oh hey bang thanks for making a new thread while I was mid post
>>312397 → My mouse is a bit busted in one button; I've been considering replacing it for a while. I use right-click a lot so having it be kind of unresponsive is annoying.
>>312400 I have seen people complain about new threads being made while the main one is too active and seen people complain about new threads being made when the main one is too slow
>>312408 well assuming you live in a western country, you have two major options 1. don't get a job 2. get a job either way you're are guaranteed to hate your life
>>312429 No, why would you want to go to Cleveland?
>>312433 I don't know. Most of Ohio is boring though so I thought maybe people go there (or to another city) sometimes oor something. What about Cincinnati or Colombus or Dayton?
>>312440 There are lots of cities you can't say that about. Like Detroit. Or Cleveland. Columbus has some nice places. Cincinnati has a really nice river area.
Cities always come with shitty parts though. It's one of the downsides to living in the city.
>>312441 Detroit actually does have some decent areas to visit. Its getting better every year, in some places.
>>312441 It's not really a downside if you rarely (if ever) need to go through or near them.
Not really mcuh since I was little. I don't know much about it.
>>312445 There are several bands I like from it so it might be cool.
The idea of Japanese rock bands trying to sound as american as possible always get me a little bit They work really hard so that their singing accents are as good as can be, but there's just that slight tinge
Did you ever watch at least the OP of Log Horizon? The one famous for being DATA BASE DATA BASE JUST LIVING IN THE DATABASE It's the same band as the ones doing that OP.
Huh Apparently Ohio ishe seventh most populous US state.
>>312485 Yes It was shit I only went briefly My college anime club was okay but I only ever went to the 24 hour anime things And also of course got to pick a lot of what was shown.
>>312489 My university anime club is actually alright But all they do is watch anime without actually talking So you might as well just stay home
I once walked past a room full of people watching Girls und Panzer. I'm not sure if it was a club or a class.
>>312492 How'd you become president I was president of anime club in my HS Which is fortunate because it means I was in a position to kill it Well, let it die that is
I was actually being considered for the position of anime cclub president in college. I took a leave of absence though. And also would have declined >>312490 I wasn't president, the graduating president asked me to be the next president.
I was president of videogame club in highschool though.
Also I started getting emails from ththe anime club recently, i guess im still signed up fir their newsletter *for
>>312494 I feel like if we tried setting that up in our HS the teachers would have told us to socialise instead of being nerds Except we'd just move to the library
>>312500 your teacher was fuckin cool Our teachers were lil bitches who claimed that Halo CE gave the computers viruses
>>312497 Computer lab The teacher had forty copies of battlefield and then later we raised money to gget a bunch of steam games through their cybercafe program
>>312497 No idea i dont read it Yeah he is pretty cool He also taught the vvideogame development class
In HS I took a maths class for dummies where the teacher didn't give a fuck and just let everyone play games because he gave up Jokes on me I'm shit at maths now
>>312503 Same, well except he didn't give up and I woukd always finish the work before every one else because I was only placed in the remedial class cause of a nervous breakdown And I'm great at math nnow
>>312505 Good teachers let kids do whatever after they finished their work Because it made me actually wanna finish my work
If I'm just gonna get more work after it then I'll just drag it out
Always was good at math
>>312509 Depends on the students If I had actually been challenged by the content of my classes in highschool I would have developed a much bbetter worth ethic.
Although I also like doing math so
History class was really good in my HS
One lesson we were learning about slavery and our teacher made us sit under the desks the whole lesson because he wanted to simulate the amount of space that slaves were given on the boats
>>312515 I like doing other stuff more though Although it depends on my mood If I'm thinking about a problem that interests me ill work on that for a while instead of watching anime or whatever
>>312525 There //// >why were you learning about that Why not? I preferred learning about the Civil War to learning "muh british settlers took the aboriginies sacred land" for the tenth time Already knew all that shit Other countries had more interesting history In my final year of HS we focused on commie Russia and commie China
>>312527 We covered British history as far as it was involved with Australia We covered Euro history as far as the formation of Germany up to WW2
>>312526 Cause you're not in the US. You didn't cover british history? And like European history and stuff?
