what a write off of a day I had to wait around for an electrician to come around and because tradesmen just show up whenever I had no idea when they would turn up
Seems to be a consistent problem with them. No regards for keeping to the appointment times they schedule.
>>814240 well yeah but if you enjoy league getting paid like 5 bucks for a game is pretty sick i obviously wouldnt be playing league though because that game makes me want to kill myself
Well if there's someone I'd consider a good choice for a board of directors for anything game-related, Reggie definitely makes the list. The guy is a pretty genuine gaming fan.
Stores like GameStop really do need an aggressive revitilization and rebranding project too because they're pretty quickly going the way of the dinosaurs. I have my doubts that even something like this would help but hey, if they wanna try.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Especially since companies are driving that anti-gamestop push
>>814369 we are so proud of you, acolyte many blessings to you and yours on this journey
I mean it is probably weird for someone to put in a tank of fake jellyfish. But it's also not really a problem, is it.
>>814432 >belittle your girlfriend for buying something you think is dumb >further call her an idiot that will fall for MLM >yell at her >get kicked out >she doesn't talk to you for a week >still think you're not dumped R E T A R D find out what it means to me
Nevermind that she literally says she dumped him and he still thinks he's not dumped. I'm confused.
>>814432 imagine getting upset over fake jellyfish
>>814435 she dumped him AND BLOCKED HIM >"When she unblocks me I'll explain myself" hahahahaha
i think in context of just the question, i would say no, but once you go through that whole post boy does that change quick
that's true, he's not an asshole for telling his gf that it's weird that she has a tank full of fake jellyfish in her living room he's an asshole because he's a fuckin asshole
he's not an asshole for calling her weird as the question implies that's all he did but 100% an asshole for framing her as an idiot because she bought one and that he seems to think that only medication can help/will help with anxiety/depression/whatever like has this man never heard of therapy animals
>>814432 this is satire or something right that can't be genuine
>>814443 in the reddit thread he argues with basically every reply
i had a friend who got those fake jellyfish before it's just decoration i dont see why that guy's so pissed off
she's not saying it's a clinical treatment for anxiety and stuff, just that it's peaceful and aesthetic and brings her some enjoyment ive spent my money on dumb shit before just because it's something i want, i wouldnt give someone shit for doing that
meanwhile this dude's living with his parents and doesn't seem to be gainfully employed like she is so idk he's just a dumbass it sounds like he has some kinda complex of needing constant validation for his intellect or something
if it is satire it's a hell of a lot of effort to go for a joke nobody seems to think is funny unless he's farming those down arrows
it seems like it's basically a fancy lava lamp that's jellyfish themed to me i don't understand why he's so weird about it either
>>814450 Negative IQ >>814451 I'd assume not because he implies he WOULD have kept it in his room if not for the mouse problem, it was probably for me "hehe so quirky kinky" PB&BJ sessions later
more not me
you can do what you want with your own food idk if it's labeled and you have agreements beforehand that's pretty settled
I mean, yeah, the roommate is defintely in the wrong for taking and then telling and then getting made about dickbutter, but I still consider this an absolute WASTE of peanut butter
there's no reason he can't still eat it he probably would enjoy it given the context
I'm IN See you guys at the finish line when you catch up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/moe/ quarantine camp
there was a guy in quarantine at the local joint air base here who was "accidentally" let out of quarantine and "accidentally" went to the mall and then back into quarantine and the guards were like "hey wait a second, you weren't supposed to leave" and he was like "oops"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a buncha people keep just not doing the quarantine idgi even ted cruz is locking himself up bc he might have iy
haha oops I spread this pandemic on accident lol
>>814478 I may have corona but have you seen how cheap these plane tickets to bali are?
>>814478 ted cruz may be an idiot, but he's also the zodiac killer so he knows a lot about dying
>>814474 peanut butter and coronavirus party guys everyone bring your jars of nut butter we gonna swap fluids like mad
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>814480 for real i bet there would be no tsa line too best time ever to fly
>>814484 imagine all the people with the virus who are like "nah i don't have covid i promise"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"it's allergies"
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when i flew home from vegas with fish that one time when i was high and sick i couldn't get a seat next to her and sat next to a stranger and i was coughing like crazy and just drank all that promethazine so i look at her and go "dont worry im not sick"
>>814503 i was about to say damn thats harsh before i realized what you meant lol
>>814502 Hrrrmmm I mean i have chess, Knightmare chess, scrabble, operation, city of darkscorch, screw the irs, the original doom boardgame and the new doom boardgame I think thats all my boardgames I do however know of a lot of boardgames, many of which are inane.
