speaking of blood the blood suckers are in full swing tonight put on some aeroguard but it's not helping enough
>>813532 Some cats like cheese, and while it isn't poison for them to eat, it has similar digestion problems as milk does if eaten in considerable or regular regular quantities. Tomato and pizza crust should be fine.
>>813538 this is the top cat tho black+white with "mittens"
are we back
Are we?
>>813513 >>813512 doc prescribed me flu meds antibiotics and shit
and 3 days off work
its cost my family roughly $2000 for us to all get the flu
How disgusting. I hope you're all up to speed and better soon.
disgusting indeed just how much do you think you're costing your benevolent enployers by having the gall to get sick think of the job creators please
>>813555 when i told my boss the doc wrote a note saying i can come back to work in 3 days he said "have fun!"
when I think of the flu I always think of how much fun I'll have
im having so much fun staring at the wall wishing the pain would stop
>>813557 Well you know, no one would ever get so sick they can't function enough to work. So any prolonged sick break must obviously be them shirking responsibilities to have fun and party.
>>813582 Heya Rika. Sorry for being absent again last night. Something this week's just been hitting me with total fatigue in the late evenings and it's been just so hard to not nod off.
>>813587 I'm dog-sitting for my parents while they're overseas. he's only a little pup but he's keeping me busy We didn't really grow up with any animals so all of this is pretty new to me.
>>813588 Marsh has been better. And he will be Even Better Still in the future.
>>813650 yea, same actually. Work put me on a day shift about two months ago and it was a weird trandition but everythings looking up. Still can't get over that melbourne morning/evening traffic. good that things managable for you sempai.
>>813651 Yeah, the traffic is so bad. It's probably because the city is basically two main streets and everything else is just a tiny street in between the main ones. The area is really poorly planned out.
>>813653 I'm still trying to rationalize what that new exit onto Ellis is trying to achieve lmao I went to Backwaters finally after a month of trying to convince my coworker to go with my since he didnt seem to trust me in going. Turns out its his favorite place along with a couple of others we managed to convince to come along subsequent times.
>>813657 i was looking up the digimons they got some weird ass digimons out there like the puppets that are just an anime girl with a digimon hoodie terriermon turns into a GUNDAM
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tbf most digimon turn into gundam or anime girl for final form
today absolutely sucked and I made little progress. Can't wait to not have a job one day. I need to make moves like yesterday every day and funnel the extra money to all my friends.
i wish i could have fun playing arknights but it isnt satisfying to me probably because I've played so many Tower Defense games over the last 18-20 years of WCIII >>813678 that's totally what it means, ive never seen a single bug gundam
>>813688 Ive just got a horrible problem where I'll play a game somewhat similar to a different game and just think "wow, I could go play X instead" Like playing a TD makes me just want to go play WCIII playing BDOR with it's funky ass combo system makes me want to just go play DFO instead >>813694 Uh, maybe If uh what's it called hold on eurobattle? I don't remember Oh, no, ENTGaming If that's still up I could, iirc it runs on TFT's 1.27 or something
>>813693 can you, though can you actually play wc3 again
>>813698 what are taxes compared to what i would have made without it's kay though soon i'll be dodging the machine like the best of them and funding movements like a real puppetmaster All you gotta do is say the magic words "where's my check soros"
I too enjoy Texas Smash >>813702 remember when Blizzard didn't fuck the game so hard pre-reforged Cause I don't there was a really cool patch at some point in the build up around the time they introduced 24-player lobbies that called DBU to be unplayable on Live because a grass texture was crashing the game
that's the password
>>813704 for some reason i imagined that guy in bloodborne that's like "the paaaasssswooooord" and replying "wheres my check soros" and its makin me fuckin crack up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813699 just be careful not to let the money buy you!!!
But I've already declared to my office that I wanna leave in 10 years or less so that's the goal. I wanna be able to stay home, draw all day, and fund my friends' projects.
>>813719 Are you gonna try day trading "professionally"?
I will save you from yourself by becoming a rich doctor and losing sight of my own values as well but refusing to let you compromise yours. We'll have a rich person fight that decimates both of our savings and teaches us the true meaning of friendship all over again.
>>813721 Wait, is investing against his values? I'm really confused. I've been confused about his negative attitude towards his success for the past few days.
>>813721 If we're going to have a rich person's fight, can we at least not do it the Rockefeller way and just go the opposite and burn money on a bunch of cool things like reinvigorating society >>813722 my negative attitude towards success is less of an 'investment' thing and more of a constant realization that the line between success and failure is paper thin and can be crossed at any point in time with a whim.
