*Boku no Hero Academia Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life - Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Night Head 2041 *Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu
i wanted to go to bed early but there's new shows tonight so i guess i'll stay up
oh i thought there was another show too >>960859 oh hm
Actually Night Head is another full 3D CGI show I'll keep it in mind but I dunno
>>960858 The other show you're thinking of Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun, is another one of those ecchi comedy shows that's more "Why isn't this just softcore porn" Unless you want to watch uncensored anime boobs bounce around for twenty minutes straight, there's probably better things this season to watch
oh good thing you look into these things i would've just started watching it and then been like "ehhhhhhh? nani"
>>960859 i prefer my uncensored anime boobs to be in still images, thank you that makes me more refined
i skipped around randomly in night head and it doesn't look too bad animation-wise i mean i couldn't discern much, how quickly i skipped around but i'm for giving it a shot
but tonight i mostly care about tsuki isekai and maid dragon
Yeah, tomorrow For the time being it can be considered a part of the Kirara Roster so it'll air/be watched on Thursday nights
But for me it's a competition between this and Seirei Gensouki for weakest isekai this season I think at the moment this one edges out for weakest
This show's cute but it doesn't quite have the oomph to be comfy Maybe because they went with a flat personality MC than one with actual character
i like seirei i still don't know how this one is an isekai exactly i thought if they aren't in a world that isn't their original world, that it's just fantasy
The series opened up with him already having been isekai'd, I assume Maybe in a while we'll get an episode about his transportation
>>960871 I would say I like it too And the second episode did improve my opinion of it It kinda falls into some of the isekai tropes that I generally go a little more glazed-eyes about than others It's not bad it's just weak for me, and there's a bunch of stronger isekai series airing this season
>Promote my product as fee for these "free" potions Sly marketing, dude
Why do ghosts need to eat Where does the food even go
let the record show that bang doesn't expect much from this show but the premise sounds cool enough that i feel we should give it a shot
There's a couple shows coming fairly late into the season Like a week or two after everything else has started airing Most notably, Jahy-sama So some of the weaker shows right now have that much time to make an impression before being in danger of getting cut
Thought crimes! HAET religion!
very cyberpunky right now the animation is definitely 3d but so far at least it looks good
This is apparently based off a novel or something a couple decades old Although this adaptation moves the time period forward to this near-future period I think the original was in a more contemporary time period.
they're using depth-of-field pretty well and their lighting is actually pretty good too i actually don't hate the animation so far
The facial animation is kind of stiff but the models are really high quality
I think for expressive 3D CGI, orange is still the best Japanese studio out there They did Houseki no Kuni and Beastars and those were great shows made even better by the 3D CGI
This studio has some good model crafters but they could maybe do a better job moving them
the shadow behind that girl was really scary looking
damn that's a good helmet
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too
These are some really well-equipped cult followers of a con artist
that's probably why they have a law against it and why is my phone going off at 1 am ree
Hah hah hah Whoever might be calling you at this time
>>960927 the police are after you for posting too cute of a miku
>>960926 I'm definitely surprised too They do a really good job setting up the aesthetic and feel of the world
they put a lot of work into visual details and focusing on the kinds of things that 3D is actually good at like visual effects and inanimate objects long-distance shots and close-ups
now the bigger question than the first ep being good is will they be able to keep it up
yeah she saw into his head and decided she wanted to be his servant so she could learn more about honorable japan
this OP is good
Wow dragon waifu comes with her own pocket dimension
The English spelling for her name is Shen but the pronunciation is more like "Shin" or "Shiin", I guess Probably because it's taking from Chinese mythology but it's still weird to me
Emma seems to be sticking around a bit She has quite a few shots in the OP too
there are some pretty serious implications to moving into a pocket dimension owned by a dragon i know the dragon is like invincible and stuff but like what if shen dies are they lost to the dimension forever?
I guess he's going to have a town full of monsters too.
Cute mini-Shen
>>960952 They do also kind of venerate her as a god Not that it's a good excuse to do anything but people have done riskier things for the sake of the divine before
i mean they do get a really good deal out of it if things go well it's just like living in a dimensional rift dependent on one being's existence is kinda scary
How do you know you yourself don't live in a dimensional rift dependent on one being's existence?
Moer -More than just being a weeaboo she's really picking up on real world culture fast And she even wants to build a television, wow
run dwarf run!
Tsukuyomi gave him a really nice power to make up for how awful this world's goddess treated him
>He can keep firing as long as he has the mana for it >His magic doesn't burn any mana By that logic he could keep up that fireball arsenal as long as his body can stand upright
She's going to save her attacker maybe she'll get fixed
She already got fixed The extra equipment faded after a day or two of having to deal with it
Iruru is really where Kobayashi goes full mom energy She's kind of a mom to Kanna but Kanna is a bit weird between being a kid and being mature But she's way more a mom to Iruru
inazuma kick
That was probably more adrenaline than Kobayashi has experienced in her entire life
Instead of training his output, couldn't he train his body to increase his output?
I think Deku's hit the upper limit of quickly building physical durability In the end he's not a bodybuilder like All Might, he's a kinda scrawny Japanese kid Any body training would probably be a long term goal So training his finesse is likely the best short-term goal at the moment
This is pretty reasonable of Todoroki It's not fair to expect him to just forgive his dad for being an absolute trash parent for his whole life just because he's had a few months of turnaround That kind of abuse is a long-term healing
I do really like the redemption arc they set up for Endeavor but it is also definitely something that needs a more drawn out touch than just a few feel good scenes He was an absolutely rotten parent to Todoroki and was a toxic husband to his wife On top of basically throwing the rest of his children aside because they weren't the successful eugenics experiment he wanted His redemption still needs some work to really absolve him of his past.
He's an excellent hero though and his mellowing out has improved that too And his experience with hero work is great for mentoring the kids
His advice is good advice for any skill really Driving, having mutant superpowers, skilled trades, creative skills The end goal of any skill is to be able to do what once took considerable thought with minimal thinking, if not outright instinctual
Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki is a fun trio to focus on too They're kind of all dorks
that was a good episode I can't wait to see more of their training
I know eventually the arc is going to launch into a long villain-focused series of chapters/episodes But I guess I don't actually know when. I've tabbed in on chapter dumps very infrequently and peeked at chatter every now and then But I lack any broad context for stuff
Plus the anime has shuffled in anime-original episodes before to give some of the other regular characters screentime where they didn't in the manga Stuff like what the other students are doing at their work internship, that's been anime-original in the past