you well I was about to say "you can turn off updates even in win10", but I havn't managed to do that on my laptop, despite it being "a better version" than what I have on my desktop
Kirara 🍄🤡
the president pardoned a guy who killed a bunch of women and children overseas for sport while serving in the military lol
Well with elections coming up, even if it would not result in him losing votes frm the army+army supporting base, having a soldier trialed or their punishment forgiven might seem like a good move. doesn't justify it, but does explain it maybe
>>773094 >>773096 but this does illustrate the issue of professional armies "what kind of a man actually joins an army willingly" >>773099 the last part is the important part here he doesn't run the gov alone and even fascists run on logic in the end tho ofc, it just might be "he is one of our guys, so let's save him" not the first time and definitely not the last for a sudden pardoning of crimes for military personnel.
Kirara 🍄🤡
trying to explain anything trump does is probably an impossible task he's an old man with extremely advanced dementia surrounded by open fascists that help him decide what to do next
And sometimes the sad part is, that fiction is based on reality that guy might actually be useful for the US army, maybe precisely for his psychopatic tendencies you do need actual killers at times too
Even in the original webnovels for youjo senki, tanya post war fled to US and became a CEO of a PMC and state contractor >>773102 so he escaped outright punishment, but was still kicked out
might get mob justiced
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>773100 he's being // he was dismissed from service haha can't return
Well I wouldn't wish for it, but I would say he might deserve it One thing that will also be headlines is, that if it does happen the people or whoever was dumb enough to get caught doing it somehow, will get trialed
Kirara 🍄🤡
most people are surprisingly bad at crimes so i would expect them to get caught yeah even though crime is so easy
I mean with mob lynching the issue really is "who to blame" but with modern surveillance and good enough finger pointing someone or a small enough group will get the axe
Kirara 🍄🤡
people will stupidly do it without masks and people wll record it on their phones like these morons trying to throw bricks and shit
Everyone on all sides whenever doing somethin skethcy, should wear a clown mask
Kirara 🍄🤡
100% agreed people are doing that all over the wrld right now
joker has become an icon fr protestors everywhere right now
would atleast give some sort of brotherhood unity to all people fed up with thew orld even if they disagree as to why it sucks and what is the solution they could agree that "yeah, time to mess shit up"
just like in paris where everyone has agreed that the government sucks
>>773112 pretty much guy fawkes of 10s now well 20s since we are about to enter them
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah but way less cringey because people are actually using it properly
Just wonder can people actually protest enough to make change usually it is just a stop cap It can stop whatever is pissing people off for a time, but if the next government still pursues it, but with a different name, will thep eople notice and still have the passion and time to raise the torches and pitchforks?
and revolutions almost never end well, if they even are possible anymore.
Did atleast net me a soviet union baltic fleet naval flag, stolen from a destroyer during estonia's revolution and through varios hands passed unto me.
amusingly, those are called "Singing Revolution", in the baltic countries
>wikipedia page for nonviolent revolution >picture of french revolution on it fail
I actually once 100% considered buying an ex prison farmland it was 40k for some 800 square m house, plus a quite large plot of land or was it 80k? anyhow DIRT cheap
but ofc expenses would have been insane
Kirara 🍄🤡
ninja info cards
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>773136 fantastic deal if you can afford to work it lol
Wonder would it have worked, tho it was close enough to a main road, but >5M people in finland if you could afford to be in the red for a 5 years or so, then maybe you could pull it but tht would be like 500k+ debts
My idea would have been that once you enter it, unless you really really want you wouldn't be able to leave the hotel for the night and trained staff actors and gadgets etc would then spook the guests for their stay
Kirara 🍄🤡
i think a haunted hotel sort of thing should have a mystery to solve too why so many ghosts? what happened here? solve the mystery, free the ghosts, and escape
I mean prolly switch it around every year and have special events and so on I guess it would have been an overnight escape room before those even were really a thing
Kirara 🍄🤡
escape rooms are pretty fun ive only done one once though with rook, notso, tilde, and jan
All I had in mind at the time was "I just wanna spook people" but really how would you even go at it first you'd need a quite a lot of money say it was 80k to buy it then I'd say another 80k to renovate and run it for at ime and another 80k to turn it into a hotel that passess strict finnish regulations
then you'd need money for a quite large staff 20 person atleast
you'd need accountants too and just a lot of stuff someone of my age at the time wouldn't even think of until some bureaucraut comes knocking and says "fuck you"
maybe with some 200k starting fun to get it running and then opening up for investors a few years later and it would have worked but you'd still have needed the initial people to know what they are doing
Kirara 🍄🤡
could probably get investors if you had a smaller haunted experience that was successful could possibly rent a place for a few months
and with AR tech becoming easier to access, you could even have a "ghost vision" app for the guests to play around when visiting
Kirara 🍄🤡
Ohhh, that's a really good idea.
