dang kirara it's good you weren't able to come to the georgia trip because I just found more yugioh cards of mine when I thought I brought the whole collection
Is Kirara allergic to Yugioh cards?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no, but I didn't have my entire collection, it would have been a lie
amusingly, that is around 2nd most or maybe most powerful shout you have
the top three, vanilla that is, in terms of actual power requirements, impacts on the world and jsut the sheer ludacrisity of the effect are thunderstorm or whatever it was called slow time and then of course clear skies
Now how do you even accomplish speeding up time for yourself or slowing time for rest of the universe whichever is easier... but between being able to cause a giant thunderstorm or being able to clear any kind of weather to become clear, which would be more ridiculous feat I wonder. Since clear skies can clear ANY kind of weather pattern, it technically has more potential in it I mean you could go into the worst hurricane in our history and go BLAAH at the sky and it becomes instantly clear
that is some dispersal of energy
I'm directing B movie plots in my dreams apparently
>>645332 Neat. I'll watch it later. I'm still at work.
It's thirty-seven seconds long so you're not missing out much on not watching it. Just more to let you know about the news rather than the actual video.
Yeah! A bunch of the indie games from the past year or two I've really enjoyed are getting sequels or new games from the developers so I've got a few things to look forward to. Fun times.
i love to be the only person who is comfortable doing things when everyone is freaking out and our supervisor isn't available i love to stay 30+ minutes after work to help my colleagues document incidents it's awesome that im the only one who thought it was important to take action on a pregnant minor who reported vaginal bleeding
>>645344 I feel they're taking some elements from some of the Kancolle artists.
>>645364 Oh yeah I saw about that on Twitter. Do you want to do a read-swap or something on Friday? Like ten to fifteen pages or whatever length feels comfortable to you. I've got a couple ideas knocking around I would like to get another eye on.
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>645363 robot anime girls created by robots then robots adapt them to robot movies with robo actors and robo directors
>>645366 i only have five pages or so right now but sure! sounds fun
Yeah, if you feel you wouldn't have a fair chance at that many a smaller amount or on Saturday would be fine too. I'd be excited to see what you're working on too.
Yeah! I'll probably write more tomorrow if my morning client doesn't show up. And maybe on Thursday depending on what happens since I have some meetings and a client.
>>645373 Yeah. It was really interesting, though. The mom was like, "she says i left her, but when did i ever leave her?!" and later daughter told me that mom just walked off one day and didn't come back for 7 months
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645376 its his janky duplicate detection thing that apparently also catches waifu.2xified images
>>645407 it is damn useful when those are tied to stop timetables so you can actually see, to some accuracy, how long will it take for the bus to get there and is it early or late
someone was trying to astrology me today "oh yeah i can definitely tell you're a cancer" and all that
I talked about how a couple of my friends did that to me when we were hanging out for Kingdom Hearts a couple weeks back. They were cool about my considerable skepticism so I was pretty cool about their enthusiasm with it. As long as someone isn't trying to force something on me because of that I'm fine with their beliefs on things.
>>645422 It's weird to have people talk about you like that.
you are a virgo
Kirara, the Princess
then what are you? chado?
My neck is hella stuff, yeesh. Don't even know why.
>>645424 Is it? All the things about star signs and what not are extreme generalizations, or predicative platitudes that mean nothing. They're rarely "incorrect" by virtue of the fact that they're saying absolutely nothing of worth about the person they're predicting. So as far as I see it, it doesn't matter that they're lumping me in this arbitrary category or that they're talking about me "like that", because as far as I see it, I really need to stop repeating my phrases on the same line. But as it goes the things they're saying are just vanilla, sweet words. I'm not going to fuss with them if they want to do that.
>>645429 that's a cute sign. you probably have plenty of friends online
Also I remember you remarking on how it's kind of weird for people in a psychology program being serious believers of this kind of thing. And it's funny because of the two that were the most serious in their belief of this one was also in a psychology profession.
The other one, I think, had majored in Philosophy in university, which is also kind of amusing. But I'm not sure if I feel that's reasonable or not, hah hah.
>>645428 It feels like they're making stuff up, though. To me, at least. They're just all, like, finding vague statements and finding some way to bullshit it into making sense. It feels weird to me.
>>645433 It really can't tell you any information at all! The charts will have a lot to say but it's all vague statements that will only correlate to your behaviours because a star sign or the year you're born in has NO CRITICAL BEARING on your personality beyond said correlation.
