Everyone around you been busy? Or I guess you've probably been busy too.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
aw man i'm sorry to hear it
it's somewhat my own fualt fault there's people i could pursue interaction with, but i sabotage myself i convince myself i'm better off just going home and getting on my computer maybe that's right, though but i don't still feel as though i'm missing out on something maybe more fulfilling but i still feel* who knows
numbers are my only friends
You can't reduce me down to a number!
do you have any good anecdotes or experiences about numbers
Dear me the chapter about the brutal massacre of a city in Youjo Senki novels sure gets into details as in how they "rationalise" it anime did a good job, but it is fun to have the actual conversation and reactions of thep eople, when some 12 year old girl describes how to massacre an entire population of a city
also the anime kinda displays her as military genius, when her "genius" comes mostly from just having read our history of two world wars and such ofc being able to remember all of that years after in good detail does make her quite intelligent
>>646396 >>646397 make a study of it I think it is something like a... "if I don't reply they will think ill of me" but since they don't really know how to reply, it is just some weird line like that
well that is presuming they are someone you are acquinted with or something but if it is just a random person following you on twitter, then it isi ndeed a fucking weird and why this
>>646392 that’s one very very loli lee enfield field
How do they decide which one is a loli? Does it have to do with anything about the guns or is it arbitrary?
lo, lee enfield
>>646403 these are costumes so these probably arent gun specified as much as cute stuff for people
I've thought for a while that you seemed pretty successful. You've traveled and done so much, and you're in law school. What makes you feel like you've fucked up your good hand? Are you unhappy with your life?
there better not be any overlap between people who are okay with hunting and people who are all hardcore about releasing fish that you catch while fishing
the clinician only exists when im getting paid if your friend was a carpenter and he helped you build something would you ask where the friend ends and the carpenter begins?
I was thinking of grabbing these books and going about my day but she's inviting me for tea and now I feel self conscious. I wish I chose a better jacket.
kirara is just kirara in clinician modo im basically just more composed and curse less well, in individual therapy in group therapy ill curse and whatever
>>646434 can't a friend just want to help a friend out
Get tea with friend y/n
Holing up at home for like a week straight without leaving and then having to go out into the city is kind of sensory-intense, hah hah. The sunlight is so bright and the sounds and smells of the city are a little lot.
Mm, this shawarma place is definitely an improvement over the last one I tried. Their pickled red cabbage in particular was waay better. I don't know for certain if I'll go back or not, their price to content ratio wasn't that good for their smaller portions, but I'll definitely consider it this time.
Kirara, the Princess
I wore my Untitled Goose Game shirt today and someone though it was a Woodstock shirt, haha.
>>646445 Better than the last one you tried there or in Philly?
Oh shit we've got a new design for our ten dollar bills.
>>646446 Here. The place in Philly is still the best of my three experiences. I was talking about it with a friend and he figured I might've liked the lamb shawarma from Philly better because it came from a more Grecian/Mediterranean place, where as most of the places downtown here are more Middle-Eastern. I might have to go adventuring into Greektown to find a place that would deliver one like the one from Philly.
The pharmacy here just has open bins of Vitamin D bottles I don't think they're even on sale they're just going "please pick up some Vitamin D this winter is miserable".
>>646484 Ginger tea, flavoured with honey and/or lemon to your liking. Though if you don't have lollies I guess it's a reasonable assumption that you don't have most of that either, eh.
I might go out and pick up some stuff anyway I saw some Ginger tea on special not long ago so I'll get some
Yeah, there was this green tea with ginger, honey, and lemon that was on a pretty hefty sale the other week. I picked up a container because of how cheap it was. It's some all right stuff but I think it could use a little more of those flavours, it's kind of plain as is. But maybe that's why it was on sale so much.
>roses >[x] smell it >who will smell it >[x] Titania >yup it's a rose but it's moving??? >OH SHIT A BEE FUCK A BEE FUCK >titania trips and hits herself for 50 damage
okay i know alita battleangel looks dumb but its actually good i recommend
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I've been hearing that from a lot of people.
