>>948588 i wish what was goin on with the moon last night i missed it
Think it was a blood moon
at least it's not a bone moon
My eyes have been kind of unfocused a lot today, annoyingly I've worn my glasses a lot over the past few days after not wearing them much at all for like five months, so I wonder if that's got anything to do with it
I got the message that the other parts I need for a shower curtain are ready for pick up And while a shower sounds real nice after a weekend of moving and with how warm it is lately, I dunno how willing I am to dump more heat into my apartment
>>948605 You gonna get a BeagleV? I'm thinking about getting one once they start selling them.
It has an AI accelerator built into the CPU.
Oh It has 3 One for computer vision One NVDLA thing And something called a Neural Network Engine They haven't started producing the versions with GPUs yet. But I'm still excited since the hardware is all open source.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk it sounds cool bjt i bet i woild buy it and it would just sit there doin nothing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
GPU version would be nice if i defeat my ADHD and somehow actually write a computer vision project
>>948612 Same >>948613 It has a dedicated computer vision chip even in the GPUless models.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is the gou for rendering or extra power or both i guess
>>948615 Probably both. Although the HDMI out on the current versions only supports 1080p at 30fps. Although it's not for gaming or like video editing so it doesn't really need more. Here's a link to the site https://beaglev.seeed.cc/
NVDLA site http://nvdla.org/ I was really surprised when I saw this, I would never have expected Nvidia to open source license any of their hardware.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>948617 that's cool it makes sense to have this stuff be open source there are so many improvements to be made i'm sure
One of the routes for driving home from work for me now takes me right past the lake Which is really nice Lake Ontario can look absolutely gorgeous under the right kind of weather
Maybe I should get my own vehicle to get to and from work so I can freely stop off at the lake to enjoy a few minutes of the illusion of endless expanses of water
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm gonna become a water elemental an air elemental i will become lighter than light
>>948732 it looks cool idk if those green things are individual servers i guess very chic i wonder what they'll cost
>>948734 Probably a lot. Like tens of thousands of dollars.
>>948734 >>948734 He should sign as Rasengasm *join Also what about RasenGAN?
Oh holy shit! https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.12126 TLDR: GAN rGAN recreates pacman as a playable game just by being trained on footage and corresponding keypkeypresses of it being played.
It's gotten pretty cool tonight Down from an ambient day temperature of around 25c to 12c Which is nice since the AC still isn't working here Natural cooling helps I can probably actually keep my windows shut tonight
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a lovely cool night then
imagine being one of the sellers a few days ago lol
kinda miss going inside people's houses miss the warmth
If I look to the upper right there's been this minor pain right behind my left eye, a lot more pronounced if I roll my eyes It's better today than it was yesterday, I think, but it's still there a fair bit.
https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3dpyw/inside-crime-app-citizen-vigilante yikes to think i did a tech screen with these guys
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Frame said at the all-hands that he is still performing a manhunt for the person Citizen falsely accused, but this time in order to apologize. >"We need to find this person and we are actively looking to find him. We are not done when it comes to this person," notes from the all-hands say. "Andrew [Frame] said they are working on that and this has the chance to turn into a very happy moment."