>>645432 >>645428 I think astrology and such have something fundamentally similiar as fringe conspiracy theories in terms of atleast how people think thati s.
>>645439 You're blowing a lot of hot air right now. Making statements without any real proof behind them. And what the heck is "partial rv".
>>645441 front or back half of a recreational vehicle
>>645442 Hah hah, when I Googled it trying to figure it out all that came up was RVs, yeah.
Try this http://www.chaosastrology.net/freeastrologyreports.cfm Charts can tell basic stuff but you'll need a good reader to tell advanced stuff like past or future aspects.
No thank you, I'm not interested in correlative things like this. I'd like to see some actual reasoning as to why something like this would be true as opposed to some data you can just say fits the point you're trying to prove.
By the way, astrological signs are just an indicator and a mnemonic not to be meant seriously. It's just a marker of time and the certain influences of what is observed differently. Without planetary movements everyday is the same day.
evidence suggests astrology is BS there's no correlation between personality characteristics and time or location of birth it's okay to believe in things that aren't real though
Look into advanced astrology. That's a more complicated indicator based from planetary positions. Even catastrophies have similar aspect like mercury ascending. Mercury = messenger. Zero degrees in indicate blindness or deformity from certain house aspects.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645451 >it's okay to believe in things that aren't real though ehh that's a bit of a stretch that means that its okay to be anti vaccine
>>645451 well "no correlation between time and location of birth" is a sentence that is kinda you know... silly I mean just due to environment person born in africa and person born in europe will develop quite differently, but taking the nitpicky idiocy out time if you ask me does affect people, as a winter child and summer child will have different experiences especially say holding their birthdays during early years or just how the first few months of their life affect them due to just temperature
>>645454 the problem with anti-vaxxers isn't that they believe vaccines are bad but that they act on that belief lots of people don't act on their beliefs in imaginary things
But ofc a person born in say january in australia and then immediatelly shipped to finland would have no difference from someone born in finland etc >>645458 Always love the most likely not real posts of >tried to write an antivax paper but can't find any evidence to support it
>>645456 I wouldn't want science to prove astrology. In wrong hands it would be pretty dangerous. >>645457 Twins always have similarities. Palmistry is a lost art. Iridology is scientific. 2D:4D is still under research. We'll probably get into western astrology eventually.
That's a really vague statement that isn't particularly informative or profound.
Kirara, the Princess
one of my colleagues said i was a cat today idk why i wasn't paying attention until she said i was a cat but then i said yeah i am a cat if you pick me up ill scratch you they said i should make a tinder profile with that as my text or bio or whatever
>>645464 >Iridology is scientific hrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>645464 You're still making statements without providing any citation or evidence for your beliefs. So I'm sorry but without that I'm going to disregard your beliefs as hocus pocus.
>>645470 Who the fuck advices anyone to make a tinder profile...
Kirara, the Princess
>>645474 huh tinder is probably the most used dating app today
>>645473 I can't just make studies pop out of nowhere you know. If you want the real occult go find yourself a legitimate cartomancer. Even treasure hunters use oracles to find long lost treasures, or maybe I can rv you but that would be wrong if without consent .
>As opposed to evidence-based medicine, iridology is not supported by quality research studies[3] and is widely considered pseudoscience.[4] hrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
My good friends the gnomes are still at war with the fairies and I standw ith the gnomes
>>645476 We're only going around in circles now so I'm going to say again I think you're being ridiculous with refusing to prove the case you're trying to establish.
And this is my advice, if you don't want a lot of people to get annoyed with you regularly you should probably keep your opinions on this to yourself. It might feel kind of authoritarian but as far as most people here are concerned I figure you're being very annoying.
He was a fun guy when he wasn't being taffery I have no idea why he exploded so easily to basic banter, though sometimes it went quite far, but still
He didn't really disencourage it by scouring each and every thread for mentions of his name to later dig up and go RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645488 Just for reference there are no records of written language that date back that far
>>645494 It's kind of easy when you're going through a depressive or stressful situation to be on an extremely short fuse. Especially in an -let me finish before you respond you excitable Finn- in an environment like /moe/ that can some times be a little insensitive to someone in those situations. Combined with a victim perspective which it's easy to pick up when you already feel like people are mocking or picking on you regularly, makes you feel like it's important to verify that people are indeed mocking and picking on you. In a sense it makes you feel, if not good, right, in your choice to scour a thread for evidence. It might be that, like me, he was already a kind of person that did a quick read-through of the thread(s) he was away for so transitioning into picking it for mockery would have been an easy step.