>>646515 Coolio. I've had my interest piqued for a while now so it's good to hear good things about it.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I have mixed feelings about it being good on the one hand, it means the movie won't ruin the original's reputation on the other hand, it doing well makes it more likely that more hollywood manga/anime adaptations will be made in the future many of which will be bad
i feel like ive got amnesia maybe when you think about it, how would you ever really know?
Well there might be an inclination to believe it because of apparent absences in your chronological memory. But yeah I guess unless you have someone else to verify the absence it would be hard to really know.
>>646523 I don't know about others I guess but I feel like I have a firm recollection of the chronological order of my life. As in I can remember the feeling of observing? Maybe like a blockchain kind of structure, where in each moment I can remember the moment before and therefore the chain runs way back until I get fuzzy due to distance in time. And while I can't remember particular events or details I remember the feeling of observing. The apparentness would be having a discernable disruption of that chain, which I think would feel very apparent. Like I remember blacking out once because I rammed by knee into a corner and that was a clear break in my chain of memories. I guess sleep would be similar but that's a break I can rationalize because it's, well, sleep.
Of course as far as I've known I've never had amnesia so maybe I have the whole concept understood Absolutely Incorrectly.
But within my attempts to understand things, that's the best I've got.
how would they be apparent if they are absent sorry for interrupt
>>646522 yeah, i feel like remembering the process of events is pretty specific and a little bit mechanical so it's easy to recount the process without really recalling it but more engrained memories things about the way you think and the familiarity of a thoughtspace you're occupying i hit some of those sometimes and recall it in a distant sort of way and the recognition if it makes the gap kind of apparent it's weird, there's not really words for this layer of networking it's a space we don't occupy when using the higher functions of the brain for language
mahjong, 7447, 2:0
Kirara, the Princess
>>646525 that doesn't sound like an accurate statistic
I mean its probably not accurate, but in any entertainment medium there's always going to be more really bad things than really good things
>>646528 i feel like it's a little too top-down to express mathematically too it's some of the systems stuff ive been working really hard on it's probably closer to being expressed that way than through language but it's still somewhere between there that i dont have the means to express i think it would involve a lot of network computing to build and study big data structures
i really wish i could go work at that school of mathematical psychology that would have been a good use of my life probably
>>646533 Honestly I don't think there's an absolute way of expressing it. Memories and thinking are kind of a really abstract concept and I feel like trying to express them mathematically when the person in question doesn't arrange their thoughts in a structure that would allign with mathematics would probably be ... I'm not quite sure what the word I'm reaching here for is but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
>>646537 well language words are intentionally very broad they have to be in order to be communicable to all the different psychological perspective s that's how words can be used so globally in the mind so there's wiggle room when using words for this like a refractive index i could say something like the thoughtspace feeling of being pulled or guided towards some overarching life goal and that 'feel' you can get around it like as you change environments, you'll feel in some way like you're either moving towards it or away from it, kind of like a compass even though you probably don't know what the actual goal is or if there even is one, but the satisfaction of the amalgamation of values you incubate
trying to describe that in thoughtspace is really delicate because it's a very tiny thread of connected feelings, but being transmitted to anyone from any perspective they're in if someone has felt it in such a way that they recognize it as, say, a feeling of guidance or pulling in terms of external pressures and the anxieties we develop around them if theyve felt that then they'd see the words and recognize "oh yeah i know exactly that" when it's not that, but an internal, mechanical kind of pressure bottom-up language is just a very poor medium
>>646539 i think that's one thing that's neat though about word problems in math learning how to write out a math problem in the form of a wordless paragraph is nice and all on its own but it's also just strengthening connection between math and language so there's continuity
>>646539 There's a degree of efficiency to the fuzziness of language though. Mathematics may functionally be much more precise and accurate a form of expression but that means you have to know exactly the function you're trying to express or else you're simply wrong. Which requires energy and thoughtpower to form up, where as like I did in my previous post I could wave around the concept I was having a bit of difficulty pinning down and could still convey the expression. And maybe that's indicative of how some people operate in their own thoughtspaces. To that kind of fuzziness I could imagine trying to lock down the thought operations by expressing them mathematically might be either frustrating for the person you're trying to express, or worse, an exercise in futility.
