>>771899 I thought you were going to call me a dickhead for ripping the card in the first place or is that just a given
I mean did you rip the card with an intention of ripping off Valve or was it just an accident. I don't see how doing it on accident would be a particularly dickhead-y thing to do.
I wanted to have some HIGH BROW INTELLECTUAL DISCUSSION About the Mobile game masterpiece that is Fate Grand Order over on the Discord server for the Wiki.
Turns out Everyone just spams emojis If you can believe such a thing
I know a couple social circles like that, which seem to speak entirely in emoji or Twitch emotes. It kind of leaves me behind, I'm not used to boiled down conversation like that.
twitch emotes are pretty obnoxious it's really gross when people use them even in voice chat just shouting the names of the emotes whenever anything happens
been watching my sisters play pokeymans for several hours now and it seems like a fun game looks a lot better than let's go graphically too even if the Pokemon animations in battle are dorky
having a lot of fun making fun of that loser hop tbqh
>>772016 seems like everyone is enjoying it i haven't played a pokemon since red & blue, or the stadium games on n64 it'd be a lot of effort to try to catch up now on all the new things
>>772020 i have straight up only ever played yellow and coliseum and snap so idk what the game is actually like they seem to like it though that's cool
like almost every Pokemon i saw today was some new shit i didn't recognize there was an electric Corgi that was cool i would have put him on my team
the champion of the series this time seems to be a perfect robot that only naturally became the best and doesn't understand humans lol leon is great
at one point he's like "oh those will make your true wishes come true. at least that's what they say" like he's never wished for anything and just happened upon being the best he's a funny character in general
yeah the series has come a long way it seems pretty cool these days
oh i did play pokemon go but not very much since it was while i was out in the sticks
>>772025 i appreciate what it is but can't stand to play it the combat is just too slow and boring for me and i love jrpgs so I feel that's saying something i can accept the drudging pace of octopath traveler but just can't get more than an hour into these pokeymsns it's just FUCKING SLOW colloseum was cool cause it was always 2v2 or 3v3 battles and the animations were quick every other game lost my ADD ass before the tutorial was over
>>772027 you better have had a worm light on that bad bitch playing under the covers after bedtime or you ain't shit
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>772028 best part about Colosseum was the mini games
>>772030 which one the hundred floor dungeon was sick
I'm struggling to remember other minigames in colloseum but can't sure you're not thinking of stadium? that one has tons of minigames
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Maybe I am. I was never allowed a 64 so I always had to play it at friends' houses.
colosseum was a GameCube game haha largely a single player experience you play a fugitive that steals a special tool from team rocket that allows you to capture Pokemon that are already captured you go around a mad max style wasteland on your bike and jack pokemon from assholes with the help of your waifu who can magically tell when Pokemon are unhappy so you steal the guys who are unhappy from their shithead owners and get some gym badges along the way then when you get to the champs they're like "wait the fuck up you're not even registered as a Pokemon trainer" and you're like oh well I'm not and they let you do the thing anyway you become the unofficial champ and then beat the shit out of the guy running team rocket and decide your job is done then you fuck off into the desert with your gf
then Colosseum 2 has nothing to do with the first game afaik
ah colosseum 2 would end up being called Pokemon XD
>>772037 Wes is a baller stole some experimental tech just trying to jack enough to stay alive as a homeless thug ends up deposing the entire criminal organization that controls the underground and becomes the best Pokemon trainer ever in the process also he punches a couple fuckers this game was edgy as fuck for pokeyman
>>772059 just got an aha momenr where i recalled that >they are fungy >eat anything >breed through spores >green
Kirara 🍄🤡
they are a funny species tho naturally magicians/psykers all with their belief and numbers making them smarter as their numbers increase going from "paint protects from arrows" to black hole firing death moons in tech
or how their guns often are solid chunks if iron that work because the orcs believe they work
Kirara 🍄🤡
holy shit trent reznor is doing the HBO watchmen ost
>>772077 like a chromecast sort of gives a tv smart tv tech plugs into hdmi
>>772078 https://www.reddit.com/r/Roku/comments/dx0lem/my_insignia_roku_tv_is_stuck_in_a_boot_loop/ parently not they thrmselves said it
>The problem is caused by the games' Y-Comm service, which constantly searches for other Pokemon players on the same wireless network and online jesus what a cancer feature
tgen again, it isn't new i think bw had that already in some format
Alcremie has a whole lotta forms and each one is produced depending on certain actions you take. I believe there's another Pokémon that evolves three ways depending on it's personality, too. And ilI -And I think Sir Fetch'd has a weird evolution requirement as well.