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm reading through this article and this frame guy seems totally off his rocker
>Currently, Citizen offers a subscription product called "Protect," which costs $19.99 per month. Protect sends a user's location to a Citizen employee when it's turned on, can stream video to a "Protect agent" when activated using a safeword, and is pitched to users as a "digital bodyguard." Protect also advertises "Instant emergency response to your exact location," and says "Live monitoring means you never have to walk alone." It is not clear if the private security response would be tied to Protect or another service. what is a "digital body guard" going to do livestream someone getting kidnapped by someone in a mask?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i used to use Citizen when i was in NYC it alerted me when a nearby chinese restaurant burnt down but yeah it's just pure anxiety all day every day surveillance capitalism babyyy
It's crazy how easy it is to just slip into living in fear. All this true crime culture and stuff has people just jonesing to get scared of how "dangerous" the world is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's like if you wanna be batman and do vigilante justice go to mitch mcconnell's house not some random joe jeez
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah ol mitch is way more dangerous and has hurt way more people than some rando stealing shit from a bodega
>>948860 Man i just like true crime for the thrill of the story No need to start thinking you're in a true crime podcast episode waiting to happen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just want to go to da cLUb and dance to leVitaTing
I want that song to go and stay go The worst part of taking Uber to and from work every day is drivers who put the radio on and I'm stuck listening to Pop40 radio stations that only play music I absolutely have no interest in
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Man. Having a full week off really makes me never want to work again
Even four days, two being a normal weekend, of no work makes me never want to work again Work sucks
any good movies come out this year? i tried to watch army of zombos and it's just like fuck i've seen this movie a million times i skipped thru king kong vs godzilla which was like The Core
im watching Without Remorse right now and it is pretty good so far but not too many movies have come out this year i dont think dune is later this year though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess that makes sense oh no we're gonna get matrix 4 this year too
With moving in here, my parents have been offering to hand off some of the various pieces of furniture they've accumulated over the years to help me furnish the place But the thing is, while I appreciate the charity, I don't actually like any of the things they want to give me They're all old and thoroughly worn things like tables that have seen various uses as kids' craft tables for like three decades, or cabinets that are just not the colour palette or style I'm interested in. The real problem is though, they never ask me if I want these things. It's always "I've got a cabinet you can use" or "I think I am going to give you this table". Not once have they asked me if I want them or if I like them And then when I say I don't want them they always act like it's a problem or an unexpected answer We kinda had a similar thing with some blinds over the weekend. I'm used to slat-based blinds, which I don't really like, so when I was told by my mother she had found a great deal on some blinds, my response was more "I was thinking more of getting curtains" Fortunately the blinds were more of a cross between curtains and blinds, so that ended up fine, but it's still more of the same things being decided for me without actually asking for my choice on the matter first. Which in retrospect has kind of been my parents' MO for way too long and I've just let them push it on me.
>>948889 oh yea been there you gotta decide if you wanna take the easy route or set boundaries it's probably a case by case thing
I woke up to a text about the table after my evening nap today and I'm probably going to have to text her back in the morning about not wanting it And then probably get a call in the afternoon about it after work
It's all just difficult because I'm not against charity, and I do feel selfish a bit for only taking the charity I actually want But maybe that's just conditioning from this always being the song and dance with it But this time I really don't necessarily need the help, I have enough money to furnish to a mostly satisfying degree the rest of this apartment I don't really like saying no to genuine help but man It's just difficult. My brain isn't wired for these things.
I got these bulgogi dumplings when I was doing grocery shopping during move-in I was a bit uncertain of them since the last time I had a bulgogi-stuffed thing, an onigiri, the meat was kind of stringy and unpleasant But these are much better than that onigiri was.
the end of the last episode of ssss was so good it made my heart dokidoki
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the one that came out today?
My workplace often gets these small packages of complimentary goods from some of the Chinese manufacturers they buy often from i mean maybe other manufacturers do it too but I've only ever seen gifts from the Chinese ones. They're usually just generic shit like shirts or hats with the manufacturer's branding on the goods, but every now and then they ship out some pretty nice stuff Around Chinese New Year one sent these leather/pleather cases with either single-cup tea pots or those tiny espresso kettles, wasn't quite sure. Any way the problem is, if you tell the purchasers about these freebie shipments, they always take dibs on the goods, taking all the nice while all but ignoring the cheap hats, shirts, and junkjunk like that. One story I heard was one manufacturer sent some pretty high quality muscle massaging and relaxing tools, the kind of thing that would probably be lovely for a receiver or other warehouse worker who is lifting and hauling boxes all day. Once the purchasing department was informed of the arrival though, guess what got handed off to a bunch of people who sit at desks all day and do have physical labour as a part of their job requirements?
