*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia Deatte 5-byou de Battle Kanojo mo Kanojo Love Live ! Superstar!! Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Seirei Gensouki *Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
I had to really think for a moment there to remember if it was Tuesday or not My week's already gotten off to a sleep deprived start
I see mahouka but I figured we'd watch that on Higurashi night with kirara as well.
The asterisks are things he's not watching But yeah I had the same mind for Mahouka too
I mean he hasn't checked out either Deatte or the new Love Live! so I dunno if he's watching them or not Anything which isn't asterisked, he's either watching or I don't know if he is or not
I let him know, so I guess we'll see At the least we have a few things built up we can get to in the meanwhile
There'll also be three or four things that'll air for tomorrow, including Maiddragon, so we should have plenty of content for tomorrow regardless of what we watch tonight
100 man I liked it enough to be curious about where it went
okay let's start
This was a kind of neat isekai A bit hammy at times, and the MC is a bit of a brat But it really just goes all out on its weird world That kind of commit to one thing is nice
The fact that they do flip back and forth between the isekai world and the real world is cool too
Back when isekai was a thing before isekai was cool, like the 90s to early 00s, it was pretty common for protagonists to travel between the fantasy world and Japan But that hasn't really been a common theme in modern isekai
We saw a bit of this at the end of the first season And I think that blonde-haired guy is a ne- Well this is a different OP
>>960548 Well unless you want a real harem end having another guy or two isn't too bad
im here
>>960550 Heyo We got about sixteen minutes left in this
Getting kicked with mail plate boots sure has to hurt
She's got kids now! And seems to have Oh they beat me to the punch She has mellowed out a lot
One of the things about the MC that always kinds of nags me is he's such a tryhard for edginess Like he talks trash about society and people but whenever he's actually being earnest he's much nicer
>>960554 His edgy side is really like off tone to me he'll be normal and then just suddenly snap and be like I want to end the world
Yeah, that too It's a good thing the rest of the cast is fun because he can be a bit much at times
That part with the lady knight was very sweet
Angry shrine maidens!
Well killing monsters to save people is kind of their job as heroes, even if they're not mercenaries And it wouldn't be the first time they went up against a monster way above their skill level
This one is adapting off a webmanga rather than magazine serialization or novel I dunno if that'll change the pacing format up at all but it is a bit of a change Usually the only webmanga that get adapted are 4-koma or other skit-based webmanga
SORRY caps bathroom ready
Kid needs to clean his apartment
Who's this Nemesis looking dweeb
Geez I mean stabbing in self-defense isn't the wrong move But he was definitely way too into that
There's also a bunch of pretty normal people toot though Too though, even
Sure she could have just unlocked the door
Well contrary to the prior violence, it doesn't seem to be an outright death game Since victory can be acheived through surrender or loss of consciousness
Oh shit he Megaman
Kind of a fairly straightforward ability for an MC though Normally they get weird conceptual powers
hmmm I don't have toooo much patience for these battle royale games
It's definitely one of the weakest things from this season but it's not unwatchable Something that'll probably be easy to put to the side of the rest of the week fills out with better shows
a show has to be a lot better than unwatchable to make the cut for me this season
this show is a shonen with superpowers, a battle royale tournament, and nothing particularly interesting going on
it's really a lot more straight-up than i was expecting the MC especially but everyone's dialogue in general doesn't have that beating-around-the-bush thing that i hate but this is really difficult subject matter to do without being either overly fantastic or insensitive so we'll see
Oh finally subs that properly translate the Japanese use of bitch as slut I don't think I've seen that before
She's really the only one that's not 100% onboard with this But I guess someone has to be, elsewise there aren't really any roadbumps to make a manga out of
thinking about being the favorite is counter-productive to this kind of dynamic
uh oh she really shouldn't be snooping
On the other hand, gosh Saki really has sex on the mind
Having private twitter accounts just feels weird to me Like it flies in the whole point of it being social media If you just want a place to write down your problems, make up a diary
I'll sometimes have situations where I wake up in the middle of sleep and do something and forget it and think it was a dream
Doesn't surprise me, hah hah The most that's ever happened to me is conversations with people trying to talk to me in bed If I'm actually doing something then odds are I'm gonna be properly awake for it
i have, on three occasions, done that exact thing, except that the thing i did was to turn off my alarm or set it for a different time for no reason and one of the times i did that i ended up having to drive ~80 miles to get to work instead of carpooling
the other two times i was just severely late to work
Oh no she's also an idiot
dial tone and also dial-up at the same time with the numbers flying in the background that kind of humor gets me
Eventually maybe But she hasn't been to school at all since the school year started So how would they have ever become friends? For all intents and purposes she should be a stranger to anyone
jesus christ
he's so aggressively stupid
It's honesty like his that gives honesty a bad name
I don't really have anything against it so I'll keep watching as long as Rika can stomach it If I was better at watching things on my own I might follow it like that but I'm really bad at it
But I'm also not so into it that I'd be bothered about not finishing it
This is probably pretty easy for him though At least if he ever learned to read his letters and numbers in this world Oh guess not Still, math is math If you can figure out which number means what then the math being taught at his age should be easy since he's got some of his Japanese memories
oh no she's frazzled
>Twelve year old professor She's a tensai
Yeah as I thought Math for like a ten year old is pretty easy for a twenty-something
god i wish i had a cup of tea
Superior Nipponjin batoru stance
i wonder why he doesn't want to be a knight
Maybe as Rio he finds the upper classes disdainful Being a kid from the slum class, being around all the nobility isn't probably all too pleasant
oh i typo'd
Tsun tsun Though a pretty wholesome tsun tsun
Cute relationship they've got Kinda like adopted siblings
timeskip i'm glad though i would like him to be like in the OP
We'll probably get there before too long Too bad she didn't grow all too much either
wait 5 years and she really does look exactly the same
isekai school is okay but i prefer isekai adventure
Well they are kind of speedrunning through the schooling He's already been there five years There's probably only so many more years he can spend in school
Revenge match against the guy who tortured him as a kid That'll probably be nice for the MC
Oh actually yeah getting violently tortured as a kid by the knights probably soured Rio on the whole idea of being one
oh yeah that's probably why he declined
oh that's totally the guy who was in the cloak who broke the soul gem linked to the assassin
Who's this vampire looking dweeb
yeah now it's showing it i knew it
Oh my he got a rabu retta
sensei's jealous
this show seems alright i'm for sure sticking with this one
Aidoru activities Unlike the previous Love Live this is back to being an original work Rather than adapting a mobage So it might be more in line with the usual Love Live experience
I don't entirely understand the consistency of making the main character for Love Live series have orange hair
Oh she's got a cute at-home appearance Cute glasses
Seems like we do have a school doesn't want school idol club plot
It's a bit weird for the Love Live world though As far as we've seen in other series practically every school is heads over heels with school idols
It's basically just stage fright? Like the Japanese have a term for it I don't know why she's dancing around it so much Althought fainting on the spot is definitely pretty high-level stage fright
There's some pretty gorgeous background designs here Love Live really does bring in A-class anime talent