>>772088 I'm fairly confident they're all the same typing. It might tweak IV or personality variables though, not sure.
Kirara 🍄🤡
are they all different types? or just colors?
>>772087 Sir Fetchd? Is that like A far fetchd knight?
well tgere was thr treedear thst had winter, spring, fall, summer skins depending on rldate when you caught it
There was a Pokémon introduced in X/Y you had to evolve by holding your 3DS upsidedown after also fulfilling the level requirement.
>>772090 It's been a while but I believe Sawsbuck changed dynamically depending on the in-game season. Even after catching one they'd still change once the season did.
and g/s had encoynters on rl times if day and date that was cancer and good riddance why they vrought it back in hg/ss i dunno
I love stuff like that. The little details like that go a long way for making the Pokémon world feel real.
>>772094 It sure is a good thing there are literally no punishments for changing your clock the game reads off of. If you're not interested in patience, there's easy options to resolve that problem.
>>772093 yeah well, what if you never have time to pkay during day ornmorning or on wednesdays or it just got into monday and sunday is only encounter day of said mon? it was cancer
it is still tedious extra work i think later games set it better while keeping the core idea
neat, but unnecessarily annoying kinda like too long task animations in game or havingnto enter multiple load svreens to reach a quest giver a la skyrim
> Pokémon sends a network discovery packet to each device on port 26037. Roku also listen on that port for LAN based updates so that multiple devices on the same network can update each other. It was an obvious decision. Saved Roku around a quarter million dollars in CDN traffic costs. Roku is popular in the commercial space where it’s often used as a media source to control sometimes 100s of TVs on the same network. It just so happens that Pokémon’s network discovery packet shares the exact same bytes as Roku’s signed bytecode to reboot. > The odds are astronomically low. We could have wound up with an alien planet full of Justin Timberlake clones, but the universe decided this was our colossal fluke. okay so this really is roku's fault what kinda device updates itself when a packet arrives
>>772136 Wow It's not like the people at game freak could go on tge internet and find some srt of list of which ports are used for what It is dumb that rokus work that way though
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
there isn't even a list like that anymore not since the old old days the only way you'd catch this would be with really thorough testing in every possible home setup idk it'd still be a fluke with hindsight you could add "test this with various popular devices also on LAN" to your launch checklist but like i wouldn't expect that up front
>>772151 Yes please I'm being throttled so I can post and see new posts But if I refresh the page I won't have enough bandwidth to load it anytime soon.
Also MMS is almost completely broken on my phone. I can only send mms if I'm in airplane mode and connected to the internet via wifi. This applies to group texts as well since i use the mms based group texts.
This really pisses me off. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/18/politics/pompeo-west-bank-settlements-announcement/index.html
i'm connected to the wifi of a bar across the street via 5g pretty decent LoS but lots of large chunks of metal keep getting in the way mysteriously
>>772163 Uh, I think that's tarma. Wait No, the guy in red doesn't have a beard. The guy with the pointy beard wears a yellow vest. The guy with the beard is Tarma, the guy in Red is Marco.
Yeah, but as per the irony of things, or maybe in lieu of it, it's not Half-Life 3. It'll be some VR game set in the Half-Life world.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
Half-Life: Alyx
they did announce perviously that they were working on this and that it would be Q4 2019 but i and probably everyone else had given up hope/forgotten about it
Oh, I see. Well that's not too surprising given that we heard HL3 got the axe awhile ago.
The other half life games have been basically really fancy engine demos, I wonder if they have cool VR stuff to show off with this new game.
Yeah it's a good bet it'll be similar. They're advertising it as their "Flagship" VR game so I bet it'll be a good bit of "Hey look at all these cool VR things you can do with Source!"
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
It'll be the first really actually polished fully thought out VR experience
their initial demo The Lab remains one of the finest least janky VR experiences out and its been that way for years, so this should really demonstrate what you can do w VR
i hope my rig can handle it
Though I have still not played any Half-Life games and considering my lack of VR hardware, it looks like this one will continue the tradition, hah hah
and we finally have that nee oculus too no wires or additional hardware needed
>>772189 vr is quite niche still so even if it is ground breaking, it is for a small portion of gaming only
A good number of major developers are pushing for it to become standard. SONY, Valve, Microsoft; all are interested in developing for the hardware.
