably the sonar When it comes to making basic animal features into super powers sonar is one of those things which always gets jacked up to be much more impressive then -than it really is
I really don't like this smokescreen guy's doped up power though All the holes opening up on his body
I don't even normally really have trypophobia but I think when it's on actual people it's just a bit too much
Hah hah hah Ochako cannon!
Oh that's some really good gear for Ochako Since she can make herself weightless Anything her grappling hook grabs on to can easily pull her towards it since she's always going to be lighter
I don't mind these anime filler episodes but I do kind of wonder why The anime's not even remotely on the heels of the manga, they could easily do a proper season without filler
He had a Japanese name, so yeah, probably And he's already got a Maou calling him boss This series does a pretty good job of always having a bigger fish to hunt
I think the people on that power level still only see Rimuru as a trifling little curiousity or small fish in their big pond The only one that really seemed to be interested in Rimuru was the jester-like guy
At the moment I think he's the only reliable ally of Rimuru's who's on Rimuru's powerlevel Milim was stronger than pre-Maou Rimuru, but she's chaotic and right now seems to be working with some of the bad guys There's also that beastperson kingdom's Maou who's fighting with Rimuru, who will probably be an ally eventually if he doesn't get offed by Milim
The dwarf king seems to be really fond of manipulation and being sly Which kind of contrasts how much of a nice guy he is
But he's been the one telling Rimuru for a while now that Rimuru needs to play politics and not always be so straightforward And now he's eager to use the lack of evidence of Rimuru slaughtering 200,000 people to cover the whole thing up
I wonder if the demon is stronger than her He seems pretty strong
Yeah, I don't know which one would win in a straightforward fight Although as a demon, Diablo would probably fight underhandedly and have an edge that way Shion is a bit too noble and dumb to fight in an underhanded way
I'm interested to see how powerful he is I wonder how he compares to Rimuru
By every implication he's at least Maou-tier But I also wonder if he's stronger than that, since he was sealed up in a personal prison for centuries There's plenty of other Maou in this world who get to roam around freely, but only Veldora seems to have been sealed away
It might also be that since he's still tied to Rimuru, Rimuru might be sapping some of his power too though Just as a way to make him not be too overpowered