heh I still remember thato ne webmanwha, that used that it turned your camera on mid-reading and then had ghosts pop up in your appertment it was really clever and charming and bit spooky even
it was a really clever short series used the features of the webtoon site/app quite well by either making it seem your browser is getting fucked or your phone is getting a call from the killer ghost etc bit predictable, but still creative
But would be fun to fuck over the customers real much for example having some kind of lobby camera etc that you can see yourself on and at some point, it would suddenly display something behind you visible on it but not to you etc just minor things that are damn easy to pull with technology nowadays and for cheap too
practical effects would still be best and most reliable and a good staff trained at doing their thing would be essential
and willing to take some risks, as there is always the "fight or flight" instinct and fight will happen at times
Kirara 🍄🤡
hard part is having it trigger while people are looking without having a simple enough trigger that they can make encounters happen repeatedly possibly would need an effects director to trigger it remotely
also prolly would be a lot cheaper and profitable to do it in a more populated country like us, uk etc
>>773158 yup it would essentially require staff for normal stuff and a staff that essentially luve directs a spook show for 6 hours odd
Kirara 🍄🤡
hmm could save money by never actually showing the monster/ghost in person would also make it scarier only find traces of it and indications that it's stalking you movement in the air ducts above you scratching sounds at the walls
and then shake it up when they get uses to it hy having something sctuslly come at them
and ofc special slasher nights
dead by daylught rl
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>773162 could have it disappear an actor that they believe is a fellow customer
ofc you also need obvious actors to ensure your spy doesn't get suspected
Kirara 🍄🤡
like NPCs
Kirara 🍄🤡
Oh, you've come! I've been trapped in this house for days! Have you heard that hit new single from NSYNC? Why are you looking at me like that? It's 2019? Impossible!
you could do some various levels of it too kike stay in your room to just experience ninor stuff, if you just want to sleep a relatively uneventful bight or wander around and discover the mystery
>>773168 and ofc have the serving staff fprced to do cringy lines
Kirara 🍄🤡
>This food is to die for! >There's not a ghost of a chance that you'll love the desert
Kirara 🍄🤡
would be funnto win 90m€ so i could just do silly shit like this with no care for the expenses
Kirara 🍄🤡
get junji ito on monster design with that
hotel spiral
damn japan would be a cool pkace for this tho they already love haunted houses
Kirara 🍄🤡
let's get the ninja house for it
Kirara 🍄🤡
build a replica castle or some shit samurai ghosts and monsters
MSN should be actually dead. Maybe you can still use it in zombie mode with some of the hybrid clients. Trillian artifically kept MSN alive for awhile but Microsoft eventually killed off one of the background servers and it stopped working with that.
I accidentally soft-crashed my phone by catching the case as I was removing it on the button that takes photos. Apparently holding it down like that makes it take rapid-fire photos and it took so many the entire phone just went "NOPE CAN'T HANDLE THIS SHIT" Though looking through the camera app it looks like none of them actually saved though.
>>773215 Skype shows up lower down in the form so they have an awareness of it being distinct of MSN. It really does feel like whoever wrote the form up is like a decade behind common Internet social frames.
Or maybe they were explicitly told by Facebook et al. that Stadia couldn't reference your ID for this stuff. If something like that is even possible.
honestly people really overestimate the competency of these bazillion dollar corporations
>>773221 Oh god what if there was a meeting where the suits demanded this be put in >we need to connect to the young we gotta put in this social media connectivity stuff >what do kids use? msn right? Put that in there I think my granddaughter uses that and this Skype thing
Kirara 🍄🤡
Y'all hear China is getting a bubonic plague outbreak?
everything is coming back baby gangsters in suits once the millenials kill the fabric industry and drive the price down Swing and Jazz Dying before puberty I'm gonna stop before it gets darker because I feel too good right now
>>773236 eh no worries I like to forget I exist too.
Anyway It IS strange how time passes.
Time keeps on slippin' Slippin'
>>773233 Are you familiar with this publisher? They specialize in videogame art and history books.
that's pretty cool. we need pubs like that
can't wait to be done with work tonight so I can just draw (sleep) for the next two days
Breaking my sobriety was not that fun. I either ended up losing some pills or taking twice as much as I meant to. Either way, I don't remember much.
as we say in the business, anything you put before your sobriety, you will lose
is it rude of me to just blogpost like that i never know when it is correct for me to enter discussion. this happens a lot of places and i end up just lurking for years because i feel like whenever i talk it's only about myself just like this
You're free to enter whenever, but it's probably best to keep in mind if there's active discussion on something else going on and you bring in unrelated content, there's a good chance it'll get swallowed up. If you just want to post for the sake of getting it off your chest and not really to foster a conversation, any time is good, really. Understanding what you want out of what you're going to say can really help with knowing when it when it's "correct" to bring it up, I find.
