they're mad that it's transphobic even though the first one was
Kirara, the Princess
also it turns out the new Catherine is in fact not trans which they should be happy about but they don't appear to be
>>644270 well why are they full arms about that thing
what is the actual announcement
and so on
Kirara, the Princess
there was no announcement the game isn't even out yet until next week >>644272 because a leak says Catherine goes back in time to make everyone happy and the trans character in the first game doesn't transition in that ending or something
for what were the trans endings and endings of anuy kind and so on over the years?
as "I" was saying above
what were the various endings of the game in a logical order
Kirara, the Princess
i don't understand what you're saying
yeah I can definitely see that
uhh >>644275 this here thing what does this even mean
and basicalyl what does this continue into?
Kirara, the Princess
transition means to change genders erika, the waitress in the first game, is trans she was born male and became a /// and had a sex change so Catherine goes back in time and stops that from happening or something
FOR A book this large celebrating all this stuff, there really isn't much touhou in here half way through and the only one I've seen is a yuyuko
>adventure time nice
who animated Dragon Maid?
was it KyoAni because if it is this is a really nice kyoani double spread
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>party finds a bunch of leaves in the water >tries to make them float good >by making them into boats >nah >BUT WHAT IF WE MADE A MEGA LEAF BOAT >it works
like... less than 10 pages more if you count panties but it was really just a few "oh, I can't post this on moe but it's nothing excessive" and then BAM. ISHIKEI
quizlax, or however it's spelled wasn't so much NSFW but just really "why would you do this"
>>644380 i think i know four girls that play the cello and the tallest is my cousin at 5'3" one is a very frail little thing who's probably not even 4'10" it's funny to see her carry the huge thing
But what is it about the cello that attracts small women? And does Sam have a bow length of 28 inches? All these questions and more answered on the next episode
Lumberjack -> House Builder -> Doll house builder -> Doll maker The progression
>>644387 The cello is one of the somewhat popular instruments for Chinese families to push on their kids to learn. Not that it would likely cover all small women playing chellos but it's definitely a statistical tendency that coincides.
>>644429 only you can prevent large scale bushfires
assuming i have a "raise undead" sort of spell that works instantly upon being cast how dead/how long must something be dead for me to turn it into an undead like if i stab a guy in the heart can i turn him into a zombie right then and there or do i have to wait for all brain/body/nerve functions to cease
>>644455 at least Reaper pressing Q looks cool and it's slightly dangerous for him to do though I guess mercy doesn't get potg anymore since she got changed
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
mercy is a difficult champion tho
i dunno if i'd say that
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
you're just unable to appreciate the nuances involved in high level mercy play
zen best healer fight me
The best healer is the one that kills the entire other team so your team never needs healing.
>>644463 yeah that's why when i play mercy i only ever use the pistol
>>644463 yeah i agree moira is awesome you need some utility to complement her raw output though so ana is objectively superior in most situations since she has great output and useful skills
Moira looks pretty fun i might learn to play him next.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
that works they're probably my second favorite healer next to Mercy tbh it's really useful to pick it when you have a really bad team that clusters up and can't finish shit they drop low the ultimate is also shockingly powerful i got a quint in a game where samu was playing zarya with me using grav and coalescence haha
>>644472 yeah it's pretty dangerous like a 75% zarya beam that is two and a half times as long and pierces shit and it builds up super fast too but moira still doesn't bring any utility to a team so she will never see a lot of high level play
>>644474 well then you'll probably like moira I only play QP myself i can't bring myself to play ranked online games with randoms it frustrates me too easily
Solo ranked always fucked until you get a god or are a god urself Happens sometimes
i dunno if it's even possible to carry just by being a good player honestly you need to incite teamwork and shit even if you're the best goddamn genji in the world a decent team wins
>>644481 Koreans aren't necessarily the best they just usually try harder than westerners and practice pub Koreans are just as unreliable tbh >>644480 yeah that's true enough but you never have both teams uncoordinated above like gold shit most of the teams in gold even try to communicate somewhat
Please tell me you're being shitposty Marsh because I've already had this argument with someone who actually seriously believes that kind of tripe and I don't want to re-hash it with someone I actually consider a friend.
>>644493 talent definitely does real. hard work is requisite either way to become good at anything, though. some people are just predispositioned to enjoying or practicing particular things. that's talent. I'm not saying people are ever born good at something.