The biggest problem I feel is the cost of entry though. Good VR is still pretty expensive; on top of needing a good machine already to run the more intensive graphics processing. Until that cost can come down I don't think any number of killer flagship apps will drive people to the hardware.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
yknow what niche markets need to get big? big flagship killer apps
>>772226 yep exactly i wonder how many people got home and realized they can't redeem their fucking code lol >>772230 i don't know if they are or not but i just got a bunch of free shit
>>772225 amusingly something similiar happened here with sodas the code was inside the label - a good idea on paper untill you considered that the drink was CLEAR so you could just peek inside and check the code and use it without buying the drink
and even with some drinks that weren't clear, I think it was cocacola that did the campaign, you could just lean *tilt the bottle sideways and read the code >>772241 I don't remember, but most likely something like gather 5 to get free movie tickets, each one sent makes you part of the big prize lottery at the end of the campaign those happened a lot back in the day eventually everyone wisened up and the codes were placed inside the bottle cap
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
wht kind of prizes could yoy win from these codes?
One early retarded campaign had the code printed on the bottle itself once again "hey the drink is pepsi/cola, you can't see it without emptying it" ofc we had the attack of "tilt the bottle" ruint his too
I think finnish soda industry was filled with retards in early 00s
Anyhow in defense of the label stuff before internet set off, you actually had to MAIL the codes tot he company to redeem any prizes so they just did it as before, without thinking that thx to interwebs you could do it without having the label on hand
>>772244 the only reason that parrot is still upright on its perch is cuz someone mailed him there
Kirara 🍄🤡
i'll keep coming
fallen order spoilers it actually has vader pop up in the end and if you fight him he curb stomps you instantly Now this is how you use him in video games and not that force unleashed bullshit
what am i even gonna do with myself until thursday
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772269 i think thw question is something that should be unasked, moved to the recycling bin and strong erased
but if you want an answer the Big One Pants only makes sense if your BST is immutable used only for queries and if so, you would be better off with a immutable B Tree anyway so the individual pants make more sense given that you're mutating your tree during normal operation
>my dad thinks I should be a fed because I know a lot about encryption and general "hacker stuff"
what a beautiful game maybe?? there's credits again
>>772278 Should I be a fed? My dad thinks I'd be good at cyber defense.
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>772279 i dont think anyone should be a fed your superiors just manipulate you and lie so you do things you wouldn't ordinarily be comfortable with working for a private company would be better, they're at least straightforward with it
can you build a giant tower with a platform you can walk off at the top in death stranding call it the death standing >>772324 uhhhh i don't think the darkweb cleaners are what he's thinking of
>>772351 Preasu understand it is new genre, much art and thoughtfulness!
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772349 I like Lot 40 rye afforable and drinkable
Kirara 🍄🤡
>Since Disney+ went live, hackers have stolen thousands of customers' accounts and put them up for sale on the dark web, according to a report. holy shit lol
>>772537 ehhhhh oh wait,didn't i answer this i guess it was a fun game it's been very long though and is simply in the back of my mind as "a fun game i played a long time ago with no particularly standout reason"
i think I'm a pretty rational person and i definitely don't believe in like.. foofy supernatural stuff but sometimes I feel like my dreams are trying to tell me something
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
there's a christmas tree in the library fvcc its not even thanksgiving yet
marth makes me hot but roy is much cooler; chrom is the bomb and lucina is cuter. I think a lot of my questions can be answered by reading the "official" wiki page but the short answer is that Chrom, Roy and Lucina are all playable in the Fire Emblem Awakening. The story is that, at the beginning of the game, three young people are sent to a remote land with the task of clearing a forest to be used for a festival. They find a mysterious stone and eventually, it transforms them into playable characters; Chrom, the only boy, is the only one who can use magic. The game's story is very easy to follow but it is more fun in the battle system. The game is very much a turn-based RPG but with some tactical RPG elements (though a bit more difficult to pull off). This also means that you will spend more time on the game
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>772566 I have a third one but that's just for porn.
>>772569 Sasuga Back when I had a big desk with space on it I had a second monitor I used mostly for /moe/.
Now my single working VGA cable is missing and im too cheap to replace it.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772569 i bet it's under your desk facing your dick at all times
The last two games I played were NieR automata and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen - Both of which definitely work better with a Controller than a Keyboard.