>>312526 That's dumb, you gguys should've covered English history going back to like 1000AD or whatever
Also I don't nnow European history that well. Although I certainly know it better than the average American.
>>312532 You're still part of the United Kingdom, Australia unlike the US is for the most part of british (correct me if I'm wrong) descent so it wouod make sense to learn that stuff.
>>312533 Yeah but that's not as interesting as US history Like I said, we learned British history as it related to Australia Why would we learn 1000ad over learning the history of the most relevant super power Or communist China which is probably more intersting
>>312535 Eh I guess. You learn much about the Manhattan Project?
>>312541 Nah, we stopped around the civil rights movement. Our US history course was mostly focused on race >>312545 >our US history course was mostly focused on race I know what ///
>>312546 I probably would appreciate aboriginal culture more if we didn't read 5 fucking novels on it that were all the same
>>312544 Manhattan Project was WWII >focused on race What a load of bull
>>312544 Daily Reminder that mmany Aboriginal tribes did not kknow how to count with their fingers until they were taught about it in the 1950's
TN what do you learn in Finnish history class. Is it all just Finland stuff
>>312547 I heard about this in school and I was baffled They just had "one, two, many" There's no way that can be true. Counting with your fingers is so intuitive
Stuff it is divided in finnish history, european history and world history
>>312548 Nah I've read about math in various cul tures It's totally possible depending on the sorts of tthings they encounter in day to day life They didn't use currency or raise livestock or build anything so tthey really didn't need math that much
Remember that one time the Maori invaded an island and ate ritually killed 10% of its native women and childeren Good times
One thing you atleast when I was ins chool pick up in finnish history lessons is fuck sweden and fuck russia
>>312553 same reason why say indians hate british or any conquered and oppressed people hate their oppressors
>>312553 This is why you should've cov euro history
>>312553 Not gonna lie I really don't care that much for Aboriginal culture, llike yeah didgeridoos are cool and shit And I like mythology and anthropology But for fucks sake how can you be such an ancient fucking culture and just not do anything remotely significant Aside from burning ddown the forests that used to cover the majority of Australia
>>312558 The average Australian student didn't care much for it either None of the aboriginie studies classes ever had enough people
>just not do anything remotely significant Well honestly they probably didn't need to Not like they needed to start farming when there was already more than enough food to hunter gatherer with I don't think there was any livestock that could have been domesticated either. Maybe dingos. idk.
>>312561 They did and most of the time were "fuck you finns go die in our wars"
I mean by 1808 when the russians invaded us again due to swedes being shitters and waging wars they can't win we just went "uhh hey alexander what if we just join your empire as a duchy you cool with that?" and he was "okay" and then we willingly joined the russian empire and things were cool for 90 years untill the then czar went "Oh yeah, maybe we should finally integrate the finns"
>>312561 >Not like they needed to start farming when there was already more than enough food to hunter gatherer with I don't think there was any livestock that could have been domesticated either. You can say that about the Mesopotamians too The aboriginies jjust weren't productive
And then we went "You know what would be cool capitalism/communism" and then went "wait what did you say commie pig/capitalist scum"
>>312571 But why would they need them They were constantly on the move
>>312576 Why would anyone need them Their have been plenty of nomadic aand sseminomadic cultures that had semipermanent structures Like the native american teepees Or Mongolian yurts
and then we went "what if we get a monarch from germany" but then germany lost the war so we were "Okay let's just have a republic" and then our neighbour went "what if there wasn't a finland anymore again" and we went "how about 105 days of headshots" and because it was so cool, we decided to do it again for 3 years
>>312578 >that one time the russians raided from behind but got distracted by food made me laugh when I heard that
>>312577 Well, I'm no anthropologist or Aboriginal history expert, but, I don't know what they'd need it for Shield them from the rain?
