>>313151 Galloping Ghost has an Injustice arcade cabinet, its one of only two in the world. And it was the first. The devs thought it was so cool they commissioned one from the guy who built it.
>>313170 About half the time the internet has been in existence it had no mainstream appeal. Also it wasn't originally a business, it was funded by the us government. So it didn't need to make money.
look i don't need a history lesson on the internet man
>>313173 Then don't make stupid assumptions and present them as facts.
>>313176 The way the ttechnology and protocols of tthe internet have been developed in the past 23 or so years have been driven by the wants and needs of the mainstream market. The services used to transmit those sorts of things were developed to meet those wants and needs. So the fact that those things can be done using such a service is a direct result of the mainstreams influence on the evolution of the internet.
yeah i mean the chinese are responsible for all gun deaths since they basically invented gunpowder
>>313226 I only keep facebook around because it reminds me of peoples birthdays
i only have a facebook account still because it's so much effort to get rid of one but seriously fuck that shit
I deactivated mine 6 years ago cause I was spending too much time on it. I need to reactivate it then delete eventually though. I've been putting that off for about three years.
>>313232 I don't even see a button for it in settings Facebook owns my identity now
>>313233 How do you spend time on facebook do you just talk to people a lot
>>313236 Compulsive ly join every facebook group that is related to any of my interests.
I've had a cut in my lip for like, years now. It's right in one place where the healing tissue is pushed up against the other lip, so it's a constant irritation in my life. And so unless I'm constantly focused on it, I end up gnawing or licking the tissue and re-opening the cut.
oh and for whoever it was that doubted me all those years back: Eggo now promotes the use of PB&J on the packaging of their waffles. So get bent pb&j on waffles is mainstream now and you cant call it strange anymore.
>>313269 I know that feel I tear/chew at my lips a lot Although not as much as I used to Mainly cause chewing it grinds my teeth down And also one of my supplements makes me do tgat sort of thing less
>>313269 how'd you get it? I got a bit of a scar in the inside of my mouth when I bit through my upper lip but it isn't noticable
I really can't remember. When I say years, I mean years. I vaguely remember it being irritable in memories from four or five years past.
>>313270 There are plenty of mainstream things that are weird. Like phone knobs.
>>313277 weird that it hasn'Γ€t healed then, if you got it young
>>313278 thats not strange then. youre just out of the loop you old fogey OLD
>>313279 I mean I was around twenty in those memories I'm talking about, so I'm no spring chicken. I'm trying to remember if it was even there in late high school, which would have been even six or seven years past. Maybe I should go and see someone about it.
>>313280 Fads are often strange Aren't you older than me?
>>313281 Maybe put super glue on it to prevent you from picking at it Although you may then pick at that instead ...
>>313282 this aint a fad its delicious food tested and proven worthy of use as marketing material by the most popular waffle company >>313289 PROVEN
>>313285 >proven I think you mean "supported by evidence"
>>313284 I have a good memory for some aspects of life. But chronological order is definitely not my strong suit. I've always struggled to remember the "when" relative to other things.
Going to bed now Oyasumi /moe/ Gonna spend like 8 hours at the arcade I'm so excited
>>313299 You don't have to remember the bad things, either!
>>313301 Yep. It's great to forget all the awfully embarrsing moments!
Some times when I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep, my brain will pull up one of those miserable moments as I'm running down mentally-related memory chains. It makes falling asleep a little more difficult.
i seem to only want to watch shows like that when i'm feeling down though it's like they're medicine for sadness but i'm not sad often a little bit recently but im fine now
apparently it took him like a month to make >>313380 I do need to make time for anime but the idea of working hard has started to become worse for wear
>>313381 Oh yeah I saw this a bit back. In the hall of the mountain king is a really catchy song too.