My new client is a kid who is totally Arthur Fleck mode No social skills, no friends, can't handle employment, failed at university because he was being bullied, abandoned by his father who hates him, and his mom is seemingly delusional and overbearing.
This kid has a nerdy nasally voice, nerdy glasses, a bad goatee, and wore a handmade sweater.
He looks and sounds and acts like the picture you'd see next to the word loser in a 1990s dictionary.
He also plays nothing but Fortnite and Battlefront 1 and has no hobbies or interests.
This kid has no idea who he is
I'm really excited to work with him.
>handmade sweater That sounds really comfy tbh. All my sweaters are storebought ;_;
>>772638 He's got nothing! He's completely empty! All he can do is grow!
I'm going to teach him social skills and build his confidence up and help him discover who he is.
>>772641 I met a woman on Bumble who works as a psych nurse at the state hospital, who is really cute, and super interested in traveling and camping. She thinks I'm down to earth, so obviously maybe not the best judgment, but I can see how she'd think so just from my profile.
>>772640 Ah, so you're desparate to fill him up with all kinds of crazy ideas? Also, how's tindr working out for you? I used it ONCE maybe... 4-5 years ago? Can't imagine how awful it is now. The only other dating site I've tried out is okaycupid, but that was 2-3 years ago too. Now I'm just too jaded and uncaring to want to get into the whole dating world for a number of different reasons.
>>772648 next year I'm going to be studying part time instead of full time since I'm close to graduating and I only have like three classes left across my two degrees, and almost all of them are in semester two. Should I inform HEAD OFFICE of this so they can take away my NEETbux
>>772650 Yeah absolutely If it's anything like the system we use the school will be sending verification of your amounts of study Now if they only send a verification of study after you've started studying then centerlink will know you've been overpaid and they'll make it into a debt Not worth risking it unless you're content with the possibility of paying it back If you did want to take the risk you could just keep getting student bux and not spend any of it until you finish school That way you can pay it back if they find out mid semester I'm assuming your neetbux is just the student allowance
If you're reclassified as a part time student then you might be able to get onto their equivalent of jobseeker Actually I know that over here if you're going part time because you only have a few courses left, you can fill in a form to be classified as a limited full time student and still receive the student benny. Ask if they have that at Centerlink when you call them up
I'll call them early in January. I'm assuming that it's alright to say on Neetbux over summer, since even if I was going to be a full time student next year I'd be getting it anyway I think I hope
>>772655 tbh it might not be I know over here if you weren't going to be full time next year they'd take it away after your last full time semester Also you have to apply for jobseeker if your break is more than three weeks long but idk how Australia does it
>>772659 Tired I keep waking up for no reason at night I can't get a solid 6 hours of sleep Also I hate all the people who keep calling me at work even if I can understand their situation and why they're mad
How are you doing post op Does the empty space feel nice
>>772672 >Solitary isolation for kids Jesus fucking christ, what's wrong with people? Even full grown adults have major problems with this, let alone A KID
>>772672 what the fuck why do your schools have a solitary confinement
>>772675 I've legit never heard of this phenomenon. There's detention and maybe time out, but that's about it.
this seems something out of a movie a horror one at that this is how you get killers
>This is in Chicago Of fucking course, good lord.
I can understand them wanting to "isolate" a kid that's posing a danger to themselves and others, but actively isolating them? Not having them being supervised by another adult actively or put in a more counselor-like situation? Then again, given the modern school system, it's quite easy to get into a similar mindset as Zimbardo's prisoner experiment I reckon.
