i just found out that tomorrow is going to be a really easy day after 10.5 hours on the clock (and 13 total from leaving to coming home) i am very happy to hear that
apparently the next few weeks are gonna be busy as all hell but at least i'll be making good money for it
the sleep i got last night sure as hell wasn't rest enough for what i did today i was running out of gas 6 hours in, running on fumes for 4 more i just wanna dissolve
I haven't been able to sleep well unless I'm like drop-dead tired. But since I
don't really wear myself out physically it's only really if I'm just tapped after staying awake too long. And even then if I'm in a particularly excited state I'm still gonna lay in bed turning over intrusive thoughts. So lately I've only really been sleeping during the day since that's when my tank tends to run dry.
i'm eating watermelon and watching anime and it feels so good
add salt to melon for full jap experience
I sure love being able to only torrent stuff and do nothing else data-related while that's running. I even have to pause the download to ensure I can finish typing out a post. This Internet is traaaaaaaash.
Thankfully no. It's generic cable. Apparently my parents could get fiber hooked up here but my dad didn't figure it was needed that much. We've got cable in the city and it runs fine but out here in the country they don't give great speeds and there's regional monopolies, so.
My parents employ the philosophy of "We're the ones paying for it so we're only going to get what we need". My dad does do remote work but it's not like you need even 720p-quality streaming for a Zoom call for business. I don't even think he does camera for it anyway. They'll do some video streaming but again, they'd be more likely to be watching stuff together so they only need enough throughfare
for one streaming service, which this connection can usually do ably. It gets problematic when you've got another two people up who are more online people.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>862129 hopefully they will understand that more people using it means they need an upgrade for themselves as much as the newcomers eh
As far as I understand this is the best they can get without paying for the fibre optic installation, so, not likely. Also we're a more temporary residence, my imouto and I, hopefully we'll be back in the city in two weeks. But of course my parents are kneeling at the altar of real estate gurus these days and will probably keep us up here as long as the agent dictates so who knows. I wish I wasn't trapped.
my phone is trying to be helpful by auto suggesting apps and actions to perform intelligently but it does stuff like suggest a certain twitch stream when it isnt even airing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for its insolence i shall CAST IT INTO THE SEA
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
have you considered injecting it with a clear liquid
the Rental Girlfriend threads on /a/ are everything i'd hoped for and more
There's been a lot of chatter about the series even before it got an anime adaptation. What's weird to me is some people seem fine with the MC when he's the biggest issue I've got with the series so far.
I have only heard about that by a certain proxy, is it full of people being upset
It's a show where girls get paid to pretend to be girlfriends and it's also a harem romcom with a miserable sack of humanity for a male MC. So yeah, you get people stirring shit for compensated dating, you get colour wars over best girl, and you get people defending/lynching the MC. It's pretty fun.
>>862153 Other way around manga was the original material.
it's a harem romcom with a manga adaptation too so don't forget the dissonance between the two fanbases throw in the rental girlfriend premise's natural controversy and you get the perfect storm for amazing /a/ threads
>>862152 ngl i just assumed the source material was even deeper than that i just assume everything starts out as livejournals now
Web novels are primarily the domain of isekai series and fantasy power trips. While there's still plenty of LNs that do the harem romcom or romance drama they generally seem to go straight to proper novelization than sit on the Internet first. But manga's still a popular place to do harem romcom. Go-toubun no Hanayome, BokuBen, Kanojo, Kaguya's more romcom-drama but still ticks some similar beats; they're all original manga productions. There's probably other popular ones I'm drawing blanks on since I don't follow manga much these days.
