Hm, I would say it's probably not necessary, but you might miss out on contextual details and character familiarity that's already established. Plus the Goblin Slayer anime was really good you would be well to watch it.
First time in a few weeks there's been a full night of stuff to watch on Tuesdays.
I wonder if this training arc is filler or is just a training arc
Yeah, I've been thinking on that too. I know the manga did a half-year time skip which breezed over the training the cast did before picking back up with the whole plot with the Heart and Spade kingdoms. But I dunno if they just cut straight to it or did this stuff to give the readers a sample of what the cast would be doing.
Well to be fair Noelle's magic is water magic. Going to the beach is topically suitable. And it looks like the others are kinda taking training seriously. As they best can, at least.
Well okay some of them are kinda taking training seriously. The rest are clowning around as per the usual.
Nero seems to really enjoy waitressing though. Even last episode when she and Noelle were spying on the guys while pretending to be waitresses she actually did the job seriously.
Her armor looks really silly though I don't like it much
It's supposed to resemble the armor her mother formed with her metal magic, so I can respect the sentiment, but yeah. It looks a lot better as metal than water.
Guess the next up for training filler is Charmy and Gordon.
Victor's face is just close enough to a normal human face that the way he talks without moving his mouth unnerves me. Kinda in the same way the boy's does.
Juzo though is sufficiently distanced from a human face that it doesn't bother me at all.
Huh, I guess that's why Juzo has some autonomous choice in activating his powers. He was kind of a security back-up incase the other gun-headed cyborgs got out of control. Though it seems he still refuses to do it himself unless there's absolutely zero other options.
We were kinda treated to this reveal last episode. When the robot hand made the gunhand-to-the-head gesture that Juzo and Victor knew about.
Making a shadow version of yourself that ends up being all evil and violent. I was thinking it last episode but his story really is a Jekyll/Hyde one.
The notion of a permanent hardware brain installed on your body to facilitate highly complex technological augments is a real cyberpunk-y concept. It's cool too. I dunno if I could go for it though.
Guess it's kind of a cautionary tale of not making an AI brain too much like a human brain. Because at that point it's easy for the subservient AI brain to become the dominant power.
What a meddling pain in the ass man. I guess it's fitting for a noir-esque setting but the actual law enforcement of this city seems to be more trouble than it's worth, most of the time.
Yeah they're gonna get meddled with especially after a big reveal like that
The law is probably chasing after Victor because they're trying to control that double sub-brain set-up that seems to be able to act pretty close to a real human brain. In a less gritty setting because they don't want it falling into the wrong hands, but I bet they want it to control how powerful it can be.
The release schedule for this show has been so awful it's been hard to keep straight of what's been going on. Even though I'd read the sports festival arc in the manga.
>>862472 I forgot it was airing until it came up on my liast. list
I think at least we're starting a new story arc from this point though. So it's kind of starting fresh, at least.
Misaka and Shokuhou have become funny ... friends, I guess, in the time they've gotten to know each other.
Oh that looks like it's some kind of bad juju
>A card that lets you have another persons's dreams Okay yeah that is DEFINITELY some bad juju.
I guess this drills girl has been a part of Shokuhou's clique for so long she considers waiting on her to be as delightful as frolicking with the frog creatures.
Oh that blue-haired guy. I think he's one of Touma's friends. He kinda vanished into obscurity once plot things happened.
... Why would they censor aquarium.
Drills is kinda moe. She wasn't much more than a mook blocking Misaka in the previous arc but this has been some fun characterization.
I like the urban myth detective work this series has. Index has a really dense, complicated plot but Railgun has a more digestible plot format.
They're always chasing urban myths. the author must love that stuff
Uiharu is such a dork.
>>862488 To be fair urban myths are pretty cool. Plus with all the espers around and the occasional dip into actual magic it's pretty easy to ground the urban myth in reality.
Kuroko gets a lot of cool moments in this series. She plays the secondary heroine to Misaka pretty often.
Are espers that can only do psychic photography common enough in Academy City? Enough to merit an app for all of them to use. It feels like a weirdly niche skill to have.
An arc that focuses on precognition powers could probably get a bit weird. Once you start predicting the future things get a bit wormy.
I feel like railgun has fallen a bit into the trap that index has and that's that there are too many characters and both shows spend all of their time trying to showcase all hte characters
I don't think either show's arcs have the impact that they used to with the exception being the world war three arc in index, that was good.
I think Railgun dodges it a bit better by kinda only focusing on a narrow selection per arc. Like you can generally ignore most people outside the main four girls and whoever they're dealing with for the plot arc. The rest of the characters only come back for cameos. Though Shokuhou seems like she might be a more regular addition to the cast. Maybe when the manga was covering her arc she was explosively popular and that pushed them to feature her regularly.
Index is also originally a novel series and it's a lot easier to feature a really wide cast of recurring characters in text than in anime. It's easiest in text, not to hard in comic/manga, but really hard in moving mediums, since them getting featured is now a set amount of time rather than just words or panels on a page. If you try to showcase them all in film/anime then your run times balloon or the episodic plot slogs down. But if you're choosier and cut stuff from the original material to save time (what I believe they did for Index) then it often gets really hard to properly understand or grasp the gravity of things that are going on.
This was probably the biggest shame of the mid-season delays from last season. I'm happy it's back it's a good-quality CGDCT show.
I wonder if all the cute girls shows that explore hobbies has promoted a real-life emergence of hobby stores that cater to girls like there always seems to be in these shows.
Oh yeah the MC in this has some good DOOM faces. Kind of reminds me of the Douki-chan stuff that Yom Yom's been doing lately.
Honestly 18,000yen is probably what you'd probably expect to spend on a good-quality outdoors jacket. Those things tend to be made with expensive synthetic materials.
fishing in anime is always comfy big fan of anime fishing
There was that show with boys that went fishing from years back. I never actually watched it. ... Tsuritama I think? Something like that. Maybe I'll go look for it when I'm back in the city.
They're losing a lot of the egi tackles. I guess they're probably not too expensive but it's still literally throwing them away. Plus it's kind of wasteful, ditching plastic in the ocean like that.
Yeah, its that the jacket is made from water-repellant material which is why they're so expensive. Good outdoors clothes are pricey.
I still don't think I could kill and butcher my own catches. I'm really not good with the concept of that. I'm willing to sacrifice freshness and having to pay for the processing in order to avoid having to do that myself.
>>862518 Cleaning a fish isn't that bad once you get used to it.
You still have to do it enough times to get used to it! If I can't do it once I'm not gonna do it enough times to get used to it Maybe I'm a wuss but I don't think it's an essential skill to need in modern life.