Kinda. There is another show from last season that went on hiatus that started up again this week. It's a slightly fujobait-y police detective show that I wasn't too inspired to watch, especially since at the start of the last season we were swamped with stuff, and by the time we'd gotten on top of things it had gone on hiatus. But it has passably decent reviews, not that something like that's much to go on. It's something we could do if we wanted a fourth show for tonight.
i'm okay with just 3 tired yeah a bit okay let's start!
Long week?
it has been a long week for me at least can't wait for friday to be over
i don't think i have any anime but if there's something you think i'd like tilde, msg me
>>862833 You're still working through Yahari's second season, right If you keep up the rate you've been going at it you might be good for next week's episode of season three.
Yeah this new robot Victor's presumably controlling looks like Mary did when she was younger.
I had a feeling he was going to do something crazy.
Yeah, looks like the evil Victor is getting his wish. He wanted to put Mary in danger to get Juzo to go full power. I guess this kind of monstrousity is why the Gun Slave robots were such powerhouses in the war.
Though for all of Juzo's fancy stuff there all it seemed to do was just generate him a new set of arms hah hah. He just air-pressure-flicked the elf guy too.
I think there's an implication that there's something more behind it if he goes beserk or follows it through. and that he got stopped part of the way through
Yeah, Victor kinda said as much. And we've seen the kind of power Juzo has even in his "limited" state.
Victor really seems to have a bad habit of doing awful things after blacking out, hah hah. He massacred the research facility he was at, and before that go so mad with their adopted place of employment he killed their mentor. Though that latter one was definitely one he wasn't in the wrong for. Entirely at least.
Yeah so the Jack The Ripper-poi Victor wasn't a real Victor. And this back-up is also just a robot. So I guess the real, mostly human Victor is still hiding safely away. That's probably smart on his part.
back to the real Victor, but his human consciousness spends its time "sleeping" while the dominant autonomous sub-brain he's got attached to him controls his body and the robots. I think that last body he was in was the robo-Victor though, considering she accused it kind of just being a copy of Victor from back when he was working with Juzo.
They finally got someone to fix Tetsuro's voice problem. But it seems he's still got that vocal ability that lets him mindjack Extended cyborgs. I wonder how that works.
yahari isn't super comfy either though but oh well
gibiate ready? okay lets start
The ninja's really adopted a very Lancer-poi look with his new hair. Plus he kinda had Lancer vibes to begin with anyway.
That's quite the trek they've got planned though, from Tokyo to the north coast of the island. Japan might be small comparative to most countries but unless they've got enough vehicles for everyone who's alive, it's a long hike.
I don't think vaccine discovery is really something you can know is "almost complete". You either synthesize a vaccination or you hypothesize and test another set of chemical agents to see if they work.
Oh they're not all from the same historical point. The monk's from further back than they are. Though not much it seems since the samurai and the ninja are from around 1600 compared to the monk's ~1570.
So far we've only gotten historical small fry, I wonder if there'll ever be some big characters from history showing up.
The sword the old man pretty much died to get didn't last very long. It's already snapped in half.
It's especially silly to me since they all know the symptoms of turning into a monster. Why didn't the soldier tell the doctor he was turning. Did no one even ask after he was clearly impaled in the leg by a monster?
Wow he's a real can coffee nerd. That's kind of cute.
Hah hah IKE
You could really spend an entire day inside an IKEA pretty easily.
There's not a lot I've ever really wanted to be, even as a kid. I've always wanted to write, that's remained consistent at least. My mother says I wanted to be a detective as a kid but I don't really remember that feeling. Other than that ... I don't know if I ever had something.
Oh Yukino's mom is being a stick-in-the-mud. Trying to can the prom plans.
Yeah her mom seems to be a bit of a queen bitch kind of person. She's acting like she's sticking up for the unvocal minority in order to add gravitas to her own desires. I can see why both Yukino and her sister really don't like their mother. And why they've both kind personality issues. Er both kind of got personality issues. With a manipulative lady like that as your mother you probably develop some cunning to get around her strictness.
Well Hikki's not entirely incorrect. It is kind of the thing you wouldn't expect someone to say themselves.
>Will learn to be independent and become an adult That's an awfully narrow look of the world. Assuming you have to be entirely independent to be an adult. Even as adults you have to rely on people all the time.
Yeah, this show is really teenage in its view of the world too
I dunno, I think there's definitely adults that think that way. Yukino's sister only thinks you have to be perfectly independent to be an adult because of her family situation. And seeing how their mother acts I don't think it's a conclusion she arrived at herself.
But even in real life I think there's adults that still keep a "teenage" view of the world like that. In the end there's just a lot of different people out there in the world.
That's a pretty dramatic set up for next episode. But we're not even halfway into the season!