Thread #313219
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dedicating this thread to anime
urahara evil or live altair shoujo shuumatsu just because kino net-juu
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My choices for tonight would be the bottom four, in that order.
Oh wow time slipped away from me. Lemme go get Shoujo.
Yuuki Yuuna is also out tonight.
Okay I can start whenever.
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I'm going to go grab a drink. We can sub yuuki yunna in for one of the first two if you guys want.
I don't mind saving Just Because. I think the previous list was really heavy on lazy shows. Having something like Yuuki Yuuna might help it from being too laidback.
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okay then yuuki yuuna to start okay lets start!
that was funny
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Wasshi's really beginning to let herself go.
Boat nerds.
this ep is pretty fun
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I guess this is one of the easygoing episodes where they try to make you forget everyone is going to die.
Nanjya kore
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They're CG in this scene.
Look at all these things she has to lose.
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okay shoujo shuumatsu okay lets start
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Took them awhile to realize they weren't alone.
Yeah wow, a real human bean.
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That building must be made of stern stuff to sit on its side like that.
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There go his maps.
RIP map bag.
Oh even worse, they all float off away. What is this, a video game? Do we now have to go back down into the abandoned winter-ridden city and collect all his maps for some kind of reward?
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He's a real bummer now that he lost his maps.
This ED was animated entirely by a single person.
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That was a good episode.
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okay kino okay lets start!
k i n o
Fridays are a bit of a girls' journey night.
For a moment I thought it was going to be a self-driving car or something.
I think I've got some vague memories of this country from when I watched a bit of the original Kino. Some shots are feeling weirdly familiar.
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Just go around, you guys!
Why go around when you've got an indestructable mobile fortress!
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I guess their country has a hardness of 10.
The countries in this world seem to be so uneven in technological advancement.
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It does seem kinda harsh just to drive right over other people's countries like that.
Kino's kind of morally all over the place. She has no qualms with assisting petty conveniences of somewhat horrible people like these. And she did relieve a kingdom of its maniacal and cruel king, but then officiated pretty much genocide of the kingdom.
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>bothersome country that's an accurate label for them.
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oaky net juu okay let's start!
A recommendation for a wonderful online life
Wow, a small world.
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/ih yeah, I suspected this would be the cast. case the ED gives this one away.
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I wonder if they will be able to rehabilitate her.
Geez these two are about as dextrous as a goldfish.
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Lily seems like a super powerful player.
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She seems like she may be the strongest.
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Oh I guess they were besties in the last MMO.
Yeah that's what I figured out a couple episodes back.
Kind of.
Wow, matching outfits. That's the kind of thing that's almost sickeningly sweet.
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Isn't it great when you're playing a MMO and you see a pair of characters that match like that?
Not that it's secretive or anything, but I'm pretty sure that's the closest they've gotten to explictly showing it's the ikemen guy who is Lily's player.
I wonder if this sharp-eyed green-haired guy from the conbini is their guild leader.
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>>313340 Yeah, I think that's almost certainly the case.
It feels the most right, but aside from the two main characters they've been pretty secretive on who the other MMO players in their guild are in real life.
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This show is good.>>313344 well, the elf and the fatty are a married couple I think so that kind of limits the other possible placements.
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Once again I can't wait for next week.
It's good to have something to look forward to in life.
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It makes me want to go have a wonderful online life!
its a fun show
Yeah, I know how that feels.