Dorohedoro Nanatsu no Taizai Ace of Diamond Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion ID INVADED Infinite Dendrogram Itai no wa Iya nano de etc. Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 6-9 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 7-9 Pet Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 9-11 Show By Rock!! Somali to Mori no Kamisama
We were doing so wellllllll Then I had to go be beyond tired all last week.
Even now I'm really tired, came probably -this- close to conking out past the start time again.
dororo 8 dororo 9 boku no hero nanatsu show by rock
too much good stuff to choose from
Yeah I was thinking something like that as I was collecting everything. An ironic benefit to having like five days backed up means like we've got everything good airing this season to choose from.
I crashed at a friends' place earlier today for a few hours after a few of us all went out for ramen. We were flipping through Netflix and went through a lot of the shows they've licensed or sponsored. If Dorohedoro was already on English Netflix I bet they would have gotten a kick out of this show. I guess I should file that away for after the season's done.
>>814200 it's nice you're getting to spend time with friends and stuff
Oof that's a really nasty welt.
>>814202 Yeah it's nice to have people in the city I can be with. I don't want to get too brag-y or elated about it but going like almost a decade without anyone really like that has really drained me. Even hanging out with them I try not to get too much into it since they more or less have much better social lives than me, so.
so ebisu had some interaction with the man in kaiman's mouth but we dunno what
Well the sorta low-hanging conclusion is Ebisu's the one that turned Kaiman into a Caiman. But the man in Kaiman's mouth doesn't actually seem to be Kaiman, or at least if he was, there's now a cyborg Rizu running around in addition to Kaiman.
that shirtless // oh he's not shirtless i guess or maybe he is i can't tell the CG makes him look kinda weird
Yeah he's a bit weird. Looks like he's shirtless but his body's got like a fuzz or thin fur to it.
Oh nevermind it's just a fatsuit wow.
yeah i thought it wasn't his skin
The other guy just looks like the professor but less tanned and no tattoos.
matching suit for that, err, thing cute
En has a real cute streak when it comes to pets it seems.
Time keeps on slippin' Slippin'
Man En's really rolling out all the stops for this paatii
wow noi
It was fine up to the heels hah hah. They don't really match the rest of the aesthetic.
Feels less like Kaiman's engaged on a new mission and has just gotten caught up in the daily life in sorceror land.
Yeah weirdly easy for him to sneak in.
that's quite a bat
wow i guess hey're in high demand
Yeah. Ebisu is probably a bit kept too much under wraps for people to know she exists. Even Tengu-Mask is public enough to get at least scraps of requests.
she's a little too top-heavy to be using heels anyway
Yeah there's been a bit more than I was expecting. There's been like five or six EDs within eight episodes. That's a pretty high ratio!
err ED
the "what we learned" bit is actually kinda useful it can be hard to tell what you were supposed to glean from the episode sometimes
Yeah, it's kind of an improvement on the pattern more than anything. Rather than use thet -the time to preview the next episode -- which I feel for older audiences doesn't produce as much a return as it does for younger ones, it sums up the important stuff from the episode. Kinda like a discussion question at the end of a book or something hah hah
I feel it's gonna be an end-series kinda thing. Unless they do a timeskip in the middle of it. Sounds like the only route they have for fixing him is Eri getting a handle on her power and she's way too young right not -now to be able to do that.
Hatsume is kinda crazy. In an endearing way. She just wants to make things.
Gentle really seems a bit incompetent. He puts on a good face but he bumbles a lot hah hah
Wow being able to make even the air an elastic material is a pretty neat power.
I guess we're going to find out about merlin this ep
Good chance we'll at least get something. She's probably the least developed of the Sins at this point. There's also Ban's Dante's Inferno story arc that ought to be starting up soon.
I don't even remember this plotline of Gil getting abducted it's been so long since we've seen anything that hasn't been Sin-related.
This one was one of the particularly nasty angels too. Just wanted to completely genocide the Demon clan and was happy to crush anything along the way to that goal.
Looks like all the Archangels are waking up and stirring shit. This'll make things difficult.
All the Goddess Clan angels that are waking up are probably gonna be a big problem. But if Ludociel is as awful in present time as he was in the past then he's gonna be a total asshole.
I wonder if Zeldris and Merlin are gonna temporarily team up to fight one or more of the archangels.
This is kinda sweet of Merlin though. She probably knew Zeldris was going to blab about her past on the way out. So to let the rest of the Sins listen in real time to their conversation inevitably meant they'd finally get the full story behind her.
He said that she accepted the goddess clan's deal which included protection from the commandments but didn't merlin get hit with one of them last season?
I think she got petrified, yeah. Probably a continuity oversight of the writing. I bet the writer didn't fully have planned out what they wanted Merlin's backstory to be back then.
Guess she's content to just drag Ludociel into this and duck out. Leaving Zeldris and Ludociel to settle things themselves.
Yeah now that both the Demon and Goddess Clans are involved it's more or less become a second Holy War or whatever they called the war that happened between the two Clans back in the past.
>>814324 The manga for this is winding down too actually. Though well I think the main story is more or less just a few chapters from wrapping up. Kinda surprisingly the way it ended in the anime is actually how it turned out in the manga too. I guess the author forwarded how he wanted it to end to the studio.
Though he's also gonna write alternative endings for each of the main girls as well, so I guess each girl gets a happy ending too. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Sensei route ends.
I can't really find any reason to dislike the girls this time around so I'm not interested in comparing them in terms of better or worse to the girls from the first two seasons. But most of the endearing beats that SHINGANCRIMSONZ hit, these dweebs don't really manage to.
Though I do like the visual design of the blonde one. He's based off that mythical Japanese dog the name of which is escaping me at the moment.
What animals are this guy and their school principal supposed to be anyway. Those ears are a bit distinct but I can't pin them on the animal.
which guy
This pink one and their school principal. They're the same animal type.
I guess the girls completely bought that act from the pro girls last episode.
i do feel like this band is a little redundant having two drills girls though i wonder why they didnt balance it out more
Oh yeah they're Koma-inu. I like their hair whorls.
The guys have kind of lame designs and they're waaay too hammy in a bad way
Yeah that was about what I was expecting.
that guy we just saw is who you were talking about before? i think he's like an aardvark or something
Hm, he's got a fluffy tail rather than a more rat-y tail so I'm not too sure. >>814346 Yeah we got a few shots from behind. It's not long, kind of a puffball.
does he? i didnt notice the tail i dunno
When they finally shut up and start playing I kinda like the sound of their music. It's not particularly special but it fits a flavour I like hearing.
This ED is probably my favourite song out of this new season so far though.