those aren't nicknames those are literally their names im gonna rename mortified person to karen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmm cold omelette 😫
hmm just realised that I am blocking what is technically my "emergency exit" window with a speaker
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is there a fire escape
i live on bottom floor, and looking at my stereo placement, which I just recalled I owned today, despite being in my vision each day i also recalled that the other big openable window was very specifically referred to as "emergency escape" by one of the construction crew at one point
the other one is "ventilation window"
too bad I didn't get an insect screen I am still bit confused, where they just so petty to the people who weren't home for the installation at ONE DAY NOTICE, or were they actually a bonus perk that you could get by paying more
oh well havn't had anything nasty fly in yet *knocks on wood* make that not just a word thing sam
tho in case of fire and I can't get out
nah in case of fire, and I am sure my appartment will get damaged
I will just bash the big window infront of me, grab a nearby backbag, fill in my laptop and few other things toss out my desktop and then exit myself
basically >save hdds, save a working computer, save some of my most important things, exit
wouldn't really work on higher floors
I am still more of a fan of living on the top floor, especially if the building is a high one, and you have a balcony
but my first place was 8 floors high and few of our possessions, me and roomie, didn't fit in the elevator moving in and out was an interesting task
also due to finnish architecture being more focused on "containing heat" rather than dispersing it high buildings that always bask in the summer sun and nowadays more and more common 30+ C summer days, they tend to get quite unlivable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah we hardly have AC around here it's gonna be a problem time to start an HVAC company
same AC ain't a thing, unless you install it on your own, and this wouldstill have to go through the housing company
i guess you could get a window one, but eh dunno if they even sell those here
tho I guess when you drop like 200€ for an appliance, the 20-40€ delivery fee from I dunno spain isn't that much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's pretty nice you can get stuff casually delivered from spain sounds cooler than alberta
i still think my personal weirdest experience was ebaying parts from hong kong and getting a message in chinese and then broken english rating me as a good customer, since I immediately paid for the order.
it's not much, but I got 100% rating on ebay 1/1
still bit annoyed by the fact that some bulk buyer in china can send me a laptop fan for 5,95€ with about 4 week delivery time and no extra costs (tho I think this doesn't apply anymore, due to finnish crack downs on basically illegal chinese practices), while at the same time,ordering the same part from germany would have cost me 14,95€ + 12,95€ delivery orsomething
Tho nothing compared to what my friend had when he ordered stuff from Australia it was flown here in about 2 days and then spent almost a month in the postal warehouse or custom offices until delivered to him.
The hardest levels of the Abyssal Spire get a massive bonus for swirl damage around thee same time a brand new Wind character comes out What a coincidence. must be
I think there was a serious fuck up when installing the plumbing in this condo So the last time I tried taking a shower, I noticed that there was water that had somehow gotten under the laminate flooring around the bathroom (the bathroom has tiling but the living area immediately outside it has laminate) There was zero chance the water would have come from my shower, and there was no signs of it dripping down from the ceiling. Plus it was pretty deep under the flooring, er, like, far enough away from the bathroom that it would have had to flow a long way if it was leaking from the bathroom to under the flooring And now I've had another shower and the water problem has not only returned, I swear it's gotten worse. It's spread further into the living area from where it meets the bathroom door, and on the opposite side of the unit, I noticed a bit of a squish and water leakage around the door from the living area to my bedroom. So something is really fucked up here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh fuck
I also think the water issues might be linked to my thermostat constantly shutting off But it might just be coincidental. But probably not.
>>957624 I'm fucking hoping! But they still haven't gotten back to my folks about the hole they drilled in my bathroom wall But I dunno. my mother's done with the school year, she might be able to dog the avenues of communication enough that something gets done
Do you even have twelve thousand dollars you can spend idly on cute Vtuber merch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could get a sick 3d printing setup for that many clams
any means necessary
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Prompt ------
Fun Facts About Geese: 1. Geese have impressive visual capabilities!
