Episode FOURTEEN (14) of this Judging from the stuff in the start of the episode we started last time I don't think too much happens here. But I guess maybe there'll be still value in going back.
I don't think Sawano's been doing the OST for this series so it's a bit surprising to see him composing an OP for it. He normally just sticks to projects he's composing for.
These guys feel kind of hypocritical to me. They're a terrorist group trying to get rid of Extended but their bodies are obviously augmenting their capabilities with similar hardware too. What's the difference between the technology being on top of the body and being underneath it?
Juzo despite being a gun-headed cyborg really fits the quintessential noir detective archtype well. Smoking cigarettes, getting the shit beat out of him, always trying to act stoic.
I guess this is where things start to shake up a bit. Since these three obviously are the main cast and it would be weird to eliminate them from the story because of the tournament's elimination style.
Okay well a marriage was not really how I thought it was gonna shake up.
He's known her most her life I think he knows she's doing this not for herself but what she thinks is right. A lot of people are pretty good at convincing themselves that those two things are one in the same. But some times it's okay to be a little selfish!
Ah okay this guy is part of that weird cult from last episode. I guess that's how they villainize his actions.
The two male leads in this do have some good swagger. I especially like Daewi but the MC's good too.
Oh we're back to the Stands again.
For a sword fighting style her style has a lot of non-sword techniques.
PC Bang! I wish there were PC cafes elsewhere than Asia.
After spending all the episode focusing on her and helping affirm her fighting spirit it's kind of ... cheap, to just have her beat down in like ten seconds. She didn't seem to stand a chance against Daewi. When his hospitalized friend was critical there I thought we were going to get a similar kind of episode next week with him losing his fighting spirit but I guess he swung hard the opposite direction and went all-out berserker.
>>862205 Yeah but when you think in a short period of time she's going to get beat bloody and unconscious by one of the guys she was thanking. It kind of sours the sentiment for me, at least.
Their adventure was a little more magical than usual this time.
They did go out of the school grounds. Definitely makes for a more fantastical environment.
Yeah this has got a good grove -groove to it. I thought it the last time they had a performance with 3D CGI but this show has some really clean models. They're not animated amazingly but the models themselves are high quality.
that was a pretty good one this one is sometimes dull
I find it engaging enough. They've done a good job thinking things out, I think. It's a believable world and the girls are cute. The only thing that's a bit weird to me is they haven't really done much with the main set of girls. They haven't even expressed interest in being aidoru yet.
I like when the scenes are based on real places we saw that same shrine in yuru yuri i believe
Probably, yeah. Kyoto in particular has a few notable famous shrines that these kinds of school trips probably always visit. I've got some photos of them from when I visited last. I'd like to go back though. Maybe in a different season, since I went in early January. This is making me feel like autumn would be a good choice.
The deer in places like this will do that though hah hah. If you hold a paper bag too close to them they'll just chomp right on it.
There it is! That would have been the panel from before. Thank goodness they've improved the quality.
They're getting the scale and scenery right here in a way they rarely really get on the average episode
Maybe there's a big Kyoto fan in the animation staff.
This vice-president really is a strong foil for Yuki though. He's a real pain-in-the-ass kind of guy compared to the reserved "I don't have the right to interfere" kind of guy Yuki is.
Hah hah hah. Though that's a real childish moment from Yuki.
In the time since reading Fruits Basket I'd totally forgotten about the student council. They kind of form a secondary main cast for when Yuki is the main character of the chapter.
Surprising to see Yuki taking interest in a girl that's not Tohru though.
I was doing some looking around the other day and apparently one of the founders of the band that does this ED is actually from Ottawa, Canada. He went over to Japan to teach English and ended up getting involved in the music scene. Proper gaijin and everything.