>>814503 that could bee part of a band name rei and the million dead brothers
>>814512 is there nothing Jessica won't spend money on besides funding our operation
Oh I have some good news Remember the thing about the big furry zoosadist group? The guy who ran it plead guilty to ten charges of encouraging child sexual abuse in the first and second degree. He was sentenced to 25 years. None of the animal abuse stuff was kept though.
>>814517 lol today my bank called me and left a nervous sounding message asking if ive checked my bank account lately a d // and im like oh fuck so i log in and everything is normal so i call my bank back and ask what's up and he's like "nevermind it's ok now"
this feels more like someone saying the most intentionally ignorant things they can come up with i want to believe that level of ignorance doesn't actually exist but i give people too much benefit of the doubt
>>814682 A paper about primates I have to go to the zoo and watch two non hunan primates in different genuses for 45 minutes each and write an 8 page paper on tgeir behavior. *human *their
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>814687 oh nicei i hear watchin monkeys socialize is an enlightening experience
infinity ward dunks on treyarch again with a free battle royale it's hard to believe I'm living in a timeline where call of duty is getting entirely free content updates
So my paraplegic friend is training for wheelchair boxing. I'm kind of worried about it but he's really set on doing it. He was into boxing as a hobby before his accident and apparently some promoter wants to have him do a fight.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
horizon zero dawn for PC aw shit
Oh cool, really? That was definitely one of the games I was gonna get when I got a PS5. If it's coming out on PC then that's probably a better choice. Well at least if they port it half-decently.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont dare play schüt on a controller (except splatty toon) so this is great news 4 me
I think some games honestly work better on controller. Mouse/Keyboard is great for first-person games and strategy/resource management games, which do make up a lot of the games I like to play. But for a lot of third-person games the mouse's finesse I feel just makes some things harder. And personally when it comes to things that require timing and precise movement like platforming, the comfort of a controller and the ... scaling? input of a joystick is just beyond useful.
2D games in general I think play better on a controller than with a mouse/keyboard.
general rule of thumb if it is 3rd person, controller works better
with few exceptions ofc like say max payne
Like one of the reasosn -reasons I wanted to get a Switch Pro Controller was that it's both a controller for a console I have and one that has native support with Steam. So I can finally get at some of the games in my library that were designed with people playing them with a controller in mind.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>814716 yea controller is nice for 3D platformera i play sekiro on PC w controller i tried playing tomb raider w a controller but still couldn't get past the gunplay and arrows without switching to mouse personal preference
tomb raider is quite easy mode tho but it does illustrate the issues of controller aiming, if you aren't used to it
I did end up beating Sekiro without ever going at it with a controller, so I mean I don't think having a controller is do-or-die for me. That -did- require a lot of tweaking the controls though and mapping a lot to my mouse so I could do things without having to make sure I was hitting the right key. But playing Hollow Knight after beating it like twice with just keyboard, using a controller is just incomparably nicer. Directional input is miles better with a joystick.
main things of controller is >better movement control (ie no need to press a button to walk, just move stick slightly) >better camera control
it works in games, that have some form of autoaim built into it but say nailing headshots...
good reason why resistance 1 and 2 had an autoaim gun and a wallhack gun
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
doctor told me to get zinc lozenges but no stores have them these normie scaremongered assholes have purchased all of them and now i, treating an existing condition, do not have access to them
Ugh Eight new cases in Illinois today. There's at least one at the hospital I go to for therapy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ho boy
The only reason I would care about catching it would be because being quarantined would be a pain in the ass. I don't think I'll die of it or anything. >>814751 Not in the same building though.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
make sure you get some food with zinc
>>814753 Just take that food and swab it all around the back of your mouth and top of your throat.
In other news I have to replace the flush mechanism on our good toilet. Our other toilet is according to the plumber who repaired it "the worst model of toilet I have ever seen in my 30 years of being a plumber".
