Today, I found out that Newboss has lied to us in the past about clients having firearms. He's had clients lie to us that their firearms were locked up, but many times, they actually had them with them while they were in treatment.
I texted Miniboss to tell her I refuse to come in today, I do not feel safe. Newboss called me and left a message saying that it's all good because he's locked up the client who made the threat's weapons and there's nothing to worry about.
had them with them? I know us firearm laws about open and concealed carry are weird, especially from european standards but carrying guns to therapy? the fuck
even if it was allowed, I'd have to question why you'd do it?
It is bit amusing to think about, weapon bearing rights
take forexample the quite lawless periods in history, say for example medieval era and early reneissance
you could carry weapons, swords spears etc but most cities and such, were no weapons zones, with guard posts or inns existing to have you leave your armaments there when doing stuff in the city/settlement
them realising, that it is easiest to police peace and avoid killings, is to not have the people walking around with swords
so bit weird that people insist on carrying weapons everywhere nowadays during much safer and peaceful times.
gotta have my gun on me just in case im in an active shooter scenario. it'd be embarrassing if i forgot it
It definitely doesn't. But Newboss is an idiot. I don't know if he actually cares about the clients anymore. He's just a fucking megalomaniac narcissistic psycho. And a liar.
>>947360 >look, I can understand your perspective >maybe in your position I'd even do the same >but it's really important to me that you find a way to respect my livestock
>IT guy working on the warehouse ceiling with a ladder >Finishes for the time being and leaves, but asks to leave the ladder nearby since he'll be back later >My manager comes by, starts putting the ladder away >I tell him the IT guy wanted it nearby >He just says "Yup" and continues putting it away
Man some bitch tried taking weights off the bar in the squat rack i was using between sets And she's like >you weren't nearby. You were walking around. It looked like you were done Mate if i was done i would have taken the weights will off myself
>The anus is an evolutionary marvel >Evolution blew the human butt out of proportion; our cultural norms quickly followed suit. We regard one another’s bums with lust, disgust, and guilty fascination. We shrink them, we sculpt them; we sexualize them. We rap about them with abandon. They, in return, make it much easier to sprint, but much harder to keep our rear ends clean. Our anus is a sheep dressed in a very fabulous wolf’s clothing, and we simply cannot deal.
thanks science!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pouring box wine over ice
>>947389 >the anus is an evolutionary marvel >doesn't even clean itself Wew
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea we should get the auto-cleaning feature of dog butts
just found out that this by election we're having in this area right now and that I'm seeing all these ads for was caused by that guy who was using hookers and texting them in Parliament that's a big W for What from me
Surprising they haven't been told to get lost
the guy got outed probably just left a bad taste in a lot people's mouth but the party he was from is still pretty popular roommate reckons they won't get in this time
Crunching the numbers I would have to be waiting here 3+ hours Before the free service wouldn't be worth it and i should have just paid for an appointment.
Well moe is a bit particular in that I don't think we've got like, posting in the same sense 4chan you just send a "post <spam message>" package with a captcha and an image attached, but here you gotta like, open a post and actually paste the message in, I think, after uploading the image
It's not like it's probably hard to program, but it's not standard, so it has to be customized for moe's particular posting mechanism
which you can all do by scripting and the code is public sure you'd have to make it just for liveboards, but considering how many there and and how most of them most likely use sam's basecode you make one for one, you make one for all and rest is just hitting "activate"
Yeah, I'm not saying it's not a bot or anything, just that it's not your bog standard image board spammer software
>>947560 Oh for sure Though I can't help but wonder why it's relatively infrequent considering the total lack of posting restrictions here
Like, ya remember accel spammer? That was on 4chan, with captchas, and it CRIPPLED /a/ for like, months
It's just weird it's not at least once an hour or something, since it would be so easy to make it that frequent, is all Well, it's weird for it to even be spamming here since there's practically no people here
it's much more believable that it is a bot than a person
Speaking of spammers, I've figured out why my most recent scammer friend wanted me to sign up for coinbase specifically Unlike all other crypto exchanges, coinbase wants you to add your bank card information during the sign-up process. And they want you to sign up with teamviewer running
>>947565 They call me, I just waste their time out of boredom and curiosity for how exactly their scams function >>947566 >the number Your presumption that this is even a feasible thing is very naive They have new numbers every week
why do you keep having contact with them, I presume this was the caller?