No, not really There's crust on the top, but the inside isn't pastry or anything, it's just fish, macaroni, some sauce of some type, and bacon bits
i watched wonder woman tonight
did it make you wonder if she's a woman
it's no wonder, she's woman
i give it a 10/10 for the "YOU LIED TO ME!?" scene
not sure how they expect me to be scared of the big bad when he looks like someone's nice uncle half expect a cheerio to come out of that hulking suit of armor maybe fashion himself a metal debris cane and monocle
making like 5 posts and getting a quote RT that says "thread" is an odd feeling Like thanks for appreciating my posts but also there's only 5 I dunno if it qualifies
>>313459 Is that good? You can't find an honest opinion on it online beacuse everyone either says it's awesome or it sucks because it's an issue in console wars.
>>313457 yeah ok gosh >>313456 was it the best buy you could find
>>313460 It's actually pretty good. It doesn't get too repetitive and the combat is fun. Interesting characters and setting. And we all know I love tribal aesthetics.
Mario looks like it will be good too. I need to get one of those memory cards so I can get digital games. The console itself seems like it doesn't have a lot of memory.
I heard in some of the reviews when it first came out that it needed a screen protector. I think some of that could have been the anti-nintendo "the swithc is so bad" hype. Still, having a screen protector on my phone proved to be a good investment so I went ahead and got one for the switch. It was only 8 dollars anyway.
Yeah, but I mean, I've had mine for months. I can say with a LOT of confidence, that as long as you're not stupid and brutal about taking the Switch in and out of its dock, it's not going to e -be a problem.
Could even drop one on an enemy's head, though that requires crazy prediction skills or good timing. Easier to just lift a magnetic thing up and drop that way. Or, y'know. Just shoot them with an arrow.
you can use the timestop to use platforms like surfboards Speedrunners have found a tonne of cool exploits like that
>>313561 You timestop specific objects, then stack hits against them So if I timestop a door, then hit it five times, the force from those five hits stacks and it goes flying off So you can use it to launch yourself into the air
I like mine so far. My only real complains revolve around the lack of extra bells and whistles like the Vita has. Like the ability to choose your own backgrounds or the lack of a web browser. It's a Nintendo console though, so I didn't really come in expecting that level of freedom.
>>313573 You still can't put your own custom background on it, can you? With the Vita you can load and use whatever image you like. I like that degree of freedom.
>>313572 The lack of region locking is nice, yes. Region locks are a real pain, especially when they take it as far as having different regions for NA and EU.
>>313571 Why would you buy a console if there wasn't more than one game you wanted on it?
>>313572 The region locking on the 3DS really pissed me off so I'm glad that's gone
lol remember that time Palfriends had to wait two years for SMT IV to be available in their region even though it was already out and fully translated in America? And when it did come out it was a digital only release. hahahahahahhahahahahaha imagine if we regionlocked the 3DS so they couldn't play the game that was already translated into english and made them wait 2 years No that would never happen that'd be dumb
>>313580 yeah it's funny how that's exactly what ended up happening
People would probably just buy american 3Ds or hack their 3DSs
Yeah, I think removing region-locking can help prevent the economical damage hacking will eventually do to a system. Well more accurately, having it onboard only gives another motivation to people to hack systems. Game publishers want region-locking since they can lose out on some revenue by people buying games from regions where its cheaper. I think that's actually an issue in Japan. People there buy games from outside the country and its cheaper that way.
>>313583 Hang on I'm coming 'round to my actual point here.
But I don't think the revenue lost by not implementing region locking is more than the eventual revenue lost by a console being hacked wide open and third-party publishers beginning to leave in droves, or at least reduce the amount of quality and effort that goes into their games made for that system. The PSP was a lot like this, and even some Nintendo handhelds took a dip in quality third-party games once they were compromised. You just got to hedge your losses here, and I think not implementing region-locking will win out pretty much all the time.
>>313581 If game publishers want it, can't they just have regionlocking as a choice? I think the PS3 did that Where publishers can choose to region lock certain games or not
I don't think they lose that much money considering not many of their customers know Japanese or other languages except for the difference between NA and the UK I don't care! I will keep typing! boo
I'm trying not to say something rude. That's a really amazing question.