Our landlord is a amateur at a variety of household repair and >>814757 Eating more food with zinc in it would be better than not doing it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I would imagine you'd have to eat a lot of food with zinc to get the expected dose of a zinc lozenge so telling someone to get food with zinc is kind of dumb
Anyways he installed various things all over the house that have become loose and I wasn't able to fx all of them. Somw I've had to fix twice.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eat two pounds of grass fed zinc rich steak then shit it all out in your new toilet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(smoke weeeed)
>>814758 diy without skills should be punishable by amputation of hands
>>814761 The landlord at our old place was actually really good at diy. He was able to build an entire bathroom in the attic by himself. His day job was being a judge.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
consuming zinc and obtaining zinc from a specifically engineered medical lozenge are entirely different things
just tried a fifth place literally nothing the shelves are basically empty this entire country is a joke
>>814763 Yeah pretty much. The point of lozenge isn't really digestion. It's about as useful as telling someone to just eat a glob of Vicks rather than rubbing it on their chest.
All I know is that my doctor told me I will be free of my sinusitis in three days if I use them.
apparently everyone is cleaning stores out of hand sanitizer here one of my coworkers said they saw someone selling bottles of purell for a hundred bucks online lol
I sure am glad I can't stand hand sanitizer. The notion of putting something gooey on my hands and then not washing it off just sounds physically revolting to me. And no one buys out normal soap.
>>814766 oh i have a box of these at home they're good for minor cold if you take it early
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>814771 yea its hard to find sanitizer here too i have two lil bottles and i bought aome hand soap today just in case of panic
>>814773 It evaporates. Although I know that feel That's why I can't stand lotion
>>814778 Even a SHITTY soap is enough. Coronavirus is super weak to soap. Everyone is losing their fucking minds.
Really a decent soap is all you need. Hand sanitizer is pretty overkill.
>>814777 Asked my mother after she went shopping today, still plenty of toilet paper around here. It's even on sale!
i use hand sanitizer a lot at work because people do gross shit like keep money in their fucking bra
it's really bad for my hands though i have sandpaper hands sometimes
hand sanitizerbis forbhospitals and nursery homes etc where you need the zero virus/bacteris if possible
>>814779 >bra I expected you were going to say something worse than that. It's still gross though.
>>814779 This sure wouldn't be a problem if they just made women's clothing with fucking POCKETS.
>>814781 they keep it in their shoes and hat and other shit too people hand me money that's literally soaked through with sweat one time someone gave me a bill with blood on it literal fresh blood
>>814779 makes you think why isn't there a moisture lotion disinfectant?
It's funny to me that earlier today my mom was checking if I make sure I do hygiene at work like washing my hands and using paper towels to open doors and it's like yes. you're the one I have to remind to wash their hands after they use the toilet.
I'll grant you one kindness by saying that the secondary bathroom in the basement is a pull to enter, push to leave. However, the one I use most often, the one closest to my work. Is not.
most public bathrooms arr pull doors so that a person leaving doesn't smash someone outside
Really the sensible design is to have the entrance to a public washroom just not have a door to enter it. A well-placed corridor bend is all you need to block visual entrance.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Been thinking about life and mortality today. I’d rather die gloriously in battle than from a virus. In a way it doesn’t matter. But it kinda does.
I should go get some delicious apple pie. That would solve all our problems. >>814826 I don't even like people being in the same bathroom as me so no door would be a huge problem since I would hear everything.
>>814822 dude he means tge entrance to the general bathroom area where there then are the toilet cubicles or whatever
>>814825 oh ok yknow this is becoming more common w modern genderless bathroom setups yea if you have the hub area + individual bathroom rooms but that still has bathroom doors so hmm nope
>>814824 I hate it when there are other people in the bathroom with me. The worst is when there's free urinals and then someone comes up right next to you.
>>814827 wellnyou wash your hands proper inn the common area still does leave urinals exposed not that i care since i don't use em
>>814827 I would hope the bathrooms are genderless. Bathrooms can't have genders because gender is a social construct.
>>814834 I will only ever use a urinal if the only other remaining option is to relieve myself behind a tree or worse.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
y'all got some pee anxiety alright
can't leak if some one's watching
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i used to get pee anxiety but i figured my mental game out if im feeling nervous at the urinal i start visualizing a bloodthirsty scenario where i am violently murdering the nearest dude in the bathroom works like a charm i s2g the more creative the better also dont look at me like that i aint no psycho 🤡
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>814838 yeah I have horrible urine hesitency. I use numbers in my brain to make it better but it doesn't always help
>>814838 I just prefer to use a toilet? I don't understand why this is a wrong notion.