I'd just block the number
good thing all spamm calls I get are the long-distance scams >>947564 and when one is blocked it should send the message
I've blocked about 500 by now
Like every time it becomes clear I can't keep stringing them along and waste their time anymore, I just hang up and block the number But they've been calling me on a regular basis since like, christmas 2018 or something >>947569 I doubt it, I think they're different call centers each time, because many of them I've corrected them on my name by giving a different false name, but the next one invariably calls me Jerry Springer anyway In fact, I've got 2 simultaneous scammers going atm One's calling me back at the end of the month, the other is this coinbase one
i resisted my urge to comment similiarly, since didn't want a risk of it actually being a person and them engaging >>947586 real or not, they can be funny sometimes
>>947583 >/r/how I quit like a boss stories maybe im just too cynical but i feel the only reason that shit exists is for other people to read after losing their job so they can cope
yeah thats how i feel 99% of the time its stuff like that
like even me i brag about quitting my job and getting other people to quit because it's a coping mechanism that gets me validation things really are bad though
yeah making something completely up is bad, but colouring an already interesting story to make it funnier or exxagerating some points totally fine, especially if done in the end to make a story just funnier
is like food, you can spice it up to make it better, but at some point it will just taste of spice instead of say pork
like take my story how I once was telling political jokes of ex-president when said ex-president waltzes in and sits infront of me completely happened but at this point, I don't remember was I actually telling a joke about him at that moment or was that something I added into it, to make it spicier and funnier but I do know that I did tell jokes about him too, but don't remember was the timing so perfect as in the story that I nowadays retell
>>947588 i think sometimes we try to cope when we actually need to grieve, which i consider a distinctly different and incompatible process to coping i think it can be "bad" when we get stuck in those traps, but no, nothing bad about coping inherently
nobody has responded to my business loans even to say im declined one was last week, one was from february id at least like to know ive been denied
>>947594 OOne of my most prized possessions is a fansubbed EoE tape. But it'sit's from back when the fansub groups would only put subs onto official tapes. And it's the fansub script with tthe mistranslation about Adam being a child of Lilith.
good eth gas prices went way down i was gonna buy somw more but every exchange that i have an account at either won't let me deposit or won't let me withdraw so until that is resolved i am reluctant to buy more
maybe coinbase is gonna finally give me the boot i have been gone from the US for over a year after all
I am down like fuckin' $15 or something cause I bought too early in the dip But I'm learnin' It's not like I'm expecting immediately just making money hand over fist I was a lot closer on the buy this time around, at least It's conceivable BTC breaks out and at least touches my sell order so I get SOME profit out of it, but I'm not gonna be holding shit other than USDT during this garbage
Ugh I wish i could get into this. I'm >>947606 I can't I have an asset limit otherwise I lose my government benefits.
>>947607 Good idea Your country probably has a sane asset limit.