The individual controllers each have a battery. They charge when attached to the Switch tablet. I think you can get a controller frame that will plug in and charge the controllers, but the default one that comes with the Switch doesn't do that. Really the battery life for them is really, really good. I didn't charge them for like three or four days once.
>>313590 >kirara isnt yelling at you what the fuck
>>313601 Wireless CHARGING is a thing. And it doesn't work very far from the charger because it can become dangerous to expose people to the EM fields around the chargers if you have it strong enough to charge something over a long distance. I thought you were more sciencey than this.
>>313593 You failing at this game is so amusing. I really wanna watch you in stream now.
And you can build up a resistance to stronger EM fields by exposing yourself to weaker, smaller EM fields over and over again. This is a secret project by corporations to evolve us into creatures that can exist within EM fields. Then they'll cover the entire planet in an EM field and we'll have UNLIMITED POWER.
Yeah, the Switch has no video sharing functionality without additional hardware.
>>313606 You can capture up to thirty seconds of video, but not continuously stream it. And the video gets saved to memory or uploaded to social media after you capture and edit it. But you can post those pictures and video clips to Twitter like you do from your PS4 some times.
>>313606 I'm sure there isn't an EM field strong enough to take me down.
>>313608 Yeah. I've thought about getting streaming stuff before but I don't really have a lot of interest in streaming. I was still alive though, the bomb only almost killed me.
>>313613 yeah i got a not so great one apparently, like its on the more expensive side but apparently its the model with more problems. I thought i was going to use it and i did a little
Oh, Tilde, did you read Hero Academia 157? Next chapter is gonna be LIT.
are you friends going to geimu
>>313619 Not really, hah hah. I've seen some of the conversation on /a/. It's tough for me to keep up weekly with manga so I tend to just go read a bunch in one go every now and then.
>>313649 No, I've thought about getting one for my room. I just have a TV out in the living room, and I do most of my console stuff on my second computer monitor in my room.
Does it turn off, or is it like always on when in the dock?
It will sleep in the dock. I believe you can shut it down through the menu, but like any mobile electronic device, it will go into sleep mode after a short moment of inactivity. There's a small light in the bottom-left corner of the front of the Switch dock. If the device is awake while in the dock, that light will be on.
I hope anyone who watched enjoyed my terrible playing! That was fustrating!
It looks like a fun game. At one point I tried to type in "Never give up! Never surrender!" but after typing I realized I wasn't logged in to my account anyway and couldn't post.
>>313659 It reminds me of some of my most mentally-exhausting times playing Hollow Knight, hah hah. That game has a lot of tough moments to it. You might enjoy it, it kind of has a similar atmosphere to this one from what I can see.
>>313661 sorry i missed it! i woulda loved to watch
>>313676 Yeah. For example, if you get a speeding ticket, you have to play a // pay a fine, but you haven't committed a crime, right? It's just a traffic violation.
>>313680 Oh, that's good to know. Thank you! I was wondering that.
>>313678 But speeding is still a crime ... right? right?
>>313682 I think it depends on how much you were speeding Like if you just speed a little bit you get a ticket and it's like whatever But if you speed a lot to the point you're seriously endangering people it becomes a crime
>>313685 It should in theory but I haven't used the speakers on this monitor in a loooooooong time. I got it when ASUS was starting to do lower quality work too. So I think there may be something wrong with the audio in this monitor.
If I get a male to male headphone jack (duhuhu) I can just run the switch's audio through my PC.
In some states, if you go too far over the speed limit, you'll be charged with a misdemeanor, reckless driving. But that's not speeding, that's reckless driving, technically.
But for example, I got a ticket for driving too fast for conditions while in Georgia. It wasn't a crime, but I still had to pay like $200 or something.
Yeah, I use a male-to-male cable and feed audio into my PC when playing console games. It's nice in case I'm playing something like Disgaea and the music gets a bit repetitive and I want something to listen to. And I can keep an ear out for notification beep-boops.
>>313690 Some things are civil offenses which aren't crimes, too. There are civil offenses and criminal offenses. Criminal offenses are crimes, as the term suggestions. Civil offenses are just violations that you get fined for, generally. For example, jaywalking is a civil offense.
