I mean rating stuff on pixiv is arbitrary and ridiculously subjective anyway. Boiling it down to whether or not you like it seems more practical to me.
>>86988 Because rating things on a point-based system is useless when there is no agreed context on how to grade it. The stars or points show how much a user likes something, but beyond that, it can mean anything. And more so in an artistic environment like pixiv, that can even be further muddied by people who rate things based on how good of a piece of work they consider it to be. The whole system is devoid of any real context and serves no real purpose.
>>86991 Also people will inflate scores for dumb reasons I agree
>>86991 An overall interesting arguement, some well presented points, although in reality lacking any actual substance. 6/10
Don't worry though Moving forward, United will have a policy of buying politicians so they can just straight up shoot someone at random if they can't get a volunteer That way, this whole mess will be avoided
Don't think it wouldn't pass, either
The Chrome adblocker, on youtube, actually fades the video out where there would be an ad, and then loads the next par t The firefox one loads the whole thing in one go I'm pretty sure
the people with the money want us to go to war the people with the money wanted hillary because she was a surefire bet to get us into war with russia then trump got elected so they figured it out anyhow soon we'll be at war
They won big with Trump
>bang thinks the people who treat Russia like a current threat want a war I dunno man, why would that happen?
if you constantly call a country a threat, you get it into the minds of the people that we need to fix that our chances for peace were killed by the people who own the media and want us to go to war for their profit
>The court heard the images were found after a search at Carey’s home in February. Police found the illegal photos and movies on his laptop and two mobile phones.
>lives with his mum Man it must suck to be her
"You are 34 years old, never been in trouble with the police before and live at home with your mum. You have never had a relationship with anybody other than your mother.
“You present as an isolated figure. I accept you drifted into this offending through adult pornography, which turned into this disgusting pornography, including the abuse and torture of babies.”
>Female pensioner spared jail after having sex with dogs at 'bestiality party' claiming she didn't know it was illegal
Sounds like a pretty wild party.
>>87100 don't you think that someone who is going to fuck a dog would look up fucking a dog on the internet at some point and find out the legality of such an act
If you're just invited out of nowhere maybe you'll go "hey I'll try anything once", and not know about it at all >>87105 Dude people make some FUCKED UP choices This is nothing
Just spontaneously got invited to a bestiality party and accepted no questions asked. Maybe it's just old age and dementia.
maybe she is just bonkers and needs a nice safe padded room
>>87103 the court cited her public humiliation as being punishment enough also she was 64 with no priors
>>87107 >well you got fucked by a dog guess there's not much worse punishment we can give you, you're free to go
>>87175 >tfw 29 hours of no sleep while cranking out shitty Twitter updates to the New York Times Twitter account you manage and you fuck up >the masters come with your replacement and delete you
>>87199 It's important to realize in these trying times that this attack could just as well have been carried out by a native swede, and there's nothing differentiating the one who did carry it out from a regular swede
>>87242 That counts Must have been uploaded after I checked
>black Dallas Cowboys player says white people aren't to blame for black people failing >black people should git gud >white people start spamming the article around
oh no I have to change my password on psn but the email I have it attached to is no longer in service fml
>>87247 Ah It's a shame she had that specific scene because it means the fanartists are super limited
With all the other kemonos, they have at least full body Capybara was only shown submerged, with only her head visible
>>87248 I've had this account since I bought a ps3 9 years ago
In a lot of other shows, that wouldn't even matter because they could give her generic clothes and a body shape But the clothing is super integral and important in this show, too It's the worst mix
It's not really that they're political messages though, is it? It's that those particular political messages are fucking disgusting, right?
He could at least have been a bit creative with the 212 and place it somewhere in real life with an actual sign that says 212 Like an apartment block or something, you know?