>>645488 I can conjure storms and lightning and science can't deny or prove that one way or another
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645488 Because of the way the scientific method works its very useful for describing natural phenomena and determining if certain things are objectively correct if for example someone makes a claim about something that can be measured objectively and it turns out to be false err sorry if people make many claims about certain things and people do experiments about those types of things and determine that the claims are wrong if you do enough experiments and do them well you can determine with statistics whether or not those claims are correct
>>645495 The Finno-Korean hyperwar is still felt through spacetime
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645499 I personally don't know the timelines of mass extinctions but claims require evidence but for real if there were a mass extinction back then that wiped out all written records which you implied then how would people today know the content of those written records
I don't have my files but the evidence is every millenia a certain star sign is the indicator of the astrological 'age'. Think of Jesus "the fish" also pisces and the opposite is the virgin mary "virgo" You can do side-by-side timeline with egypt taurus, etc.
>>645502 >the evidence is every millenia a certain star sign is the indicator of the astrological 'age' okay but what does that mean how does that explain any of this or are you alleging that through this method you have determined that people know things that happened 12,000 years ago >>645502 >Think of Jesus "the fish" also pisces and the opposite is the virgin mary "virgo" >You can do side-by-side timeline with egypt taurus, etc. I don't follow you on this. This seems pretty unrelated
if you drop a coconut into the ocean and watch what way it floats under the full moon, you can use it to directionally identify the number of stars in the constitution of the cosmos that makes up your own personal hell
>>645506 cancer is also atlantis I think. atlantis is already found and it is at the eye of africa.
>>645506 >okay but what does that mean how does that explain any of this or are you alleging that through this method you have determined that people know things that happened 12,000 years ago Actually the people in the past didn't just live in stone houses without technology. Most of them even spent time looking forward into future like that "Mayan" thing. >>645514 It is in the bible. The passover they said, a man with a "cup". >>645512 It was hidden in Plato's work. The descriptions match and the eye of egypt have many artifacts lying around. *meant eye of africa
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645510 okay but wasn't Atlantis supposed to be in a sea? And like it sunk and I mean a sea of water not sand
Kirara, the Princess
people in the past communicated mostly through telepathy which is why they didn't need language or writing we lost that ability when the stars cast their scorn upon us but one day we shall return to the stars and they shall grant upon us wisdom once more
>>645506 Is a simple weird "every astrological sign is an age" with each age varying I think modern interpration is 2000~ years, with current or last epoch having been pisces, previous to that aries and then taurus and next would be aquarius and then they apply all kinds of symbolism to that like say jesus being the lamb of god which ended the aries age and his symbol being fish amongst early christianity (much later into christianity, though) being tied to current epoch and then for the aquarius being tied to his return and so on
I forgot that you were uniquely suited to comprehending this bullshit compared to the rest of us.
But seriously all astrology is bullshit aside the ability to tell when the
Kirara, the Princess
it's that belly button science
Kirara, the Princess
Cthulhu please come and end this charade we call living
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645511 Okay, but how do the descriptions match if Atlantis was an island? And just because there are artifacts there, doesn't mean they're from Atlantis.
And considering that Cthulhu is mentioned in what 2 or 3 of his works it is kinda amusing how he stuck as the front man of the eldritch beings and not Nyarlathotep or Yog Soghot and so on
>>645511 Man you really are full of shit. Plato did almost no work on Atlantis, you're thinking of Homer.
YEah but it was pretty much one of his "what if an ideal state" writings I think he wrote the atlantis stuff before he wrote "the state" or whatever it is called in anglish
Oh whoops yeah disregard me I'm even more full of shit. I could have sworn it was part of Homer's myths.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645526 Do you have a blog or a youtube channel or something?
>>645541 >>645542 Well there is some truth to the efficiency of absolute rulers or small powerful elite, but of course you rarely #d20 (7) the rulers you want and especially multiple iterations >>645545 I used my magick powers
>timocracy hahaha forgot that was a thing the ruling method where Timo rules
Did you roll that yourself as a flair or did the text do that itself.
To be fair Timo by Plato's standards was an incredibly intelligent warrior king. For a culture like Ancient Greece such a ruler would probably do actually pretty well by themself and their people.
let me be the benevolent god king i only ask for one thing and that is an offering an offering of blood i wanna see so much blood ill be like hey man that's too much blood!!