>>646541 probably not the way trends are speed racer would sooner get a sequel
>>646544 there's also just formless stuff that gets lost like probing, there's a gradient with that one of what it means to probe something or modelling systems that makes it sound like systems modelling which is the function models and all that stuff but at this level it'd be about systems which model or the capacity for modelling within a system it all just mushes together
oh well thanks for the chat these guys have some neat stuff if you're ever interested https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-mathematical-psychology
>>646546 I might try to leaf through it, but honestly, I am not well-equipped for high-academic writing. My brain has a hard time chewing through the sentence construction and grasping what it's trying to express. Like reading Mcluhan, he has some really interesting ideas but man his thoughts are just a lot of word garble to me. I operate best when digesting things through a narrative format.
nah you'd need the subscription to read the full things it's just the abstracts there haha sorry you're gonna end up like me now ive cursed you with my word amnesia
Oh well that resolves that worry for me.
the narrative format is interesting isn't it it's like a buffer to the psychological perspective it's like you're reading off a clean white slate and it's gonna force the intended perspective on you instead of just laying things out, data or information or ideas, and interpreting them within your congested thoughtspace
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
men who make machines that want what they decide
sammy do you know assembly
Kirara, the PrincessSearch [iqdb](319 KB, 1024x1024, M1897.png)Anno
>>646551 I feel like there's a lot of finesse to the narrative structure actually. Like with the reliance on language it requires you to know exactly how much ambiguity you can get away with, more so how much ambiguity you can use to enhance the concepts you're trying to express. At the least I don't feel like narrative is inherently forcing an intended perspective on me. It IS showing me a definite perspective, of course, that of the narrator, but that has to pass through my filter before I properly receive it. Narrative is interesting to me because, I feel, I've been immersed in it for so much of my life. As far as I know, it's that kind of structure that my thoughts kind of naturally organize themselves into.
ive been stuck like this for days all sense of time has disappeared and days all just stream together this concept is so intoxicating i can't not think about it even the mundane things im doing i see the pattern and the gears are moving and i seem to be consciously thinking about it while i'm asleep too or else my sleep is just an in-between state and im not really asleep dunno which
I'm in a bit of a similar state. It's been reading week the past week for me and when I don't have something establishing a schedule for me the days all kind of coalesce into a singular experience where sleep is just the rest state I fall into when I need it. Thankfully I've been not too far off with my sleep but it -has- been steadily slipping earlier and earlier into the morning.
i have no idea of my sleep schedule i just fade in and fade out being asleep almost feels more real than being awake since im looking inward instead of outward
i wish i had some vr stuff i would feel so much more at home in my digital self i could probably think clearly
kirara are there rigid tests for amnesia sorry to put work/academia discussion in your face first thing when you wake up on the weekend you prolly wanna be a million miles away from that and decompressing
ive been feeling pretty amnestic lately i think there's fairly innocuous reasons for it due to the abstraction of my current focus and unique thoughtspace ive been occupying
but that got me thinking what they actually can tell definitively about amnesia there's going to be all sorts of thoughtspace environments that are just not gonna have the same perspectives like you could ask a patient who woke up in the hospital "do you know where you are right now?" and they may have been asleep for a long while occupying a very conceptual thoughtspace it might not be obvious they're distinctly asking "what is this building we're in" and they might think about it in terms of where they are at right now in their mental status, progression of treatment, where they are at in their memories they're trying to recall like "im at my wedding day, feeling nervous about ____" that's very conceptual stuff and the person is always going to have a different context profile that the question is being laid upon
i know there's medical stuff you can do like scans and seeing sclera or damage to associated regions and rigorously testing short-term memory faculties in an artificial setting with simple tasks but a lot of the involved amnesia would be for more conceptual memories like the way you think or the thoughtspace environment or your values or stuff
sorry i didnt mean it to be this long
Kirara, the Princess
we usually specifically ask what building they're in for a mental status exam the standard is to ask state, county, city, building, and then floor and then we ask year, season, month, day of week, date we try to get at stuff like that through discussion usually too
man ive tried to google a couple times "too much kratom" as in like if you take too much, you're likely to experience stomach cramps or constipation or headache or stuff like that and maybe how much is too much in terms of its effectiveness since you lose the balance at higher doses but of course google thinks im looking up overdose information and has all those warning sites and help info i would type overdose if i meant overdose
Kirara, the Princess
i remember when google actually worked
you remember how cleverbot just worked by recycling inputs of other people in the past as its own outputs i feel like google's doing the same thing but just in a much broader architecture
Kirara, the Princess
isn't that literally what they're doing?