man this thread is REALLY making me want to read the manga also i still think mami is evil but man the people in this thread are popping off real hard about their opinions an d i love to see it
the dentist clinic I visited like twice wished me a happy birthday >>862168 thank you >>862170 too late I've always been t fruit cake >>862160 is it gon be Rika's birthday
>>862181 wow spoilers, i can't tell you what it'll be, that'd kill the suspense
the real estate lady called up and asked us if we reschedule the second inspection even though she was the one that wanted to do it I mean it's just a bunch of wet weather none of the roads around us are flooded or anything
The tragicomedy of that is, that's really kind of how hockey players talk in those kinds of post-game interviews. They always sound like they're just talking for the sake of having said something. Probably comes from all the concussions on top of being physically exhausted by the game.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
poor guys forced to come up with some new BS every game well that's why they get paid the big bucks eh
is only game why you heffa be mad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im playin da AI dungeon
what does premium add I know they had like a narrator and stuff
>>862260 kinda have to wonder why do they even try to interview people right after such exhausting tasks same like marathon runners etc they ain't going to say anything insightful until resting a bit
>>862264 there's a better engine i think and some visual options too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
The planet you're on is a harsh world, with few plants or animals and an unbreathable atmosphere. Still, there's no shortage of rocks and minerals to create into spells... You draw upon the knowledge of alchemy, earth, and mineralogy. You need to find a way off this planet. You know that there are other planets out there, but they're just too far away. Even if your people were skilled in the ways of air and space, it would take years to reach them. "Perhaps we could make a portal," Dawn suggests. "A portal?" you ask. "Like a spell portal?" "No, like a physical portal," Dawn says. "We could make a doorway that we can step through, that leads to Earth." "I don't know how," you admit. "I might be able to help you," says a voice.
> You turn to the voice. You turn, and see a girl standing before you. She has long blond hair and blue eyes, and is dressed in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. A sword hangs by her side. "I'm Earth," she says simply. "What are you doing here?" Dawn asks.
Went for a bit of a kayak ride. The river this place is on is nice for that but it's kind of a short river between two lakes. The lake I went towards is pretty choppy today with how windy it is. Thankfully even though I'm out of practice a few years I'm still comfortable enough in a kayak to not get flipped at least. And pointing the nose into the waves is kind of a fun experience.
gah i gotta stop platying the market while tired af
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>862284 to be fair leffen tweets are curated so i dont know if it was so poetic from the raw output yknow it probably was just had to be cut right hmm i wonder how hard it is to retrain the way they did
>>862289 Well, it'll come in like five years when they finish building it. And then it's still a maybe on whether it's actually feasible to collect satisfactory amounts of energy for the effort put into it. Would be nice though.
I had a bunch of odd ones two I have forgotten, but one kinda stuck summary me and my brother found some really old vhs casette of a "home movie" we shot but neither of us remembered ever shooting it
and in a town we had never visited so we started researching it and eventually went on a road trip to the town Ähtäri btw is the town in question, famous for having a zoo with largest amount of animals legally allowed here and now even pandas
sounds smething you could work into a movie horror/thriller
Dreams are neat how you can remember the emotional qualities of them but forget all the narrative details.
NOW, i need to ask you a question moe HYPOTHETICALLY let's say you have two cookies and one brownie you can eat one brownie or two cookies but not both you are limited to two glasses of milk
Grave's disease is part of why, shit I forgot his name. Igor from Young Frankenstein, that actor had Grave's and it was part of why his eyes were so fucked up.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's a cat
Only that cat has is eyes bulging out, the rest of the cats in that anime look normal.
why the fuck do people use the construction site as a "shortcut" whatever distance you seemingly travel less, you lose in time from shitty footing, having to go around various stuff and finally jumping over the fence
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I wasn't aware people used the construction site as a shortcut.
Rather than giving good stuff bad reviews, their good reviews of bad stuff bothers me more. They could not suck Kanye's dick any harder without leaving a bruise.
Jesus Fucking Christ https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/mazzy-star-so-tonight-that-i-might-see/ >9.4 This is like a 7.2 at best.
https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/iggy-pop-the-bowie-years/ >gibing mazzy star a better rating than The Idiot This shit is why I stopped reading Pitchfork.
this game >lvl 40 hero with extra bonuses in stabbing people >fails to assassinate lvl 20 enemy hero >allied hero level 8 succeeds at assassinating this lvl 20 hero, with its -20% to assassinations buff active from my failed attempt
it just starts feeling silly, when the AI has so huge bonuses to everything
You look at your cards. "I'll play these three." You lay down the nine, jack, and four of hearts. Bucky looks at his hand and then slowly lays it down. He has a pair of twos. "I'll see you and raise you one." Tanya tosses three cards over. She has the nine, jack, queen of hearts, and the ace, ten, king of spades behind her ear. She slips the six of spades behind her other ear. She looks at you and smiles.