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645526 Okay but then how did they make it? the eye of africa I mean did they use advanced tools? where are those tools today?
>>645557 It ionizes the planet with negative ions. Today we have positive ions everywhere and it's bad for our health.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645559 Now ionizing sounds scientific has this been measured by multiple people? like over thousands of measurements? can you link me to some medical studies that suggest positive ions are bad for our health?
Kirara, the Princess
>>645559 damn that's fucked up you can use orgone energy to heal from that or something, though, right?
>>645561 Orgone is based >>645560 Studies? None yet. I think we'll get there eventually.
Kirara, the Princess
orgone is probably the only thing worth using on this flat bitch of an earth
I think most amusing stuff about atlantis, is that people always talking about it forget it wasn't just a city it was a continent about size of Australia "and it sank"
Kirara, the Princess
>>645574 interesting how we knew Atlantis sunk before we knew about tectonic plates just goes tto show, the ancients knew everything
>>645575 I bet atlantis myth comes from maybe Crete or some other mediterraen island, when the black sea flooding happened or an island in the black sea ties into the flood myths too
>>645583 Well there's only an hour and a half or so before Rika realizes she's half an hour late to the 00:00 starting time so there's not much point. Plus there's something streaming right now I'm enjoying.
Besides Atlantis didn't sink it floated away back to its homeplanet that is where "I must go my planet needs me" memes comes from they are preprogrammed to our genes from witnessing that event
It also left us a lot later than you'd think it afterall ferried the Israelites and Jesus to the americas, where they then buried the golden tablets for Mormons to find atlantas/atlantis' movement was powered by Oregon energy
orgones just makes me think of the toys from Small Soldiers
>>645601 thank you there was some RNG on those golem lasers fired at me Since it randomly divvies up the total number among three different values, one of which gets fired at my face
it really looks like a lot of fun i would love to have a camping and canoe trip through kentucky or something i love that treeline
I don't know much about Kentucky but when Kirara, Jan, and I did the road trip up the East Coast we toured through eastern Tennessee along those Appalachian mountains. And that much was an extremely scenic and lovely trip to take. If the parts of Kentucky that are close by that are similar I could see why you'd like it so much.
>>645738 wonder how hard would it to make a 2hu bullet hell fighting game though i'd be content with jus 2nd 9,5 >>645740 official
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
somebody hasn't heard of touhou sky arena.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>official I don't think that will ever happen. Mister official pants.
Meanwhile you mean 2nd 9 because 9.5 is Aya's game Shoot the Bullet.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
*pushes glasses up with middle finger*
also also it usn~t anything like a bullet hell and more like just say dbz game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey PK who in our group is going to draw the short stick to reach into a muddy pit of poisonous centipedes to get some unknown loot
not me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
let me see if I can remember how this works. #d5 (5) Ah, Leviathan.
if it was our game, titania and she'd eat the bugs while at it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>didn't even get bitten what a queen
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i cast magic missile #d20 (5)
i cast armageddon #d20 (17)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who wants to climb a tree to get some fruit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wait that's obvious
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>soili and lee are both panicked >meaning they'll hit each // the party with their actual attack power >lee has ENDGAME GAUNTLETS >Chaska defends the frontline >Lee punches Soili for 100 of her 130 hp ah
im on a plane and its not movin and i got a not quite sure from the pilotβs announcement gotta de-ice the wing tips
Yeah I get that pretty often flying in winter weather. It really throws you off the feeling of being on-schedule, but I try to assume the flight schedule already accounts for it.
There's a particular scent of gum I really like and generally keep a pack of in my bag at all times. Which means anything that spends a lot of time in my bag and can pick up scents will inevitably start to pick some of it up. It's not a bad thing but it is a little weird to have my notebooks smelling of peppermint.
quite strong scented gum
is gum there good for your teeth orj ust candy?
Depends on the brand. Some are designed to be as neutral on your teeth as possible, or mix in some dental hygiene components to market as "dental gum" (my experience with which is far too limited to say anything for or against the efficacy of). Some are definitely candy brands of course. I think the kind I tend to chew is pretty harmless on my teeth, but that's anecdotal based on no drastic degredation of my teeth over the years of chewing it.