Oh, capital gains don't count, it turns out
>>947599 Do you know what a good Canadian side wallet/trading app for crypto would be then?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit withdrawals unlocked baby
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>947613 heres my referral link for newton
>>947615 Does it expire? I'm still not sure if I want to commit, plus I'm really busy in the immediate future It'll have to be something I consider and look into later
I can't find anything about asset value or whatever actually mattering for disability Capital gains isn't even counted as income as far as that's concerned
Which, you know, is reasonable, but it's surprising that it's reasonable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it doesn't expire it's pretty low commitment tho you can make an account without putting any bank details in e-Transfer later when you want
Really just the concept of "having too much asset value to get disability" is fucking crazy on its own Like you invest in something while working, you break your kneecaps at work, and you get jack shit because your investment turned out well? That's ridiculous
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
vomit girl emailed me two months later wondering why i ever emailed her in the first place one of those small mysteries of this world a tiny miracle
I'm never using cp to write an iso to a disk again Fuck you arch wiki for wasting my damn time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol wtf that isn't at the right layer to write an iso
>>947622 Well it sort of worked Also it was systemd that wasn't working properly from the bootable iso I bet i wouldn't have had any problems if it used something sane like the sysv init system Also if i run into anymore problems installing arch32 I'm going back to Slackware.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is the point of running arch32 it'll be super out of date
I should get to see the new place I'll have to live in, in 2.5 hours or so I'll probably grab a few photos of the place I'm looking forward to seeing it, but also a bit worried
>ZSTD-compressed data is halted I'm never using anything other than dd for this again
Err *data is corrupt Then System halted
I'll try one mmore time
Well The ISO booted But now I'm in some sort of loop with cowsay giving instructions And I have no shell To execute tthe instructions with
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm impressed it actually booted given you made this thing with cp
>>947632 Oh No that one barely worked Then I tried cat It worked a little better bbubut sstill hit a bunch of errors I got to tthe cowsay thing with the one I made with dd
Well my dad's who's helping me move needs a nap before starting on it So guess ... that'll put it back a bit Personally I just hope it has good ceiling lights I haven't lived in a room that's well-lit at night for like half a year now and I don't think it's been good for my eyes.
And I've actually got a balcony, which is nice Plus it is a way off in the distance, but I do have a view of the downtown skyline On less muggy days I bet it would be much clearer too
And they've been sent back twice Firstly because it was just a section of the page and not the whole thing and second time because it wasn't recent enough.
And I asked one of my American friends and she didn't have to do any of this shit. Just linked a bank account.
>>947674 Every time I see a screencap from that show I remember that the ln author died before finishing that series.
i tried to break up a hamster fight and got a deep puncture wound from one of them fuck my retarded life ive been flushing it with rubbing alcohol and disinfectants but it feels like it's infected anyway mouths are dirty and the fucker bit my finger by accident while trying to bite the other hamster idk how the other hamster would have been able to survive a bite like that, that's vicious
A coworker away on her honeymoon decided to check her work email and saw my letter of resignation. Texted me "Just read your resignation. Wish I hadn't, wish I had waited until I returned to read my email." Like, what do you want from me? You didn't have to check your work email.
>>947701 Hamsters have pretty small teeth don't they? How deep is it?
>>947704 they're pretty long they keep growing so you're supposed to trim them (or give them stuff to chew on) this one in the image is a little bit longer but this guy's were pretty long i trimmed them afterwards
he's never bitey at me and is always really calm about being held, but the other hamster pissed him off and he got into the other bin and stalked him around i grabbed him as he lunged at the other one and he grabbed the other one's back legs with his hands and tried to pull him up then chomped down as hard as possible onto my finger
they're thin teeth but they're long, it's lie // like a needle puncture but down deep i cleaned it out but damn
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesus fucking christ
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a client who had rats who were fighting like that she got bit by the rat pretty deep she ended up getting a pretty bad infection from it
>>947751 If it's not really the competitive burn you're looking for and just a bunch of girls doing activities and working up a good sweat, Long Riders! is a nice series about cute girls doing distance bike riding
cant wait for the day that israel is nothing more than a memory
whys it called isreal when it's fucking not wake up people
are you saying isfeak?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how to dismantle a nation
just screamed unreasonably loudly out of anger at having my sleep interrupted and now i'm afraid that my neighbors will think something awful happened in my house and call the police or something
I feel so good knowing I have a week off. I haven't had a real week off that wasn't work or zen related in three years. I don't have any obligations for a whole week! I can do anything I want!!