They can see a human face and react to it. 2. Geese produce a lot of noise! They can be heard and seen flying over 100 miles away! 3. Geese are the biggest birds of prey in the world! They have an average wingspan of 45 inches. 4. Geese can fly 1,000 miles per hour! They can travel up to 40 miles per hour for short distances. 5. Geese usually mate for life! They will mate with any other goose with which they are closely associated. 6. Geese have a variety of vocalizations. The most prominent one is the honking call, which is used mainly for communication. 7. Geese can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
time to move to Antarctica
WHERE ARE all the strivers
>>957639 >Geese are the biggest birds of prey in the world! Oh no
i'm watching the readaptation and it's honestly really good like objectively it's pretty solid
but the missing details are sorely missed on my part i might end up rewatching the old one
That more or less fits in to the appraisal I saw when it was airing Like it's good, but misses out because it doesn't have the time to adapt everything Which aside from slightly dated animation of the original, means the new adaptation is inarguably a weaker adaptation
well it's hard to say it doesn't have the time so far the events covered in 8 episodes amount to the events covered in 9 of the original and they've been mixing up some of the linearity of the timeline or changing it entirely, either for dramatic purposes or because it simply doesn't matter sometimes a flashback might occur before someone says something related to it rather than after, or vice-versa or a "meanwhile" event might be shown later rather than switching back and forth if it continues at this pace it's still going to be ~100 episodes i believe they're already 60 -ish in? maybe clsoer to 50? with 24 more on the way the differences seem to amount to streamlining (the original has a _lot_ of fluff and side-stories) and focusing more screentime into key events, with a more dramatic approach to the presentation - slightly less of the documentary style of the original the other big reason for me to watch the original is that i'll be able to see the end, whereas with this readaptation i willl be cut off around the half-way mark but i don't know maybe i'll watch them both
very good i ate it with a dill pickle and tabasco i enjoyed it thoroughly
My dad was by earlier and looked at the problem of the water getting under my flooring He thinks the construction company didn't mount the shower/bath drain properly so the water is leaking under the bathroom tiling and then out into the rest of the unit Which is about as bad as it could be Not only would it mean probably needing to reinstall the bathtub, the water that's leaked out already has probably done irreparable damage to the laminate and it needs to be replaced too I just hope we can hold the construction company accountable for this because they're the idiots who fucked up in the first place.
almost as good as the bucatini with a mushroom garlic sauce, spinach, and sausage that i made earlier nothing i love more than bucatini with a zesty sauce served along with fresh mozzarella pearls and cherry tomatoes man italians really nailed the whole cuisine thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>957759 wow that suuucks i am not a lawyer but that sounds like you could sue and win
>>957875 Maybe! But I'm not the owner of the condo, so I can't really initiate the suing, I don't think Not like I've got the time to run through something like that. Honestly how does anyone working full-time ever find the time to go through a legal court. Regardless I would probably have to leave it up to my parents, and I don't know if they'd want to sue if at all possible. If they can get the construction company to fix the unit to the standards it should have been presented with, I think they'd be happy with that. The building is still being worked on, my unit is "done", but there's still plenty of units being worked on. So it's not like it's unreasonable for the construction company to be able to return to this unit
My biggest concern is if even if they do agree to fix up the unit, I'm ... kind of living out of it now And unlike before, I don't really have anywhere else in the city to live at the moment. Plus I would really, really, really not want to be separated from my PC and gear for more than a night or two.