>>644495 Predispositioned in how? What is this fantastical thing that somehow means from the start they already will be enjoying or praticing something? Why is it unique to them rather than just the life they've been raised in and just another flexible component of life as opposed to a guarantee. I don't like this thought of predisposition because it generalizes the actual reasons someone has developed an affinity for a certain skill or trade into some ambiguous time before. No one just falls out of an ether being inclined to being good at something, the way they grew up, the values instilled in them, the opportunities they've had from a young age to experiment with interests; those are what build those kinds of affinities. Talent don't real because it's never some vague predisposition, there's a concrete origin of why someone will enjoy or feel drawn to practicing or doing things.
>>644496 it's not fantastical and like i said nobody drops out of the womb skilled at something. it's probably related to genetics and environment somehow, but I do believe some people are naturally capable of gaining proficiency in specific fields due to circumstances in their life or concerning their heritage.
the biggest mystery of moe is if sugoi or rika is the bigger slut
Well Rika's been out partying TWO (2) nights in a row. So who knows.
>>644501 I'm gonna write in my vote for Sugoi Rika might be proliferant but Sugoi takes on multiple people at once and Rika historically chases one at a time
>i-it's okay guys. you take the lane farm. I'll go and pick up the scraps in the bushes
Isnt that the exact opposite. Since you come around, steal their Lane fodder, maybe get a kill on the opponent. Jungle dive to establish dominance.
>>644507 Maybe that's how it is these days but when I used to play the jungler just did whatever they wanted and fucked people in lane when they were easy kills.
The most beta role is truly anyone who plays a fucking shit ass moba dude play a real competitive game l m a o
I haven't gotten to watch aaaany anime this weekend. I was out until like 04:45 Friday night and it looks like Rika wasn't around either. And then I guess last night she was doing her usual party thang or whatnot. This anime drought is going to swallow me whole.
Your list of anime just keeps growing! It's going to crush you!
Well it shrinks down and then grows large and then shrinks down again. I think a lot of the shows that aren't really getting tackled on it are likely just gonna get left to the wayside once the season ends. There's a good number of really enjoyable shows this season but also a lot in the middle of the pack that are hard to really gauge if it's worth cutting or not.
I'm only watching 7 shows this season so it's easy for me. I'll probably add Kakegurui soon, so 8, I guess.
There's like nineteen or twenty shows we're keeping up with regularly. And then another five or six that kind of hang around if we need to throw something on in the middle of the week once the fun stuff has run dry. I did go and find some decent Kakegurui fansubs recently though so we'll be able to use that instead for a bit.
>>644554 I dunno, I used to watch like 15 or so shows every season up until my second year of grad school. I think it's fine as long as you get your work done.
Well I wouldn't be watching as much if I wasn't watching with the group. I'm just not good at being consistent with independent activities like that. And I probably shouldn't be up as late as often as I am because of them. So if I was doing what I should I wouldn't be watching as much. Probably.
that girl who believes in spiritual mediums recently told me she also believes you can access memories of your past lives i don't think people with these beliefs should be psychologists but what do i know
to explain the joke: The enemy tried to do a cutscene finisher. But the person's teammate came in and interrupted it and now she's in the bleed out/helpless state because her HP was that low
>>644591 haha damn this game is anime battle royale
I'll still probably never play it though
and she just fucking runs out i'm crying >>644595 it's okay. I understand
Speaking of anime battle royale, that character, Wraith, does the Naruto run.
i used to imagine people running alongside the car like that tbh
yeah it's nice took me a bit to get used to the controls
yeah i had the same experience really fun game after getting used to the strange controls and cluster fuck hud though
But then I went to sleep, woke up, and suddenly I was an ace pilot so (japanese shrug emote)
>>644603 yeah it was kind of confusing at first to think in 3D space i guess feels like i got used to that quicker than all those fucking flashing lights and reticles and random numbers and shit STILL don't know what femto is the characters seem pretty fun too i wasn't super interested in it before but the demo sold me for sure
Does the game okay smoothly? It seems to me a fairly intense game for the Switch's hardware.
Guys what's this word that I'm not able to think of It's like "meaningless" or more like "random" It starts with an "A" for sure, and maybe starts with "ar" or "an"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>644631 bless your amazing heavenly bless beautiful soul you truly deserve all the good things that have ever come to you, and none of the bad things
fuck yes there's a video with the japanese version of this song >>>/watch?v=9xa42tvQFug still can't find the fucking original recording/album ver on youtube though
does anybody want this guy I don't know how the fuck he got in my room
There's like an inch-long healing scratch on my stomach and I've got no clue where this came from. It's like not even fresh so it's not something that happened in the past half-day or whatnot.
that's peculiar bruises I could understand but scratches are things you usually remember
>>644982 i actually noticed a bruise on my chest and two inch or so long scratch on my foot (?) today myself I dunno how they happened though they don't really hurt so it's not a big deal in the end none of this hurts nothing is so big a deal
Well these kinds of things it's always less about the pain and more the mystery. Human beans love a strange mystery.
the bruise maybe the scratch i doubt happened while i was unconscious maybe it was the cats or something but i don't let them in my room if I'm going to sleep
>>644994 i liked the characters in general a lot even though the story was kind of dumb except tsukasa (s)he is a shit
bear was a cool mother fucker everyone playing an mmo deserves a pal like bear to show them the ropes
I've never watched, read, or played anything related to .Hack
what the fuck
did you not like anime in the mid 00s? or did they not import that shit over there?