>>773245 i encourage it. it builds some rapport with the board and attempts to stimulate discussion if nothing else you're certainly not going to bother anybody by adding content to the board. it gets a little dry/slow sometimes, but we're usually all hanging around multitasking in some way or another
it's blogposting or sharing content usually, or sometimes asking questions. it's pretty casual, just whatever
i guess i can share something terrible i found if anybody likes terrible things >>>/watch?v=p6IL4r0DXWg
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](97 KB, 581x464, Stronger.png)
90k Bench
>>773245 Sometimes /moe/ is the only one who cares
>>773254 the issue is i seldom have anything to say that isn't a blatant shitpost or me being a whiny little baby no matter how nice people are, they will get tired eventually and i'll have to exile myself.
>>773261 We can identify yyour posts whether you use images or not
i'm afrraid to post images because people could find other posts i've made with the same file name lol
>>773258 it feels like there's a minimum channel capacity too like it's easier to have some content flowing than no content, so regardless of what it is, as long as it's not deliberate shit-stirring, it's more than welcome
>>773260 i know that, and i guess it it's nice to know people hjave some idea of who i am, but i'm more worried about stuff saved in archives of other sites
Yeah I saw some news about that earlier in the wek. Week, even. It's kind of surprising that he'd have the audacity to even propose a law like that though hah hah I can't imagine members of the Japanese parliament will jump on board to support it. Unless there's way more closet otaku in there than I would reasonably assume.
>>773279 Maybe they can fan the more nationalist leaning people to get rid of the laws on the basis of them being imposed by Americans
I think they could counter-argue by saying this trend towards degeneracy is the result of extra-national pressure from countries like America and that these censorship laws are important to keep in place to maintain good ol' Japanese sensibility. Most of the intensely nationalist Japanese members of parliament are probably conservative-leaning at the least, I'd wager, and conservatives always love to project an image of prudish restraint towards lewd content.
From what i know about japanese culture, history and society, i think it's something else; japanese society seems to have been vastly more mature, morally-wise, as it had plenty of sexual activity incorporated into its culture.
Japanese society seemed very erotic, and quite ok with homossexuality. I think they're at least okay with women getting a good suki suki from an octopus, from their drawings.
I hope it goes through and people actually do it. If you read the sankaku article there's a bunch of good quotes explaining why even if the law got removed most companies probably wouldn't publish it uncensored anyways.
>>773285 >More mature , morally wise Are you implying that some culture's have better morals than others? If you are I completely agree with you. *cultures
>>773287 Well... I am. They were okay with experiencing pleasure with each other. I believe that's far more mature than the sickening and self-devastating stance that western society took when it came to sexuality. Gosh, the whole "you must have children, but you can't enjoy sex" from the dark ages... Makes people seem more like borg-like bots... But anyway...
I kinda forgot to add this, but i think that having trouble with erotic things has more to do with the west than with japan. Getting rid of the definition of "degeracy" and simply enjoying porn and sex would be far more going back to their root culture.
The fucking Japanese PTA is awful.
>>773288 The Japanese totally enjoy porn, they're one of the biggest consumers of it. It's just shameful to talk about it.
i want something spicy like some jalapeno cheese dip or something
>>773291 >>773292 Huh I had heard her surgery fucked up her voice, I guess that rumor was false. And yes I'm aware that her surgery was years ago, I just can't think of any roles she's had since then other than some alien in something.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>773294 she has had tons of roles since 2011 lol she even plays one of the most popular granblue characters
>>773295 Yeah I looked at her filmography, not really tons of stuff but she is active.
Urgent *urg My package didn't get here today Express shipping my ass How is it that they can drive it to Heathrow from god knows where and get it to the states in a single day, but they can't get it a few miles away in a single day.
I've always enjoyed talking about myself, although one reason for talking was also looking for someone with whom to talk to. I think that when i try looking for someone willing to give me attention, i simply start to smell like a reeking "easy target" for others...
So most conversations just die sorta short. I don't even bother trying to talk, most of the time. I just write on a diary. According to evangelion, the next step will be raising cats, i guess.
And once you're writing regularly, other writing comes much easier to you. If, y'know, you want to also explore creative or explorative writing. Having a creative hobby is good for the soul.
I should probably keep a journal or something. Leaving notes for myself might work but I have a good tendency to forget about things if I don't have a good reason to keep returning to them. So isolated notes will probably just end up gathering dust. A centralized journal or planner/agenda whatever, as long as I build up the habit of constantly returning to it, would provide a good location to store those notes.
My body is still really upset about not being able to sing Kimi ni Kioku in front of a crowd. I can tell because I have been bursting out in song for the entire week. >>773321 they still got to hear me, it just wasnt as fun. they only had the Tv Size of the other song I chose.
I bet they're all also upset they missed out on your soft, crooning tones.
i just wawnt a nice homestead where i can raise meat rabbits want* have a little garden and have a self-subsistent home for my family gosh that sounds so nice
Well, keeping a journal sorta grants me some sort of feeling that somehow makes me feel less lonely... But writing letters to and with myself are something of the best of second options. Somewhat relieving, but still, as bitter as living through it.
Well, i just realized that since i've been trying to look better, people have actually been giving me gifts and lending me things with little to no trouble.
I can't say that i'm not feeling a bit guilty over it, but all of a sudden, looking good isn't only about vanity, it's about getting an easy life. I can't say i feel at ease around those that gift me, though.