That way he could go "No, what? Look this is based on a real place" "It IS a real place"
Speaking of, Dave apparently got in a little bit of hot water, though not much, for saying he missed Bruce, referring to Jenner He also fucked up the order in LGBT, but I still dunno if that was intentional or just him not knowing which order it is
Y'all need to get the idea of making a law for everything in the US because your politicians will abuse ANY loophole Treat the government like the corporation it is
This isn't a public event
hopefully they get to enter If nothing else as a show of good will from Trump It could be big for him
>>87310 Hah what The shit the saami do is not voodoo, please
>>87314 Wait my logic here is wrong You have a good point
Like even if you're the most popular nationwide, you can still be less popular in your area than someone else is in theirs Or even yours for that matter, technically though not likely
Yeah He's probably more known overall so he'd score higher nationally
Even if they were more known Like if Trump was SOMEHOW a senator in cali, there's likely somewhere with a more popular senator in that area
This is just me being a faggot though, because likely he is the most popular even within each one's respective area
But it's possible he's not
Probably but it's good to not just assume
I'm just concerned about statistics being misunderstood
It's very possible for example that some other state has a senator they absolutely love Like 100% approval, best guy ever But they'd prefer Sanders But Sanders is a different state
Starting a non-profit charity law firm that takes gender pay discrimination cases would be the best fucking scheme ever How could anyone NOT donate when women are so oppressed? Just put a bunch of it into administrative costs
>>87343 look man i need the donation money to administer all this cocaine
Write it off as utility costs It's an important part of your firm's infrastructure
http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2017/04/11/david-dao-passenger-removed-united-flight-doctor-troubled-past/100318320/ lol they really pulled up his criminal record.
>>87346 that shit was like 13 years ago what does it have to do with his practice today
I'm not gonna read the rest of this because I realized whatever his criminal record it's not relevant Not only is it irrelevant, it's information United didn't have, and is therefore not a valid piece of information
Most guns now use like a slide on the barrel to attach stuff like scopes, but are there guns still made with a scope as part of the weapon? Like, lens and all
Most guns just have rails now like you described If a gun has /// well I don't know of many guns with built in scopes I can't think of any
Actually, are there any guns that have the scope not as an attachment, but as part of the gun?
She's a former British MP turned independent journalist and conspiracy theorist She's actually uncovered some things and so she's convinced her conspiracies are all true She generally thinks Putin is evil and is trying to take over the world and sees herself as leading a resistance against him (and alleged puppets)
>>87372 whoever it was, the lady was going to go to the media about it (and she did) and the company was like "Well, we offered to pay for her vet bills. That was more than reasonable on our end." and refused any further settlement offer, just a "We'll pay your vet bills if you don't talk about it" but as soon as she went to the news they retracted that offer even it's so disgusting >>87376 yep i had seen that months ago but couldn't remember what airline it was it all came full circle with the recent event
Janet Sinclair's dog nearly died from heatstroke after United Airlines left the dog in 94-degree heat Sinclair says she watched as baggage handlers repeatedly kicked her dog's crate United Airlines offered to pay Sinclair's veterinary bill if she signed a non-disclosure agreement promising not to discuss the incident publicly Sinclair didn't sign the agreement so she could alert the public about her experience with the airline
Something as simple as those locks where you have to both turn the key AND pull the handle would be enough
Cause a dog doesn't have the control to do that
Alternatively, button on both sides of the door has to be held down to unlock it for a short time Easy and no stress for a human Dog physically can not accomplish the task
Feels like it is what 2012 or 13 all over again with obama poking syria but this time someone has already poked the hornet hive and is trying to do it again
>>87428 is this what conspiracy theory videos are like
Maybe. The guy that does the video catches a bunch of stuff I think is kind of nonsensical. But there's also some undoubtedly inappropriate stuff in those games.
>>87441 I just remember that stupid bit with the president saying he's not gonna talk about military plans publicly because he doesn't want to announce to the targets that they're being targeted.
You're also probably not supposed to get up this hill without the hill-climbing move. Especially since the long way around it is the swimming tutorial and your first experience with platforming in the game. But the first thing I thought when I saw the height was "I bet I can jump over that". It did take a bit of trickery with an aerial roll attack but you can definitely clear it.
There should be a superhero who teleports in whenever someone in public discussion/speech/whatever, says "think of the children" without it being really an issue about children, concerning children and slap them with a paperfan
No a squeeky toyhammer
>>87467 >hill climbing move >this hill do you mean that wheelchair ramp? how is that supposed to be a hill
It's a hill because trying to walk up it has you slide back down it.
calling that a hill could be quite the slippery slope
Is there a special move for grabbing onto a fuckin' railing?
>>87487 AMC announced today that the third season of the critically acclaimed drama Better Call Saul will premiere Monday, April 10 at 10/9c.
oh shit what a coincidence that was fucking last night i only thought of it because i'm doing legal files and it made me think of a scene from saul and then i wondered if you had scene it
Someone made Yooka Laylay and got monies for it I could make not-Threads-of-Fate and get monies for it
It's hard to learn to make games though And you need a lot of parts
I mean if you can drum up support for the genre.
