It's been so long I've forgotten a lot of what was happening
There was some shit going on with the Heart Kingdom. We also got introduced to a whole new power levels stuff with them that I thought the main cast was gonna start training for. Dunno what all this is supposed to be.
This is one of those chapters the mangaka probably needed a break that week or was out of creative juices. Like nothing of value is happening.
The character design in this kinda reminds me of Nisekoi.
>And why am I getting turned on? Hmmmm
Maybe I'm a bit too cynical but any girl who works as something like a "rental girlfriend" I feel like would have a perfect practice in place for the job. Yeah looks like she uses the same act for all the guys who she spends time with.
This doofus paid her a bunch of money just to refuse to actually play along.
I guess all it took for him was a single look at the thread to dive into proper cynicism about it.
I guess it's more the black and white of the manga that looks more like Nisekoi. With colour, and probably the animation studio, it looks a good bit different.
Oh she's chewing into him for being a loser about this thing.
Honestly she's a bit more interesting of a person now that she's lost it with him.
I wonder if the service she works for covers situations like this in their ToS.
Yeah, I like her a lot more now now he's stuck though
I'd be more concerned for the girl hah hah She's just playing an act and his dumbassery has gotten her into something that probably wasn't arranged for in the service she works for.
What a bunch of crazy old ladies.
And everything they were desperately trying to avoid came to pass.
Honest jobs aren't always a feasible option. But really it's whatever. People should be free to work the jobs they want to. She seems to enjoy some of the power she gets from it.
Hah hah She dresses up quite plainly to hide in public.
I think this will be one of the good ones this season.
I'm not really familiar with the manga but I've looked at chatter about it in the past. It seems to get a lot of people picking favourites.
>>857563 It'll be nice to have some good stuff airing this season. There really isn't a lot airing to begin with so what's here being good is extra valuable.
Tomorrow has Deca-Dence airing and that was a great pilot episode. In terms of stuff we're watching Wednesdays are actually one of the busiest days this season. I think only Friday matches it in volume of shows we're watching but we don't really watch stuff on Fridays anymore.