I'm gonna clean my apartment really well, and make room for my rowing machine whenever that comes, and I'm gonna work on making a streaming overlay, and some other stuff!! Play some games and stuff too. And catch up on my kanji reviews since I haven't done them for like two weeks because I've been so burned out.
>A Ryanair plane from Greece to Lithuania was diverted to Belarus for several hours on Sunday, with activists saying it was done to arrest a dissident journalist on board. >The ex-editor of the Nexta group, Roman Protasevich, was detained before the plane was allowed to resume its flight. and they phoned in a fake bomb threat too yikes
I'm more or less settled in Just got a whole lot of unpacking to do And later on find some shelving units and other furniture got the place That probably won't happen for a couple weeks though
I've got no ceiling lights on that end of the living space though! This makes the THIRD (3rd) place I've moved into since leaving the house I lived at for my whole life where the living space has no ceiling lights I've got the kitchen light which is like a single LED light on a rail on, which is a bit behind my desk, and I've got my desk lamp on, hidden behind my monitors It's enough light I think, to not be a problem late at night, but I'd still it rather be well lit
there's a place i want to taaake youuu >>947809 nice battlestation what mic is that
>>947822 Just a Blue Yeti In the coming month or two I think I might try to upgrade to a real nice mic And get an arm for it I managed to short my Yeti this winter a little bit and now the volume out on it doesn't work, which is a shame since I really liked feeding my headphone volume out it So while the mic works properly, it is still a bit broken.
>>947809 damn that's a beautiful setup, desk against that giant skyline window i can't personally have my back towards an open room like that but that's just me i'd love to have that view while at the desk though
I swear I had that exact same mouse It was cheap and did kinda break or stick up, can't remember which, within like a year and a half or so But for the cheapness that wasn't all too bad
>>947825 I've pretty much always had a window view from my desk set up as long as I can remember, so it's definitely a comfort to me One slight problem is, as you can kinda see from the photo, is one of the streetlights from the street right below my balcony shines basically straight towards me ... And there isn't really a skyline to look at Which does mean instead I've got a nice view of the sky though.
>>948022 Cause Nadeko is associated wwowith snakes and snakes coil.
>>948023 oh okay I haven't seen any of that series is she known as snake? I figured it was something to do with electricity coils
>>948025 Her first arc is called "Nadeko Snake". She gets some sort of snake curse put on her.
nice this is the deeplore I live for
>>948027 I recommend the first season, Nise, and Kizu I dropped the series in bakemonogatari s2 due to anger about a character I like being poorly written for what is basically forced drama. Although I later found out there was deeper lore explainimg their actions. But yeah Monogatari is good. Oh there's also the OVAs
Or maybe I dropped it in Nise I can't remember, its been a while. I still can't decide if Nisioisin is brilliant or a hack
Unless you wwant to talk about something in particular real quick I'm going back to bed.
And if you have a baseline level of competence and can answer a few basic questions about the training material we just covered they think you're some kind of turbo-genius.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Which is also probably how I've been getting away with screwing around.
Yeah, that's kind of how I got away with so much shit for so long at my job. Watching anime in my office and stuff. What are you going to do about it? You need me, and you think I'm hyper competent.
>>948056 It seems like you are really good at what you do though.
This is just shitkicker data processing work. I don't want to be here too long. Just until something better and more aligned with my interests comes along.
I'm okay at what I do, probably better than most, but I'm really not at good as people think I am. I mostly just build a good relationship with clients so they end up liking me a lot. My abilities are all in certain areas so there's a lot of stuff I can't do well in therapy. Like, the cases that other people struggle with a lot, I can manage to make work, but the cases that are a walk in the park for other people are really hard for me. I don't really know what to do with someone who has moderate anxiety but if you give me someone who is drinking themselves to death to cope with trauma, that's easy for me. I'm specc'd awkwardly ww But because I can do those hard cases, people think I'm super amazing even though I can't even handle the basics sometimes!