I talked about this earlier, but there's a huge fanbase of people that enjoyed Banjo-Kazooie as kids that were attracted to this game because it revives a genre that doesn't get any real treatment these days. Also the people who formed Playtonic are pretty much a good chunk of the people that worked on Banjo-Kazooie before Rare became a slave to Microsoft. They couldn't make a Banjo-Threeie since Microsoft still holds the creative rights so they made this game which is functionally similar but creatively different. Seems fine to me.
Someone needs to make a website that's just like Spurned Customers
And it's just gofundme, but for people suing corporations for bullshit That way you have a one stop shop if for whatever reason you wake up and go "I wanna fuck over a corporation today, and also improve the world"
I don't get why Ivanka influencing the Syria decision is news The president's family affects all of decisions, to think anything else would be retarded
Man I can't do reverse controls. Something about it just messes with my brain way too hard.
Can you just rebind it?
It's not a matter of rebinding. It's getting a temporary effect on you that swaps your controls around. I can't wrap my head around having to immediately invert movement.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah muscle memory is hard to overcome
If it's muscle memory then does it really mess with your head?
>go to /moe/ >open post >start typing >suddenly sammy announces that four mods need an open post immediately >everyone closes their post before yours and you're the only open post left >four mods ban you and take the post that you paid for
>>87519 It's not actually my post I found the screenshot on imgur
it's basically just musical chairs but with posts that sounds like it could be a pretty fun game for a liveposting board actually >>87523 "pruning" would be a better term it could be sessions, like with /horo/ anyone pruned gets shadowbanned until the end of the session, and they can only talk to other shadowbanned players in the graveyard, the living can't hear them
As long as the penalty isn't actually banning.
Oh yeah, as a temporary thing then it's pretty much just musical chairs.
musical chairs + town of salem graveyard we just need to figure out what the goal of the game is
to be the last shitposter standing
or have no one know who's shadowbanned and the goal is finding out who's not banned
Everyone starts making a shitpost when the clock starts And for each legible sentence you write as well as each second your post is open, you get points At a random time, the mods go "DING DONG BANNU", and the last one to close their shitpost is out
>>87528 that's too much nobody'd play a game like that i don't think something not point-based but just interactive over a couple hour period
The points would just be to measure who won
it doesn't matter who won the game itself needs to be fun
"Now we gotta figure out the goal" "No a goal would be bad" Onegai
Yeah but not arbitrary shit like points or stamp collecting i mean the actual activity >>87534 that's not fun at all i meant something maybe more like an interactive radio stream and when a song ends you gotta close it up or you lose the ability to vote songs up to the queue, and just have to listen instead which is still enjoyable and pretty interactive, and kind of fun to talk to the other dead people and you can talk trash about the music selection the live people are putting up because they can't hear you
something that's inherently enjoyable is a lot more interactive than wooo points winner what do i win? oh i dont even win fun. i wish i would have had some during the game instead then
>top 10 video websites that are better than youtube >TED >all TED videos are on youtube
TED is fucking trash there's a couple sites i use for surgical videos, since those are relatively hard to find on youtube. That kind of video is actually pretty common on youtube, usually it's a doctor giving a brief slide presentation of what happens, then a few clips to illustrate the procedure like for a lecture but actual full-length surgical videos are extremely hard to find i had to sign up on one website and i don't remember what it was, but they had a ton, all full-length and sortable by type of surgery
That could be an election platform here "Make Consuming Coffee A Human Right" I mean, we already have internet as citizen right so why not a kg of coffee a month as state benefir for anyone who can't otherwise afford it?
>Life does not have inherent meaning; to say that our lives are pointless and our achievements meaningless is to state the obvious. No matter how grand our achievements or how broad their scope, time turns all to dust and death destroys all memory. But that does not mean we cannot ascribe our own meaning to what we do. It is because nothing has meaning unto itself that we are free to create meaning, to make metaphor, and in doing so reflect on ourselves and our world. I relate to this man
people are trying to accuse spicer of being a Holocaust denier now So dumb People just latch on to anything they can to attack the people they don't like
The daily mail got really defensive over United getting so much shit
Imagine the internet gets upset about someone getting robbed and the media starts digging through the VICTIM'S criminal history Why this? Why was this choice made, exactly?
>>87669 guess youre gonna starve to death sorry dude :( oh no they usually can do anything cause poor people like to do it and get poorer just dont fall into the trap
>>87669 They can do it. The bank that issues the checks and check cashing services can cash it for you. A check cashing service will take a little out for themselves, although I don't know how much. Walmart can do it.