in some sense
anyway i need to find a different way to take kratom i think the powder is fucking up my insides since it's hydrophobic just gets caked onto the linings of my digestive tract and it's starting to spook me
Kirara, the Princess
like tea?
yeah but i think i'd need leaves for that and not powder it's fine when i take it infrequently but if i take multiple doses in a day it really does a number on my stomach
Kirara, the Princess
i wonder if you can make a teabag with the powder probably not i bet you do need leaves
Kirara, the Princess
idk where to buy leaves
i should have been a mathematical psychology researcher
Kirara, the Princess
>>>/@sunrisemvmt/1099075460649107458 this is so funny to me these small children are scared of dying and this old hag with all the power tells them to fuck off and die
do you think i can get published as an independent researcher i want to register on the journal of mathematical psych and try to submit things but organization name is a mandatory field
Kirara, the Princess
i don't see any reason why not it would be weird if you need an organization i think? like there are people who just have jobs and aren't part of organizations but still do research im sure?
it's good that i'll be going in fresh and having my first publication on a clean slate and not have cross referenced citations to very trashy and unprofessional stuff that would lookbad
They shall fuel the coal factories well and don't actually burn them uhh
dig a hole and line it up with sand and other non burnable materials then throw all the dead plant people in then cover them with rock and sand so that the pile becomes airproof except a small hole uptop and then lit them on fire
they will thus become charcoal, tar and various wood oils
My knee felt great this morning so I just went all out like I normally do and was climbing/jumping around and now it's a little painful again. Not as bad as it was yesterday, though.
When I was 19, Teacup and I were more-or-less hiking through a creek. I made a bad step and slipped and hurt my knee. Ever since then it occasionally acts up.
That's my right knee. I got hit with a brick on my left knee a few years ago but that one never gives me any trouble.
you actually need some fucking determination, hueh ue, to get the genocide conditions in this game
>>646647 interesting that the right knee never healed you were quite young back then afterall
Yeah. I never got it looked at. I probably should. I might when I can afford it.
It hasn't given me trouble in two years or so so I just figured I was good now.
thing with strained or twisted joints is, that while gettign them checked does help but whent hey DO get badly twisted, they get perma twisted unless you are young enough for whatever borke to properly regrow
oh yeah don't go downhill skii-ing or snowboarding
lmao there's a scene in Umbrella Academy where the antagonists got ticked // tricked into eating an entire bar of pot chocolate between them then they got super high
higher quality here if you're interested https://vimeo.com/6594578
My elbow always makes it really apparent when I've been leaning on it against the wood of my desk too much. But it's always only a thing after I've been away from my desk, like after sleeping, for a few hours.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>"Lacy Hide" >Soili, Lee, // and Lee are the best to equip it to who wants to feel pretty
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh right lee has a better armor than soili does right now choice made
this boss is being way too hard for me to beat than it actually is just because how how my brain reacts to things this isgetting frustrated my logic says ONE thing but my reflexes fuck me over I REACT TO MOVEMENT AND IF A BULLET COMES FROM LEFT AND THEN SWIFTAS TO RIGHT I GO LEFT UP RIGHT
gaah STAHP DOING THAT how does one kill a fucking reflex?
umbrella academy is a really weird show the pacing is kind of off and the story is all over the place (but still coherent) but i really like it everyone is so dysfunctional together that it feels really homey a big dysfunctional family
>>646736 I heard some people talking about it and one of them mentioned to him it felt like the first couple episodes were kind of super-derivative, like he could see "oh this is where they're trying to be Quentin Tarantino, this is where they're trying to be [insert person I forgot here]". And it wasn't until another episode or so in that things really began to gel for him and the show came into its own.