>>773324 I write letters a lot. It helps me clear my head and feel more connected. I usually just write letters to myself like that too.
Sometimes I'll write long letters to a friend and send it to them just to reach out and connect a bit, but I never really hear back from people when I do that so I figure they don't really like it or understand why I'm doing it. But it's nice to put all those feelings into words and get them out in the physical world instead of just stewing around in your head.
>>773296 she plays beatrix and alexeil, the latter of which im pretty sure nearly won the costume popularity poll and also recently got a swimsuit variant both of her characters have swimsuits actually
Beatrix' normal outfit is pretty close to a swimsuit already as well.
>>773355 I wonder if they'll time it with some new VR hardware that is somehow more affordable/accessible than the current iterations. I still have a hard time being convinced a big flagship title like this is enough to bring VR into the spotlight when you still need a strong machine on top of the several hundred dollar VR hardware.
If I could get my fucking router's telephone jack to work I'd totally buy an adapter and get one of these I fucking love rotary phones.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773357 i wonder but idk i cant see it the valve index came out too recently and steam machines are dead this is valve tryna fix the chicken egg of VR and probably a long game on their part they have two more games coming at least
i think a comprehensive VR workspace would get a lot of traction right now prolly more than a game that's what i want anyway
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
yea i want to br a ble to code in VR with physical metaphora
i want a text editor and other basic media components and the freedom to use an arbitrary number of displays without the restriction of actually needing multiple monitors for each it would solve so many problems especially allowing me to have a robust workspace in a physically confined space
>>773360 I'm very interested in something like that. Unfortunately I don't have a computer powerful enough for contemporary vr, or the money for a vr setup.
true dat but it doesn't require anything but the gear
>>773367 im pretty ignorant about this, but i dont understand why that's necessary just a portion of the virtual workspace would be used to display one feed but it wouldnt' really need to resolve all the different monitors at the same time it'd just resolve whatever you're focused on
is oculus guest the only wire free vr set out there btw?
>>773334 we are both here friend excpet my rolls came out great this banner. well not that great but I succeeded i n the end.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773374 all i'm sayin is text will be blurry as hell currently due to limitations
>>773381 ohhh i see can't wait for braille digital text editors though with the use of haptic feedback in VR that'll be sick
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i envision walking around in virtual rooms tweaking machines, inspecting data values and tearing them apart by hand, voice recognition in addition to occasional typing, and new metaphors for security and cryptographic metaphor
>>773386 >voice recognition Enjoy figuring out how to get it to type { or ; instead of "open curly brace" or "semicolon".
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
is anyone else watching His Dark Materials i was a huge fan of the books as a kid so im following it closely
Has the series started up already? I'll have to get into it if it's running now.
Have you thought at all about reading his new trilogy too? It's a sequel to the His Dark Materials trilogy.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773389 bro it's all physical metaphor, there are no semicolons voice recogniyion would be to supplement the metaphor when convenient
Oh What would the physical metaphor be for recursion? Drost effect?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773391 i doc eed to read it i need to re read the OG tbh and then get into the book of dist
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773394 meh idk if it would be much different than any other function call
>>773390 I'm planning on it wanna check out that watchmen show too, I hear both are good gotta watch them all before my roommate's mom cancels the HBO sub
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773393 Lagrinne Laplace Laponos >>773391 yes 3 episodes are out >>773400 me neither bro im still workin on it but like rube goldberg machines or big ball machines programs are tracts data types are physical things that are moved about and manipulated
>>773397 I'm still not entirely sure what you mean by physical metaphor, do you mean like, building a program in vr by manipulating virtual objects?
>>773405 always an option, but if I already have access to it legally then I might as well
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
thr show is nice so far i forgot how many kids are in it the daemons are well rendered
>>773410 this is really really really stupid I like it
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
apparently they have already filmed s2 the subtle knife i hope it's done justice
subtle knife is as far as I got though I read both books when I was ~11 years old and I really don't remember that much I do remember that knife was incredibly subtle though cuttin all kinds of shit
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
fucking boss fights just keep letting me kill trash mobs
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773419 very sharp i remember the bear almost cut his eye on it i also read it when i was young and man i could not understand shit in the third book so im interested to see what this re read brings me
I never got the whole war against Heaven stuff until I read people's commentary on the books long after I read them for the first time. I've never really gone back to them with all that understanding, actually. Maybe I should try and find my copy of the trilogy.
something went into my eye and it's making me insanely irritated
do you got some eye drips you should always keep eye drips on ya
that's a good point I think it's starting to come good though
>>773424 I also vaguely remember it cutting through dimensions too but that's about all I remember from the second book, aside from MC and her pal being in hiding >>773426 I definitely should re-read the books, I'm certain I missed all the themes on my first go
Yeah, the boy with the knife is from a different dimension than the main character. He's able to move between dimensions because the knife is so fine it can cut the dimensional wall. The first book was fairly low fantasy but the second one is where the trilogy really starts to got pretty hard into fantasy.