I've been advised to not chew gum because it will result in an earlier onset of my jaw problems that I am doomed to have in the future. My dentist said that it would be fixed pretty easily though. I'd just have to have some surgery and then get it wired shut for a week.
all gum, as in all domestic gum, is xylithol based, so they aren't in anyway harmful to your teeth actually good for your dental health
The kind I chew isn't xylithol-based, but it doesn't seem to have any particularly horrible components. I also literally chew a single piece a day max, usually during which ever class I have the longest lecture of for the day. When I'm at home I'll just drink tea or fail to resist the urge to snack to satisfy my oral fixation.
>>645725 i dont really know kentucky but i hear it's great but yeah tennessee and missouri both have that kind of feel to them that im familiar with
>>645792 You'd probably enjoy the geography up in central Ontario a lot. Lots of small lakes, rivers, marshy land between these huge shelfs shelves of rock that make up the Canadian Shield. It's nice cottage country but also is nice for camping. Plenty of pine trees and other evergreens.
>>645794 Gas/vapour is a bit too unsubstantial to satisfy it for me.
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i bought a thing of tic tacs recently itβs been a while, how fun
Tic tacs are perfect for it but my problem with 'em is once I start it's hard to not just keep going. At least with gum I can chew it until it becomes a solid piece of dense matter in my mouth.
>>645814 no, we don't have passenger trains and stuff anywhere ive lived i guess maybe i sat down on a train in Philly for like 2 minutes in 2016
>>645817 yeah, it was cool! it had two seats across from each other and at night they collapsed into bunk beds i was in it for like 24 hours long ride from toledo to denver it was so cool! like $500 between me and the person i did it with not so bad
>>645815 not great, she's so unconfident in every aspect now she's probably gonna drop out and stop psychology if she doesn't see a therapist or something rip
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645818 I know you don't have it I meant like while visiting somewhere
Samu π¨π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara, the Princess
umbrella academy is on Netflix now it looks pretty cool
There's a building in that show that's local to Toronto. I think a lot of the production was filmed locally.
But if I were to make a series about ltor or new movie series I'd adapt the War of Angmar though you'd have to condense it into few decades from the few centuries it took in tolkien's writings
If what I read is right, I guess it will be Aragorn A Lotr Series so most likely complete crap
I hope the Netflix Witcher series'll be fun. Apparently Henry Cavil is a long-time nerdfan of the series so at the least he'll probably be passionate about getting Geralt right.
Speaking of snaps what if thanos had also completely removed snapped people as in no one would even be aware they existed in the first place Would save a lot of grief
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Everyone else has lovely subclasses will be waiting for vampire for Soili
speaking of chaska and ghost voices what if chaska stands on top of ghost voices lee stands on top of chaska and then titania on top of lee and then soili on top of titania
how high a pyramid would that be?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
9 + ~6 + ~6 + 5 + 5 = ~31 feet
9x2 dude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Who said Ghost Voices was exactly as tall >>645876 Probably
it is a ghost of someone of the giant people tribe
My room's air vent runs right next to my closet, and in these colder seasons when we've got the heat on, my cat likes to nap next to the vent to soak up the heat. But tonight every time I look over at her she seems to be slowing moving across the floor into the slightly-open door to my closet. And each time, in the exact same pose, she seems to have moved more into the closet. It's funny to me.
i gotta go convince some big shot to support some research im doing and dedicate time to sitting on my dissertation committee then i gotta go do a presentation im not prepared for then i have a client and he's some vape big shot and never shuts up so he's kind of annoying
Does he think he knows everything better than any one else might too?
nah he's a super nice and friendly guy so i feel a little bad about not liking him haha he's just a little overwhelming he talks about his vape business a lot since it stresses him out a lot i don't usually see clients on Thursdays but i offered to see him on Thursdays because it would make it easier for him with managing his business
Oh yeah I don't know if this would interest you but this is a neat interview with the new She-Ra's showrunner.>>>/watch?v=iEfmqxkHDig Just as a heads up the opening is a little bit romanticizing on cocktails but the actual interview isn't.
>>645938 Yeah I can get that. I can think of a friend or two I've known who might end up like that for some people.
