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Hortensia Saga Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 10-12 Soukou Musume Senki Yakusoku no Neverland S2
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-20
For new stuff, Hortensia Saga is an ol' fashioned swords and sorcery fantasy series I think. It's based off some kind of game, so I dunno how adaptable the plot's gonna be Soukou Musume is also based off a game but seems to have more of a Strike Witches' knock off feel and is at least action based, so even if the story's eh, it might at least be okay in the viewing department. Yakusoku no Neverland is a second season of that anime with the kids who escape the orphanage once they learn it's a farm for food for the monsters that have taken over their world.
Honestly aside from Neverland the rest of today's stuff feels kind of, eh, at least from the synopsis. Certainly might be wrong, but this is going to be a loaded season I think. So if they're as dull as it feels they're going to be they might not last long anyway.
Also finally I haven't started downloading almost anything so whatever you want to start with I'm going to probably need five or seven minutes from knowing what it is to get it.
The one exception to that is Great Pretender since I've had those episodes for a while
Been a while since the end of the first season Since then the manga it was adapting ended, actually a decent while back now. I wonder if they intend to adapt all the way to the finish I don't think they could do it in a single cour though.
Wow okay
Oh I thought that was just a fountain pen It's pretty high tech though
I kinda wondered where this would go after they escaped it's a big departure from the first season
It was definitely inevitably a turning point The first season totally encapsulated the orphanage arc so anything that came after was going to be different.
This is kind of a neat grim fantasy kind of world though
It's a neat bit of poetic irony. The demons want to eat the brains of the kids and the best-tasting brains are ones that have been educated well and raised with plenty of stimulation But that in turn does make for some pretty intelligent kids. It's probably only because of that raising that they've gotten this far.
Yeah they're in a nasty spot too though I honestly don't see the big group staying together in the wild this time maybe they'll find a survivor community or something
It does seem that's what the series is hinting at, yeah Especially with this whole "Minerva" guy
Though I don't really trust this hooded girl. She kinda feels more like a part of a bunch of other monsters that have taken them in
Ah well there we go Maybe she's not actually evil but she's definitely not human!
The ED is doing a bit to humanize them though So maybe they're not awful. I'll hold my reservations on that though until it's made apparent.
We hit the Event Horizon last episode Guess we'll see the fallout this one
Hackerboy taking a main cast role now it looks like Though he's being kind of a weirdo to the MC
He's probably doing this in part because he wants to make amends for getting Hina abducted. But obnoxious geniuses aren't probably the best at making friends.
After spending nine episodes on thirty days, having one episode blast through half a year is a bit weird.
I don't know if Hackerboy's trying to make the MC forget about Hina or make him take a more aggressive approach to finding her.
Well she's all messed up without her supercomputer oh really messed up
She seems almost a vegetable. Well rather totally a vegetable. Oh okay she can still move and react.
The things people can do "for the sake of humanity" are definitely pretty awful.
If this was a VN and the player had gotten enough points to get on the Hina route but not enough to trigger the good end the MC would probably hard reject at this point and give up. There would be some kind of poignant echoing of Hina's dad's rejection of her and the arc would fade to black.
This show's being animated by Liden Films, who are doing a lot this season. They're entirely responsible for both this and one of the two Hataraku Saibou seasons this season. And are also doing part of the animation for Urasekai Picnic and ... some other show I'm blanking on.
These soldiers aren't particularly competent. One werewolf alone has been too much to handle for like four of them.
This kind of feels like a tactics RPG adaptation.
Oh looks like the main heroine goes tomboy warrior princess. That's kind of a nice look.
Yeah talk about being unceremoniously dumped into trouble
>If only the Switch had been finished in time Wow so this is what happened if the Switch's production got delayed. Thanks Nintendo You saved us from an apocalypse!
The 3D CGI models are really clean They look nice.
They still kinda have that obvious CGI look but the arty style is pretty close.
The biggest problem with 3D CGI in anime is they're always animated at like 12fps so whenever they're moving on the screen they look obviously janky. I wonder when the standard will finally shift towards something that the human eye actually has a hard time not mistaking for smooth movement.
I think there's a little more to it. I think some of it has to do with the fact that 3d models are actually a bit more dynamic for example look at this scene their faces are moving way more than you'd see in scenes that are animated animated scenes usually pick like one perspective and the faces don't move that much and you get best angles and such
with the CGI they move their bodies a lot more because it's so much cheaper to animate 3d models than to anime characters in 360 degrees
Yeah, that's true. The biggest problem for me with 3D CGI is they're always kind of in that Uncanny Valley And that's considerably because the human is weirded out by the staggered motion of the low frame animation.
She's kind of a natural at this it looks like At least with controlling it all. Her accuracy is kind of lacking.
I guess it's cause weird bugs seem to be breaking into their reality on the daily.
This turned into a camping episode very quickly.
Speaking of camping Yuru Camp season two starts tomorrow!
Too bad her friend didn't also get isekai'd into this world Her friend seemed to be a real nerd for these not-Gunpla models that seem to be the suits these girls fight with That would've been useful for a world like this.
Even if those other girls were trying to prove a point why would they drive their transport off a cliff into a pond to prove a point to her
That one was a bit okay The fantasy one was about as engaging as I expected it to be They're still kind of more shows for the sake of having things to watch than shows to watch.
That was just kind of a weird one I guess it's a gunpla thing
It's apparently based off a game so it's a bit more than gunpla. But I can definitely see that or customizable dolls being a part of the merchandise for this franchise.
hmm I guess we'll see if this is one worth keeping around two very weird tone shifts in the first episode, to grimdark and then to cute girls doing cute things
There's a loooot of stuff airing this season. And unlike last season where the stuff that aired a bit late were all kind of whatever shows, there might be some pretty fun shows coming in a bit late this season. I wouldn't mourn not finishing either of these shows in the end though.
We'll have a banquet of stuff to pick from tomorrow though New Show By Rock featuring all the bands from previous seasons, Yuru Camp season two Higurashi picking back up, Go-toubun no Hanayome season two, Hataraku Saibou season two Hataraku Saibou BLACK, and some other show that has characters kind of reminscent of designs by the mangaka of Seven Deadly Sins