>>313695 Yeah. There are even cops in some places that sit around near busy intersections, waiting for people to jaywalk, and they give them tickets. It's not like that everywhere, obviously, but some cops are like that.
I mean it is completely normal here to cross the road where ever you feel like as long as you look both ways. >>313700 We cross roads quite safely all the time. just wait for the cars to go by and look left and then look right
>>313695 You can be fined up to $250 for jaywalking here.
>>313697 Jaywalking compromises both your safety and the safety of anyone else on the road. Especially on a busy street, that can snowball into pretty disasterous consequences. The fine is implemented to dissuade people from creating those dangerous situations if possible.
>>313697 Not everyone is smart and knows when it's safe to cross Some people cross when it's not safe and compromise their own safety and others If a car swerves to avoid someone it can really mess everything up
In any case people have right of way in the UK so it is up to the drivers to keep any eye out for people crossing. I mean they aren't in the wrong is someone suddenly jumps in front of them but its pretty rare.
I mean I have accidentally crossed at the wrong time and panicked across the road sometimes. I am a bit anxious on big multi lane roads.
People have the right of way in most places, but it's better to stop people from walking out in front of cars anyway Just because you legally have the right of way, doesn't mean you should cross
In Ontario, pedestrians have the right of way at intersections (at least when there's no crossing signals). But we don't have it in the middle of a street without any indicator of crossing.
>>313706 I've just been walking in a busy city today and it was completely fine. you just wait. you can be waiting for a while unless someone stops and signals to let you know you can cross.
It is completely normal behaviour. I mean you can walk on motorways though. That is against the law. but /. *you can't Sometimes you find old ladies on mobility scooters trying to go up the motorway. which can be pretty shocking.
>>313711 They have no idea what they are doing and sometimes the things an older lady can say are pretty inventively crude.
>>313712 you're right they do have no idea what they're doing This is the most nonsensical thing I've heard all week They should attatch a car engine or something to their scooters though I'd like to see how fast we could get it going
I just randomly got a really intense jolt of pain through one of my feet. It took me by such surprise that I was like, "aaahh" and my food fell out of my mouth.
While I was coming back from the washroom, I saw one of my sisters in the kitchen with her back turned to me. By the time I headed over there to get a cup from the microwave, they'd disappeared. But I couldn't figure out which sister it was and where they'd went. They only had like a matter of seconds to disappear too.
I asked a question in map chat If you die in the game, you have to use a waypoint teleport thing. And it costs a few silver. like 1-5s depending on distance but I have no money. So I asked if I die permanently in the event that I had no money to waypoint. And someone sent me 2 gold. Mind you, I'm not actually dead. I was just mad because the game wasn't letting me use a waypoint because I had no money.
Oh yeah I remember that mechanic. Doesn't death respawning have something like a percentage cost as long as you don't have a lot of money? Like the price is whatever's less, 2s or whatever a percentage of your money is.
anyway, I got 2 gold for free
>>313930 The price scales both by distance and character level. So the higher your level, the more it costs
Yeah but I think death lets you return to the nearest for a modest cost. But hey, it's been years sinceI played.
it seems that if you have NO money, you can do it for free I don't think the person who gave me 2g knows this
whatever, it's halfway to another cob. 19.5 cobs to go
>>313938 >When you're so rich, you don't even know how the poor folk around you live their lives Poetry.
I did. I didn't want those bags though. 15-slots are easy to get I already have them on all my characters just so I can dump things that won't fit in my bank on them
I triggered a man by referring to his Ford Expedition as a minivan.
I don't really know cars, sure, but that looks like a van to me.
It is actually a full size SUV with a truck chassis and similar components. But it was late, and I don't really give a fuck about cars, so I happened to say minivan. He was like "WHAT? That's an expedition. It's a truck!" as he walked out to get his ten dollars of gas.