I'm pretty sure it was around. I don't really know why I didn't catch any of it. Maybe the anime program on the channels we got on the basic of basic cable only ran it super, super late into the night, and I didn't really have late-night freedom (on weekends, weekdays came even later) until I was in high school, so ... 2006? 5? The stuff I could be awake to watch was stuff like Shounen Jump adaptations or Eureka Seven. Once I was able to cheat my curfew a bit and I caught an episode of Detective Conan and because of that there's this funny notion in the back of my head that it's some kind of "mature" show befitting of its past-midnight airing time rather than just a show for kids that was just not popular to air earlier in the night. But I think .Hack was always in airing times I couldn't watch it at. And by the time I was free to watch whatever I wanted on the Internet there was other stuff that was current that caught my attention more instead.
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
ok bear was a bro thats true cute character designs
>>645000 heck yeah when balmung shows up and everyone's sucking his dick and he goes to Bear like what's up bro i knew he was the best tied as the strongest player in the game and just helping newbies out because he wants to >>644999 maybe it was on late i stayed up late all the time to catch the midnight toonami for that sick yu yu hakusho and uncut DBZ with blood so maybe it aired then too
the weekend is already over i spent the whole time engulfed in maths and it blurred by so quick i guess it's a good sign that im getting motivation back
Fun rabbit hole to leap down?
why would i leap down a rabbit hole unless im trying to get eggs
>>645014 hard to say a lot of huge breakthroughs but also the realization that it's a lot more involved than i expected i feel further away now but ive come so far
it sounds like you've got some momentum going with it at least which is good
>>645016 it's good to hear you found interest again hope you can keep up the improvement good luck
I really ought to sleep a bit sometime before mid-afternoon today but I can already feel my brain being excitable. This always makes falling asleep difficult.
>>645054 What's on it? Sounds like it could be good.
>Pepper bacon, smoked ham, roast turkey, roast beef, and chicken filet. Topped with mayo, cheddar cheese, tomato, and shredded lettuce. Hrrrrrrm Would be good without the turkey, the veggies and the mayo.
Also I think you might be the first person I've known in a very long time who likes Arby's.
today i got to work and my boss was smokin a cigarette outside and she was like "guess what i got?" so i said what and she's like "walking pneumonia. abby (the supervisor for our substance abuse team) says i gotta go home until i'm on antibiotics"
and i'm thinking wow! my insurance ended today and i won't have insurance again until march 1!
You won't like this answer, but I had to wait. I tried a ton of things to fix it and nothing did the trick, but it started going again after like 10-15 minutes. I think there's a problem with the tracker.
The only thing I didn't try was deleting the torrent and starting it over. Mostly because I wasn't in a rush and didn't mind waiting a little bit.
They've been calling for California's "Big One" it feels like my whole life. I mean it's sure gonna happen at some point but by this point I'm pretty whatever about the hanging warnings.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
okay I got the torrent to download faster by reducing the maximum number of connections per torrent to 10
>>645109 That's wrong though All of your cells are replaced every seven years or so.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh wait nvm thats an urban legend anyways in that timeframe a lot of your cells would have been replaced
>>645106 It wasn't exactly next but there was one or two graveyards near my high school. One of them was fun to slip into and use the mausoleums to practice climbing on buildings and the like.
also a few weeks ago I told my friend I had $6.66 in my checking account and she laughed the week after when I was complaining about being broke she told me I should have more money because she thought I meant $666
battle angel was pretty cool pacing was kinda off and plot a little light but it was cool to see an anime person strut their stuff
Yeah I've been hearing generally favourable opinions of it. Good to hear Cameron's decades-long obsession with putting it on the silver screen bore good fruition.
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
it bore fruit in my pants
Samu please weren't you watching it with your folks.
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
it didnt really there wasnt any sexy stuff just lots of close up shots of her big eyes
I guess you've got a thing for HUEG eyes then eh.
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
AIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRR she also gets a T&A upgrade halfway through the movie
Impressive. Maybe I'll see if I can rope some people into going to see it.
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
she was kinda creepy tho she had this “im gonna kill everyone” look on her face half the movie then she killed everyone