Kirara 🍄🤡
im reading this article and it's just so cruel
Kirara 🍄🤡
when i was in elementary school, i had solitary confinement pretty often but it was in large lit closet mr maizy, the disciplinary guy, would put a chair in the middle of the room and make me stand up and sit down hundreds of times because i talked out of turn or whatever in school
the music teacher made me sit away from everyone else in class because i was disruptive too had a desk in the corner while everyone else had their desks in normal places i remember my mom threatened to sue them over it but it didn't change
>>772681 i a quite sure these sorts of punishments are not good for a kid
Kirara 🍄🤡
i have strong legs still at least there's that
I can't find anything about it for Kentucky's educational facilities. Now juvenile dentention's a whole nother story of course, but in a school? C'mon... >>772681 IDK how I feel about the fact that I was a pretty "quiet" and "well-behaved" kid 98% of the time, but still. I wonder why I didn't actively try to resist authority, but I remember never really feeling the need to except for this one very specific case back when I was in... 1st or 2nd grade. Back then I was in a special ed class for deaf/hard of hearing students and I was outpacing my peers in that class due to my "intelligence" and test scores and so on. One day we had this one subsitute teacher that couldn't read our teacher's notes for him to tell him what the lesson plan was, and I upset him by reading it for him. So then he punished me by having the oldest kid in the class "teach the class" as he sat at the desk and kept turning the paper that the lesson plan was written on around and bringing it up close to his face/away from his face. Looking back, I wouldn't be surprised if he had severe dyslexia. Anyway, in second grade, I was allowed to be escorted to another classroom to learn math lessons with the normal kids, but by the middle of the year, I usually just got up to go at the appropiate time after telling my teacher that it was time. Well, this guy wouldn't let me go even though it was written on the lesson plan, and I even think he locked the door so none of the kids could go out or something? I remember just getting up from the communal table to sit in a corner and read books the rest of the day until lunch time came around. I might've told the next door teacher about him, and I know I told my mom about him, who told me to come back to the car tomorrow after she dropped me off at school if he was still there. Wouldn't surprise me if my mom got him fired cause she raised hell in the office lol.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
take the F train to pay respects
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
when the fuck did they add solitary confinement to schools jesus fucking christ
Kirara 🍄🤡
before we were born in Illinois
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
remove illinois that is jut making me sik
Kirara 🍄🤡
they had it here when i was in school i got it a few times a week
they'd also make me stand outside the classroom and id get in trouble if i sat down
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
remove school holy fuck I'm so mad x
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
anyone who uses that should be hanged
School's never had solitary confinement where I live. They barely really even had confinement.
Kirara 🍄🤡
my elementary school was really abusive towards me people act like it was a good school and sometimes my mom runs into my old teachers and they tell her they loved me or whatever but they were all abusive towards me every last one of them treated me like shit that's the only thing i remember about them, being treated like shit because i had ADHD
it just made my behavior worse eventually i was telling teachers to pull their heads out of their asses and was fighting people all the time
they always acted like it was what was best for me but it's shit like that that made it so hard for me to learn to make friends
like school was rough enough emotionally and I didn't even have it that bad off don't do dumb shit
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i would have a hard time subjecting a child to the US school system
Let's also not forget that the kids are often overmedicated and they're given no room/time to run around and be kids since they need to sit still at a desk so they can do well on bubble tests so the schools get their funding from the government! Thanks, Bush!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
like there are good social interactions in school systems too but fuck fuuuuck
>>772697 Well at least in Canada we got rid of our residential schools in the ancient time period of the 1990s! That's the worst of our schools probably.
Tilde, that herbalist manga you posted in the anime thread a couple days ago was really good. Thank you for linking it
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
i mean i could still do it, the kids will probably be okay just scary
>>772701 Yeah it's a solid piece of work. Kirara and PK have also both read it I believe.
>>772720 the names and eunuchs and the harem should be a dead give away to forbidden palace tho the series does fuse between various eras
>>772720 The setting is an unspecified country, though yes the culture and style is very much Imperial China replication. They also never really name location names and the characters have some somewhat unindicative names so I don't think it's weird to not clue in. The author seems to just want to have done a story about the characters in that closed garden setting and the rest of the information is all kind of irrelevant. Kind of like how all that information would be irrelevant to these ladies and their factions of the Imperial harem.
I got a new pair of shoes today. I've pretty much only been using the same pair of running sneakers or my boots once it gets too snowy for like three and a half years now. The sneakers are really worn through. I don't know what it is by I always seem to wear through my shoes pretty fast.
>>772741 you can't actually get full bald without a razor
Yeah, I know.
>>772743 you can with wax if you're a fucking Savage
>>772738 it's a very very good movie, it deserved the acclaim and sales
>>772745 the piint gere was scissors and electric ain't enough
Also I actually know some people who work at a school for kids with disabilities. I should ask them if their school has one .
Although I would not be surprised if charter schools did that. Although I'm sure if they did the kids would definitely be locked up unsupervised. They are really cheap and don't hire enough people. There's all sorts of fucked up shit going on at those schools.
>start match >literally all 7 other players on my team disconnect >whole match is just 1v8 lol
How'd you fare, Son of Sparta?
i got 17 kills and 10 deaths but it was a zone-control type gamemode so i only managed to get like 13/250 points
it was actually kind of fun not gonna lie never seen something like that happen before so far
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
horny people have no rights. horny people are NOT protected under the constitution. if you are horny i WILL find you and then you will be sorry buster. unfollow me right fucking now if you are horny, have ever been horny, or ever will be horny. this is not a joke. please leave.
