All the weirdly coloured people are the avatars for the machine people. I guess it still sucks to have your avatar die and lose your progress. But the threat of death is
she must be one of those types who thrives under pressure
>>862605 probably way less for them than the Tankers like the MC
>>862607 Her training with Bossu probably paid off more than we saw too.
They probably should have thought up a good story for her if she was gonna seriously try to fight. But I guess she got accepted in anyway.
im wondering if the tankers in the power are avatars too or maybe kurenai this show has me questioning every little thing now like paranoia
Kurenai could be but I'm pretty sure she's a Tanker. The Tankers in the Power are pretty clearly just normal human beans that are allowed to fight with the Gears. My best guess is the Gears are indulging the Tankers' whims, plus it helps keep the Tanker population of Deca-Dence at an acceptable level.
Well I can kinda see where her friend is coming from. When your friend just keeps trying to do deathly dangerous stuff and doesn't listen to your worries about them going to their death. It's pretty easy to just get fed up with them.
her friend is defintiely not in the wrong for that
>>862619 Natsume isn't really in the wrong either. Some times life just throws a situation where both people are in the right and it creates an irreconcilable difference.
no i don't think so either this is just a tough situation
I like that they haven't given her some ANGERY drive to go out there. Like an Attack on Titan-esque "I've got to kill all the Gadoll" bite line. She's still a bit immature but it's fine to be immature in life. Maturity ain't all it's chalked up to be.
Kurenai's pretty kakkoii though. She's a good role model for Natsume.
Wow, lasuto battoru, and it's only the end of episode four.
this is clearly the kind of show where they end up fighting anti-spirals with galaxy missiles
Yeah, that's true. Opening up to the light like that in a gym is annoying and distrating.
He's talking about not pulling punches but he's still only got his lower-grade students playing against the MC team. I don't think there's any real way of putting that than saying it's a handicap, even if he's still fully confident the team can beat the MC team.
I can't have any downloads running and maintain a connection to /moe/. This is really annoying for a chatterbox like me.
OH no Do you need to download something that we're watching tonight? I can shift things around and sub stuff out so you don't need to download to watch everything
Yeah, Gibiate. I messed up and dozed off this evening and didn't have everything downloaded ahead of time.
If I was at home this would be a non-issue. It's so annoying.
That new kinda edgy brat isn't entirely wrong though hah hah I mean Sora's skills do merit him being on the bench. But the MC team does also literally have not enough players to be free with who they have starting.
Both teams have problematic late arrivals, hah hah.
I could probably have Gibiate within one show's length but I'd have to be quiet since I'd have no Internet for talking on /moe/ hah hah But I dunno if it's worth it since between Producer and Gibiate there isn't really a better/worse. They're both kind of bfeh
The aesthetic values for this were pretty good. But it was taking a really long time to get to the actual race.
This, Railgun, and Houkago Teibou were the shows that got kicked down to this season from last. That we were watching, at least. There's a couple other shows that we weren't.
This is kind of corny but honestly probably not inaccurate for the time period. I think this show takes place around the 1900s. If anything it doesn't go far enough since it would be hard for an immigrant woman like her to get a mechanic job in the first place.
The red spots Appare's got around his mouth are really distracting to me.
She can probably get the work as long as she's talented enough
Racing in primitive cars like this probably really sucked. Especially considering they don't have paved/stone roads and pretty much are tearing around on dirt.
At least some of these fancier cars are fully enclosed but she's gonna be racing open to the air.
I wonder! From what I've seen from real-world early cars they were often extremely lousy to drive in. They hadn't added a lot of stuff like shock absorption and other luxuries that we take for granted these days.
Though this series does take a lot of creative liberties with what cars would've been like back then, so yeah, maybe.
Yeah, she's been in the other guy's slipstream this whole time. It makes the race a much easier ride for her, assuming she can overtake him before it matters.
When it looked like she had it in the bag I figured that was gonna happen, yeah. Plus the MC bet a load of money on her winning and he's the butt monkey of this series so there's no way he'd win the bet.
She lost the race but she won herself a car to compete in the cross-country race with.
>B.I.G. BOSS S-snake!?
This series has a pretty hopping OST Takes a lot of inspiration from Wild West vibes.
I hope this series is two-cour because burning half a season on the pre-race set-up is kind of, eh.
I have a feeling she's the type that always gets into kinda trouble but not really and it gets resolved really fast
It probably will be trouble but not really because she's got a bit of precognition powers. That's kind of what happened last time. She almost got knived but she knew it was coming and avoided it once which gave the cop guy enough time to show up and be the hero.
Wow, how dashing.
I guess he can stop time but not rewind it.
Oh good she's countering his asshole comments with some bite of her own. That's the appropriate way to handle guys like that.
>>862681 Some are cute and some are frumpy the ones you're supposed to hate are kinda frumpy
I feel it's a pretty bad to make an otomege protagonist you're supposed to hate. Since the point of these games is kind of for the girls to self-insert into the MC. But maybe that works out for some girls.
This guy's praising her pudding and all. But the pudding he ate was made by CEO Sugita!
Oh he's the owner and chef of this place. What a weird hobby for a CEO to have. I guess that's why it's only open infrequently and sporadically.
He's kinda a weird CEO but probably also the best boy
If he ever defrosts and stops being such a tetchy ass I might agree. I think I like either the aidoru or the cop sempai the best at the moment. But guys that are outright insulting in their conversational tone, I have a hard time liking.
I guess this covers up to the end of the prologue or chapter one of the game's story. It has a very "things are just beginning vibe"/
Also this nerd's Evolver power definitely lets him predict or learn things he wouldn't as a normal human bean.
Yeah I thought the guy with the gun in her precog dream looked like the cop boy.