Now because of the pandemic however, the purchasing department is all working from home, so it's not as easy to pass on things like this to them. And since they're complimentary goods, there's no paper trail for the shipments, at least in terms of what the purchasing department is looking out for And it just so happens a box came in of complimentary goods, with some surprisingly high-quality notebooks and some other stuff
So I wonder if I stow the box somewhere inconspicuous, and leave it there for like two weeks or so, and if no one calls asking about it, how hard it would be to siphon off these goodies, since I am a bit of a magpie for nice notebooks. And if someone does call about it, I can just say it came in recently, or was buried in a shipment of other shit
Is this a smart idea? Probably not, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway
Sometimes stuff just falls off a truck. So it can't be helped, you know? I end up with little stuff like that all the time. I have lots of notepads and pens and stuff like that.
actually, recently, one of those all-in-one computers with a touch screen fell off a truck but i don't really have any use for something like that i don't think so i havent really set it up. just sits in my closet
These are pretty nice quality notebooks though Although blank sheets, not lined There's also a Swiss Army Knife multitool in the individual boxes within the shipment, and a water bottle It's fancy enough that I am a little worried someone will come looking for them
How's anyone gonna know those were in there if there's no paper trail?
Well there is a paper trail, the manufacturer paid a shipping company to ship them to us, and the guys working the loading dock sign in all shipments that arrive But since they weren't ordered, theoretically no one should be looking at that paper trail. But enough is hanging on that "theoretically" that I don't want to immediately start sneaking off with them
Maybe you could grab them and then if someone comes looking for them later, they could turn up somewhere.
oh i guess i meant last week's i forgot it's a Friday show we didn't get to it until Wednesday
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i made vomit girl blow up she had been obsessed with this other guy for ever love triangles so when i emailed her anonymously she thought it was him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
point is this guy used and dumped her a long time ago and she's been pining now she's finally let go
Well I guess you helped her get over him Now she's aaaallllllll yours
Don't actually do this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha of course not
I keep being told "Oh we're about to hit the slow season" for receiving stuff in the warehouse But I've been hearing that for like two months and we're still buried with pallet after pallet of stuff It's just so exhausting and annoying.
also yes, you did a dick move >>949048 in the first scene of the campaign, when all of our characters basically debuted her first real moment was throwing up
you forgot to commission "pissed off at inari" face, which started to be her resting face at epic state
I actually only got those two sketched extra expressions because he did so as thanks, otherwise it was only going to be those left three
he thought tsu would look cool in a fight and thats where that cool looking tsu face comes from, which was a surprise to me because i had to live with being in tsu's shoes >>949059 theyre core for her cute factor
My brain's not been doing great here either I'm increasingly feeling trapped and the total dissatisfaction with the work I spend more than a third of my day stuck in continues to build And then I get home and I'm tired and regardless of if I sleep well or poorly I have no energy or motivation to put towards drawing or writing or some kind of creative avenue I could use to support myself instead of this dead-end barely living wage job. Instead I just throw myself at repetitive time-burning activities or idle staring at content and run down the hours of my sparse spare time. But it's not like I can just quit because I don't have nearly enough money to safely coast by and my odds of finding a job that is less soul-crushing and less time-consuming while still providing comparable income … well it's just not happening.
It's been like 4-6c all day and I made the mistake of not checking the weather before leaving the apartment today I've had nothing warmer than a thin cotton t-shirt for a top all day Now I'm indoors all day so it hasn't really been a problem But I've been waiting for like ten minutes for my Uber ride and it's starting to be pretty uncomfortable.
this movie starts off like "that broach is what got me killed" but everyone knows that this is a prequel to a movie where cruella is the villain??? so like thats not gonna build suspense
I am guessing it would be prequel to the live action movies since those tok place in when they were made, 90s I think 101 was I think made in 60s? or 50s
so that is actually quite an amusing nod to the movies she grew up in 60s, when the original came out and then it is basically a prequel to the 90s live action, not bad
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but this starts after the 60s yeah so this is probably prequel to the 96 movie?also dalmations killed her mom lmao
>>949079 wew how do you breed dalmatians into that
doin squats at the gym for the first time in a long time
https://www.play-asia.com/dragon-quest-kyuu-slime-teapot/13/70dfmv >>949086 >>949086 Nice I just made the mistake of going oon pplay asia to check when preorders for the Tsukihime remake end aand nw I've found hundreds o dollars worth of stuff I want.
