It's Thursday! We've pretty much made it through the week
And tonight's going to be a -good- night
Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou S2 Hataraku Saibou Black Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Show By Rock!! Stars!! Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Yuru Camp S2
Oh I remember that. Are those full length episodes or half episodes?
Yeah I'm pretty sure they're both full-length episodes. S2 is a standard season two continuation of the first series Black is a genderswapped take on the series plus a somewhat more dark and dangerous take on the infections, body systems going awry, etc. of the original series' concept.
I think this season changes up the studio or at least the character designer from the first season The artstyle for the characters is more in line with that of the original manga's.
I don't remember either the last thing I remember was a dance
The super-tsun beat the rest of them to the punch
All the flashback stuff has so far been still shots I wonder if that's because they don't want to bother re-animating it and don't want the two styles clashing.
Oh it was their dad who was examining him He just called his daughters idiots! I mean it's not an inaccurate statement but still.
He was really kind of a scoundrel as a kid Most kids are scoundrels I guess but Futarou was particuarly bratty.
wow she threw failed tests at him I honestly don't care for the designs as much
I'm fine with them. The original manga's art was nice enough that I do kinda like them "correcting" the anime back to a more similar style. And so far it looks like this new season has had more time/budget to get the quality a bit better. Plus I don't particularly remember the previous season enough to have an opinion on the change.
Wow he's trying to push the question pretty early on. Though I guess none of them remember meeting him as a kid. Actually no if I remember correctly Nino remembers meeting him but still thinks he should have blonde hair like he did as a kid so she doesn't recognize him.
New arc! Judging from the title we got at the end of the last episode, Neko-damashi-hen, it's not a direct imitation of any previous arc we've seen in Higurashi before.
I'm a bit worried it might end up being a gag arc because of that, but I guess we'll see
BUT It is starting off with a bit of a flashback This is totally the end of the last arc when Keiichi and Satoko went back to her house and Keiichi fought off her uncle. Meaning we're about to see the berserk Ooishi come in and murder erryone
I bet it's because Takano told him some of the truths she knows when she got to him with the virus. As a way to get him properly incensed up for this. He did gun straight for Rika when he showed up.
Ah we're finally back in the Sea of Fragments
Also I guess Rika can remember the pain of dying even if she can't remember who killed her normally Ooshihasdasdfadas NEVERMIND
Not losing memories seems like a strong power I wonder if Rika is getting closer to being Bern
This is some light spoilers for late-series Umineko but towards the later Episodes we're introduced to a totally-not-Hanyuu expy like how Bernkastel in it is a totally-not-Higurashi-Bernkastel That not-Hanyuu character has horns similar to Hanyuu, and one of the character trivias for the character says in the past the not-Hanyuu's horns were damaged, which messed with her memories and personality. The fact that Hanyuu has the damage on the horn implies that the Hanyuu we know in Higurashi is that "incorrect" personality and after she got her horns restored, she reverted back to the not-Hanyuu in both personality and appearance. So that the damage is being drawn attention to here makes for an interesting detail.
I guess this isn't a real Hanyuu though, but rather just a ghost. Also was that Hanyuu telling Rika there's a weapon in the toolshed that can kill her if she wants to give up
In the past Takano's shown no evidence of knowing she's in a loop. Though to be fair no one's really known, only the kids have kind of ever had hints of a feeling they're looping So if there's someone who has also been looping this whole time, either it's kind of an asspull, Ryuukishi is a genius about going over his previous stories and knowing who to pick to fit that, or it's only these new loops that there's someone else who knows it's a loop.
But there's also the always possible chance Hanyuu was just subtly telling her she'd have to kill herself with the tool. That kinda feels like it would break with the rest of the series but it's not impossible to me.
Oh the tool's just not even there in the first place. I wonder who snatched it.