>>814838 A little bit yeah but I also have reason to believe (from some other symptoms) that something down there (in the abdomen) is pushing on my bladder.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i use stall because i feel safer that's PTSD though
>>814849 My theory is my intestines are bloated sue to constipation on a regular basis. *due
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>814851 its alright depends on how much space you have works well at airports smaller establishments usually need a door otherwise you get fumes and noise leakage
>>814855 sorry to hear also if you havent had an ultrasound thats worth a shot check for gall stones when i had my attack it seemed like constipation
>>814862 metro toilets always amuse me having cobstant water running under a mesh floor a disposal slot for neefles blue light but after doing upgrades on them, with free access there aren't piss puddöes in weird places or needles good public faculties indeed solve issues
For the record If I did have a teratoma removed I would absolutely post (spoiled) pictures of it and talk about what was inside it.
fuck fuck fuck fucufck fufckfuc fuck fucking piss trough holy shit what the actual god damn hell this is why I hate sports I forgot about those holy shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's an infurating thing to even think about and I hate it
What the fuck. Are troughs in a washroom a normal thing in sports arenas down there. That's just revolting.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>814882 let it go let it goooooo into the UNKNOWWWN
>>814884 As far as I know its just a baseball stadium and like shitty campground thing.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my elementary school had a trough i think no wait no they had those urinals that are built into the wall and then a trough style donut sink with like 6 taps radiating outward
>>814887 Yeah I mean a trough-style sink is whatever. Plenty of public washrooms have those. It's when it's concerning urination that I think it gets fucking weird.
>>814892 Huh Must go to nice stadiums then. It's fucking ridiculous that these things still exist.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no literally the stadium was awful a tiny stadium used for spring training games
>>814894 Oh If its a tiny stadium that makes sense. I imagine the troughs are more of a big stadium thing because it saves money because they have scores of bathrooms.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
troughs are fun and communal! shake your pee neighbor's dick today!
>>814903 Can you get to your locker by foot or bike?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>814905 yea or subway but like if sociwty collapses to that extent am i really gonna get into there entering my freakin code and expect it all to be there
>>814924 Yeah, Cruz quarantined himself though. >every British mp has been exposed I think that's actually incredibly funny.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's hilarious a guy at AIPIC and another at CPAC potentially contaminated everyone at both conferences and coronavirus kills 14-20% of people over the age of 65 which is 80% of our elected officials
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
new world order babey
This was secretly the plan all along. Use Covid-19 as a vector to infect all the old fogies of the political systems and cut their numbers.
Covid-19 2020 I'd wear a shirt with that on it for sure.
At first half-glance I thought she was flipping the bird.
Ruh roh My primary image viewing program on android no longer picks up new images I download. And neither does the built in one for my sms and mms app. Oh wait It'll recognize new screen shots.
I got it working again but I don't know what did it.
>>814949 it's mashed tatos with gouda, really good asparagooses and hollandaise butternut squash and the pork chops in a chili garlic rub, cooked in homemade chicken stock and apple cider vinegar with brown sugar
it sounds like a weird sauce for the pork, i thought so too, but i tried it out and it's really good
i made the chicken stock earlier in the week with the remains of a rotisserie chicken, slow-cooked on the stove with all the goodies like celery and onions and garlic and all the juicy chicken bits
i haven't been able to cook like this in years im really enjoying it
>>814954 hope that isn't too bad you didn't concuss did you? did anyone check
>>814957 I don't remember if I've ever had mash with cheese cooked into it. That's not to say I haven't, probably have, but I guess if I don't remember it it's as good as not anyway.
It's really nice to be able to make something nice though. Good food is a core component of living a good life.
>>814998 For prolongued periods of time, or just like the occasional hiccup that boots you and reconnects in like three seconds? Because I get the latter often enough, though it hasn't happened mid-post. The board's been cooperating fine elsewise though.
>>814886 they had a setup like that at a music festival I went and the results were disgusting
it bothers s me that this guy doesn't let out his dogs all that much fair enough one of them escapes from the yard we hav e sometimes but I suggeste d he take them for a walk like a week ago and I still haven't seen them leave that pen the barking really gets on my nerves sometimes plus he's bringign another dog tonight when we can barely manage two
>>815029 People who adopt pets they don't have the capacity to look after properly are a particularly problematic breed. It's just plain irresponsible.
I generally don't mind the update system for Windows 10 but the part of it that does bug me is when there's an update waiting to install and restart that for some reason overrides the sleep command and so I'll put my computer to sleep only for it to turn itself on again five minutes later so it can sit there expecting to have the update start.
Which is annoying when I'm trying to sleep and having a nice, quiet, dark room is helpful for that.