My imouto was also watching it the other night so I guess it's interesting enough, eh.
>>646738 I don't think the first few episodes were very derivative. Maybe the first one was, since they basically did a bunch of dysfunctional family tropes. The real problem with the first few episodes is that too much happens. I got home today and I was like, I'll finish this show today. I'm pretty sure I'm near the end. I was on episode 4. So much happened that I thought I had seen like 10 episodes.
excuse me MA'AM me and my brother were wondering what kind of memes did they have when you were young
the character development in this show is weird too a guy accidentally got sent back in time to the vietnam war, fell in gay love, his lover died, he got PTSD, then he came back to the present and that was used as impetus for his character development
which is a really weird way of doing things?
sounds pretty natural to me i bet there's lots of people with that exact issue
Humble Bundle's doing a huge Pathfinder PDF bundle. By the final option there's like fifty PDFs in there. It's even got player and GM guides in there too.
The most expensive option is 18 USD, but the 1 USD option comes with the basic rulebook and beginner's materials plus GM guide and some campaign set-up stuff. And the 8 USD option has some more advanced guides for both players and GMs.
>>646764 There's some recycled material in this one from the bundle they ran back in 2016 or whatnot, but there's also a lot of new material too. Though I think it's mostly campaign and adventure material.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I bought mine from humble bundle once if I recall right.
Axel and Xion's outfits from the end of the game were adorbs. It's kind of ridiculous the game takes the entire course of the game to showcase them. I guess it makes sense for Xion but for Axel he literally says early-on "yeah I got new clothes but I like my Organization digs better".
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
i assume these are KH charas? girl is mad cute
Yeah it's one of the trios, Axel/Lea, Xion, and Roxas. Xion's the girl and yeah her outfit is adorable. You only see her in it for like five minutes in the post-game credits, hah hah.
It can be difficult to suggest a word without the surrounding context. I can give you a clinically correct word but yeah, there's always a good chance it's not going to fit.
yeah i know i'll go with prosper for now but that doesn't quite work either
>>646797 not quite maybe closer to replenish it's not too important really i just was stuck
>>646804 I can sympathize a fair bit with the annoyance. It's not uncommon for me to get hung up on not being able to think of the word I want so bad I just grind to a halt on whatever I'm writing. And that loss of momentum can be an absolute motivation wipe. Recently I've been just marking words I know aren't what I'm wanting with superscript '<>'s to denote to myself to try and meditate on them, or at least fetch a thesaurus. As a hope that if I can let go of the frustration that I don't lose my momentum. I had a really nice breakthrough with 'balconies' into 'catwalks' Friday last week that felt good to progress past.
>>646805 imagine your family was going to do something, say go to the cinema you really dont have much interest in going it sounds like a boring time, dont want to see a movie, dont want to deal with the crowds but then you're looking through the movies available and see one is directed by terry gilliam and you didn't know that before now suddenly you have a lot of interest in going to the movies
to just say your interest increased or grew is really not capturing the criticality of the change it's hit a threshold and changed the course of things and there were qualities at the start and end that made it not just a quantitative increase
>>646808 Hm, yeah, I can get that. I might say my interest is piqued now, but I'm just a little fond of that word. I could consider maybe revitalized/revived as well, but those words for me always carry an implicit of there was once some of something that went away and has now come back, and for the situation described they don't quite seem apt. But they are more in line with the replenish you put forth.