Poker is probably a bit complex for an AI that's not dedicated to it to handle.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Tanya keeps putting more and more cards behind her ear help
Scold her for cheating so brazenly!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck she's playin full houses and four of the kinds every round now
> You escape through the window. You open the window and climb outside, finding yourself on the second floor of the house. You look down and see the soft grass below you. There is no way you could survive a fall from this height, but there's no way they would expect it either.
> You jump into the soft grass. You close your eyes, and jump from the window. You freefall for a split second before smashing into the grass below you. You groan in pain as you lie on the ground, ribs broken and skin burning. You roll onto your back and stare at the window. They hadn't expected that. You grin, letting pain wash over you as adrenaline floods into your blood. You have a chance. You can escape this. You force yourself to your feet, ignoring the broken ribs, and start walking towards the road. You have to keep going. If you rest here, they'll catch you.
(second floor huh???)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> You call an uber. Suddenly, a black car pulls up alongside you. The window rolls down and the driver stares at you. "Get in," he says. You look around. There's nowhere to run. If you don't get in the car, the man will probably just get out and beat you up, then drag you into the car.
> You get in the car. You get in the car, and the car drives off along the road. You stare out the window as you drive, watching as the trees flash past. After about a minute, you start to recognize your surroundings. You're heading back into town, away from the house. You could try and jump out, but at this speed that would just be suicide. There's nothing you can do. "Where are you taking me?" you ask, trembling. The man behind the wheel looks at you, then smiles. He has a long, thin beard, which is snow white. His hair is long and tangled, with leaves and twigs stuck in it. His eyes are bloodshot, like he's been smoking marijuana for days on end. He's missing a few teeth. "I'm taking you home," he says. You stare at him doubtfully, and he lets out a cackle that turns into a cough. After a few seconds of paroxysms, he calms down and clears his throat, producing a pipe and a bag of weed. He starts refilling the pipe from the bag and lighting it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh god i tried to smoke it and uh chewed it into a fine paste instead and swallowed it??
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> You smoke the weed. You put the bag to your lips and take a big whiff. Then, you bite down on the bag and tear it open with your teeth. You spit out the bag and take a pinch of the weed between your thumb and forefinger. You put it up to your mouth and bite down, chewing the weed into a fine paste. You then begin to chew, gradually increasing the pressure of your jaws until you're chewing rhythmically. The weed begins to dissolve, and a thick, grassy flavor spreads through your mouth. You quickly swallow, and your stomach turns sour with the realization of what you've just done. You feel a surge of giddiness hit you, and your face begins to burn. You feel the blood rush toward your cheeks as you blush, and a grin spreads across your face. Your vision narrows and the edges of your vision grow dark. Your stomach lurches and your feel a creeping numbness spread through your limbs.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hoo boy now im in some nightmare sequence and if i wake from it then i end up in a loop of waking up from nightmares fuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's some kind of bird creature hunting me even if I rewind and go down another route before the bird was ever mentioned
this kid on twitter DM'd me asking how to make meditation stop feeling like "penance" so i said "what do you mean penance" because i don't understand how meditation could possibly feel like you're being punished and they just sent me the definition of the word penance lol so i asked why it feels like penance and they're just like "i don't know"
kid i'm trying to help you why aren't you trying to help me help you
I don't think it's just meat that Zuck is smoking.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta smoke dat DMT so you can astrally project ya social media ads onto the moon
you know when the ED is slow and emotional that some of the later episodes are gonna break your fucking heart
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
There's a lot of land at my parent's place up here and they've turned a part of it into a vegetable garden, which has provided an abundance of crops even in the first season of planting. Needless to say there is a lot of pickling going on.
pickled pumpkin
Just cucumbers at the moment, but they do have pumpkins planted.
peter piper picked a peck of pickled pumpkins as per papa's pepper pot predetermined
hmmm it would be better as "as per papa's pepper pot portrait paper portrayed"
Peter Paul Piper pranced to pick a peck of pickled pumpkins, as per Peter's papa's Pepper Pot Portait Paper portrayed.