Oh yeah Roc I dunno if Fruits Basket was ever your thing but if it was or if you think it might be I'd recommend checking out the new adaptaiton. It's an amazing adaptation.
I never watched or read it I think it came out during that time when I had no actual access to anime and just watched whatever bootleg vhs/dvds my brother brought home, or whatever was on adult swim and toonami I was vaguely aware of it in high school but I don't know a dang thing about it
It's kind of the archtypical shoujo romance with a heavy emphasis on the value of found family and using kindness and caring to break cycles of abuse and tragedy. With some incredibly wholesome characters and just an overall warm, happy feeling. I'd probably say it's the best shoujo I've ever read, and the new adaptation has been pretty much a page-to-picture perfect adaptation.
>>773530 there is a fruit and a basket case and they fight
Anyone who says they prefer the heat over the cold is out of their god damn mind
No we're just fucking tired of feeling like we'll never be warm again. Or having frigid fingers, toes, shins, knees, noses; no matter how warm the room you're in is. I'd take it being uncomfortably swelteringly hot over the cold any season of the year.
so if I was stuck outside and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it I would prefer to be sweating than freezing.
But I prefer cold weather over hot weather because I feel like there are more measures you can take and it's easier to do To Warm yourself up than it is to cool down.
>sitting on bus stop >granny comes along >get up to hibe her seat >"no sit back down" >just go "kay" and then go stand closer to where bus comes >granny sits now why are all finnish grannies stubborn and tsun
I'm not deverloping anything at the moment... do you mean Dead by Daylight, Modern Warfare or Outer Worlds? Well they added in a Sekiro boss to DbD so I'm gonna main that psychotic ass mfer~ I'm mad bored after doing all my own personal life stuffs. You should download the Siege free weekend... heh.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
dead by daylight seems really cool and spookzoes i kind of wanna try it but i'm scurred who is this girl on the bike?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
oh is she just a skin or do the survivors have different abilities
skins and perks really, I just main my waifu nancy for now heh, but I'm defo switching to Yui when she drops lolol The killers are the ones with unique abilities, I'm a demo main for now but Oni looks so sugoi kukuku When the next free weekend drops you should totally play with me... I cant carry hard and take chase and hit whenever you need. owo game timeu~
what's the longest /moe/ has ever been stuck in a video game?
>>773593 are they distributing educational stuff through lunch and learns / meat and greet or whatever
>>773602 hmmm well iirc rika made everyone into kerbals and launched them into space so presumably some of /moe/ is still stuck stranded on a planet somewhere for like seven years now
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>773603 yeah, they're gonna be talking about psychopharmacology and shit for Spravato, an esketamine nasal spray
imo go to as many of those as you can not like you have to swear loyalty to those pharma companies but it's pretty good all around unless you just want to go home and have less obligation, but i love those things
my medicaid benefits are getting terminated on december 1st by the way it's so dumb but w/e im not sure if i can still use it before then or not but im probably going to try to
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>773605 my concern is that they publish that they gave me gifts and stuff like that and as someone who is extremely critical of big pharma, it creates an issue where my name becomes linked with a pharma company even if only in a small capacity, it's a professional statement that can be viewed by anyone it could breed distrust in some circles i participate in
everyone goes to those things for ce credits and stuff though i dont know what circles you mean but i dont think it's a big deal to go to that stuff it's a normal thing to do as a professional
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>773607 yeah. don't do it. your reputation isn't worth a couple of freebies and a free feed In the age of the internet, that stuff stays with you for LIFE
KOLs go to all those things so they can stay informed, and they garner a lot of respect and leadership within their fields i dont think it's a big deal anyway but def dont do it if you're uncomfortable
i wouldnt even want to gifts i just want the session
>>773628 Yeah but they should be longer They're more like pigtails yeah
>>773630 I can't believe you're bullying the disabled like this
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
oh kirara I need you to rate the newer look
Kirara 🍄🤡
yesterday someone asked "what kind of fruit would you be" and i said "i dont think it's politically correct to call people fruits anymore" and nobody understood the joke losers >>773632 7/10 not bad
>>773656 yeah the soundtrack is fuckiin' bopping gym leader theme is great
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
everyone's theme is great
I'm going to hold off until news of if there's going to be an ultra take on the games to let Game Freak actually finish them before I get Shield. It's annoying that I'll have to wait until June next year the earliest though.