Kirara, the Princess
>>645939 neat ill probably watch it in the morning since im in bed rn haha thanks for pointing it out
this vape dude doesn't even need substance abuse treatment he got a dui in 1999 but he has to attend treatment now that he's been sober since then because he wants his driver's license back and you gotta get treatment to do that even if your dui was 20 years ago
That feels like an annoying pithole of bureaucracy. Like there should be a case-by-case appeal system or something to argue a case without needing to go get treatment.
yeah i should be able to say my clinical judgement is that he doesn't need treatment but whatever i only assigned him 4 sessions which is the fewest number i can give him
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645943 >drink and drive >get caught >get to drive again at all >wow what a pithole yeah okay
you're arguing in bad faith rei
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
although yes kirara should be able to clear him but he's lucky he gets to drive again at all
Kirara, the Princess
haha you can drive with 5 DUIs
Kirara, the Princess
especially in florida
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
as expected of florida its also where old people who shouldn't be driving get to drive so that kind of makes sense
>>645948 Though you'd be locked out of travelling to Canada with just one. Like not even go and not drive.
Well I dunno about flying over but you wouldn't be able to drive across the Canadian border with a DUI on record even if you recovered/kept your license.
Kirara, the Princess
florida actually has a decent system people are held accountable for a DUI even if the charges get dropped to reckless
im getting really lost in the world of math and forgetting how to use people words and think about people things again is there any good anime recently for our age group something to bring me back into reality
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>645953 I never really got those skills down very well
Yeah, I'd second that. Maybe also Mob Psycho 100, the character focus is on a middle (high?) schooler but their's a fair bit of adult elements in there too.
If you're feeling like you're having a hard time being in-step with "normal people" wavelengths you might enjoy My Roomate is a Cat, or Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue by its Japanese name. Though it's a nice show but it doesn't reaally dig too deeply.
I don't entirely know if it's aimed -at- our age group but Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii handles characters of that range and from a similar generation to us that you might find some sympathetic strands going on there.
There's also Amanchu! , from the author of ARIA, that while doesn't really focus on characters of our age probably handles contextual situations that are pretty relatable or involve an emotional maturity.
This might be a curveball that would be hit or miss but Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori might be nice for you too.
Finally these are shows less towards your category and more just ones I've considered geninuely good recently, but Megalo Box, Banana Fish, and Angolmois have been really enjoyable pieces from recent years.
the motivation from potentially being published excited me at first now it just makes me scared like i dont deserve to be excited about it im worried i'll do it and feel great about myself until someone's like "wow, so what, you're like 29" but more under the guise of something gentler like "ah nice i remember my first publication. yeah. grats"
>>645957 My brain can slip into some similar kinds of thoughts too. Like sure, I'm on track because of classes I've taken in previous years to graduate from this normally four-year program in three and a half years. But I'll still be like twenty-eight at best by that point, and all it'll be is just a bachelor's degree. Most people at that level are five or six years out of school or at higher accomplishments. It makes it hard to feel like it's really any kind of accomplishment at all.
My fucking PC wouldn't go into sleep mode. Kept starting itself back up each of the three times I told it to do so. And then when I got annoyed and just held down the power button it didn't even power off and booted back up right after that too. At least it properly powered off by a normal shut down.
But really you could just use wound glue after pressing the wound together, isntead of having some plastic there afterall, if the glue in the stich gives away, then the whole thing becomes useless so if wound glue can't keep it closed, that thing can't keep it closed
Kirara, the Princess
stitching a wound is honestly not that hard in general unless it's a really big one i guess
Also I can just seep eople using that, being reckless because it is 8x stronger than stitches and then complaining how their wounds keep reopening
>>646122 if it is a wound I wouldn't check at a hospital, I wouldn't stitch it
Kirara, the Princess
i feel the same but also hospitals are too expensive i would be willing to stitch my own wound unless it seemed like a bad idea in that situation the hardest part is cleaning and dressing the wound
I still prefer the disinfectants of past that STUNG like hell when you sued them kinda just FELT like it took some effect compared to just rubbing some liquid on it and going "I think it is disinfected"
Kirara, the Princess
>>646129 that's how it still is here i haven't cleaned a wound without that sting at least maybe ive just been using the wrong stuff
I don't even know what the nonstinging material is made out of I had one bottle that was "no-sting" but it went bad and it still worked as disinfectant, but it began to sting so I guess the expiration date was for the "no-sting"
Kirara, the Princess
just gotta bite something and let the sting claim you
yeah I just felt like making something sweet and it was that or donuts and for the latter, I don't really have the oil to fry them and I doubt I have enough flour to make the dough
Yeah, I'm pretty tired. I don't get a weekend for a little while. No time to catch up on sleep!
