Well, it's common to keep a fire axe in a room like that, just in case you get trapped in. Like what happened to us. I guess Hoover is the final boss. Or maybe the secret boss.
or maybe its sicily
Hoover was always crazy anyway. Someone like that running around with a bunch of Eldritch magic tomes is probably a bad idea.
Would you rather Thomas run around with a bunch of eldritch tomes
So we distract Hoover, get the bomb placed in a good spot, then bail out the windows.
you wombwoman
As far as Felicity's concerned, it's just a skin condition.
>when you have a million thoughts and only so much time to fit them in
Hey Kirara what are the chances Felicity remembers what the squigglies and markings on the paper that burnt the flesh thing to a crisp last time look like.
how about a preparedness roll to see
#d6+2 (4 + 2 = 6)
Oh the other thread has been going on a while. For some reason I desynched on it and didn't reconnect.
the cthulu? izzat why thomas is awkwardly waiting close to you waiting for a response to his whisper
>>314004 great memory, you could probably recreate the markings on paper
oh felicity is a naruto
I don't know if she's got anything to open a wound on her. And it's not like she's going to go ask Victoria to prick her with her sword.
Thomas probably has more sharp objects than he should considering how carelessly he rifles through his bag
Thomas would tell vv to assess honesty but ill do that for him
You need to meet each threat with the appropriate level of force. When you are out of luck and supplies, blowing up a building is appropriate. Thomas attemps to blow up the team every time he is surprised by an errant rat.
do you know if i have a skill suited for noticing a buildings weak point
Oh no, Hoover is becoming his alter ego. The GREEN GIANT.
>>314198 let's say thomas' knowledge of explosions helps him figure oout how to bring the building down without spending points
y'all can talk about what you do after the final battle or not or whatever
You know, a parallel timeline where presumed Nazi terrorists destroy Capitol Hill and half of congress in the mid-1930s is probably one that gets really weird really fucking fast.
No, the secret boss was the Son of Yog Sothoth. Hoover was going to have Archie tear off Felicity's hand and turn it into a monster but Felicity managed to come up with that magic scroll plan and I wanted to honor that.
>also Felicity's hand returned to normal after a few weeks Okay good.
>>314314 radical we would probably have had a worse time against that with a one handed dancho
>>314334 VV has diplomatic immunity so she would be fine.
oh, in the notes, it says Windom which is a made-up town i accidentally called Windom by the name of the real town, Lander, in the game and then stuck with it haha
Did you guys have fun with it? I'm glad we managed to get through all of it we playedfor like a year
Yeah, it was fun. A bunch of things were a little frustrating at times, but that felt a bit more of the constraints of the system. Things also got a little more narrow once we lost a few people. Like, I didn't, and I don't think Rika did either, build our characters expecting to have considerable combat roles. Granted I don't think most of any of the original players did. And having to adapt to those changes was personally a bit disappointing.
I had fun being a crazy boy
yeah, i don't think i'd use this system agaitn it was super limiting and d6 basically sucks
I was also made super-aware -- well, not that I wasn't aware of it in the first place but had it once again accentuated for me -- how much my personality resists discipline and schedule. Like, playing the sessions was always fun and engaging, but it wasn't uncommon
>my greatest worry is having lapses in my memory >im having them right now whaaaaaaat
Oh my Internet hiccuped in the middle of that post. Good thing I expected this and copy-pasted it before refreshing.
I was also made super-aware -- well, not that I wasn't aware of it in the first place but had it once again accentuated for me -- how much my personality resists discipline and schedule. Like, playing the sessions was always fun and engaging, but it wasn't uncommon for me in the time coming up on a new one to wonder -- even kind of slightly hope -- that I wouldn't have an obligation to turn up that week. I want to stress this isn't a fault of your game, that's why I lead with saying how it was fun for me, but I just have a really hard time going along with something I'm doing because I have to do it, even if it's fun. And in the end, I did do a mostly good job of showing up for the sessions, so I think to think in some way I overcame that part of my personality.
it annoyed me how often the schedule was thrown off and it makes me laugh that owl was actually upset about how we weren't roleplaying hard enough. I look forward to seeing how it goes next week.
>>314383 I didn't bring it up during the game because I was worried it would bring up a discussion I would have felt really bad about having. Or even worse bring about some bit of resentment. I'm just airing out the thoughts I've had over the game that didn't have a time or place during the actual sessions.
>>314393 Yeah, I think so. >>314389 same same >>314392 Haha, I understand. I'm not really good at scheduled stuff either. It's hard for me because I'm whimsical.
I intended for her to be a useless character that the team had to carry. But when we were in a situation with no combat characters, she had to work a bit harder. I also had a possible twist where she would end up beign a fraud who was actually poor, but decided not to do anything with that.
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff I had in the secret chest about Felicity that I never really had to use. Like how she's fluent in Polish and Latin. I didn't get much mileage out of her Catholic background either, though I tried to start working it a bit better in the later bits of the game.
>>314397 I don't know how to balance a tabletop RPG so I can't give you any pointers really. Make sure she can actually hit me. Or don't. I think that's busted though.
>>314400 >was considering having You had me fooled.
>>314402 actual psychopath thomas would probably not have hesitated to kill you at the end
>>314399 Yeah, my decision to use so much native american stuff kind of made the languages worthless.
It also had the side effect of most of the lore-side stuff being a little untouched, hah hah. None of us were equipped to interface with it. SK might've been
ill // nope but Olivia will probably be able to hit you past that insane ac occasionally your bigger threat would be someone who can use magic or something
Yeah. You probably would have lost SAN if you failed to stop the Son of Yog-Sothoth from showing up.
>>314410 Hm, it's hard to come up with things in particular. What I mean more is understanding stuff as characters within the game, and then being able to apply that to solving the problems or conflicts that arise. Instead of just shooting everything or talking no jutsu-ing our way to victory.
Coming up with characters is fin -fun for me, so I don't mourn retiring one.
I thought Felicity was a really good character And you're really good at keeping in character too
Yeah, I treat it as writing practice, so I'm taking it pretty seriously. A bit too much of me bled into her though, I found. When I do another character I kind of want to try and have more distance between me and them.
>a bit of me bled into her how much of thomas do you think isnt me
>>314469 Yeah but you seem more or less content with him being you beneath the skin and explosions. Same with Rika, I think she used a lot of herself with a bit of British posh for Victoria.
I set out to make a character distinguishable from myself and I wasn't quite satisfied with my performance there.