It's not something that just happens with money, it happens with skills too. Some things just resonate the right way at the right time for the right people.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813722 he's an anticapitalist investing is not against values but becoming wealthy through capitalist exploitation would be
>>813721 if you're having a rich person fight i'll be your gladiator
>>813724 >he's anti-capitalist I don't want to start a "no true anti-capitalist" argument but I will say its pretty hard to be anti-capitalist and also be living in a society.
>>813733 yes, owning an iphone does not mean you support capitalism it means you are stuck in a system which forces you to participate in it at gunpoint
have you considerd that pan orders his burgers medium and one time we were at a place that couldn't let him do that in fact I think he wanted medium rare maybe even either way it was a temp they couldn't do
>>813742 Because I typically dont get steak if I'm not buying it >>813747 Yes, Roadhouse just has suck burgers Or suck cooks >>813743
>>813749 there isn't anything really weird about that its not like its likely to kill you if its fresh ground
>>813740 Also Stocks exist in socialist countries too. It's not impossible to live without a smart phone. There are many decisions you can make in terms of what you buy and where it comes from.
I tried to get medium at Logan's(?) And tried to get med-rare on a steakburger at somewhere, I forget where, and they STILL didn't do it it's STEAKBURGER COME ON
>>813752 None of that thinking considers a person's current environment or feelings. It only considers the economy. Self-removal from anti-capitalist system might make you contribute to it less but it will mean that you can't contribute to its downfall in any meaningful way. It does you little good to extract yourself because the system remains in place and all you've done is made yourself a 'holier-than-thou' purist. But that's not the point of being an anti-capitalist. You seek to destroy the system even if it means using the tools of // the things made by the system.
I will take the money from these people and add it to myself
>>813755 I could've sworn there were sort of socialized countries over in Scandinavia.
It's fine when I'm seasoning my own shit, but I don't want some faceless fuck doing it to my food. A guy I worked with was the day-shift prep/lunch-rush guy there and told us that corporate wanted them to season shit so much that the phrasing was specifically "we want them to send it back it's so seasoned" which is a dumb fuck idea
what kind of logic is that
at this point just batter the fucking steak in msg
>>813848 dumbasses are running out and bulk buying tp because of covid-19 so there's just empty shelves in the toilet paper aisle for no apparent reason
which means that's the hot topic at my work now I walked into a gas station on my break and the cashier was like "oh I bet your sick of hearing about toilet paper"
idk Ive been conditioned to it from posting with seppos so long a drunk guy once pulled me up because I accidentally said it >>813855 it's a bit of a mystery what I've heard on the grapevine is that there was an actual shortage in Japan or somewhere and people took that as a sign either way something got the ball rolling to make people think to run out and buy paper
a servo is a part of a machine that corrects errors in machine movement ya kangaroo fuckers
>>813857 maybe they're gonna wrap everything in toilet paper like the costume designers for Mad Max or some shit
whatever happens we're probably gonna toilet paper sitting around in people's home for a while
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
2 ply is the new currency.
I'm surprised I haven't seen American buyouts for once we're looking like the stupid ones
nah they're all buying out face masks over here like, dust masks surgical masks you name it
even though it doesn't really help much
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Maybe we're the idiots for not stocking up for the apocalypse.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
idk i feel like i already have COVID-19 i got sivk like two days ago and it's fucking nothing
>>813862 can you imagine getting suckered for 1-ply instead >>813866 i have an upper respiratory infection and two ear infections and my body hurts a lot feels exactly like the flu if this is coronavirus im getting ripped off man!! they said it was gonna kill me
the raise is $1k a month so i can probably do it first month of raise or second im excited
A PC good enough for VR could also probably do most modern games quit ably as well. I know it would be a second purchase for you but if you get something like Mon Hun you, Jan, and I, and if there's other people I'm forgetting, could do some squadding about in that. Might be fun.
are there seriously shortages of toilet paper because of a meme from a zombie tv show
Honestly I don't think anyone could have forseen a sudden increase in toilet paper demand no matter where the meme originated.