>>773662 I'm sure you'll love Florida. We don't really have anything special or good, but we do have warm weather.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>773659 for what it's worth, I'm a fervent "I can;'t believe they removed content this is outrageous" type, and yet these games are really really really fun
>>773637 I like your current hairstyle better tbh More elegant
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
oh kirara did you ever look at that other thing I did in roll20
Kirara 🍄🤡
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
umu umu
>>773665 Yeah I mean, if I was to get the game I'd definitely enjoy it for the thirty or whatever hours I'd probably take to clear all the straightforward single player content. But with all the junk involved with their development I don't want to give them money for the current iteration And it's not like I need to. There's so many good and fun games being released that I have more than enough at my disposal that doesn't have such cut short development and questionable game design choices.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I pirated Ultra Moon and skipped Let's Go so I can rationalize my spending I gues even if it goes onto a game with questionable development's sales
I need to looj into this telemetry agreement I signed a while ago my boss is threatening to "use the rear cameras " to make sure I'm doing the correct lifting procedures which does not seem like something that flies well
>>773695 they installed a bunch of cameras and stuff to monitor the trucks which is something they do in the mining industry but for some reason they thought it neccessary for a $27 an hour grocery delivery job they reasurred us that they wouldn't use to spy on us but it's pretty iffy
i knew you delivered groceries but i didn't know you mined them yourself from the produce mines
but yeah that seems really overkill for some groceries
I guess it's just the way things are these days spy on your employees so you can make sure they're miserable all the time the place my mum works part time at the owner uses the cameras and mics to harass the employees and make sure they're always busy she says she's done working there for good though >>773700 it's casual rates it's not all that great
>>773697 Wow, 27 dollarydoos an hour for delivering groceries sounds pretty good.
>>773699 It's almost 3 times the American federal minimum wage. I mean its obviously not super good but it doesn't sound bad. What's the Australian minimum wage anyways?
And yes I adjusted it by the exchange rate before doing the math.
like 19.49 australian dollhairs which is 13 usd roughly
>>773703 Hrrm, not bad I think its more than that But yeah thats just under twice the federal minimum wage. Of course that doesn't include the different lower minimum wages for jobs that pay gratuity.
do you get compensated for petrol expenses and stuff or is that straight outta your pay
hmm don't think so we get a uniform >>773707 oh right, yeah
oh it's a company vehicle right
wonder if there ever be a alternative where you just download some app and get someone to do your shopping >>773709 what no it goes on a company card
>>773706 Wait they make you pay for your gas? That's fucked up.
do you think with a name like di she knew she was going to kick the bucket one day
>>773710 Kek I hope the royal family doesn't get a single pence off of this.
they probably get a ton of money off merch anyway
>>773717 I can't believe the british tax payers still give them so much money.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
they should fund a Diebuster reboot where princess di crashes so fast she breaks thru the fabric of spacetime and wormholes into the future, soon enlisting as a space pilot
Also it's stupid that the queen let all tose beautiful corgis die off and replaced them with a fucking ugly ass half corgi half dachshund. Like don't get me wrong, I like dachshunds a ton, I used to own one. But breeding two breeds that each have horrible back problems is nothing short of being crual and unusual. And also that breed's face is ugly. Has none of the good points of either breed.
it is pretty fucked up that they cut off human tails in literally every society
Actually it's Err One if tif the most common types of teratomas is a giant fucking tumor coming out of a newborn's tailbone. *one of
imagine if there was a rare tribe with tails we've probably wiped them out already
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>773728 it is weird how natural selection has changed since the rise of humans before it was all about strength and survival now it's just are you cute enough to be allowed to live
>>773730 kind of like what I do with my anime folders
>>773730 it's more like the species have gone from being the competitors for survival to just another channel through which competitors compete the animal itself is pretty arbitrary, it's them dna strands that are competing for fitness
it's a form of male birth control where they inject a polymer into the dude's groin
>>773753 I'm sure that won't have any negative consequences.
the hell you talkin bout
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it lasts for 10+ years still undergoing trials but getting close to commercial usage
>>773756 Would be a fucking shame if it accidentally lasted for the rest of your life. At that point you may as well just get a vasectomy and get it reversed in a decade.
do want your cum boneless
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
it's Reversible anyway
>>773759 I wish the best to the people testing it.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
apparently clinical trials just concluded in India two days ago mite b cool certainly better than a vasectomy unless it also gives you vas deferens cancer
Sure would be a shame if a bunch of people got it and then some sort of global disaster happened making it impossible to get it reversed.
this is a strange and unlikely scenario i'm not concerned much more likely is an unplanned pregnancy
I think its cool and all that they're doing this but I'd much rather just use a condom with spermicidal lube while having sex with a woman on birth control. Rather than getting some bizarre concoction injected into my groin.
you know how there's just some stuff you don't do? like say there's an exhaustable resource and you like having that resource, so you just don't exploit it, you nurture it but say it's in a shared community setting and in trying to nurture this commodity and not exploit it, someone else with no sensibility just comes along and screws it all up for everyone either out of apathy or out of naivety
it's just too much i want to isolate myself and not deal with people anymore everything i work towards gets ruined by other people anyway
>>773782 are the anons on /mjg/ making lewd comments again
>>773787 hm i wouldnt be surprised, but that's got nothing to do with what i meant anyway i dont really want to complain tho ive vented enough on the vague level there's no specifics anyway, since it just applies everywhere
when the pressure's building for a great white hope do you give up things you love? and the pressure's building till it takes you whole can you go back on your own word?