Eventually the update just runs anyway and my PC restarts and then eventually puts itself back to sleep but I wish it would just do what I tell it to.
I just put mine on shutdown and let it do that before it shutsdown but yeah,if you're a big fan of using sleep it's probably a bit of a problem
>>815103 that isn't really part of the series tho you could easily remove all dmc names from it, change the acript a bit and it would be a stand alone game
>>815104 it's not canon but it's still a devil may cry game that argument is stupid >just change all the elements of the game and it's a different game! it was never intended to be anything but a DMC game even though it's a shitty reboot it's still got a lot of influences of the other game and like half of donte's moveset is lifted from the other games though they replace what weapon does what a lot, like the scythe doing the spin instead of rebellion
well then dmc2 is second worst in the series but i don't cobsider DmC to be in tgat, since it isn't part of the plotline and world is like quake and then quake 2 and 4 and quake 3 tgry are "series of games" but in terms of plot, only 2 abd 4 are connevtef and 3 doesn't even have one
>>815106 it is really different in a lot of areas but also still copies some of the gameplay design and level structure it just does it worse in basically every way
the visual design is the only good thing i can say about the game, it has some really well designed and unique areas and is very colorful and distinct
>>815110 i do not think it is a good hack n slash even it's bog standard and bland and somehow shorter than heavenly sword it's not terrible for sure, it's just so boring and uninteresting for me to play i beat it a few times just because i wanted to see if it ever got really interesting but even on the hardest difficulty the enemies are never really engaging to kill or make you really think about how to overcome also the guns are shit except kablooey and that name alone makes me not want to use it
or maybe it just show how few hns games there were at the time it came out
>>815113 the heavy/light(red/blue) mechanic is stupid as fuvk tho
worked in heavenly, but that game is fundamentally very different from what you expect in a dmc title
hmm should get hellblade someday
oh yeah now they are owned by microsoft atleast it isn't ea
>>815115 yeah it's really fucking stupid they had a good design with the shoulder triggers allowing fluid weapon changes easy for even unskilled players
then they decided to fuck that up entirely by not letting you use three weapons for the majority of your combos
then they fucked it up even harder by making rebellion and the axe so obscenely strong using the light weapons actually hurts your ability to SSS
they reaöly just copied heavenly sword with the ax being heavy, rebellion dual and the ring thungs the chains
>>815124 ow yeah the fuck is wrong with that contrast
>>815125 What if they ground all flights to and from New York before that?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>815128 then ima bite the pillow cuz here comes recession
>>815122 good can everyone just hurry up and fucking die already
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>815130 Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this has been edgy sam dont forget 2 hug ur server >>815133 hot damn yea its freaking spring cherry blossom weather over here idk fam welcome to the new age
im fucking melting its only march and its 90 fuckin degrees what did i do to deserve this shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this summer gonna be lit
inb4 coldest summer ever
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i didn't have sinusitis symptoms until i started treating it ):
maybe sinusitis is caused by the treatmemt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe sinusitis is the friends we contagioned along the way
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like loud music is bouncing around inside my skull and made of k n i v e s
but it comes in waves i was fine most of the day but sometimes it's just like SHWUP pressure in face
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but ouch sorry that sucks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
could it be the covid?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unfortunately i am covid free bonafide sinusitis diagnosed by a doctor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn im confused no symptoms until you were diagnosed so did you catch it on a routine checkup
>>815143 ive had a cough for a month, that was only symptom finally got checked out and they said sinusitis didn't have other symptoms until now because my body deals with stuff like this pretty well abeit slowly now that im getting mucus out and stuff the symptoms are starting
>>815150 mebbe idk there are cases basically everywhere and its very underreported in this idiocracy
n''but yeah florida, nyc texas cali any placd with lot of travel will get it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>815147 oh man well at least now you know ganbaru our shining idoru
but even we are at 60 cases now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my ex coworker who is like hardcore bunker building prepper alt right snake flag and guns dude has the beer flu in like new hampshire so yea shit's everywhere
>>815147 quite amusing in a way i've never had sinu much to the surprise of every doctor ever
filled out a rental application the application fees feel like a scam but there's nothing that can be done
if i dont get accepted it's a tremendous waste of a lot of money that makes me unable to afford applying anywhere else, and also each time i apply my credit gets worse from the credit checks
>>815157 rental like a house? why would there be an application fee? i mean i guess it does discourage random applications etc, but still >>815161 all we have is the deposit
>>815159 It's odd, I've had no noticable congestion for the most part. Still don't. No runny nose or anything. Except for after I do saline nose spray.