Though really toilet paper was one of those things I always assumed they produced a shit-tonne of because it's so cheap.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is Dumb Tulip Mania
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
first you get the bidet then you get the power
Then you lose water pressure No more bidet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then your clean water reservoir gets infected with 800,000 food poisoning germs because timmy deconstructed a ladder while he was climbing on it the worst feeling in ONI
It's fine just make the water sit in a room full of chlorine gas and KILL 99% OF ALL GERMS
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i always coveted that chlorine i was very bad at that game and usually tanked my civ before i even got that far, mostly by producing way too much CO2
The knack with CO2 is to not let yourself get too scared of it. Between the algae terrariums and CO2 scrubbers it's actually really easy to recycle or delete your CO2. The real imposing part of the mid-game is heat management, since both those, and the power required to run the rest of your systems, all generate heat. If things get to hot you can't grow food, Dupes will start to get irritable if not unhealthy, and everything just spirals out of control. Heat is the biggest cinchpoint of ONI really.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this place pre mixes soy sauce w wasabi for you REEEE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813937 yea by the time i got around to the heat exchanging stuff i was so overwhelmed with everything else going on i never set up a good solution for that game has too many systems to juggle lmao
The systems all intermingle too, so you can't go too long focusing on one without bringing in another. I've never figured out a starting heat dissipation system that I'm able to get working all too well. I know there are, or at least have been, kinda buggy means of deleting heat, but even those cap their temperature output at 40C, so unless you're working with temperatures higher than that, it's not too applicable. An extremely rudimentary system is to just mine into an ice biome and haul chunks of ice from there into your base and just have the chunks sit around melting. But then you're stuck with water, water, everywhere, and it's kind of a finite solution to the problem anyway.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/me fires a 9000 degree giant carbon fiber knife into the sun
I've thought of stuff similar to that before. If you dig upwards eventually you'll hit the roof of the asteroid and the vaccum -vacuum of open space. So I've thought you could just dump a whole bunch of heat energy into something like water and just evacuate it into space. Once you've rooted out a geyser or two that produce water, it really doesn't become a precious resource anymore, plus I think because of some funny numbers your Dupes will produce more polluted water than clean water they consume, so over time you end up with a net positive of water anyway. So water's always felt to me a good vector for dumping waste energy.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i saw a bunch of spoilers on da wiki and advice videos
ONI has surprisingly sofisticated heat and "fluid" dynamics for gases etc
todays mogra is extra good like extra extra good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813944 i like the rendering of oxygen a lot they did a crazy good job considering its just Unity
Klei is one of the few studios I will trust wholeheartedly with the early-access system. They've now put out both Don't Starve and ONI through it and both games have been fantastic, probably even better because of how receptive they are to community feedback and enthusiasm. I'm behind any game they develop that way which seems like it'll be fun for me to play.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813942 i covet those geysers i sent someone to analyze it once and they got scalded and died rip my best scientist game is punishing if you don't got spoilers
It's punishing if you don't pay attention! If that geyser scalded your Dupe I can say for certain the information pop-up would have been saying the tiles surrounded it were probably absurdly hot as well. Don't stick your unprotected Dupes anywhere you wouldn't stick yourself!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i learned that pretty quick that was my first time losing a dupe that way
i was very afraid of CO2 and chlorine for a while cuz i didnt realize how good they are at holding their breath i also thought the chlorine would kill them
>>813951 That's something that took me quite a while to realize too. I knew they'd hold their breath in CO2 but I completely flunked on considering that would hold true of any other atmosphere (besides water) they moved through. I still try to avoid expanding into areas that have a lot of those gases before I've got airlocks though since I try to keep the gas in my base as homogenous as possible.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>813953 my bases were like neopolitan ice cream of gas sleeping quarters a low oxygen with CO2 threatening to suffocate everyone from the bottom right a dusting of hydrogen at the top
and random obnoxious pockets of natural gas
>>813954 Yum Neapolitan ice cream is the only kind I buy at the store anymore because its the only kind I like tat mmy dad doesn't. Anything else he'll just end up eating tge whole carton.
>>813954 Did you pick up any farting Dupes? They'll regularly emit natural gas. It's kind of a problematic trait to get stuck with since the complexity involved in getting that gas out of the environment and somewhere useful is really not worth it for the tiny amount they produce. But having it float around can still be problematic, and unless that Dupe gets killed off, it does add up over time.
>>813958 I might've seen a base with a hundred Dupes in it, not sure. Honestly once you've got over twenty or so running around it both really chugs your machine and creates a fairly high amount of demand to sustain.
>>813962 After the mid-game water is really not much of an issue. A larger number of Dupes at higher levels of training will need a lot of quality food and other luxuries or else they'll struggle to function and potentially create additional problems for your base. Water is a factor in all this of course, but generally if you've sussed out your water geysers of the map, you'll have a lot of throughput to use.
oh I've found an enemy and it is ring fit's planking
>>813966 Honestly slice of life anime can some times be really good at hitting sentimental story beats that can definitely get you feeling soothed or bittersweet. When you don't have some grand overarching story to tell you can get into the nitty gritty character details and just have your characters be people. And there's a charm to that which more story-driven series can some times lack.
>>813967 Planking can be really rough, yeah. Good for building that core though.