I'm disappointed in this movie. I thought it was going to be terrible, but it's actually very enjoyable so far. It feels very much like the disney movies I liked as a kid.
rogue one effect? trailer makes it seem it is bad and cringe but then the actual movie is atleast decent
So I got home today and not long after getting in I noticed the ceiling light above my apartment's entrance was on Which was particularly weird because I have barely turned that light on, and when I have it was more out of accident than anything But I figured I might've turned it on by accident or without noticing this morning and not turned it off as I left However when I was in the washroom not long after I noticed a hole had been drilled from the otherside of the wall into the bathroom, a part of the wall that has the coat cupboard on the other side of it Checking the coat cupboard, I realized someone had come by my unit and installed a rack in the cupboard, which is nice of them and all But they drilled a hole right into my bathroom while doing so!
I hate to say it but I give Cruella an 8/10. It was a lot of fun. Some flaws in the writing, but it was fun enough that I didn't mind it. If it weren't fun, I'd have to write a big rant about how terrible it was.
>A manga adaptation of the movie by Hachi Ishie, titled Cruella: Black, White and Red is scheduled to be released by Viz Media on August 3, 2021.[43] huh
on a fun note I had to actually show my pops the mail for that thing to make him believe that I got in by just my grades was as baffled as i was, since he too expected there'd be some I dunno aptitude test
i got my second shot of moderna a couple weeks ago i was super tired the next day but that's it i slept for like 18 hours, as i had also been sleep deprived from the night before from like 6pm to a little after noon aside from that i had some minor headaches and arm soreness but it really wasn't that bad because i slept through it
i also had almost nothing after my first shot though, just soreness and some dizzy i've heard if you had side effects the first time, they can be worse the second time
i didn't feel any side effects at all any fatigue was disguised by my permatiredness and the bicycle ride home i did feel a little high or euphoric actually but maybe that's cuz i am starved for human interaction or because the waiting area was well lit with fresh air idk
You gotta work hard to be as universally hated as Ngo. The kind of guy that you just gotta hit in the face.
>>949250 i only got side effects for the second shot they hit like 12 hours after i got the shot
>>949250 >but maybe that's cuz i am starved for human interaction yo i went to an invite-only concert last weekend and barely even interacted at all and i definitely felt a euphoric rush from it i can't wait to be sociable again
Yeah, it's not bad A bit kidsy but the gameplay is fun You're definitely not getting sixty dollars worth of content from the single player alone though
3080 TI news yesterday it's got shit hash rates so you should be able to get ahold of one for gaming for a normal price
>>>/watch?v=4mQYn5txqc0 >>949300 lit they followed me for a little bit while I was riding by they're definitely appropriating my culture white facing like that
I should go get groceries but I don't wanna leave the house But if I don't get groceries I won't have enough for next week, unless I stop at the grocery store on like Monday or Tuesday
I don't think it looks bad but it's incredibly unreasonable for the setting of Horizon Like the snarky quote tweet implicitly says, it's dumb to expect makeup and a blemishless face from someone who lives in a (mostly/kinda) low-tech environment and is predominantly a hunter-gatherer type The fan product looks like someone who'd rather everything look more like Overwatch
it's funny because these people get mad when westerners "fix" anime chara designs but then they go and worship hypersexualized fan "fixes" of charas in games like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also freckles >>> everything else (objectively correct opinion)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this girl's tinder profile has a difficult riddle
If you were a patio, would you be A) a cute patio B) a goth patio C) a patio with a lava lamp D) a patio where a little alien sits at your table and has to hold your hand while you divulge your secrets and fears and he never says anything but you can kinda tell he's bored
Choose WISELY there is only one correct response
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i plugged it into openAI
E) A big patio that's also an old-school movie theater F) A patio with a fireplace and a leather couch G) A patio that's not very cool but you're super into the guy who lives upstairs and sometimes you sit at his table and you just like look at him and smile and he's really nice but he has a lot of problems, mostly that he's in a committed relationship with his dog H) A patio where you can smoke I) A patio that has a pool but you're afraid to go in because of the sharks
It's not even like I've been hungry I've just like Felt like eating, a lot Like there's just a void, in my stomach, and I should put food there
Like I'm bored eating or something
Well as long as you're not overeating, it's good to get food in you
Yeah I don't think I'm overeating or anything More like just... eating a lot for me
Maybe this is a normal amount, I dunno, I've always just eaten very little my whole life, and now and then I get these short periods of maybe a week or something where i eat what feels like a LOT, like now But I dunno if what I consider a lot is actually just normal for other people
It's usually also like, one specific food thing Not just like, food in general I've been eating a lot of specifically bread with liverpaste and cucumber slices Last time it was toast with cheese and ham
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my jab arm is sore today >>949328 it's a signal from your bod if you're bored you gotta change somethin
Not much Sake has a bit of a bite to it that I have a hard time with It's probably better when it's warm but even then I still have a hard time drinking it without gagging There just aren't many varieties of alcohol I'm good at drinking straight.