Well we have the tool with which Rika either kills or kills herself with I suspect there is going to be someone else who's looping here and the "win condition" of Higurashi is that she's gonna have to kill them herself. And that task is going to be what truly pushes her over the edge from Rika into Bernkastel. Because Bern in Umineko is a MEGA bitch
Also it's interesting that there's going to be more to this Neko-damashi arc. I kind of half expected it to be a one-off episode where it's just assumed it ends in a BAD END after we got all this valuable plot information. But I guess there'll be more original plot before everyone dies.
Bern is also REALLY fixated on not-Takano, isn't she?
I'm really interested to see what happens.
hataraku s2 okay lets start
Hm, short answer yes, but not in the way you're thinking. Bernkastel and Lambdadelta in Umineko have a kind of "we hate each other's guts but have been stuck together for so long that hate has mutated into a weird kind of lovehate thing" Lambda for Bern is more of an always-present playmate than an actual villain to pursue and defeat.
Bern's real defining feature in Umineko, at least once she stops being just a spectator, is being incredibly sadistic and encouraging any kind of circumstance where emotional and physical torture happens in spades. She gives people hope and power for the sole purpose of them failing or inducing suffering on themselves and/or others.
The original theory on Bern was that she was Rika's hatred and resentment from getting looped so much that budded off and became its own thing so Rika could go live a normal and happy life. I wonder if they'll end up going with that.
It's certainly possible, yeah. The Umineko manga, which is stated by Ryuukishi to be completely canonical, implies there's a direct transference from Rika to Umineko-Bern, and also that Hanyuu and not-Hanyuu are the exact same "person", just after not-Hanyuu regained her memory device she reverted back to her original personality and body. But Ryuukishi has some pretty specific definitions of what a person is and can be, so it might definitely be that there is a "good" Rika and the shedded darkness which becomes Umineko-Bern
I'm personally working with the belief that Rika and Umineko-Bern are indistinguishably the same "person" until I'm shown otherwise though.
White Blood Cell sure has a habit of attracking -attracting dame dame cells
It's all about scale of magnitude. It might look like it's a lot of bad things, but to the actual person, it's probably just mild, minor everyday things Like this seems disastrous but it's just a bump on the head!
Hah hah hah She really knows how to incentivise the platelets.
This is a fun edutainment kind of series. I guess it's not really proper edutainment since it plays everything up as a city rather than a biological body. But that in of itself is a really good metaphor for a human body, kind of. I'm glad to finally be getting more of it.
Between this and Higurashi Thursdays are going to be a biiiig treat this season. Definitely the best time of the week for me.
Also as a heads up this season's probably going to get pretty packed pretty fast. Even if we drop some of the weaker stuff like some of the stuff we watched yesterday, it'll be hard to stay on top of things with four shows a night, probably.
An even tinier Shimarin is cute too.
It's no SHINY DAYS but it's a good OP Kind of hard to beat SHINY DAYS
Every tent peg I've seen like those have already had their rings dented or at an angle anyway I think it's fine if they end up like that from trying to hammer them in
I guess even Rin had to start out bumbling before she became a camping pro.
Oh her phone's even a slightly retro look. Like it has the wide bezels of an iPhone from like five or six years ago That's a good bit of detail.
Honestly some times what your soul is really craving is just a nice cup of cup ramen. It's not healthy and always has way too much salt, but man it feels good to wolf one down when you're hungry.
Has it ever been anything other than cold winter in this? I guess it's always kinda cold cause of where they are.
It started in late-autumn so if it's been going slowly it might just have not even cleared winter yet.
Alternatively in the time between season one and season two there was a series of mini-episodes, Heya Camp, that came out. That might've maybe been some warmer-season content? Don't know though, since I never got around to watching it.
I'm pretty sure it's just been moving slowly though.
>Time poverty Ah yeah I know this suffering. Working forty-two hours a week really makes all your free time evaporate.
Rin really can't escape Nadeshiko hah hah Oh I thought she'd already made it out to the place she was camping at. But she's still in the local area they all live in.
Yeah if they're only at New Years it might be that the series just hasn't progressed much chronologically. The first season wrapped up around Christmas after all.