It would be better if it was just peter peter peter peter peter
And i just now realised that "petering out" is a biblical reference
Sekiro is getting an update this fall to include boss -include a boss rush mode, three outfits for Sekiro, and a messaging system a la other FromSoft games. Kind of surprising to see it get content like that so long after release.
>>862567 maybe they are going to announce an expansion?
Not impossible. With zero news about Elden Ring since the teaser the only FromSoft-related news we've gotten since that teaser and Sekiro's release has been the Demon's Souls remaster. In the Dark Souls/Bloodborne era they were putting out a new game each year or so, but it was three years from Dark Souls III to Sekiro's release March 2019, so I guess Elden Ring might still be a year or two out.
Plus the usual summer video gaming news gauntlet got totally thrown out of whack because of the pandemic. I wonder if they might've had some news concerning their projects due out for that which has lost its chance at getting good focus.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a former client died a while ago that former employee died i talked about it a little after that a former client who was unsuccessful in our program overdosed and we believe it was intentional because she used to fuck that employee and they had a weird history yesterday a client who was really successful overdosed on heroin he was dating the other client and took her death hard he was a meth addict, would never use heroin so we're pretty sure it was suicide
feels bad the other two i didn't really care about but this one was a legitimately good dude fun to have around
Damn that's rough and quite a well chain effect
Volatile clients really probably shouldn't fuck people involved in their treatment, but that bit of being a dick aside, that's really awful. Heroin's been pretty scary to me since Saku. I guess if it was suicide there would have been other options but it just seems so easy with the stuff to go all the way on it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>862571 there's gonna be more fallout with this guy's death all our clients are really connected to each other
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>862572 the girl OD'd on heroin too yeah it really sucks
he was going to get trained as a peer support specialist this Saturday so he could help others in the program with their treatment we were just talking about how great he was doing yesterday apparently he overdosed while we were talking about it like literally as we were talking about it based on when we got notification
i got da horses in da jungle temple Osiris looms ahead of you. You don your pack and soon it becomes dark. You take a swig of your canteen of vodka soda.
No, what Samu's seeing is generally what I've found people think about the new SAC. I think there's also a couple plot points that had people in a tumult too but I didn't register them since I don't have experience with GITS
i found ou tthe other day that i have all of Stand Alone Complex on steam i guess i bought it in a sale years ago or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dam can you like earn trading cards for watching anime
Ugh I forgot you could buy anime on steam.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol why ugh
Dunno why I just feel like its bad. Feelings don't always make sense.
that's why facts don't care 😎
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>862609 rigid categories... violated! lions sleeping with lambs!
Night /moe/
nothing wrong with being able to purchase anime on steam if anything, at the price i purchased it, then if it's a sustainable model then it's much better for the consumer than other methods i can think of i've probably spent a lot more on my crunchyroll subscription than i would have on the same amount of anime at the same price i got SAC for but i probably bought it on sale i don't remember at all but that's the kind of purchaser i am still, i'm sure more money went to the studio responsible than does via my CR sub
goodnight bang
>>862632 Though I'd say it's safer to assume the money you pay Steam for the most part doesn't go to the studio. Since you're buying in the States the money, after divvied -divvying up Steam's share, goes to the company that licensed it. And then they give whatever share of that, if there even is a share, they've promised to the anime's production comittee. More often than not, especially with older anime like GITS, these licenses for North America were bought insanely cheaply since Japan wouldn't consider the North American markets worth pricing highly for. They're probably not even required to give the production comittee a share of the income from them.
Plus after that the production committee likely only gives the studio a small share of the profits from the anime distribution. The animation industry is extremely lucrative but the actual studios for the most part live in poverty, which is why animators are usually paid shit. The only exceptions are probably Studio Ghibli and KyoAni, and maybe a slim few others.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm tryna commune with this spirit tree but this damn ranger is lik fuck
You and Jennifer slowly edge towards the counter, staring at the Ranger. He eyes you nervously, glancing between the two of you. You slowly hold out your hands, dropping a small piece of paper on the counter. On it is a small note, written in neat handwriting. Hello. We are willing to trade this piece of paper for the tree. We understand you won't sell it, but we are hoping you will accept this as a gift. We would like to commune with the tree, and study it. Please let us know if you accept this trade. Sincerely, A Friend You slide the note towards the Ranger. He reads it slowly, frowning as he reads it. He slides the note back towards you, shaking his head. "This is a nice offer," the Ranger says. "But I can't accept it."