Also I occasionally just say something people think is really wise or make a good analogy so everyone thinks I'm some kind of guru. One time one of my // One time this client was really rigidly sticking to ideas of right and wrong so I put my hat on a lamp. He said "that doesn't go there" and I just said "why not? that's where i put it so thats where it goes" and he had this crazy breakthrough that changed his perspective on the world. Like, all I did was put a lamp on a hat. It's not that hard. He was the one that did all the work in changing his perspective, but because I put a hat on a lamp, I'm some wise sage? ww as if
I feel that. It's like, I'm really not that special. I'm glad you like me and all, but I'm the one who has to suffer from your high expectations of me.
Man this is a rough time of the day here to be at my computer Sun streams through my window right into my face It'll be nice once I can finally get some curtains
So far Universe is alright I wonder why all the fandom seems to hate it so much Coming directly on the back of Atlantis probably didn't help it out too much, Atlantis was really, really good And SG1, too, of course They're hard shows to improve on
Man episode one of Invincible was intense
Is it good? I've heard a lot of good things, but no specifics
I liked it, definitely worth watching the animation is kinda bad sometimes but overall it's a good show, voice acting and story really shine
From the first two episodes so far, it feels like the animation quality does fluctuate a fair bit Some times it's fluid and good motion, other times you can tell when it's usually -it's using digital assistance to make the animation appear fluid And other times it's just like cartoon-y Honestly having watched a lot of anime I don't really notice it beyond, well, noticing it The story and atmosphere is stellar though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
id say it's worth watching too i enjoyed it and it's only 8 episodes very engaging show that manages to subvert some tropes in interesting ways
In the RPG I'm playing rright now my character who is basically just Serval crippled a gnome by breaking its neck with her teeth (it's paralyzed from the neck down). And then she started eating it, I expected the rest of the party to stop her (I have an ongoing plot wth her involving her learning to be civilized istead of being a savage carnivore) but now they're hving her eat the gnome in front of another gnome they're interrogating.
My original idea for the encounter was that she thinks its okay to eat gnomes because they don't look like friends, and that she thinks humans aare Friends. But that gnomes aren't.
went over some random finnish mythology and recalled "itse" nowadays translates to 'self' but in past ment a part of your soul or an attached entity forming the total of you similiar to luonto - nature, from which "luonne" is derived from, temperament/nature/personality
what's funny about itse, is that ypu could lose it and even normally, it might appear before you, like a dopplegänger or STANDING BEHIND YOU POSING
It was pretty awkward actually Because they made contact with one and that was all good and then they couldn't get in touch with the other. I called up my old work and it turns out the boss has gone on holiday. and they're like >Is there anyone else and I'm like >There's my current manager. but I've only been here doing training for about 4 weeks. And they said that's fine.
So then I had to ask my current manager who barely knows me if she'd be a reference for a new job just after I finished my training which was a little uncomfortable.
They invested all this time and money to put me through the training and right when I'm about to start earning my keep I ask them to act as a reference for a new job.
Which of course, is why I wasn't going to say anything to them about it unless I actually knew I landed the position. But when they suddenly needed a new reference I was put on the spot.
>>948262 >my first pass: Make him look serious >go back to it: He looks like a chinese martial artist, make him look different >go back to it: HE LOOKS LIKE A CHINESE DRAGON, FIX IT. >go back to it: WHY IS HE SO SMALL? >go back to it: Who the hell is this?
One of the problems with this condo is, since it's still under partial construction, there's still some services of the building that aren't yet functional Namely, the A/C It does push out some air, and that air is cooler than the ambient temperature of my unit But it's actually inadequate when the heat of the day is at it's most intense, and pretty much never actually gets low enough to turn off
It's hot lately. How hot is it up there? If I didn't have AC I'd die
27C, feels like 33C My condo's sitting at a cozy 29C I think It's certainly bearable and honestly not a discomfort for me, but that isn't to say I wouldn't mind it a bit cooler.
