Gosh you're here early How's the weekend been for you?
86 - Eighty Six Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Episode 96-97 Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-8 Fruits Basket Episode 5-6 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 4-7 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Episode 6-7 Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Episode 7-8 Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Episode 6-7 Slime Taoshite 300-nen etc. SSSS.Dynazenon Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-6 Tokyo Revengers Vivy - Fluorite's Eyes Song
sunday is the best day to be early downloading at the speed of light
I too now have the speed of light at my fingertips This new place has a fibre connection And after half a year of like 15 megabit of download speed it's nice to have speed
are you able to game on weekdays?
That's honestly more a question of if I'm awake My sleeping schedule is probably going to be more of the same, get home from work and nap for a bit Otherwise it's kind of hard for me to get like three hours of sleep after anime and be able to function a whole day at work
Spider girl Spider girl Does whatever a spider does...ll
Hopefully Bang isn't too distracted
ready sorry i had to get ready aside from just downloading
I I'm gonna have watched so much anime today Kirara, Ton, and Pan were watching El-Melloi Case Files since the latter two there hadn't seen it yet And I managed to get my computer unpacked and set up in time to jump in and watch a bit of it with them
i don't like having to do anything besides go to sleep after anime
Also since it's a long weekend, and to be safe, I took Tuesday off in case my moving in took that long But all I've got is some minor unpacking to do here So I've basically still got a whole weekend coming up over the next two days
Oh that guy elf isn't actually dead From what we saw in Kumoko's plotline though he's kind of a dick I don't know how I feel about him still being alive
well he's definitely not someone to fuck with whatever his goals and reasons are he seems to be the 6head around here
As far as we've seen, the elves under his leadership seem directly opposed to the Jashin and her forces But he's also not above murdering entire families of "evil-oriented" races, like vampires, to get at their reincarnate children
Hah hah Poor guy He's the only one who got a reaction, since he's now a girl
Well they've cheered up a bit now But really it seems like a lot of the reincarnates are a bit depressed or dulled, living here with the elves I wonder what the elves have been doing with the reincarnates
wow so red hair really is the only one who wasn't born with the same parts
hahaha he tried
that dude's really lovestruck
oh they both are
I wonder what the elves' big plan for all the reincarnates is though
they're alluding that sensei was lying about the 4 who died now i'm absolutely certain that kumo is one of them
well i guess now that they've met everyone but the 4 then she has to be
I could see Sensei going both ways really She's either in with the rest of the elves and conspiring against the reincarnates Or the rest of elves are lying to her
i wonder if the other 3 are dead or are monsters or evil or something though wait isn't the vampire one of them!?!??!
Well as a vampire maybe she's technically dead anyway
oh no oh no oh no potimas is gonna do a crime here
He's already been abducting children! He's already been doing crimes!
Potimas totally things this is Arima's big plan When really it's just Kumoko being a total agent of chaos
I guess that means body brain is stealing demon lord stats
I'd also be not terribly surprised if the body brain is just wholly ineffective against Arima though She's still legions upon legions stronger than Kumoko
kinda weird how ariel is 3dcg but it isn't done badly so it's fine
Her movements are kinda stiff And that bit where she shout-blasted the dragon just there would've benefitted from more actual emotion in the face Her 3D CGI model is fine as long as she doesn't need to be emotive But it falls off fast at that point
i just don't understand why ariel is 3d it's extra weird because she was 2d already
It's because she's gonna eventually fight toe-to-toe with Kumoko I think And that'll be hard to make it look nice
wait she was only 2d in the future what if 3d ariel is actually different from 2d ariel
Sure, I think that's a bit of a weird thing for them to play with, but it's not within reason to toy with fourth wall-leaning stuff like Er, within reason to
antonio's voice is really familiar is that the guy from joran?