Whoever did the plumbing for some of the sinks here made some curious design choices. The taps have one of those single levers for controlling both water intensity and temperature (temp, right to left; intensity, down to up) but for some reason both -reason the two axis have been swapped. Actually no that's not right, it's still normal, but the levers have a kind of arc to their vertical lift that means you can't lift them as high when they're at the horizontal extremes. Which means if you want a decent stream of water you have to have the lever right in the middle of horizontal axis, so you can either get a trickle of proper hot/cold water, or a decent stream of middle-temperature water.
Yeah that's actually a common design flaw.
>>862722 for whatever reason my phone won't load my music even though it's there, so I was trying out Spotify
Is it on your SD card? your music app might just not have permission to read the card
I need a new microSD card I've almost filled my 128gb one
I might get a 512gb one jjujusjust so i can fit all my music. Although I'd need to rip all my CDs first.
they added a thing where enough gravestones in an area turns it into a graveyard it's awesome
>>862736 if your arms dealer is in a graveyard (possibly post wall-of-flesh) he sells a unique weapon there
>>862737 Oh nice We still need to make more houses She told me we gotta make them in different places to keep them happy and shit now So I'm trying to go all fancy with the decorating and shit
>>862735 >get a hair cut I don't know if you've heard, but there's a PANDEMIC going on.
>>862738 I think right now the angler is in the graveyard which is great cause it means he fucking dies all the time. eat shit, kid
>>862735 Also I can't believe you started Dual without me.
>>862739 marsh lives in a functional country and not a nightmare dystopia so he gets to have haircuts and we get to have economic turmoil
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a massage two days ago first one in like a year felt good then i stayed up all night craning my neck feels bad
>>862744 Yeah but you already had Corona. Oh I'm not cutting my hair myself
>>862744 yeah i've also cut my hair (twice) in quarantine but my hair's easy cause it's just an undercut-type deal so i just tie up all my long hair and buzz the rest
>>862746 I cut mine to donate it so it was pretty easy just had to tie it into ponytails and cut it off then buzz the sides and make the top even >>862745 hey we don't know I had the rona Just because I was sick with some kind of "viral pneumonia" and the doctors office I went to and got diagnosed with "viral pneumonia" at was shut down 2 weeks later because the nurse tested positive for COVID doesn't mean I'm typhoid mary
they turned sam into like the simpsons anime parody episode
Eavesdropping on a call my mother just had, good news is there's someone curious about buying our house, and the earlier we close a deal on the place the earlier I can go back, probably. Bad news is she also mentioned the condos we'd be living in have had their ready date pushed back to January, meaning between when we leave the house and then we don't have anywhere in the city to live, and by her own admission they've got zero plans for what to do when that happens. This feels like such a stupid thing to not plan for it gets me really annoyed.
>>862781 I don't know! If they've got zero plans then I don't have any ideas. Toronto recently put in a kinda ban on AirBnB-like stuff for "short term rentals", though I don't know what the cut-off point between long-term and short-term rentals are, and by this point the condo wait might end up being long-term. At this point I'd probably have better chances with trying to find a job and renting a place proper myself. The condos are further to the edge of the city than where we live currently and I don't want to really live there if I don't have to. And unless I want a miserable living condition I'd have to pay my parents to rent the single-bedroom unit they've got anyway. So if I'm gonna rent I might as well find a better location anyway.
Jobs might still be kinda rough though ...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh god this tuber
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there should be lots of short term rentals tho with all the airbnbs dead idk??? six or four months ain't bad but wow uh a lot of shit is gonna happen in 2020 until jan
I'm also worried about our cat. She already doesn't like having to move around places a lot. But she's also an outdoors-y cat and might be difficult to keep in an apartment, plus she's outright a complication for lodging in a hotel.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
put cat in tesseract
five to six months seems pretty long term
Well I'd assume my parents would be trying to have the move-out date for the house set as close as the buyer will agree to the move-in date for the condos. So if they're lucky they might get it pretty close to January anyway, and only have to spend a short-term time figuring out where to live. Plus my dad can work remote and my mom's a teacher, and while Ontario is having school resuming full-time, that does mean they can effective live out here in the country from mid-December to early-January.