>>772786 would have been amusign if the other team had been sports about it and played like only one at a time etc
>>772796 we will eliminate all the non horny infidels
If i am not exactly trying to be "clean" or "straight edge" is there anything bad about breaking a few months of sobriety?
If you're not particularly trying to abstain I don't see why it would be a bad thing. You might want to be a little cautious though since a few months is enough time to weaken the tolerances you'd have built up. That's probably not a big deal for alcohol or cannabis, which I presume covers your sobriety. But if you're talking harder shit then , well, you'd be better off just not going back period.
>>772821 Well you'd be going back to the lie then, yes? well it is in the end up to you, just don't go too hard on yourself when taking it and post when some regret might pop up
>>772815 depends on if it's really just going to be a little bit or if you're going to blow thousands of dollars doing drugs and degeneracy after you relapse really hard not that i would know anything about that i'm a good boy try to remember what made you stop last time and consider whether it's possible you'd be back in the old habit and whether or not that sounds very fun
>>772825 The main person I have issue lying to is a therapist I will no longer be seeing, we only have one more meeting. >>772826 I don't have the means to get anything other than what I currently have, so going crazy is out of the question, I guess. Thinking back on previous experiences...
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772824 slam cleopatra's tomb shut and throw the key into a bottomless pit her b*ssy is packed with vipers
>>772826 Sorry to hear about your experience, though.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772821 what about lying to the one closest to you your eternal souuuuuuul /// er i mean JESUS
Jesus flooded the ghettos with crack under teh Reagan administration
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
when you're up crack creek without a ghetto blaster
>>772839 imagine actually being named jesus and being a drug dealer there is some irony there
>>772832 imma slam cleopatra's tomb thats for sure throw my key in her bottomless pit pack that bussy with my viper
so my roomie has grown like a metric fuckton of shrooms and i unwisely let him use my coffee grinder to try and grind em up into dust now my grinder is full of mushroom dust
>>772866 Guess you'll be having some magic coffee for a while then?
>>772866 how is this a problem however >>772863 i slam is a religion of peace and it's more fun to watch you squirm
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772869 oh for sure they were dried >>772870 hrghgh i gotta apply for JERBS i can't be reconvening with the All Entity, Creator of Worlds, Uniter Of Concepts And Dissolver Of Everyday Delusion >>772871 gimme a frickin cawfee before i die it's my last meal
>>772872 bag and smash might have worked but yeah rip your coffee grinder
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772873 well he used it and then realized it wasn't a great way to grind up said substance so uh yea rip i might get the Cleaning Tablets(TM) he's been tellin me that the dust isn't really a big dose anyway and i guess he's right a dose of mushrooms i s like a lot of gramz
>>772872 i will give you a cup of magic coffee with sugar and C R E A M
>>772874 you should anyhow try atleast one cup say this weekend, and see what happens I'd do it, even if I specifically refuse any psychodelics as a principle
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772875 coffee rules everything around me i agree
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772878 hah it actually stands for Cum Ream Eat Ass Masturbate gottem now everyone will think you're the horny
>>772882 the louder you deny it the more they will think you're trying to hide it it's over for you the only thing you have left to do is V I D E O G A M E S
wow i got kicked for inactivity while i posted that Masterpost™
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
>>772889 wow wow wow wow that girl is gonna get lobbied tenderly
>>772923 water you talking about >>772925 ngl i thought you were replying to my previous post and was gonna be like yeah i bet >>772926 what a homie ok cya
>>772965 4th is so far best the author has a lot of fun going full "fuck all commies" through the mc makes me thing that *think that he readall those "carlos is a full commie" after he wrote a previous book from the pov of a guy living and I think liking living in a socialist state so now he gives us this
but they are damn good books especially in the comedic sense the author has a very good sense of timing when it comes to events and how each people differently interpret what is going on
>>772969 looking at all the surprised faces in the illustration previews makes me excited for the plot twists in the later books but i only got a few of them now
>>772965 they should really just start showing doujins in art classes
magnum koishi blessed me with the power to win that round and finish my mission now i have to get 35 kills with a light machine gune and i've never used one
I'm hoping these new shoes I got do a better job of keeping me from rolling my ankle too much when I'm walking a lot. I was only working for like five hours today but my ankle is in a fair bit of pain right now.