If possible I wouldn't be against living here while they're fixing the place, since it's not like I'm here during the day anyway. They do their construction while I'm at work, and I'm here at night so I can sleep and watch my anime But I don't know what the full extent of the damage is and how long it would take to re-outfit a bathroom or replace a unit's worth of laminate flooring
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>957879 i got rejected and i feel super embarassed now
>>957894 Not at any given time, although it seems to be getting worse I can't actually see the water under most circumstances; it only leaks out when you apply weight against the flooring near doorways or around the drywall that makes up the unit's interior walls. There's presumably a concrete floor underneath the laminate flooring and the water has gotten in between the laminate and the concrete floor. So it's a thin layer of water, but by this point it seems to have spread pretty far If I had to approximate, maybe about one-third of the floor in the unit has had water leak under it And I can't run the shower/bath without it getting worse, which is a problem in of itself! My standards of personal hygeine might not quite be up to par with normal human beans but I do get to the point where I need one every now and then And it's hard to persuade my depressed-ass self to get into better habits if the counter-argument is "you are literally causing further damage to your apartment by doing so"
There's also other minor problems, like my thermostat constantly turning off and being inoperable for several days at a time, and they still haven't repaired the hole they drilled in my bathroom wall when they installed a rack in the shoe cupboard opposite it I almost hope it was just me that managed to roll all these awful instances of shoddy construction work because if this is the standard the whole building is being held up to then my parents got fucking scammed
i feel so used the date went great and i get rejected the next day over text
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>957896 guh does anyone build solid condos these days
Well the two condo units I've lived in have both been shoddy work, so I'm two for two on "no" so far
I'm sorry this is probably going to pre-occupy my idle conversation for however long it takes a resolution to be reached because I'm pretty miffed about it and so far my parents have seemed frustrated but almost resigned And I might have this wrong but they're the actual owners of the unit so it's on them to actually seek readdress for it, right? I don't want to harrass them to get something done but I also don't want to live in a condo unit that's falling apart
>>957898 Ouch, that's real rough. Sorry to hear it went like that. Lady doesn't know what she's missing out on, clearly
I don't know how I didn't realize this earlier but man there's a lot of water under the flooring in my bedroom too Which means it's inevitable that I'm going to need some other place to sleep wherever the flooring is replaced Whenever, even Man this sucks I already have what feels like no free time during the week these days Where am I supposed to find the time to get this taken care of
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
soggy firmament iron wills
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>957907 You just learn to live with the damp Like a frog.
No I'm pretty sure no amount of living with the damp would put me in an able position to handle the mold and decay that would inevitably set in
>>957917 i basically can't go outside due to a severe cave of shin splints or else i'd be trying to enjoy it i have a pool in the back i go sometimes though so it's not too bad
I thought a nose-hair trimmer worked by actually Plucking it out I was fully prepared for it to hurt like a motherfucker But no. It's got a little blade or something. It just snips it.
But with tweezers you gotta do it one at a time. Too much effort. You just shove the trimmer thing up your face hole for a couple of seconds and then its all done.
and that is the charm
also you need to remove maybe just few at a time that are of annoying lenght
>>957937 you didn't finish them off they grow back stronger
Well this Uber driver almost careened right off the road I'll admit I was looking at my phone so I didn't see what started it, but I felt the car swerve sharply to the right and looked up to see directly in front of the car the curb and a streetlight pole Thankfully the driver corrected and didn't hit anything but that got closer to going up over the curb than appreciated
I want to say I think the driver ran an amber light and had to dodge cars the frankly had the right of way, judging from the quick glance I got when I looked up The other possiblity I can think of is it is kind of gusty right now and a particularly strong gale might've thrown the car's handling off But I don't think these gusts should be enough to seriously push around even a light car like this
if you can't fix what's broken you'll get over it it's fine everything's fine time for some retail therapy to patch over the gnawing abyss that awaits us all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really feel strongly that i should have called stacy last night and like fought for her love but i was high as fuck on shrooms and feeling weird and insecurr timing is everything baby
this cashier at the store today was like "hey matt! my friend wanted me to give you her number" so i got excited but then it turned out the friend was looking for a therapist my heart weeps
If this was a sitcom that would be the shot where the camera lingers on your piqued expression as you try to naturally shift it back to polite neutral
The situation with my bathtub flooding my unit got fixed smoother than expected The plumber came in today and fixed it, apparently But there's still a lot of water damage to the laminate flooring and it needs to be replaced There's at least a few things in the living area that need to be moved out of the way, but I'm worried about the water I've been feeling under the flooring in my bedroom. It would be much more difficult to have to relocate my bed
AnnoSearch [iqdb](1.6 MB, 1388x1862, fbk.jpg)Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
>>957977 Similar story - i remember once in high school this girl i knew said she wanted to hook me up And by that she meant introduce me to her boyfriend who was trying to sell off a whole bunch of weed
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
life sure is cruel
Pop quiz, /moe/ If someone asks if you're home and you reply "yes, the door is unlocked", and they're in the immediate area near your place What is the connotation behind your response?
