3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-6 Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 5-7 Go-toubun no Hanayome Grimms Notes --Episode 3-6 W'z --Episode 4-7 Yakusoku no Neverland Kakegurui XX --Episode 3-6
Maybe an episode of Kakegurui if you're looking to pad out the list. Keep in mind we'll be getting like five good shows tomorrow so don't feel like you need to save good things on the List right now to have something nice tomorrow.
After the overly-theatrical gamble last time a card game with its relatively simplistic construction is refreshing.
I guess whatever way this pair of gamblers cheat is independent of the actual game they're playing. Seems like they might have some way of inducing a state in the other players, looking at Yumeko and how the person they were playing against before turned out.
Ah that's how she was planning on forcing Mary to get poisoned. Their whole scheme falls apart once a new player comes in that they haven't poisoned after all.
I like her a lot more now that we know more about her.
I trust her as far as I can throw her.
It's a fun game of chess between her and the kids now though. They both have to be careful with what information they share, what they keep, what they pretend they didn't already know.
So the kids are pretty much free-range humans.
Yup there it is. Got to play the game properly or you lose out HARD.
She's kind of overthinking their discovery of the tracking devices though. After all it wasn't anything special that lead them to it. They kind of just correctly deduced it after seeing how Mama was always able to locate them.
>>646328 Well as far as I know the Neverland adaptation is only a single season long so maybe you won't have to wait long.
Hah hah Burger Squad
She's like the cutest part of this side of the show she better not die.
One thing that really falls flat in this show (and there are a lot, but in particular) is how they're playing up the emotional and human side of these imperial forces. But the fact of the matter is still that they're a miltaristic empire that's invading a smaller kingdom for no reason, as far as they've shown at least. I mean it's reasonable to assume it could be economic or territorial expansion but as far as us viewers know they have NO REASON for this war beyond they want it. Which makes the appeal to their soldiers' humanity kind of ... so what?
okay It's a bit late and I have to wake up in like 6 hours so let's just do go-toubun
yeah, sorry! I'll try to be earlier tomorrow
ikaaaaa okay lets start!
Guessed as much. Would be a lot easier to get more shows in if you showed up a bit earlier. I guess Ika went off to play GranBlue while Egao ran its course.
Hi Goborohon sorry
Oh I guess we're gonna get the result of this gag at the top of this episode.
I like this show i might rea dthe manga after
Wow he's actually having a hard time telling them apart. At least they're colour-coded with pyiamas.
When the promotionary material for this show was starting to come out last season there were these individual promo bits for each sister, but the bits were all in 3D CGI. So a handful of people were starting to get panicky about the show potentially being done that way rather than this way.
That's a pretty silly game the two of them have to play to get around their problems with each other.
This might work for the four other girls but he's still kind of stuck outside. Though it's probably gonna stretch reaaaally thin by the time they're all in.
Miko was the only one really into the whole trick though.