>>646813 yeah piqued is really just not even that meaning but yeah it expresses interest properly
the issue is that it'd normally be communicated just as a change of mind, something more binary oh i changed my mind, i'd like to go im aware of that simplicity but to express the situation in terms of the increased interest is different that was just the easiest analogy to come up with, the interest what i'm looking at would be measures in systems that hit a certain level to become prosperous like the point when a population seed becomes large enough to not dissipate when it can become prosperous* but not definitively
>>646815 Well "become large enough to not dissipate" I feel is almsot literally "sustainable" but I also feel that is a very poor word for concept you're trying to express.
sorry i just came up with a much better way to explain like if a neural network has an increase in confidence but such that it reaches the threshold to make a decision based on that confidence level
>>646820 Yeah this is really snagging me too. Maybe English doesn't have an adequate singular word that fits. I was toying with "resolved" after this explanation but that still doesn't feel right either.
the doushio software doesnt appear to be getting updates much anymore is it functional though? i want to start a board and I was using meguca but the docs are a mess and the software breaks on most browsers
>>647030 I'd rather we dug deep and exterminate the spine worms
Kirara, the Princess
rook is like an 8 or 9/10 he's super attractive my colleagues thought so too
how would you judge your self XD
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>647037 rei that's a weird tripcode you picked up
rei never does xD
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he does definitely do xd
Kirara, the Princess
im like a 7 or 8/10 probably
I wonder where i'd scale
Kirara, the Princess
rook and blue are pretty attractive im // i don't generally find white guys attractive though so it's probably no surprise the most attractive guys aren't white
how does the scale even go 10 is goddess and 1 is nurgle?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
10 is chad thundercock
for women
but I guess you like chad tundercock
is kinda weird that even I get apalled by some stuff in genocide run
in my training today, at the end, when we were giving feedback to the instructor, everyone was just saying normal boring platitude shit so i thanked the professor and said this is the first time in the program ive actually been trained in any kind of therapeutic style and everyone was really taken aback by it but then they started adding on to it and agreeing and shit
i hope i don't get in trouble for speaking the truth lol
rook you were in my dream last night! you gave me an edible
was it a gummy? those are the best kind
Kirara, the Princess
it was a choco bar
the chocos ate pretty good too but I think the cannabis affects the flavor too much, it's really noticable with the gummies it's like taking a vitamin or something I'm glad to be visiting your dreams though
>>647064 ive never done an edible but i trust you ive actually never done a weed because i told teacup i wouldn't but i realized the other day that i don't care anymore so i might give it a try soon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
rei can rejoice he's finally being used in the party, albeit briefly.
>>647067 your role is done but you made a drop I needed to get for a quest finally drop
>>647065 it's honestly nothing special, just another way to relax for a few hours I dont recommend edibles for your first time if that's ejat you were considering, dosing properly can be tricky and if you eat too much then it could have some uncomfortable effects if you have the option try vaping, small puffs intil yu get // until you get where you want
>>647069 yeah i don't expect it'd be something i do often but i might want to try it at some point i could do vaping probably i just got a new client who is like a vape big shot who designs vape juice and pens and stuff he tried to give me some fancy vape pen
side note, all buildings in Vancouver look the same
all buildings in vancouver ARE the same it is a very well done illusion with mirrors, that there would appear to be more than 1 building but 1 building is all there is
that's a LOT of mirrors >>647071 good song though megalovania for smash
What annoys me, is that the fight is more of a memory puzzle than a fight you have to go through a phase TAKE the hits and learn the pattern and dodge it
I mean nothing bad in fail try fail try again fights but I kinda like fights to be designed so, that a quick reflexed thinker could do them on the first try or third
i got a weird effect from kratom today i felt high which i don't usually get
>>647080 I didn't think of undyne as a fight you have to memorise, it can trip you up sometimes but it can 100% be done on reflex sans throws out inreadable bullshit
oh yeah I really like her fight on pacifist with no bake sale goods
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>647095 you just gotta spare my dude. it's so easy The game even hints "sometimes you may have to use the spare option when it's not yellow" >>647099 Uh yeah? Mercy, then Spare.