And then we just went "fuck the world let's isolationism for 50 or so years" and then we joined EU and things have gone to shit
>>312579 Once again you can apply that argument to basically any human culture Some cultures got past the hunter gatherer phase, and others didnt bbut at least developed technology of sone sort
>>312583 Cultures make shelters when they need things to /// when they have things they need to be sheltered from And Aboriginies did have primitive structures I mean, nothing cool like a teepee or a yurt But they had stick huts
Actually maybe you're right If Maori can make forts why didn't aboriginies I know Australia is mostly a desert but surely there was some area of forest land where someone thought to do something like this
hunter gatherers and early farmers were really destructive on their surroundings I wonder who invented the myth of "guardians of nature" they burnt down forests so that they could hunt more easily and early farming was just burnign forests down on planting crops on the ashes and then moving onto another forest once that land was spent and redoing it all
>>312593 I wonder if it was disney movies, or if the film industry took it from somewhere else Well, not specifically disney, but like pocohontas and avatar
>>312593 A guardian of tthe forest exists in The Epic of Gilgamesh Which is the oldest known syory yo have been recorded in writing So the idea has been around for a while
>>312594 i bet it is 18th and 19th century philosophers
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyptodon >relatives of armadillos – that lived during the Pleistocene epoch. It was roughly the same size and weight as a Volkswagen Beetle
it' s impossible you'd have to have more computers than God
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
a blockchain that deletes old data... could it be a thing hmm checkpoint all that old chain somehow.., i guess Ethereum 'a Casper is gonna have those proof of stake checkpoints
The coupon is for the digital deluxe version, which is more expensive in the first place (the coupon should put it around 40 USD), and comes with all the content packs they've put out so far, which only consist of new civs/leaders and scenarios. No expansion packs will probably be covered by it, and I'm not sure how many more civ/leader content packs it will cover.
Still, 50% off is probably the best deal you're getting on the game outside a major Steam sale.
>>312666 None yet, and as far as I know, none announced. However, they've been releasing game patches every season that work to rebalance the game and make relevant and useful some of the less impressive mechanics and aspects of the game.
>>312671 SteamLink is the thing that puts your games on your TV over the wireless. It's usually $50.
Ah okay I remembered what I did correctly then.
>>312673 Yeah, though those sales might not dip below 50% possibly. I don't think the game's really on a need-to-get level yet anyway, unless you personally really want to get it
I guess if you can stealth infinitely you could do that.
/moe/ which leather jacket do you think I should get? https://www.thealleychicago.com/collections/mens-leather-jackets-price-desc/products/police-jacket?variant=279420316 Or https://www.thealleychicago.com/collections/mens-leather-jackets-price-desc/products/classic-motorcycle-jacket?variant=28273255953
>>312792 Well, one of her shticks is that she gets mistook for a child all the time, so I guess I could be mean to you a little bit and call you a lolicon. Baba is good, though.
Somehow, I never get tired until I want to sleep. Or rather, I get mentally tired and want to sleep. But I have very high stamina, so I never really stop moving my body.
I really am like a shark, though. I have to keep moving or I'll die. I get stir crazy really easily. I'd like to be out and about every day if I could be, but there's not really anything to do outside, either, so I usually just have to fix my stir crazy by moving around inside a lot. So I move around and spin around as I walk and stuff.
>>312866 Just imagine sucking on those shoes. I could dip it in all kinds of sauces and just suck on them all day. I'd suck on them till the coloring would wear off then I'd put some ketchup on them and suck them again. Then just when I think I can't take another suck I'll put mayonaise on them suck them, then proceed to cook them and eat them. Not with my bare hands of course. Heh that would be silly. I'd eat them with a knife and fork like the sophisticated young gentleman that I am. But I'd only eat one of the shoes and make the other one watch. After only the shoe laces are left I'd whisper into its ear: "See that? That's your sister". Then I'd take the remaining shoe out for date. I'd make sure it would have the best night of its life and make it confess to me under the eiffel tower (yes I'd take it to paris). After she blushes and says "Ittedakimasu senpai" I'd turn around frowning and declare that I can't . She'd ask why that is and I'd say it's because I love her. She'd lay her hands on my cheeks (shoe laces are the hands of shoes) while tearing up telling me that it's okay as long it's with me. I'd tear up as well close my eyes so hard the tears in my dripple down my cheeks and proceed to consume her little by little. Then I'd announce to the whole world from the top of lounges: sk has the best shoes evar. I'd then sell the secret receipt for making delicious shoes to nike and become a multi-millionaire that rivals even D. Trump and Bill Gates. Anyway that's what I'd do if I'd ever get the chance to suck on those delicious shoes.