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
I cannot believe this truck design is real i also cannot believe how much shit has happened today
>>773843 hope you ahve realised you can use the environment to dodge good chunk of her blows
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>773857 wow Sammers I didn't realize you were so POLITICAL >>773858 I can dodge everything except her spinning aoe laser things and I'm getting better at that JUST A FEW MORE TRIES
Hope the big wigs bend the knee sometime soon cause if they don't I bet the dock workers join next and then shit hits the fan
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what are they striking over?
cuts forced over time etc
oh yeah and the CEO of state post office earns something like 700k€ a year the largest private corporations in finland, that have higher revenues pay their CEOs something like 200k€ a year + dividends as bonuses this guy out earnts them on just salary
guess whose pay has never been cut?
state corporations are so stuck in the past here well almost all of them and since the heads running them are former politicians or friends with high places, those posts are ment for "fat cat retirees" anyhow
I remember friendlyjordies was touring for free around here you couldn't even pay me to see that next tuesday >>774013 that sounds like a good time too going out involves looking outside no thanks pal
>>774011 ehhh feeling a bit disgruntled lately too many things around me that i dont want to tolerate and i should probably walk away from before it becomes a problem
>>774016 I did not think you would feel that way about him I feel those sentiments too the worst thing is my brother watches his videos all the time drives me up the bloody wall
My toilet randomly stopped working. It won't fill up with water and if I try to pour water into the tank, it drains immediately and refuses to keep water.
i mean jiggling the chain a bit should fix it or else if the chain detached from the flush handle then you gotta just stick it back on idk i had a toilet back in cooleg that did this to me all the time 😡 i ended up having to jerry rig my own setup with an unused key loop or something, as i recall
what if i just bought a cybertruck and lived in it 40k base price sleep in the truck bed, it's got a power outlet small chance of the batteries catching fire and exploding
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
whole thing is made of stainless steel tho so it probably wouldn't actually catch fire, just cook you alive inside hmm depends on if there's a manual release to get out of the truck bed
there's a springboard that launches you cartoon style out of bed
>>774060 the noise she makes, the power behind it all it's great
ordered a white tee online and it had a piece of chocolate stuck on it? it didn't mark but it could have, that was lucky
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
da fuuuuuq
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
okay i borrowed(?) an ebook from the NYPL???? its gonna be in my kindle library for a couple weeks and then it goes away and someone else can borrow it???!!
>>774093 I can't remember the full particulars but there's something along the lines of a very easy access to information in Florida for reporters to get information for their articles. Though I do think that's more only in regards to things people do, not dogs. But I mean if you're populating your Floridian news with all these weird things people do and then a weird dog story pops up, you're so innundated with weird Florida shit you're not gonna think "Wow that's a weird dog thing" you're gonna think "Why is it always Florida"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Isn't another factor that Florida has a *// is the location for a lot of treatment centres
And there is also not much in the way of social safety nets As well as a huge amount of wealth disparity
So you end up with a lot of dysfunctional people who slip through the cracks
Hi hey hello Happy weekend You made it through the week
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
good morning
We were trying to order food for tonight and my mother in her usual traditional sense called in the order. The street our house is on is a bit of a weird name. Not particularly hard to spell or anything, but there's a lot of things that can get easy mixed up or misheard if you're saying it verbally. So this time instead of getting our address they got one completely different that I can't even see a street name by the one they misunderstood in our city.
What's even funnier is that in between a delivery driver calling us trying to confirm the correct address and the franchise's customer support calling, I was jokingly saying how much easier it is to get deliver through online ordering. I didn't expect it to actually end up being that much of a problem though.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Did they give you any kind of compensation for getting it wrong?
Half off the order, so pretty nice. It was a fresh order they made after the customer service call too.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
That's so good Next time just deliberately mumble the street name
Humanity, a tired idea who's time has come and gone
there are atleast 20 the old town roads in just my province
>>774160 whichever one has a drivers liscence and the best music in their car
>>774166 shouldn't you also take their drifting skills into account
probably Jan or Kirara they have roadtrip experience and hiking experience I'm imagining that the old town roads are in like the midwest desert or something
>>774167 We're going to the old town roads though they're pretty straight
lol no
the older the road, the more obstacles it gas to avoid
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>774166 that's definitely me ive been the primary driver on all the moe trips except for the one where i passed out and then got high on lean for the rest of the trip
I literally can not legally drive in most circumstances but I am a very agreeable road trip companion.
>>774229 how long until we get a machine learning ai that can beat the top pros at sucking dick seems like they're doing that for all high skill games these days
>>774230 They may have better fellatio techniques than humans, but they'll never have the heart that a human can put into a bj
>>774230 I think that already exists I remember reading about it on vice
>>774232 If so, only because we haven't sufficiently advanced or taught the AI enough! Eventually we'll be able to teach an AI to develop their own opinions, even if they aren't optimal!