When I was doing planking months ago after kirara posted that lovely guide it was pretty ok but Ring-Fit had me doing it both longer and also working my hips into the air and back That's effort for the ton
Well if you stick with it maybe it won't be effort for long.
>>814016 Thanks! I only have a spare clue 6 at the moment. I think it's because I chose such a common name... It's too bad you can't change names in this game. >>814018 Well, I'll keep you in mind if I get it. Oh yeah, you gotta build up your base. Supports are mostly useless for farming in this game, just for challenge missions. The clues and credit store is the main benefit. >>814019 lol, yeah >>814021 Hoshi is great.
>>814017 I will never get the damn Clue 1 I've been stuck like this since I started the game haha
Also I finally figured out that the support operator thing It says "Unlocked when Reception" but it means "Unlocked when Reception is Lv. 2" so I got two people in my support slots now
>>814017 but how else am i gonna show off my maxed hibisukusudesu and my L O N G woman with shield
>>814017 i finally unlocked the ability to get chips and promote her! i procrastinate on the story so much now i have to grind that LMD out and get her to level 80
>>814022 >now i have to grind that LMD out and get her to level 80 Might be a better idea to just stop around 50 or so. Getting to lv 80 is actually a lot of work that would probably be better spent on your lower rarity ops so you can make it through story quicker and start auto'ing the dailies (LS-5, CE-5). >>814023 Ganbatte! >>814027 Check out kyostinv for low end teams for autoing if you want to get past the grind faster. The nice thing about 3*'s is that promoting them to e1 only takes lmd.
>>814034 They don't give out enough. >>814033 Yeah.... I just skipped to CE-5 where the units behind you are there from the start, and you can take them out with Lava before they start moving.
>>814039 >>814040 Yeah it is, but their name in game is Luna I checked luna and Luna just to be sure but it just doesnt show up Think they're probably right about it being because there are just too many people using that name
aw dawn
thankfully i am the only person in the universe that uses my online handle so its easy for everyone to find me
w don't know how they did it but someone accidentally hooked up a phonecall to the store loudspeaker they were on hold for a bit so it just played the hold message
>>814049 well it's a lot easier to make instant ramen more like a meal but i was able to turn one of these things into a pretty good tasting sandwich similar to the McRib with a little sub roll and some spicy pickles and onions the mashed potatoes i just added butter and some salt and pepper to and i cooked the corn in a skillet with pepper it actually tasted like real food! but with the amount of effort i feel like i could have just bought a bunch of the patties separately and canned corn and real potatoes and made a much better meal for more people around the same price haha
enhancing frozen pizza is fun too
i always put extra toppings and cheese because they don't put jack shit on them
I mean it's the weekend. I can call /moo/ cute if I want to
that's fair
>went to take a shower >start coughing >hack up some red chunks on the bright side i can breathe a lot better now for some reason
Tadaimback I bought $50~ worth of magic cards but unlike two weeks aho I got gggood ones. And one $0.50 funny one. >>814072 Glad you can breathe better.
>>814078 i mean if you want to get really fuckin sick be my guest
In case you didn't click the video embed its literally just viper rapping over the K-On theme but its not mixed well sso you can barely hear him. He also edited himself into the opening sequence.
>get a low level raid for the Nth time in my random daily raid >say I don't even want to play the game if I'm just going to get this same low level raid over and over again >people laugh and agree >i proceed to do nothing but auto attack for the entire raid >nobody even calls me out for it >when i finish the raid i was given 3 commendations by my party if people hate these raids as much as i do then where are the guys who are ilvl exploiting to make us always get the same mother fucking raids i wanna organize a riot and beat them up
i guess my point is really who commends someone for doing literally nohing to help the team though
>Evidence of proteins, chromosomes and chemical markers of DNA in exceptionally preserved dinosaur cartilage
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>“Plants often produce the chemical responsible for spiciness, capsaicin, in response to stress,”
>“We currently have no data on how the stress of microgravity could affect capsaicin levels. At the same time, we have grown peppers in the lab that were not stressed at all and the fruit was bland and missing a bit of heat that we were after, so it will be interesting the first time an astronaut bites into a pepper grown on ISS.”
>I've grown peppers for years and often found the best peppers are from the plants that nearly die due to my incompetence. They think they're getting even with me, but little do they know, the more they struggle the tastier they become (evil laugh).
>this method is actually called "STUN" - Sheer, Total, Utter Neglect.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i too become spicier when confronted with adversity
The production of capsaicin really is a wonderful metaphor for the mortal struggle.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
noo ur so spicy don't self care urself aha
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brb gonna go whack my jalapeno bush
I always really hate dst during its first week. Especially the first day.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having an enchanting afternoon at this particular coffee shop so many cuties