I don't think it's boss-kun
it reminds me of kiritsugu as well
Yeah I could see Kiritsugu
Either way it really doesn't suit coming out of Ophelia's body
This guy looks astonishingly good for forty years since he last saw her
I mean the reason is obvious, but still
this show is so pretty
i still don't know that matsumoto's mission is correct so i don't know if kakitani's mission is wohlly incorrect either
i kinda wish matsumoto hadn't bust in at the time he did
Oh I thought Matsumoto said YEE HAW there Not DIVA
Man this is some smooth fighting animation They really pulled out the stops for this episode
Way to trash a perfectly nice grand piano
Sounds like Matsumoto isn't the only person, or thing, from the disastrous future, who's reaching back into the past Though this other entity is interfering with their plan
angryboy is going to go after undertaker because he keeps talking to oujo-buta i feel like undertaker is gonna have a "our goals aren't the same" moment with on of the 86 but maybe he'll pick a side instead of remaining aloof or get everyone on his side it's obvious he sees everything very differently from everyone else
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the 86 get anyry -angry with him before long about it, yeah
>Fireworks >Special animation Well it's not really a stretch
Gosh how embarassing
oh wait so they did the thing where before the OP was after the episode
right now i feel like lena is never going to the front lines she's way too weak
She's not even actively fighting in the war but she's developing secondhand PTSD from listening to the soldiers she commands die and the voices of the dead coming from those enemy legions
I get this army isn't really trying here But they really just don't give a shit do they Like if they were that irate with Lena's nagging for new resources for the Spearhead Squadron, they could relieve her of her duties And they're practically being transparent that despite acting like the Spearhead is oh-so important and protecting a critical base, they see no value in ensuring its reinforcements
he wanted to look at fireworks at the same time as her ;_;
she brings up the deaths a lot
It might be a bit tactless of her, but she doesn't have the squadron's extended familiarity with them She probably can't get them out of her head So they keep popping up
Yeah we're still getting jumped around a lot This scene is before the ball scene just now And that ball scene was happening cocurrently with the scene at the start of the episode
the time is jumping all around yeah
I don't think there was any chance we'd've gotten a good view of whatever's carved into her back there So I guess it's just a hint for what we'll see eventually.
That's definitely something I think most of the squadron are making a point of trying not to think about If Shin dies, a lot of their hope for a peaceful death fall out of the question
Looks like he felt his brother there for a moment again
shin almost snapped....
wow wowowow
oh that was cool
That entire last third of the episode was pretty heavy Puts a lot of extra pressure on Lena's somewhat naive declaration that she'll keep the rest of the Spearhead Squadron alive
It's kind of amazing really One dumbass prank ended up sending an entire kingdom into drought
>I'm not conniving >Proceeds to endorse blackmail and engage in bribery
well what is a conniving person to say? "i am indeed conniving!"
Hey if you've got it, flaunt it No one's going to believe a conniving person when they say they're not conniving anyway So you might as well embrace it
couldn't the whole thing be fixed by him changing the password again
also is she was saying dick festival why wasn't it working
while i'm cleaning up my anime folder, what episode of shadows house did we watch last time? >>947973 ty ty
>>947975 you should have typed faster because i already deleted it thanks a lot tilde wow oh i can just ctrl-z okay tilde you're off the hook today
>>947973 >>947974 No, episode five If you numbskulls would look at the list I have It lists episodes six and seven as stuff we have to watch for Shadows House
At this point they should just cut their losses and let the elf go
i mean i'm not against that...
but then azusa would be sad.....
Tiny dragon
they are gonna have to do a heist and infiltrate the room where the demon lord is being kept so they can poison them
Wow that disguise really did not work well in the slightest
they think they're defending their kingdom from ruin to them, this is the death of their lord
The Maou just wants a fun fight with someone who can go toe-to-toe with her
>>948005 Makes the decision making parts of life easy
when i was a young one the church taught me that there was a war in heaven fought solely based on the idea that free agency and forced subservience to god were opposing ideas that couldn't exist together that lucifer fell as an angel because his plan was one of forced subservience to god's will, to save our souls on earth that we could return to god in heaven that jesus's plan was for us to have souls that could decide and that the lord chose jesus's plan
i don't go to church anymore for reasons that don't really have anything to do with this but the story always stuck with me and i think about it whenever the idea of free will comes up is it not better to live without free will? wouldn't that life be easier? but then would it be life? would it be worth living?
thanks slice of life anime about girls kissing girls to remind me of this
>>948010 Well technically you're not wrong But I don't think I could sit happy surrendering my freedom of agency like that I would definitely be depressed like she was But then if a cute witch girl stroked my head I might not be as depressed So I can kind of understand her
>>948011 Decisions are a fairly inconsequential part of life when you look at it from a hardships lens I really don't think having or not having free will makes a difference in the big picture
And in the end free will both does and doesn't exist, so I don't think there's much to worry about
i wouldn't mind being the blue dragon though or the red one or azusa really i'd be okay with being any of them except for halkara
The Maou seems like a pretty good deal too Especially now that she's got a nice onee-sama
i think the maou is only a few points above halkara on my "i wish i was" scale although i guess rosalie is actually at the bottom i'd rather be the stupid elf than a ghost, i guess being a slime twin goes only slightly above halkara, but below maou obviously, being beezlebub is the best, second only to maybe azusa