There's a lot of stuff yeah! One moment I've got the list together
Back Arrow Beastars S2 Hataraku Saibou Black Horimiya Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Kai Byoui Ramune Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Mushoku Tensei Non Non Byori Nonstop Show By Rock!! Stars!! SK8 the Infinity Tenchi Souzou Design-bu World Trigger S2
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-20
For new stuff,
Back Arrow is an anime original which seems to have Wild West vibes combined with mecha. It's directed by the director of Code Geass too.
Horimiya is a somewhat old shoujo manga (ran from like 2007 to 2011) that I'm honestly a bit surprised to see get an anime after all this time. It's generally fairly well-regarded, but I don't think I ever read more than a few chapters
Idoly Pride is an anime-original idol anime. Don't really know much about it besides that.
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun is an LN adaptation about a kind of loser guy and a girl who decides to take it upon herself to level him up to make him not a weak character. A lot of people liken it to Yahari but I haven't seen anything from it so I can't vouch for that.
Kai Byoui Ramune seems to be a "problem solver" kind of series where a doctor of sorts helps people with their problems of the heart.
Kemono Jihen seems to be some kind of supernatural action series.
Kumo desu ga, Nani ka is an older isekai series about a girl who gets reincarnated as a spider. Kind of like Slime Isekai, she can improve herself by fighting and eating things, and the series is about her levelling up and making her way up from being a literal spider to an actual creature.
Mushoku Tensei is also a bit of an older isekai series, but it's a little more standard. Guy get's TRUCK'd, gets reincarnated as a baby in a fantasy world. I think it's mostly a high fantasy story after that point.
SK8 the Infinity is a BONES original anime about skateboarding. I don't really have any more than that to say for the series but it does sound kind of unique.
Tenchi Souzou Design-bu was around on Thursday but I can't remember if I covered it then. It's a show about the department in heaven that's responsible for weird animals and why they can't exist on earth.
i have NNB downloaded and will watch whatever new shows you guys watch tonight
okay I have everything Semes like bang is around and wants NNB
any other shows you guys want to hit tonight?
Stuff I'd be interested in would be Back Arrow, Hataraku Saibou Black, Horimiya, Jaku-chara, Kumo desu ga, and Mushoku Tensei In no particular order besides alphabetical
It's directed by the director of Code Geass so the guy's definitely been in the industry a good long while The studio's relatively new though, being an offshoot of ex-Madhouse employees
If I remember correctly, one of the "themes" of this series is the concept of public and private selves Like how the girl is preppy and polished in school but immediately dons a pragmatic housekeeper outfit and has to look after her kid brother at home.
And yeah, the gloomy, kind of unassuming guy dresses like a total punk on his day off
Is this a manga? I feel like I've read a few chapters of this.
>>908756 Like I said above, >Horimiya is a somewhat old shoujo manga (ran from like 2007 to 2011) that I'm honestly a bit surprised to see get an anime after all this time. It's old but yeah, a manga.
I remember really not liking his piercings but he's nice without them
If I remember the chatter I peeked in on for this series, he does tone down the piercingsdasfgasd OKAY I forgot about the tattoos
A lot of these characters are very nicely colour-coded
I feel like the pace is really, really fast Like I definitely don't remember how the manga went but I do think they're packing the plot in pretty densely.
But I also do think I remember it doesn't take long in the manga for them to start dating.
Yeah Most of the time you get isekai'd through relatively normal fashions Not a fucking NUKE
yeah i think this is the fastest opening -> isekai'd i've seen, not counting ones where the MC was already in the game / fantasy world when the show started
Well it's good to have a go-getter mentality when faced with a mess of a situation like getting isekai'd You're not going to get anywhere lagging about
Oh I see, reincarnation is a really common thing in this world.
It sounds like to me their entire classroom got isekai'd in that nuke we saw at the start of the episode. Most of them seem to have become normal human beans. But a few, like our spider MC, got the short end of the stick.
Honestly it kinda reminds me a bit of Arifureta Only not as edgy and a little more lively.
what a strange and entertaining show i guess i'll watch it
it has a lot of spunk
i can only imagine how many takes this ED took
This is an intense ED wow
Well it's Yuuki Aoi, probably She voices the MC at least, and it feels like the ED is a bit of a chara song.
ready yeah when i read the description for this one, it sounded like an example given in an encyclopedia for the entry "Isekai" but honestly i'm kind of a sucker for the genre so whatever
i just checked out the /a/ thread for spider-chan and it provided a few good chuckles
This one should be more garden fare isekai But it's also a long-running series I think, and I think I see quite a lot of chatter about it. So it might be good.
Geez that's quite a cut to open on
actually it looks like they've already taken longer
I wonder if you were to transplant, somehow, an actual adult's conscious into a baby if they'd actually be able to learn that fast. Like biologically, a toddler's brain does make learning connections amazingly fast. We've evolved to learn things quickly at that stage after all.
He's spending a lot of time just making water balls
Right Anime doesn't consider naked kids needing of censoring
hahahaha good thing she can just magic it back together
She cute too
yeah mage girl is my waifu now
Little scoundrel
oh no.... her confidence is faltering
That poor tree
i like all these characters
this show might have a basic premise so far but everything else is great
Some times a basic premise works well since it lets you just polish all the actual details.
that poor tree
he is lucky to have been reincarnated into wealth
Funny though it's still only minor wealth as far as it goes He said his dad's just a knight in charge of the surrounding area
oh no oh boy oh goodness
if i'm given an intense shot of longing when the episode ends then that means it's gonna be a good show i really wish i could marathon this one right now hmm
It's okay too if you're a bit late anyway. Sundays are also the first night after Jujutsu Kaisen airs and that's generally a quick watch for Rika and I since it's so good We didn't have it this Sunday because they're doing an intermission episode this week. >>908876
wow i can't actually believe i'm getting to watch more NNB this feels too good to be true i believe the term the younger folk use to describe this feeling is "poggers"
Still too short to reach the top shelf!
My poor ears Why must you do this Ren-chon
nano.RIPE OP! They haven't done anisong stuff in so long I doubted we'd get one for this But I guess that turned out wrong, thankfully.
it feels like it's been so long it's almost strange for them to be the same after so long like somewhere in the back of my mind, these anime characters were real
Isn't a good fictional character just as real as any human character?
i haven't seen nyanpass this lively in a long time
I wonder what accounts for the revival
The counter's over 21 billion Nyanpassus though That's pretty high
yeah it's a lot of em i think i still have a screenshot of when i missed 7777777 by like less than 10
This poor girl though She's not great with strangers and she's been thrown up against Ren-chon Who's one of the more difficult kids to handle in the first place