>>647097 I killed her, then reloaded it to see how far I can go before I need to heal and went like fucking 6 chases on the giant spider and then smacked her to death
too bad mettaton NEO didn't have any options to fight him Maybe spare would get him to attack, but I didn't want to risk genocide and reload
>>647098 Huh I don't remember that part I must've thougjt you couldn't use it for some reason
>>647099 did you not listen to goat mom at all? try talking and making friends
>>647110 More like cold winds, it's still kind of wintery here! Apparently the air pressure in some parts of the city are dropping to levels that ordinarily only happen in category-2 hurricanes.
I'm on a bus in Canada it feels pretty ok >>647124 napping on class not a option?
Probably wouldn't be that tired if I don't sleep tonight and would stay awake. But I'd rather not be on weird sleeping hours and nodding off in class would be detrimental to that I think.
fish is mad that i still call her my girlfriend we got in a fight about it
big fight or a 'fight'?
>>647137 wait is she not? >>647140 yeah but does that mean that she isn't also his girlfriend?
she's his girlancee
>>647139 does it really matter what it's called? that's probably the crux of the fight maybe
His fian-sea
>>647141 absolutely not labels are retarded and i actually truly despise them but also it should be like a girlfriend is a mutually exclusive spot you can be someone's wife and girlfriend at the same time otherwise someone else has to be the girlfriend that's the rules
>>647149 yeah it's rough! her complaint is understandable and im probably in the wrong but i don't want to change how i talk about teacup
>>647150 You landed in Vancouver, I'm surprised the Starbucks count isn't at three dozen by now.
Also Tim Hortons is traaaasssshhhh
that might be because I was trying to figure out how they copy/pasted all those buildings place was made in sim city 2000
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
> this day shall henceforth be known as /moe/ day wow
>>647151 I think eventually you're going to have to this might be something you gotta do for the sake of your relationship >>647156 ski trip with some Tennessee friends we're going to Whistler
yeah, but it won't get any easier and not changing could end really poorly for you >>647157 I dunno where that os // is but I just passed some place called squamish I hope
me and jan went to a tim hortons in saint louis it was not my most treasured memory to say the least
I've definitely covered my greviances with Tim Hortons on /moe/ in the past. The franchise might've been nice fifteen years back but these days just go somewhere else for your coffee and pastry necessities.
it wasn't anything too special dunkin donuts is a lot better and they're still kind of mid-tier
but i bought a big iced coffee there and went to the table to set it down while i got napkins and i just totally whiffed i missed the table and dropped my iced coffee directly on the floor lmao
>>647162 seems like it's just a canada meme at this point
Only point of exception are Timbits because no one else does those decently.
>>647165 Yeah, but also in the traditional literal use of the word. There are a LOT of people here who go to Tim Hortons because it's just The Thing You Do. I don't even think they're tasting the coffee and food they get there anymore it's just part of the routine.
>>647166 yeah thats why we stopped there jan wanted them
There was this season Timbit a couple years back for cinnamon-sugar coated Timbits and oh fuck man they were amazing. I don't know why but they were some kind of crazy delicious to me.
the beagle has landed >>647193 wow don't make me blush
Snowfall looking good for skiiing?
>>647190 reminds me of the sora no woto OP >>647195 not a lot coming down over the next few days but there was a good snowfall on Saturday night so tomorrow is looking good my buddies got here before me and they said most of the mountain is still untouched after today
what if something happens you could twist and fall on your back onto a rock and rupture your pancreas and not be able to eat sugar or poop right for the rest of your life
they focus a lot more now on channel targets instead of user target demographics there can be some personalization but it's really about the content type you're viewing most of the time since a new season just came out, they're advertising through a whole lot of channels but definitely if you went and typed "what is league of legends" int google, you'd probably get an ad immediately on your next video, most of my ads have switched back to curiosity stream instead of leagueshit though, right around the time i left my dota team a couple weeks ago and started focusing on math, so that's probably personalized too or maybe im just watching math videos more so getting those ads there
dead cells is really addictive it's cool they're still updating it got for free too i thought it was a good game already when i bought it early access but now it's ever better wish early access always worked like that
hour 3 of drilling if i wasn't tired as fuh i'd go kill the driller
>>647325 like fifteen bucks iirc it's 25 now but i bought in the moment they went public with the game since i was thirsty for it
also the ost is great good thing since you're gonna hear some of the tracks ten or twenty times before you even beat normal difficulty >>>/watch?v=fZ1Pk8HBYJU and >>>/watch?v=yyrjsMoe6Nc best level type and ost imo
why must this guy do drilling atleast once a month
>>647328 maybe he likes woodworking and it's actually some kind of lathe? idk maybe he's drilling holes in some kind of creative hobby anyway can't be any other reasonable explanation i think
oh yeah a dark souls reference that actually made me laugh truly incredible game tbh
>>647330 kojima seems like such a wholesome guy i bet he knows so much cool movie trivia
It's payoffs like that which make me still gamble on early-access games. Klei Entertainment has been pretty reliable with their early-access projects too, Don't Starve transformed amazing over its development period and the post release content, especially with Don't Starve Together, has been real neat. And Oxygen Not Included - Oh this post is ten posts off I just noticed the post number difference. My phone LIED to me.