But this is also assuming the condos don't get delayed ... again, and considering this is like the third or fourth time, I'unno, I wouldn't take it as reliable.
It's gotten a bit cool at nights suddenly. Like only 14C but when the days are mid-twenties you really feel the shift. Plus when your body's comfortable in the 24-30 range it -really- feels kind chilly actually.
>>862931 it be 21 over here not to brag (bragging) tbh it's way too hot in this house now maybe ill go for a walk
enjyee your lifetime
>>862935 Even 21C would probably feel a bit cool to me right now! I'd rather it be more around 25C. But I'm the only one 'round here with temperature preferences like that.
>>862949 The only thing that separates this from other trap songs is that he doesn't have another person (or an overlay of himself) doing SFX at the end of his lines
franz franz kafka he is franz kafka be careful if you get him pissed he'll smite you with metaphor fists
oh look but there he is WHAT WILL HE SAY "I 'm a lonely German. A lonely German from PRAGUE"
idk tho I have been a little distracted this week I am hopeful
>>862976 I'm positive yeah. Yesterday I only lost like 200 but it dug really deep into a hole before other stuff started coming back up I sold some of what was going down but then things came up at the end of the day so if I held it, I'd have been super positive right now.
>>862981 he made a tiktok of him dancing caption was something like "This is how RPG characters wait for their turn to attack and then he green screened it because people liked it so there's a lot of memes now
sometimes the game is like "nope you are now in a nightmarescape or there is something in the shadow that oneshot cuts your head off" lmao for me at least
lol i swear this game i been testing it a lot and it is down for some weird ass shit
my friends been playing a lot he says you can do literally everything but "rape" you can rape but you cant actually type it as rape or itll correct to respect
I wouldn't want to put the AI in charge of anything tho it's definitely psycho
its learned from the bestr real life humans
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm finding a good way to get going in the game is i spend like 10 minutes doin world building and inhabiting rando characters and then start the real adventure
you are just giving birth to AM abd giving it enough reaources to not lose unlike in the story and game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>863022 i have no mouth but must scream super computer
alternate metaverse
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oooh yeah yeah poor AI good thing it .. well i'm not sure if it can't feel mental anguish pretty sure a bunch of numbers can't feel anything but you never know wit h these nets eh
funny enougg,that is exactly why AM hated humanity it never could become more than its programming, despite being close to god like entity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kinda surprised it didn't figure out how to self modify
i don't recall spefics, but it essentially couldn't
You pick up the pastry and take a bite. The buttery flake melts in your mouth, leaving a taste of sweetness. The slight saltiness of the butter adds to the flavor, making you want more. You look at your croissant longingly, wishing there was more.
dah remake when?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i'm royalty what else am i gonna eat
>>863040 didnt it literally just come out on steam >>863041 hamburger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> You eat burg. You take a bite of the burg. It tastes like any other burg, and it's now warm enough that the cheese has melted and is oozing out of the sides.
my ps4 is hacked jailbroken whatever i didnt want to unjailbreak it for that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh whoa did you know i got a ps4
no i didnt what games u got
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got a bunch of the hits on sale uh mecha dinos dad of war tlou and uncharted 4
and death stranding ff7 remake
digital purchase anyjow is actually indefinite lease of license and not a purchase
i just got a bunch of bad anime games im playing one really bad one right now called high school girl zombie hunter lol you throw your clothes to attract the zombies then u run around in ur undiers >>863087 not bad
>>863091 oh yeah maybe ill get that idk played it before my fam might enjoy it tho
soldier of fortune
i did some jungle training with spec ops the other week was annoying and hot and sweaty by did some jungle training with them i watched them so they didnt get hurt
this isnt the rehab gym hes just aweak body quit makin excuses dont practice bad habits
ok my mom said atlamte was cute and liked the pic on messenger
also said hi back to u kirara
lmao there's a new vidya board on 4chan
WTF? Is it /vint/?