>>957998 when i stayed in europe lots of hotel rooms were like that woops can't find my key and smoke is filling the room
>>958000 yeah that bothers me a lot on the continent EU has been cracking down on that luckily, atleast they are good at bullying shit standards into acceptable
Yeah baby there's a thunderstorm rolling in Time for some rumbles
i ordered 48 liters of hamster/rabbit bedding from walmart along with some other items for personal delivery i guess they were out so they subsituted it for 282 liters of horse bedding idk what im going to do with all this shit i can't even store it it's gigantic
I'm listening to Sloan for the first time in a while. My dad lost my autographed Sloan CDs a while ago and I replaced some of them but was so irritated about it I didn't take all of them out of their shrink wrap.
>>958080 They're a Canadian power pop band from Halifax (specifically the Halifax Pop Explosion Scene) and are sometimes referred to as The Canadian Beatles or The Other Canadian Beatles
>>>/@livedoornews/1412400681177260035 They did it Finally put out a Switch updated model with a LAN port in the dock I can wait to see if people are salty about this
>>>/@Nintendo/1412396101504692229 The extended screen display is kind of nice too If they come out with a colour option or release a game bundle option that doesn't have those white Joy-Cons I might get one Although it might be compatible with standard Joy-Cons. Probably is.
Do they even pay tho? I mean wasn't that part of the american agenda to be so gunho, that no one dares to kidnap americans?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kidnapping insurance will pay the ransom so you dont have to usually happens to rich folks that dont want people to know theyre in mexico business people
the proto typical "liked you on tinder" profile - likes food - wants a long term commitmwnt immediately - canada goose jacket - something disney - can't drink - no vices - food pic
someone on tinder can't say they don't have any vices
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also - tiny yap dog i guess this wasn't a perfect specimen
yeah it should have been a big dog s
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i meant they didnt have a tiny yap dog i would be impressed if they had a big one but they never do
my brother nailed a dog with a tiny dog and a large dog and the tiny dog spawned a brood of tinier dogs and they kept one now they have three tiny dogs and a big doog
two tiny dogs not three
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope the dogs are healthy
also my brother nailed a girl with dogs not nailed a dog
for fucks sake
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like at least one bitch got nailed
>>958343 yea and then the issue became that the father began to nail his daughter and father got snapped dogs are weird
Motherfuckers came by and rippedy flooring out but haven't replaced it yet I don't think they expected there to be someone living here while the work was ongoing Hopefully they can get it put together by tomorrow night But I have no frame of reference as to how long it takes to install laminate flooring
>>958348 about a day for that amount or your whole appartment if it is less than 100 square ms
Well hopefully they get it done tomorrow I'm just still annoyed it needed fixing in the first place
but with moisture damage, they should do proper measurements, see if they have properly dried the place up, the floor and ceiling and so on
bfore reinstalling anything
or it is going to be a mold renovation few years down the line
>>958352 basically if those spots exist they shouldn't reinstall anything
I think?
Well I'll see after work tomorrow I turned the big industrial fan off because I need to lay down for a nap soon but I can run it though the night until I sleep again There is a patch in my bedroom closet they haven't removed yet that is a drywall wall apart from the leak epicentre, it is fairly water-damaged I dunno if they overlooked it or just didn't take it out yet
prolly the latter and if they don't and if you can, tell them about it
I passed the fact that it's still there along to my folks already Maybe I'll write a note and leave it somewhere obvious when I head out for work
i ate japanese food twice yesterday eating japanese food is extremely routine
Sounds like a good life
Also I just found out (I'm probably really late on learning this) but they got new seiyu for all the Tsukihime main characters for the remake. And I'm mad I mean, I knew they had to replace Hisui's seiyu, but aside from that I have no idea why they're doing this.
that is the trend on consoles even Wii got a Wii-U
>>958403 They announced a switch with a new slightly bigger screen. In this context "Switch Pro" means "slightly more powerful hardware revision" not "entirely new console".
