Looks like it's not just any human. But the ones that would be considered low-lifes, drunks, rabble-rousers, those who don't work. That's a really dark thing when you consider he basically signed up as an executioner.
I dunno if this post-apoc world is supposed to be a matrix. Or if those avatar people are some other species whether alien or not have capitalized on this world. Inter-dimensional maybe.
Looks like the MC was mistaken for dead at some point. Probably when she got in the accident she lost her arm in.
Ah wow there really is a total change in the caste levels. The place all the peasants live in is shanty town but this one looks like a shoutengai
There seems to be a lot of shows lately that try to cram a LOT into their first episode.
So this premise is supposed to be two samurai shot into the future in a post-apoc monster-filled Japan. And I guess the one girl trying to save the world?
I wonder if they'd realistically be able to understand her. By my understanding Japanese hasn't changed drastically in a few centuries but there'd still probably be a dialect change. Also minute ways things are pronounced or contextualized.
>Japan hasn't seen war in eighty years now >*Looks* around Dubious
Well honestly all wars are meaningless when looked at from the macro scale. Regardless if the fate of humanity is to become mutant Mad Cow Disease monsters.
Phrasing for stuff like "camp" would probably confound someone actually from feudal Japan. Especially when you consider the English weren't really prominent in Japan at that time. They were more familiar with the Dutch and Portugese.
That's kind of weak thinking though. One bizarre thing happening doesn't mean it makes sense for time-travel to exist.
It's got the kind of wild gritty post-apoc world you'd expect from a show aimed at teen guys. But all the characters definitely hint at more of a appeal-to-girls vibe to me. There's a lot of bishie to this series and only really one girl.
Amusingly enough I know enough about this one to know it's also aimed at girls. Though I think it's an otomege adaptation. A bit like a genderbent idolmaster situation, but the guys are also magical.
Well this guy has ZA WARUDO
EVOL is just LOVE backwards
This isn't even the first time a Japanese anime has made that life-shattering realization.
Well the show she produces seems to have a focus on the weird and inexplicable, so special powers kind of fit into that. I would expect a show just about a girl trying to produce a TV show and interacting with prettyboys wouldn't quite be enough to make an otomege VN interesting.
>Any species that ceases evoling will face extinction in a changing environment The problem with this is it assumes only a biological evolution. Humans have acquired so much in the way of artificial assistance that we evolve through technological and intellectual capacity these days, not biological.
Oh Sugita is also a super CEO Apparently these kind of immense financial companies are a real thing in Japan. The kind of ones that the evil corp from Kaiji also parodied.
Are there English localizations of the guy's names or something? She called this guy Victor but I didn't hear that at all in her dialogue. And the professor earlier was Lucien, but again.
I think a lot of big companies are huge and multi-faceted and kinda evil there,yeah.
Oh I see. This is an adaptation of a Chinese phone otomege. Which for some reason doesn't use Chinese names for the characters but Western names.
Or more precisely I think this is an adaptation of a Japanese-localization of a Chinese phone otomege. So the English subs use the official Chinese names but the Japanese-recorded voice lines use the Japanese names.
oh makes sense I thought it was a weird premise, with the female being in the superior position
Reminds me of a Korean mobage that a few friends I know were into a couple years back. It was a similar premise; you were a self-insert female lead and there were a cast of male characters for you to interact with and dating sim your way to companionship.
Looking at Wikipedia this one seems to expand on that and has stuff like the guys being able to call you (which since you play on your phone, must be pretty immersive), and you interact with a simlated social media to post on their Tweets and stuff like that.