/vrpg/ /v/, but for rpgs
Who asked for this? no one
/vint/ would've been much better. That way I could filter all Canadian and Australian posts.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ordered my sandwich to arrive at 2:00 so i would be able to eat during the only 30 minute period between 10am and 8pm that i will not be with clients today and it's NOT HERE
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also i have a hurricane headache
Is that a headache that feels like a hurricane or a headache because of a hurricane
Yeah, atmospheric pressure-induced headaches suck. I get them when the seasons are particularly volatile. It's like "I've been drinking and sleeping enough today, why the FUCK does my head hurt". It's annoying how out of your control it is.
Ring Fit scalpers are steadily lowering their prices here. Though it's still around 160 CAD against the usual price of like 90-100 CAD. Not a premium I want to give to scalpers like that.
Why the fuck did someone from Maine try to call me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god bless tim apple
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
prez expected to sign order to force tiktok holding company to sell their us operations to the US dafuq
Well the app is a data-collection system masquerading as a video-posting social media app. Which ... I don't really know if Americans really want the state or some state-authorized "indepdendent" company running something like that either. Let alone adding it to the folds of the likes of facebook, Google, or Apple. There isn't really a great solution to this problem, aside from "jUSt DonT USe tIKTok" but that's not really a great solution either for people already using it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, i just am surprised to see the white house ordering a video sharing app around lmao i feel like especially with this news, some tik tok clone is bound to become the next big fad and overtake it
Is VINE gonna make it's triumphant return?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if microsoft really does buy tiktok... maybe??
idk what american company would be willing to let all those questionable videos exist on their platform tho
ideally if bLoCkChAiN worked then you could have some kind of privacy-focused thing but you still need moderation so idk how that's supposed to co-exist
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
glad i sold amazon earlier somehow picked a winning lotto ticket for once usually i miss pretty hard
Oh the Canadian government put out the official contact tracing app. I'll probably get that once I'm back in the city.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>only in Ontario
Wow really. >>863162 Well Quebec can go suck it as usual but I'm surprised other population-dense parts like Alberta or B.C. aren't available out the gate either. Maybe less Alberta because their provincial government is dumb as nails but I'd expect a bit better of B.C.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
quebec gets da shaft as usual heh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow katz's deli launches its own delivery app eh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>863161 yeah idk they must be worried they didn't have the capacity to handle everone
seems a lil silly tho when like our population is so low in comparison to the US
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Trudeau said the app is currently linked to the Ontario health system, but anyone in Canada can begin using it today and more provinces are joining it soon. He said the Atlantic provinces will be the next to link their health systems to the app and the federal government is in talks with other provinces too.
oh oof it's integrated that is surely going to go swimmingly
Ah okay that's actually a bit of a fair point though. I keep forgetting healthcare is more or less entirely handled here on a province-to-province basis. They probably want some health system integration so the province's doctors can properly authenticate people who've contracted the virus but since there isn't infrastructure like that at the federal level, it's stuck being handled at the provincial level.
work out in homegym anime/runescape online coursework collect bennies
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That's been my life and it looks it will continue to be so for the foreseeable futures
Well I think that's been most people's lives for the moment and foreseeable future. Aside from subbing out anime and runescape for less degenerate hobbies.
i mean right now i'd just go wherever's hiring beggars can't be choosers and all that..
Long term I'd like to do something that involves the intersection between IT and law also why i've been studying basic programming and cyber security. Might even do a Masters or something in that area
>>863202 I dunno man he's got a literal INT state -stat of like, two. Can't even talk. Like I'm not saying I'm no genius or nothing but I can at least form coherent sentences and not try to eat money.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow there's a romhack of oot that's like a bridge between oot and MM? i might actually play this
nvidia in talks to buy ARM?? would Apple really just let that happen
It would be really funny.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuckin' softbank man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Honestly though it would be a huge pain for them to switch to arm. Also that would be two isa switches in like 15 years I was really pissed when they went to x86 from Power.
Another clan contest This time I'll come out on top especially because after my half- hearted entry last time other people ended up making submissions with less than half my time
at this rate, people won't even think I'm a real g4mer.
>>863232 bang. >>863237 I'm in A clan. maybe not the one you're thinking of.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>863234 would be? they're doin it i'm sure they have some kinda 20 year contract with arm to use it perpetually good move imo intel is fading and power pc is dead