PS5 prolly gets a PS5.5 and xbox one xbox one 360 720 1080 gets a x1080x2
>>958420 He knows the people who manage it all for this area and explained that there had been miscommunication about people from our office parking there
My friend is bitching about the new WoW stuff Apparently he considers it bad design for a raid boss to require the team fighting it to communicate via voice chat.
>>958644 I have to wear in store and during deliveries, kinda annoying my roommate likes to complain about it a fair bit but I don't really care about it that much
>>958645 SUPPOSEDLY they delete all the tracking data after 28 days
how true is that? saaa who's to say.
the woolies has mandatory qr codes though I find that a bit more annoying not looking forward to qr codes if that's what gonna happen but I guess oh well
>>958650 Pretty sure it doesn't work like that since its based on your phone number and not just your network location.
They'd still know the physical address where it was tagged and who the phone was registered to Even if you had a vpn running.
it's all through the serviceNSW app I dunno if it works the ways he thinks >>958649 there's always gonna be a hot discussion about the whole thing I just wanna know the endgame
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>958652 i know but the app is connected to your phone number
oh right
his friend is more kookier than he is and once those two get talking you just need to walk away wow 20 minute convo about coles trucks >>958656 aw that's nice >>958657 damn thats' lame
No wonder it feels like this week has been stretching on to infinity and it's only Wednesday Thinking about it, I've gotten like less than four hours of sleep each night the past three nights Coincidentally I'm also beyond tired today I just want to go home and sleep
>>958667 I'm trying But when I've got to sort through a flooded apartment and having to work around family members for moving stuff in, it's hard to nap immediately after work And then if I'm up at night and if it gets too late that I know I'm cutting it narrow on getting a good sleep, that only fuels my anxiety and makes it harder to fall asleep, especially with my boss being a dick lately about my lateness
>>958668 >my boss is being a dick about my lateness Oof Have you tried not being late so often?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow very helpful man im sure tilde appreciates your helpful input about the thing he just said is causing him substantial destress while he feels overwhelmed
>>958671 He basically ignores anything say anyways. *anything I say
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how does that justify being a dick
Hes had chronic lateness even before all this other stuff started. As someone who also has had a lot of issues with getting to places on time I have some e empathy for him but I also understand that it can often be an attitude issue.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't see how that justifies kicking him while he is down
have you ever considered he might ignore what you say because you're a bit of a cunt
>>958676 Not to him particularly in a while. People don't ignore Pan even though he's an asshole. >>958675 I'll accept that I sshshshouldn't have said that and that it was a mistake. >>958668 I'm sorry for being a dick. But sometimes I get frustrated when you ttalk about being late so often.
i made a new google account and they immediately assumed i was a boomer
How does it feel to be a boomer?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feels bad man think i'll go sit in a rocking chair on the porch of the multilevel detached house i bought forty years ago maybe my bones will cooperate
>>958682 It knows you better than you know yourself
No change to my unit today I was kind of hoping they wouldn't just leave me with the concrete Hopefully it gets done before the weekend
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
Is it at least dry?
Yeah, it was dry a few hours after I got home yesterday The concrete's just kind of dusty or gritty or unappealing at best I'd just rather not have to live around it.
A functioning airship would be pretty neat I'm dubious until I see one in extended use though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hope there's a series of hatches that can open and quadcopters pile out of it
>>958720 Functioning airships have been around for like a hundred years. The problem is that they are expensive to build, have limited capacity and are slower than airplanes.
Anyways the first airline used zeppelins and they've been used to circumnavigate the globe.
gotta move out asap my life must resume can't stagnate any longer
Got your eye on any good location to move out to?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nope no idea somewhere close to the main city core of course where i can easily biccyle
Sounds nice This place I'm living now is a good bit further from the heart of the city than I would like Anywhere I'd want to go is a proper trip than a short jaunt That said I think I have some pretty good options for bike routes if I had the time to ride
>>958707 dude with the ff tactics sign is an ascended being compared to the others
Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari is one of the best anisong of all time supercell saikou
I was yawning and half-pulled my ... I don't really know what Tongue muscle? Maybe around the thyroid? It's something that happens every now and then if I'm not careful But now it feels like the slightest stretch will pull it again