Thread #314219
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anime? soon maybe
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ok ready for kekkai sensen >>314375 you segregated me from the orange people!>>314375 What if the posts get too long and I move off the page? I'll be forgotten forever!
Kekkai Houseki no kuni 3gatsu balllroom mahoutsukai BlendS two car love live code realize and the list kekkai sensen ??? maybe 3gatsu ballroom blend S
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
okay kekkai sensen>>314360 it's separate but equal okay lets start
p the 4 shows are really good tonight
Okay, ready now.
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We can do love live instead of 3gatsu if you guys want. I forgot love live was tonight.
lets 3gatsu
zapp is THE MAN
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>holding ransom on your boyfriend's dick
>>314409 she lost her cat. now zapp has to get her pussy to get his dick.
Yeah what is going on.
also that tooth scene was fucking gross
oh no he fell down suddenly he's going to have a fucking stroke
Oh Leo is finally exercising his right to bear arms.
should have gotten the gun
Poor Leo.
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Wow they have gun arms.
magical cleaners
Steven is a pretty good detective.
Chain's only been getting stronger the more she drinks.
Oh he got disarmed.
they took more than just an arm!
Gives a new meaning to costing you an arm and a leg.
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We didn't get to see what Klaus was doing though.
That was a little depressing for Steven. He lost his friends because he's who he is.
who is he
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this was a VERY good episode
>>314459 Part of Libra. Also a crazy OP ice magic user.
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okay thanks jan okay let's do 3gatsu okay let's start!
Oh it looks like Chain will be a part of the next episode too.
>>314475 i'm hype
Okay I've got no clue when you started because of my torrents throwing my Internet into a fit.>>314487 >>314487
:30 :36 :42
Hah hah hah. That was an unusual display of ferocity from Rei.
Gotou sticking up for his raibaru.
It's a bit hard to fit the images of the infuriatingly cheery and tacitless president with this super stern and serious president. He was so goofy in the first series, now he's a gruff and focused on this shogi game.
But I guess you don't get up to the president of the Tokyo shogi association by being bad at shogi.
Hmm hmm.
So it's not only Rei's place she shows up at late at night, unannounced, demanding to stay over.
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I guess she got a little bit of what she wanted.
Oh maybe this was the dopey president? They're kind of similar-looking.
I cant tell if gotou is cheating or not maybe emotionally
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okay ballroom okay lets start
they're going against their coach's will !!
Hah hah hah. So he's going to get his shit kicked in AND he can't even see his raibarus.
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Yeah, seems like they still suck.
Pft. What a horrible coincidence.
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Wow, he saved it.
Wow he's tripping balls.
super ballroom mode
More like super dame mode
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I guess he screwed it up in the end.
Oh boy the whole gang's here!
Oh wow, they actually aced that competition. But they messed up and didn't actually compete anyway.
Everything is leading to this tournament.
That was a lot of relationship issues in one go.
coach knew that was gonna happen
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okay time for blend S! okay let's start!
These three shows were all closely alphabetical. Makes getting them loaded up nice and easy.
Theres a lot of great shows this season i think my faves are like ballroom mahou 3gatsu blends inuyashiki and maybe kekkai
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My favorites are net-juu, imouto ireba, and blend S.
oh and netjuu
>Anime from other countries What?
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Wow Maika.
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They seem to be a good match.
What a terrifying force of nature.
Ara ara
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 710x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Oh, I was wondering what was in the bag.
I figured it was lewd books even before Maika screamed. Just a feeling.
>Asking all the customers if these lewd books are their lewd books
Hah hah hah. That title.
Oneesans are quite nice.
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
Another good episode.