Abuse fetish gets way too much public interest from people. It's really not something I want to be as much of a thing as it is.
gonna break into the scene of mobile game character abuse fetishism
>>314489 it's just cartoon characters so it doesn't bother me personally i don't really understand why someone would like it though but sure enough they get hits for their art from somewhere
My house also gets a very small fraction of sunlight during the day. Even during the long days of summer, the actual time we get sun into my house might be only 3-5 hours of the day. So with the shorter days of winter, those hours grow even shorter. Sunlight goes a long way for keeping a house warm.
I did a good job of not moving my arm for a few hours but I moved it and now it hurts again.
>>314506 i just realized i don't have any heavy blankets for this season uh oh
>>314513 I don't know how far north you are but that sounds like it would be a good thing where I live
>>314512 that sounds nice about 20 degrees lower than here F as a canadian, is it weird to use US measurements when you're here or are you used to them by now
>>314537 I have some blankets on now. When it gets colder I have my electric blanket ready.
>>314539 Toronto's north enough that one, it gets really cold once the cold sets in, and two, that shrinking daylight is -really- noticable. I leave the house around 17:15-30 to go to night school and the sun is already setting. I'm a night owl but I love the sunlight. Getting less of it is pretty terrible for me.
>>314542 an electric blanket would be serious overkill here i'm a very warm person though and i only need heavy blankets for the cold cold times in texas i usually only sleep with a sheet and that will be good enough until it gets like 40 degrees outside
i find the noise of the fans pretty relaxing. i can sleep without them, though. i've slept in lots of strange conditions fine. i also like to listen to celtic music or night train sounds.
Yeah, I can sleep in almost any situation if I need to.
The only thing that particularly helps comfort me is having a heavy comforter over me. A thin sheet or even nothing at all doesn't help me unwind as well.
>>314550 There's a valley near my house that a lot of the major trainlines run through. Years ago you could hear the horn sounding off in the distance late at night. I always liked that sound, but for some reason it doesn't happen as much anymore.
>>314552 before they built the apartments behind my house, the noise from the cargo train that passes nearby my neighborhood would carry loud enough the horn would wake me up sometimes. It passed by at around 2AM in the morning. You can still hear it sometimes, if you are lucky.
The last night the whole party I was with was in Tokyo, we went out to an okonomiyaki restaurant. It was a few floors up in a building, so it was about on level with the passenger rail line across the street. So every while or so the trains would rumble pass and the sounds would fill the restaurant. It was a really comfy feeling to be relaxeda -relaxed and eating with friends in a place like that.
>passenger trains suspended above ground level i wanna see more of the world that sounds so cool
Yeah, if I remember correctly, a lot of the passenger rails in Tokyo are, well not really suspended above ground. But they're up on higher level routes. Like some freeways. It's still an amazing aesthetic; I LOVE the look of it. Tokyo is serviced by a huge assortment of railways though. Not all are above ground either, they've got subways too.
Every time I talk about Japan and Tokyo it just makes me want to go back. It's really an amazing city.
yeah i guess suspended is the wrong word to use there i couldn't think of the right one though. i guess they're just raised up on support beams though.
Neither have I! Or well I've done most of prep work I guess. Don't know the secret to making good burrito meat though; I've just always used seasoning packs.
>>314578 then it's even MORE important that we have a good burrito! Our burritos will color their impression of burritos for the rest of their lives! First impressions matter a lot, especially since the japanese are so traditional! We need to hire the best burrito chefs we can find. We'll break into the tokyo tex-mex cuisine scene.
I wonder how interested they would be in wrap-based food like that. Crepes are already pretty big over there, but that's not quite the same thing. I also don't think there's many corn-based popular food products over there.
I like a lot of corn by-products, and I like the taste of corn. At least fresh corn off the cob. Canned corn has a taste to it I can't stand. But I'm generally adverse to eating things like cobbed corn or wings/ribs. I just can't get into the experience. And corn kernals get stuck in my teeth and that drives me up the wall too.
That talk of burritos earlier has put me on a bit of a craving for something savory. I had a bit of chicken pot pie for dinner and while it wasn't the worst chicken pot pie I've ever had, it was definitely kind of bland. So something a little more intense would be tempting.
i've got something for you that's savory and intense