I can withstand the strain of shoujo manga now that I am not tired. ...but it makes me hungry. I am burning carbs just by reading this. The true essence of MOE
I forgot my phone's pin. I use it every day but I just randomly forgot it. It's really bugging me. I can still open it with my fingerprints. I need to remember my pin though or I will get locked out if it updates or I don't open it for 24 hours.
Can't you change the pin with your fingerprint? My pin is super simple
I'm not sure that I can. My pin is simple too. It was an easy pattern on the keypad. But I can't remember it. I think my muscle memory will remember it if I stop worrying about it.
>>312940 I think if I log on to my account online I can reset it. I want to remember it the normal way though.
>>312937 Wow is there a way to reset it? I don't have a pin. I just have pattern right now I should but some password on but it is such a pain to type something in to access my phone
>>312954 They are! I fear that someone will watch me and figure it out instantly well I don't really fear that. >>312955 "I" is pretty deep. I am also shitposting. pls
The OST for Kekkai Sensen is going to be amazing Even if you discount the USG and DAOKO singles >Yasuyuki Okamura Wait, DAOKO and HIM? OH MAN. DOWNLOADING
There was a guy on the subway across from me who was playing video through his phone and listening to it without headphones. After while it became pretty clear he didn't know how intrusive he was being to the people around him, so I stared straight at him, unblinking. I think for a while he was just trying to ignore me, but eventually he turned off the noise he was making. I don't get how others can't have the common decency to keep their noise to themselves in small public places like that.
>tfw dog wakes you up at 3am on a weekend so he can go outside Good morning
Try my cat ever y two hours during the night.
>>313118 at this point you might as well just leave the door open and accept burglaries as the price of sleep
>>313120 You should set a camera to film you sleeping I bet you get into all sorts of wacky shenanagins
apparently i woke up my girlfriend last night i got out of bed in the middle of the night and said i needed a cracker and then i ate one cracker and went back to bed i do not remember this though
So I was planning on staying at the arcade for like ten hours but one of my friends will bitch if we don't get food.
Luckily they have re entry.
Also just got this text >I'm driving so I can't really read texts right now
>>313125 Next I'll get cheeto dust all over your controller
Tomorrow tell me if there's anything you particularly want me to take pics off aside from tthat obe >>313128 Yeah I already knew you'd say that
Also I don't let people with dirty hands touch my controllers. I actually clean them pretty regularly (when I use them)
The absolute worst is when little cousins come round and get their sticky fingers all over them
>>313132 We're all in the same city Which means at christmas time everyone packs around our house
>>313131 I only have three cousins younger tthan me Also no one ever visits us Cause everyone on my dad's side llives near Florida and wwe all just meet up there
*in or near
>>313131 Wait, I thought you were from Australia? Did your entire extended family all move to NZ?
>>313134 Born in NZ, moved to Australia for HS when dad has // had a job there, then moved back to NZ Well, not HS, regular school. I moved to australia when I was 7, moved back to NZ when I was 18
>>313136 You take that back you fucking faggot Bang is nothing compared to my shitposting. Bang is an amateur. Bang is boy dressing as a man. Bang doesn't have the blood and guts to be a real true blue shitposter
>>313135 No wonder bang is a better shit poster than you.
>>313135 Iirc marsh and some other Australian on here had mistaken bang for an Australian. I think that's evidence enough
>>313137 yeah I thought Bang was Australian when I first met him tbh Bang can be an honourary Australian
>>313138 Oh I guess it wad you and an Aussie anon *was
Although I love how generally GNU/Linux filesystems support basically everything in filenames except for spaces But windows which has a shitty filesystem can do spaces but fails at most other punctuation