>Eccentricity (also called quirkiness) is unusual or odd behavior on the part of an individual. This behavior would typically be perceived as unusual or unnecessary, without being demonstrably maladaptive. Eccentricity is contrasted with normal behavior, the nearly universal means by which individuals in society solve given problems and pursue certain priorities in everyday life. lol
>>646172 Got a feeling so complicated. It's the anniversary of my grandfather's death so I'm supposed to mourn but I'm in a good moox. mood How are you?
>>646195 i mainly do 1 but i do all of them except 2
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
yea sitting βnormallyβ feels wrong like iβm pretending to be someone iβm not
Kirara, the Princess
same hmmmmmm new personality theory based on style of sitting
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
#imfey (elwind!)
I do a lot of three but I tuck the crocked leg in more so it's under my other leg.
In more cushiony chairs I'll do a lot of two though.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
if that was about straight sitting poses there would be two: normal and chair-turned-around-hugging-the-back
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
the reverse arm-support straddle
The real way to properly sit in a chair is to shift your position every half hour or so because who the fuck can sit one way comfortably for much longer than that.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
the real REAL way to sit is in a throne with neck support only Gamers know this
The real REAL οΌ²οΌ₯οΌ‘οΌ¬ way to sit is to do a sitting pose without a chair wherever you ought to be sitting.
Samu π½ !KW2DbpWwls
>sitting in an armless wooden chair >modified one-shoulder side saddle lean >chair starts to tip >perform screw cancel >wood ceumbles to the floor >still sitting in mid air get fuxked seatfags
Kirara, the PrincessSearch [iqdb](781 KB, 1300x2000, ange8.png)
dont sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
Make the Genie just Aladdin's actor but in blue CGI. Turn the movie into a metal four for a man struggling against his inner desire to have anything he could ever wish for and eventually coming to the realization that none of those earthly desires will free himself from imprisonment of his own mind.
Disney and Robin Williams have a kind of interesting history. He joined on for the Aladdin movie initially only after they said they wouldn't market him (already a star-class actor) ahead of all the other main actors which for the most part were nobodies, Disney of course completely went back on their word once market season came around and Williams got really mad over this, so much that when they made the second Aladdin movie, he refused to reprise the role, which is why there's a different actor voicing the Genie in it. But then he did return for the third Aladdin movie, so that trilogy is kind of a weird instance of one of the main characters flip-flopping between two voice actors over three movies.
oh fuck it's at two places in Pennsylvania next philly deito
oh but they got one near where jan lives too and one in colorado and two in new york
/moe/ dancing deito when
Well I guess if we visit literally anyone we'll have an option of trying it out. >>646238 Yeah I was checking for places but the machine brand only brings up Round1. Maybe there's some niche place here that has it I don't really know the arcade scene.
haha It's so impressive I wonder if I'd be good at this stuff I bet you need a lot of practice before you can do all these spins and stuff
Well if you can spin well enough on your own I feel you just sort of pick up the timing of the game and learn where you can slip them in. I saw some Japanese people rocking a DDR machine when I was at an arcade in Tokyo, there is a degree of insanity on the harder levels going on. That's something that always bewilders me.
One of my colleagues is working on creating a new instrument which would seek to measure a construct of femininity that's common in Hispanic cultures, and it's broken down into two subscales: marianisma and seductress I was helping with it today and I took it and I scored pretty high on seductress because there were items like "I know how to make a man do what I want" and I do but just not in the way the instrument wanted to measure, haha
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>646246 What's the kind of things marianisma registers when scoring?
The thing is, women in many Hispanic cultures are expected to be people who can score high on both Both are big parts of the Hispanic conception of femininity Or at least that's what I'm told. I haven't studied that stuff, but that's what the person creating the instrument explained to me.
It matches with some stuff I could call circumstantial evidence from my experiences with the culture. Which, I stress, is still very limited, but it's something I could understand. I feel like a lot of cultures will have an idealized concept of a woman that would be expected to fulfill similar systems. Kind of like the classic Japanese Yamato Nadeshiko.
this gokudols back street idols anime on netflix is pretty good so far have any of you guys seen it?
I was kind of interested in checking it out but getting subs were hard to find during the season it was airing, probably because of that Netflix arrangement. Now it's probably too late to go back and watch it.
>>646256 if you enjoy stupid, dumb, retarded shit like prison school, i would definitely recommend it
also i'm getting just a sight tiny bit sad watching it alone