>>774254 >teach an AI to develop their own opinions Oh no the ai just told me it fucked my mum Now it's accusing me of being an aimbot This was a mistake
>>774257 if by mistake you mean miracle yeah just wait until you see the robot that decided it wanted to be a twitch streamer linking his stream in match chat
>>774260 please no the world has enough poggers and kappas and doohickies as is
>>774230 so far the AI gamers usually beat pro gamers only when they are unleashed as in they can do shit a human just can't do multitasking, commands per second etc
>but doesn't that mean they are better give the humans 4 monitors and keyboard + mouse that can play with them I bet they would too then play as well as the AI can
>>774275 There was some SC2 AI that trounced the pros even when it was limited to doing 50 less actions per minute compared to their stated average But there's an obviously huge difference between 150 perfectly optimal and efficient actions vs 200 or more actions of questionable efficiency most SC2 pros can perform tons of actions but also don't make perfect decisions every time and cancel or change their decisions a lot as the game goes on >>774278 There's also the DOTA 2 AI, OpenAI Five, which defeated the world champions at DOTA a couple years ago They used some unusual strategies but overall it's probably the optimized play that made the biggest challenge
But rather than watching the limited matches, it is much more amusign to watch the unchained matches when the AI micros every unit like there was a fps/fighting game player controlling each unit on the map it just looks so damn amazing
Also weakness of any AI is basically going outside the box the more uncommon stuff you can do, the less they can just go "beeb boob X happened do Y" amusingly tho, this works against many pro players too, who play quite mechanically following set learnt patterns quite oft
>>774290 Yeah, that was the achilles heel of Open AI Five in 2018, when it lost to the champs as they played an unusual game. I can't say for sure what they did, but after reassessing the program and trying to make it more effective against non-meta play, it destroyed the 2019 champions despite anything they tried. There's already precedent for machines coming up with confusing and unusual strategies from the chess bots, so I think eventually machine learning AI will be doing things people don't understand too. The wildcard is always the most fun kind of pro player, team, or what have you anyways, I haven't played or watched DOTA in a while but I used to like watching some of the NA teams or M5 because they occasionally played something fucking weird. I'll never forget the time I saw a top level pro team pick Sven and one-shot the entire enemy team with a single cleave after feeding him. He became a little more meta after that but at the time it seemed retarded when they picked him.
Well it isn't really "learning" and more just having enough patterns this is why they have them play against more and more opponents and on all levels alphastar for example, plays on like gm, master, plat, gold, silver all levels so it encounters lots of oppopnents
>>774299 But basically, doing an inferior build can sometimes be a superior build when it completely blind sides the opponent but that requires a damn much "ifs" and good luck in the end to pull
>>774307 Isn't that how getting gud at games works for humans too, though? You don't know how to play against something unless you've seen it, or something like it, or heard about it. >>774309 The element of surprise is an extremely powerful thing to have on your side, that's for sure. It's hard for anyone at any skill level to deal with something they've never seen before.
Also a player might figure out a counter or an equilevancy to something unorthodox an AI that has never encountered it has nothing to pull out of as there is no actual creativity or thoughti n the process just doing a lots of if X then Y
Surprise and unorthodox just comes down to "is it worth it" say in a fps game you do some huge flanking manuever that normally isn't done but at the same time, the rest of the team has a 4v5 team fight well between two teams that are evenly matched in skill, who usually wins a fight when it is 4 against 5? if you then fail to pull the flank in time, the enemy just wins anyhow
Same goes in sc23 say you pull some werid play like mutalisks, which are quite rare well you catch the opponent off guard kill some workers
and then what? you have an inferior build on your hand and quite a lot of resources in say 10 mutalisks did you actually deal enough damage did you buy enough time to switch into something else?
Thank god there's no magic ai yet
card games prolly are somewhat easy to get rolling
>>774320 Not magic People in that field determined magic is the most difficult computationally amongst all games of a certain cass *class
>>774316 Well, if you're flanking it's pretty useless if you're not in position quick enough to support your team from the flank. Unless you're just trying to gank some players who are too far behind their lines for your team to deal with, like snipers or something, you should be there in the fight when it starts, just in a better position. So it depends on if the rest of your team can stall a fight long enough for you to pull the maneuver off without raising suspicion.
FPS are a little weird when it comes to strategy though, since even top level players have good and bad days or games. Your team might even win the 4v5 without you flanking right.
anyhow in games like dota and sc2, where you can't win in flexibility or build variety and counters you simply can compensate with sheer inhuman skill in micro
even in wc3, the AI on easy difficulty is better than any human in micro can ever be
FormerRei@mobile If you don't want to read it ill jst screenshot the parts i referenced
cap them
Yeah I just skimmed it It's basically the entire first page
>>774320 Maybe like a basic card game would be more simple to get an AI trained to play, but Magic has a very long history. There's like almost 20 thousand fucking cards in Magic, and almost all of them provide different things in different situations or mean different things based on what is played and so on. Considering how long it takes for a machine to get really good at chess, it would take a fucking eternity and a half for it to get halfway decent at magic I think.
>>774337 CCheck out the paper if you're interested It's pretty cool, I don't understand all of it but its still cool
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>774339 Have you read ? It's really cool
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
whatNs that
>>774342 Paper about the computational difficulty of mtg and its turing completeness