yeah he consumes a lot of media it would be interesting to pick his brain
I'd just like to watch some of my favorite movies with him or hear his opinion if he's seen em already he probably has some pretty developed ideas about that kind of stuff >>647333 i figured you were replying to me anyways haha i generally don't ever consider early access games unless i feel like it's already in a state you could consider a finished enough game to release so I've only bought into like three games in early access i just pirate ones that look kind of interesting but not complete enough yet and usually they're not in a state I'd pay for so I'll wait for the full official launch don't starve was a cool game but i only played it for like ten hours before i got bored not sure why
the superior dev funding scheme is clearly sourcing Reddit to back your Kickstarter and 4chans Amateur Game Dev General for testing and design help just look at risk of rain and a hat in time both of them did it and those are awesome games
>>647337 i bought this game on accident because the ps4 controller can give your console inputs with Bluetooth and your PC inputs with a cable simultaneously and Sony won't refund me no joke
oh those went through AGDG? the only game I know through there is waifu bartender >>647339 rip I hear it's a buggy mess
yeah i got to do beta testing or alpha for RoR because they both went to those threads cool guys the lot of them there's an Easter egg in the RoR title screen referencing it too if you idle there long enough you'll see the AGDG logo
>>647340 I'm literally not even gonna try it looks like a worse destiny and i thought destiny was garbage it's really shitty that i can't get my money back though, fucking sony won't refund a digital purchase you've downloaded but it automatically downloads shit when you buy it
yeah I was going to say worse than destiny is a big feat
destiny is awesome if you've ever wanted a more repetitive and bland halo in a very generic sci fi setting even the max level raids are fucking boring and rarely dispense any loot Warframe does the same formula better and it's fucking free you even grind LESS if you play free in Warframe than you grind in destiny and Warframe is a legendary grind fest shit game 2 was the same fucking game now with no content again fuckers got me for 120 dollaridoos
why is there so much femdante i shouldn't be subjected to anime tiddies when searching for Dante from the Devil May Cry series
at least one of those artist at least has tit part down
that is to say they draw real nice tits
yeah they're nice anime tiddies sure but I'm looking for edgy badass and smug anime man not edgy and lewd smug anime girl
did you add - genderswap
danbooru doesn't let you search with more than two tags for some reason so it's either male dante with other characters or male and female Dante maybe there's some way to easily browse pixiv on mobile devices instead
ah that's always annoying gelbooru a shit too
at least gelbooru lets me search with nine tags and has a sfw ranking system that mostly works danbooru has more good images stolen from the Japanese though
gelbooru is a nightmare to browse with no adblocker
i dunno it doesn't serve me intrusive ads other than one a day that redirects to some bullshit game i think it doesn't even attach ads to the frame so they follow you there's a couple other crappier nsfw fanart boorus with more annoying shit i can recall but i don't think i should link that kind of shit on moe
I suppose gelbooru is second to danbooru in terms of content anyway so it shouldn't be that big a deal
>>647358 that's pretty interesting why the fuck would you eat week old leftover pasta though I'd rather just suffer starvation or dine and dash it was probably all slimy and shit too