>>87670 Kind of? I guess it's similar to some wines.
i used to always cash my checks at this place that would take 1% plus a dollar anywhere that does payday loans probably does check cashing too
>>87674 does it matter about the checks at all? like personal checks or do they have to be cashier's checks? would I have to show my ID? my ID is EXPIRED
As long as they're real, it's fine
Lots of people don't have banks
>>87675 not really tbh a lot of them are sketch too and they'll cash anything that looks remotely legit they ID you and have cameras so they'll just find you if your shit's fake
you'll have to show them an ID but it shouldn't matter if it's expired depending on if you get an asshole behind the counter
there's probably a check cashing place in any shopping center that has a liquor store not kidding grocery stores will cash checks too, in their little service department, assuming they're a big enough grocer
like if there's a grocery store you know where you can bills at, that one will probably cash your check a lot of convenience stores do it too
>>87686 my bud posted it on another discord i dont really have many images saved on this computer cuz i didnt bring my desktop to new york >>87689 >>87690 yeah its like some discord emotes i havent deleted ame ame ame and a couple extra images
>>87695 i like what they're doing i think they provide the best chat/voice program out there enough to even bring people out of IRX IRC*
i agree but i didnt pay cuz of that i paid so i could use custom emotes in other peoples server to make jokes when it was australia on only and they were like wtf how did you do that and i was like oi mate
you MONGREL yeah it's okay so did i
check out this sick tune >>>/watch?v=EWb8oUwubWg my dad liked it so much he bought it (i lol'd at him)
I had my first patient come in with a butt problem and in the same day i had one come in with a testicle problem i got to see two male genitalia in one day
the butt dude had hemorrhoids it was hard to not laugh at his story
okay /moe/ i'm gonna lay down i'll see you in a couple hours
http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=9032 >Anti-racism protesters segregated themselves by race >The protesters descended upon Claremont McKenna College Thursday night deliberately kept "white accomplices" segregated from other protesters to serve as a "buffer" against the police.
The Endless Eight is the kind of thing you'd have to live to suffer properly. Having to wait a week before episodes after waiting years for another season is what really mattres. And the gnawing curiosity as to whether those madmen were going to go eight episodes.
yes im havin fun my units really cool i shoot the crud with my ssg and sfc all the time also im going to air assault school soon so ill get to repel outta a helicopter my section also like to go to the gym a lot so im getting big i have like 3 pre workouts and 2 protein powders in my room
>>87747 Sounds cool Are a lotta guys muscleheads I guess it's part of the job description
no a lot of people are nerds in the gym ill see muscle heads but my unit is pretty straight cause were all "higher iq" MOS' you need to get a certain score to get into the mos' in my unit just my company i mean every other company is dum
Oh nice Smarter than the average bears
no just smarter than another soldier (ps theyre all dumb) ive seen some of the ugliest and stupidest people since ive joined the army
I was actually thinking today about how every policeman I've ever dealt with has been tall, white, buff, chiseled, and square-chinned just beautiful men all around why with this phenomenon
unsubscribing from commercial email lists feels so freeing
samurai and i used to battle on duolingo not for very long though
Matthew with Savage Blow 3 is straight up Pestilence right now. lol this was a fun idea
>What's New >Max Stamina raised from 50 to 99 I was just telling myself how much I was enjoying the fact that the stamina cap was low but filled relatively quickly.
>Swap the positions of Heroes at the start of battle YES >Lower star rarities will receive more EXP in battle YES
...How to get seals
>Special Quests
u ok koi? GUN
>>87765 i have a team of four armored units and unequipped all their weapons and gave all of them swap or reposition and set it to my main team i really hope people run into it in the arena
>>87771 If you drop a healer on that team with Wings of Mercy or something, it'd be great.
This is pestilence Matthew When he hits someone they take 7 damage aoe 7 damage to enemies nnear target the target's def/res drop matthew's def/res raise if I get him to 5* he'll do 10 to target with poison strike
My Matthew grinding team is Ninian, Olivia, and Lucina. Two dancers, one with hone atk 3, and Lucina with the Spur Atk 3 for a nice +8 damage The easiest way to kill an Effie is to do 21 damage to her without actually attacking her.
Matthew has 503 skill points now because he is responsible for killing absolutely everything. The faster leveling is either really legit or my Matthew build is just super dumb. that's a 237 point jump. And more than half of that is definitely from killing things