Wow, it's 1c hotter here but it only feels like 30c
ww I can't live in 29c i keep it like 20c in my apartment
Well I guess the thermostat is reporting 28.5, so it could be anywhere in the range of like 28.3-28.8 but it's all pretty negligible
But I kept telling y'all my body is weird and isn't affected by heat all that much That said if the A/C isn't fixed by the time we're getting temperatures of the low-thirties before humidity, then that might become a problem I don't think I could be comfortable in a full day of 32+ room temperature
Australia is an undeveloped country so it can't be helped that you don't have one. Everyone in Florida, even the poorest people in trailers, have ACs! Because if you don't, people die too often.
*Even working, even
my AC is working great it feels pretty good in my room
I feel like I got a prophesy since I bought a lot of stuff from store today mainly just treat foods etc
and I didn't even know the good news at that point
I have pulled pork ready, but I forgot to defrost bread still was amusing to get paid 50€ for buying a lot of food
>>948315 I mean that one line was definitely more dry sarcasm than anything But it's not that bad for me. As I keep saying, I get it's uncomfortable for a lot of people It's not that bad for me, is all.
>>948318 you ever heard of the game holoen is going to play? ttrpg
>rpg is like a radio show heh that reminded me, that the "narrative" of the short, but still unfinished come to thijnk of it Fate campaing I held for my finnfriends on NYE's was that it was actually a "Radio Show" like, we all were playing fictional radio personas, who were acting as the characters we were acting each session began with me doing like an intro tune and a quick narration like a radio broadcaster welcoming people to the show and then narrating where we were and then I also ended the sessions same way
I kinda wanna do that more, since it was funny
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Speaking of holo Any of you guys gonna pay for tickets for the Gen1 live thing I'm tempted
that looks lovely and clean reminds me of canada and europe i hope i will muster the energy to travel this year
>>948358 So I was thinking the other day about time complexity of algorithms. So there's logarithmic, polynomial, exponential and sub and super of them runtime, but what about algorithms with trigonometric time/space complexity?
what would life be like as a bazelgeuse probably pretty cool except that everyone hates you and when you show up they either leave or shoot dung at you i guess not very cool
and then you squeal like a little bitch when they hit your legs too much
i like fighitng him when i'm there to fight him i don't like how he spends all of low rank and high rank showing up uninvited to every fight he probably does it in master rank once you're high enough MR
>>948437 Should've spoiled it with the Coiler Spoiler.
why did you think that
>>948442 Either you or someone else gave me a ton of shit for liking bulet.
well you probably deserved it
but yeah i don't know what you're talking about
my favorite thing to do on bullet is to hold on to a level of heat at all times so i can use OD to do reversal 720A into double extension or with active flow, you only need OD and extension one (which you get from the free heat level with OD) into EA, either one doing about 5k on counter-hit, killing almost anyone from hafl hp
>>948543 That is the tiniest most pathetic car boot I've ever seen. Are power tools illegal in Australia because that would be much easier to remove than an American car boot?
>>948545 It was in the car park at work. They already have his plate numbers. If he cuts it off and does a runner they'll just fine him again harder.
>>948552 Oh yeah definitely, but it would be a Chad move. Oh speaking of Chad moves, well I need to give context first So in the Chicago area there are two major airports. One of them is an international airport that is one o the busiest in the US called O'Hare. According to legend a guy who was getting divorced bought a car in his wife's n name and parked it in the airport parking lot and just left it there and she got fined tens of thousands of dollars.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh Found it I guess this is less funny but at least tththey let hher settle. She definitely should have showed up at the court hearings though.
>>948554 Are you going to do anything to celebrate /moe/ hitting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hitting what
>>948557 One million posts And yes I know its ben reset a few times. *been I think the power on my entire block went out for a few seconds cause my wifi connection went out and my phone says there's only three networks in range instead of the normal 15 or so. Our old router had a battery backuo, that was a good feature.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ummm i dont have any plans maybe i could do something fun