Heyo Just give me one moment and I'll be right over there
Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Episode 96-97 Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-8 Fruits Basket Episode 5-8 Fumetsu no Anata e Hige wo Soru. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 4-7 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Episode 6-7 Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Mars Red Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Episode 7-8 Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Shadows House Episode 6-7 SSSS.Dynazenon Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-8 Tokyo Revengers
Wait there's some things that shouldn't be on there that are But I think it's just all the things we watched last night, so we wouldn't be watching them tonight anyway
Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-8 Fruits Basket Episode 5-8 Fumetsu no Anata e Hige wo Soru. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 4-7 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Joran The Princess of Snow and Blood Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Mars Red Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Shadows House Episode 6-7 SSSS.Dynazenon Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-8 Tokyo Revengers
We gonna see vampire Maeda this episode Or can he even live with himself as one
are they soulless? automatons now?
Well they're vampires so of course they're soullless But it does look like whatever Nakajima's done to them has made them little more than automated puppets
everything is all really fucked up now there's rubble everywhere what the hell
It looks like it's been a while since the last episode If the newspaper the girl worked for has been out of operation for a bit
Ah yeah I forgot about the earthquake that happened Which was the whole reason Maeda was stuck under the rubble anyway I assume all this rubble is because of that
Who plays chess with identical vials of drug-blood
what the actual hell is going on
It seems like the military are using the disaster of the earthquake and the rampant vampiricism plague going on to administer that drug/blood thing under the guise of it being a vaccine against vampiricism Which feels a bit excessive at this point, but that kind of wild drive to turn the entirety of the Japanese population towards nationalistic conquering is pretty suitable for Japan of the 1930s
Was never obvious the old man here was a vampire Mostly because he always showed up standing still when he appeared with his young master
I really like the flash step effect they do for these elite vampires that can all but teleport
i wonder when we'll find out what nakajima's endgame is
A nation of vampires, I assume, perfect in their military capacity Ready to help Japan as the world moves into WWII with their determination to take over all of Asia
She's kind of hard to tell who she is when she's got her hair undone like that
I think it's also because her bangs are different now than they are in the OP and earlier on in the series
asahi fucking died
i was in the wrong thread
i like this new girl's haircut
she has fangs
It's the girl from the brief peaceful span from earlier, isn't it She lived at the shrine Yuki and Asahi were hiding out at Though she had glasses there
she wasn't really the same person though now she's cool
she's my new favorite character in this show now that tsuki went crazy and turned into a monster and then died
Tsuki might be dead but her role in this story isn't quite done yet
I'm assuming that means the real culprit behind her village's murder was this guy then
wowza wowza
yeah and janome's probably well no i think janome was still but i think this guy has a lot more to do with it than she's okay with but also i am 100% sure he is the demon who killed tsuki now the way he said he was late was way too direct
but also isn't 40 strips on his side? also i thought they were going to take on tokugawa together i'm kinda hoping he convinces yuki that he wants to take down the govt. now but also what about that guy he gave the blue juice to i don't know anymore
The high mage or whatever his title was is a real meddler But it also feels like so far he just likes messing with Sei because it's fun
if she starts powering up the herbs and then making really powerful potions out of them then she's basically an atelier protagonist what if this is secretly a GUST build-up to a new atelier reveal
I wanna see more about the kidnapped high schooler
There probably won't be that much with her She is the faux Saint after all
i hope she matters at least somewhat the last episode was mostly about her surely there will be more
Having academic discussions about unanswered questions about magic is a kind of geeky thing that's cute to me Like it doesn't really make for great scene material But it's the kind of relatable realism I can appreciate
I feel like this is going to have some drastic aftereffects
She gets to go on a multi-night date with her boyfriend How nice
i remember when i had to start my download at least 15 minutes in advance and that was with fast internet at the time
It's been a long time since I could download like five shows at once and not be bottlenecked by my maximum download speed, and instead be bottlenecked by how much data the torrent seeders can provide It's nice.
Man just walking around with a squealing boar on his back
uh oh uh oh uh oh
his brother is gonna do a bad thing
What a heartless boy
this isn't at all what i thought would happen
It's a bit of what I was expecting I think I figured his brother would be courageous enough to at least face him when he took the money and ran Instead he just did -just snuck away without saying anything
I guess that's why he wears the chameleon mask when we see him in Futsu's time
Hah hah wait is he actually dead Maybe not That table he was on looked a whole lot like a bit of an altar for reincarnation
It really is strange how his leg is always bloody.
Ah I don't like this Clothes shouldn't stick to a body like that
>>948490 He doesn't really understand healing in the way mortals do That leg is the way it was when he copied the boy And when he gets injured, he just returns to that original state
when he turns into something else and then back into the boy won't he be reset
I don't think the wound is even healing Think of him as a wax scupture with a wound as a part of the construct The wax will never mend on its own
i just heard a stock sound effect used in monster hunter
Well some sounds are just a pain to make yourselves So if they're available as stock, it makes sense to get it
it's an effect i've actually head several times in anime before it's the one from when you craft in monster hunter 3U
Oh no she's crushing on Fushi That's just a problem for all parties involved
Holy fuck girl aren't you like ten
uhwa hwa hwa hwa hwa
Oh maybe he is actually dead and raised back to life After all it is kind of hard to survive having your head completely smashed flat by a log the diameter of is larger than your entire head
oh yeah big corporate hot-shot brother is here to find his runaway sister we still don't really know why she ran
I think the OP gives some hints to it But if she also has a suit for a brother that's chasing her down on the orders of their dad, I can imagine her family situation isn't great either.
wait wait a second is her last name the name of the company ojiwara? hmmm
Well it's not uncommon for big companies in Japan to just be the name of the founder
>maybe kids these days don't do karaoke yeah....
I think it's still a pretty normal activity in Japan Maybe decreased IRL right now because of the pandemic But normally it's something a lot of young kids enjoy
i kinda feel like across the world, most hobbies have well not just hobbies but like things young people used to do together well used to isn't right "things that young people used to do more often amongst themselves" they do them slightly less now because more people spend their time online
OL-chan is giving a lot of help to her enemy right now.
Well the real enemy is Gojou And in the end the MC clearly doesn't see Sayu as a romantic or sexual interest
yeah sayu isn't her real enemy well i hope not if MC ends up with sayu i'll dislike this show
uh oh she's imploding she's so jealous
I can understand why she's upset But she's crossing her signals here Sayu might have some weird ambivalent feelings towards the MC But his attitude towards her is nothing but siblings
She shouldn't want him to look at her like a sibling if she really wants him to love her
it's not like i don't feel for her situation if anything i know exactly too well what that crying feels like but i guess i have a harder time feeling when someone suffers as i have counterintuitively
The clacking of wooden sandals is pretty nice They sure aren't comfortable though, especially for extended periods of time But they definitely sound nice.
She is giving off some ojou vibes this episode though Saying stuff like "It's a real summer festival" and being surprised by how cotton candy is made
ever since her brother showed up i've been thinking maybe the reason she ran away is because she was an oujo and wanted to see more of the world
they gotta stop it with these romance flags
I'm pretty sure it's a bit more dour a reason than that But I'm sure being out from under her family's thumb was a part of it
>>948526 i guess i should have said "one of the reasons" obviously it had to be something pretty big that set things into motion for her to go through what she did
It's just on the mind since she knows her brother is on the hunt for her She's considering the possibility that he'll just grab her and bring her back to Hokkaido without a chance to tell Yoshida good-bye
I'm still pretty convinced she's gonna get sister-zoned The only way I see it otherwise is if they pull a late-game Usagi Drop twist