here's one that's available throughout most of the US and at a pretty good price comparable to the bell curve's midsection as far as wine pricing goes
but for that price it's an amazing drink best enjoyed chilled, and goes amazingly with tart fruity sweets or vanilla baked goods
to my knowledge, heating sake was done moreso when premium sake was really only available in small quantities to those priveleged to have it, and premium sake has traditionally been served chilled or room temperature whereas heating even the cheapest sake makes it more than palatable
it's also simply harder to differentiate the nuances of one sake from another when heated, making the idea of heating sake one largely relegated to cheaper sake for that reason as well
here's another one i highly recommend if you can find it momokawa pearl
I appreciate the recommendations, but I'm doubtful it is going to improve my opinion of sake >>949560 Sure but I don't exactly make a lot of disposable income
well i'm doubtful you'll ever know unless you try~
a 750ml bottle of either is less than 20 USD, probably closer to 13-15 USD about the same as most wines momokawa might be somewhat harder to find, but any large purveyor of wines should have it tozai snow maiden has enjoyed pretty wide success globally, so it should be really easy to find
There is literally one purveyor of wines in the entire province here and they don't have it
do your grocers not sell wines?
Short answer, no Liquor is heavily controlled and is only sold in two store franchises. In recent years, major grocery franchises have been granted licenses to carry beers and wines, but they aren't going to be carrying niche foreign things like sake.
what the hell i thought texas had pretty strict laws, closing liquor stores on sundays and only allowing alcohol purchases during certain hours
but damn, i can grab tozai snow maiden at the grocery down the street or at any HEB in texas >>949566 well now that last assumption might be a quick one sake is becoming a pretty regular thing globally the last 5 years it's gone from a niche product to a pretty general one
Well to satiate your strange insistence that I somehow don't know the landscape of my own grocery stores here, I just ran through the five most likely candidates to carry alcohol and not one of them lists sake as available stock.
Tozai is available through the LCBO, but it is not stocked in stores and needs to be special delivered, either to a store or to you
Ultimately though I would much rather choose something I know I will enjoy, when it comes to alcohol, than experiment with a 20 CAD bottle of something I can't personally vouch for. I don't place much stock in alcohol and really just drink it sparingly. I don't consider it a hobby to explore and expand my tastes in, I'm more than happy to have a handful of varieties I can reliably buy and know I will like.
i'd gone a really long time without crying, and then recently an episode of anime got me and then the other day this video came out and for some reason this song made me cry too not in a sad way hard to explain >>>/watch?v=qyr6D-r52DI
i don't think anything's wrong but it's strange to feel so much i guess
right that is why i kept my ps3 completely powered off when you unplug a ps3 controller from your pc, it sends off the signal to boot the nearest ps3 which actually also has a fuckton of range
i had some friends in NY who would call people nuggets it was to mean ifk idk cute or eligible or sympathetic or i guess like a rare gold nugget
what well made nuggets are great and also you can get them for like 6 // you can get 20 of them for like 6-8€ if you hit the store during night hours
>>949596 calling someone nugget ahs the same feel as gordon calling someone a doughnut or something
There is no such thing as a good fast food chain chicken nugget They're all trash Hell really there isn't really a good chicken nugget You have to get like, breaded chunks of chicken before you even have a chance at it.