>>815162 it might be the forehead canals instead of the cheek ones well can't say since my experience with infections in those tracks is 0 all i get is ear infevtions
>>815160 i have to pay between 100-200 dollars just to apply and also pay the deposit, which the deposit can take a while to refund if you don't get accepted it seems predatory to me but i have tod // to do it
also ive been living in a hotel for a few months now so i'm not very likely to get accepted anyway life is hard
>>815132 this is just texas the weather here is chaos it's probably because of the intersecting biomes or something i guess im not a fucking scientist
>>815162 my lungs are stronk considering i smoke a shitload idk how
>>815172 should still feel the inflammation even if your nerves don't fire up easiest way to avoid sinu is to never clear your nose inwars breathing in snot basically
Everyone who works on my body comments on my reduced sensation. My massage therapist can do stuff that makes way stronger people than me cry and I just feel pressure. My brain is broken and doesn't pass from pressure to pain or pleasure anymore.
>>815189 I feel sensation, it just doesn't become pain or pleasure. Sometimes it's uncomfortable. So I still know when something is wrong, and I can still feel nerve pain I think.
>>815194 i have good hearing, but i think due to having my ears blocked during childhood almost always, i got better at paying attention to lityle sounds
>>815195 Yeah, maybe. Like 50% of pain is an emotional response to the physical sensation we usually call pain. And I don't feel any real emotional reaction to it usually.
When I was a kid, I had no pain tolerance at all. I was really vulnerable
It started changing over the past few years It's partially related to trauma I think
>>815192 i can feel pain that's coming from like inside my hand joints and tendons and shit but i can barely feel anything i touch and because of that i get a ton of scrapes and bruises on my left hand only
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>815197 yeah exactly! and having been thru real physical pain and emotional pain so many times its dull now the real shit is if ive wronged somebody. psychological pain. breaking a wrist aint got nothing on that
>>815196 i'm not real sure how good my hearing is really i can hear the hum of plugging a usb charging port into a wall and can hear tones that are supposed to be only heard by younger people i guess i can hear a lot of things that my family seems to not notice i guess when we had mice the sound of them chewing on wood in the walls drove me fucking insane
i have average hearing pretty mhch when last testef i just pay attention to it nonstop, much to my own annoyance world really makes a lot of many sounds nonstop
I would like to feel physical pain if it means physical pleasure again.
Like, when Fish was around, I didn't even really feel anything during sex. I could feel orgasm, but not actual sex, which didn't feel any different from someone touching my arm or something.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>815201 i don't mind noise anymore what kills me is judgemental statements from people close to me that monkey brain shit can take a hike also, i hate sharing a wall with a bathroom lmao dont want to hear my roomie takin a shit
i think weirdest sounds always come ftom upstairs i think i cobsistently live undrr people who toss a box of legos on the floor
also one time my upstair neighbour apparently kept their phone on the floor i could sonetimes hear their akarm buzzing weird as hell ofc i do slerp 30-40cm from the ceiling
when i'm inside the sealed cooler vault i can hear the bell that rings when someone enters the store and the door is about 20 feet away from any of the cooler doors
hearing that is actually useful sometimes
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
My hearing is pretty good. My eyesight is poor in terms of quality but I can pick up even miniscule movements as long as I have my glasses on. My sense of taste is a little dulled. Noise doesn't bother me at all anymore but that's more related to zen
>>815203 i like noise i can't stand silence when it's so quiet i can't even hear anything but the ringing it makes me fucking uncomfortable
>>815205 i hear the lobby door open and close apoartment compkexes are g'fun to live in, since you can study how it was built based on what you can hear from neighbours/lobby and so on
when i went camping with matt and was sleeping in the tent it actually made me feel a lot better when i heard some critters rustling around outside
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, that was really comfy
i hate noise when it cuts into anything i am listening, forcing me to turn volume higher and risk hearing dmg
and yet at same time i am against noise xancellers, cause i do want to hear evrrything around me woe is cities
>>815211 once it got a bit later and all the nocturnal bois were out and about it was really soothing that period before whatever it was outside our tent when it was dead silence made me nervous
damn this order was cancelled but the gps still sent me there anyway
>>815214 good old "the fuck was that noise" of camping
winter nights in the woods are magical the moonlight reflecting out of the snow, illuminating the world in a weird silvery glow, with snow eating moat of whatever sounds there might be and then your eyes start to play tricks