>>949600 Wendy's can't do a good one either This isn't an argument of good or bad fast food chains this is a matter of you just can't make chicken turned into a meat paste and then breaded into anything that resembles good food.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah shit double paste rip my link
burger king is overall shitty tbh
>>949603 weird BK here is the best fast food joint pretty much highest quality control and everything is, in terms of cooking the meat and bacon and whatnots flame grilled
I used to feel that way about BK, but at least here, locally,McD's is way better
That, and McD's has the $2-3 burgers you can get, and that's hard to compete with when I'm just there looking for FOOD rather than whatever their latest advertising picture is
So apparently when I got hired on proper at this job in February, and got a $1/h wage increase because of it, that wage increase was never actually properly activated Which in hindsight explains a little bit, but even then, it still only amounts to a few hundred dollars in unpaid wages, and they're going to cover all the missed wages now that they've caught the error anyway That said I'll gladly take the money.
im gonna make ton and pan watch kekkai sensen tonight i'm really excited but ton forgot! even though we decided last night can you believe it? how can he almost trample on a cute girl like me's dreams like that?! saitei!
would be useful if vtubers employed editors to cut things down a bit at times but then again a streamer ain't a let's player >>949660 but rarely to the extend of turning a stream into an lp, is what I mean wonder if they are allowed to do that themselves, atleast the agency ones. independent could do whatever
The way streaming works, you are better off the more hours you have on your channel. So cutting it down wouldn't benefit you. You can't even get monetization without a certain number of hours, and sometimes if you don't keep your hours up for too long, you might end up in trouble.
So hours is important, especially for indie streamers. Although I do know of one streamer that streams on twitch and then puts up edited VODs on YouTube.
I like seeing streamers fuck up anyways. Gura took a damn long time in castle Dimitrescu, whenever she ran into Alcina during the "chase" she'd often run tto the safe room, then be impatient and run out and be found by Alcina and then run back to the safe room. It added alot of ttitime. *a lot Also RIP Alcina Dimitrescu
>Although I do know of one streamer that streams on twitch and then puts up edited VODs on YouTube. MO of Laeppavika, who started out as more of a let's player, but eventually moved full time into twitch streamer, who then does basically "best of" compilations or sometimes even lp's to youtube
but I guess it is kinda just needless extra work when you are a youtube streamer and your archives will last forever, unless youtube gets mad at you
>>949662 sounds about right for her, she did this a lot in res2
>>949665 Yeah, I saw some of that. Also Hail Satan!
btw what do you think the next batch of holoen's theme will be? will they continue with a fantasy/monster wibe or go into scifi? I hope they keep it exotic instead of something like school or office
Idk, maybe they won't even have a real theme Although Gen2 probably won't be for a while Considering the holo en singer audition hasn't even been announced yet and it's been like 9 months since those auditions
tho HoloMaids
>>949671 considering that all the talents have been saying "there won't be generations in holoen, but theme/group names" I think they'd be going for it
they had about month long auditions during february and march of this year dunno if it was just for the plausible holoensinger stuff or was it for a new generation entirely, but more focused on singing? who knows
I think the current timeline is about 6-8 months from casting with if memory serves, holoen having been most rushed
There isn't really a precendence for new generations On the Japanese side they're actively recruiting new talent, they don't open auditions like they have for EN or ID Once they have enough to merit a new wave of talent, they put out a a generation And EN and ID are basically totally autonomous from each other in terms of management, so there's no reason to believe they're operating on the same time schedule for releasing new generations -- especially since ID releases trios and EN has so far put out a quintet So we really have no idea what the timeline is for a new generation of HoloEN. Any estimation is pure guesswork
I couldn't find art of Gura on pixiv with her in a school swimsuit that had her name on it in Japanese. Only pictures of her in school swimsuits with her name in English or shark or さめ/サメ. I'm really disappointed in the fandom.
>>949682 *Danbooru Not pixiv Haven't checked there yet.
I do wonder how far sound travels in this building My schedule does have me waking up at weird times, so I've got a pretty loud alarm going off at weird times in turn